KarynAbbott From: PhilipPlatten m Sent: L2 )uly 20L7 L2:L0 To: Licensing Subject: GunnersburyPark,Popes Lane London,W3,8LQ Asindicated in my previousresponse of ZTMay,GunnersburyPark is not a placefor entertainment. Thelicence now proposed for allevents is definitely in thiscategory. TheLarge Events in attractingso many people could lead to severePublic Disorder with itsconsequence of damage anddisruption to the surroundingarea, the localresidents and occupants! Mr & MrsP.Platten This ernail has been scannedprior to entering the London Borough of Hounslow's network. KarynAbbott From: Inge Callaghan om> Sent: L2 )uly 2OL7LL: To: Licensing Subject: GunnersburyPark Premises Licence Application DearMiss Harbor, I wishto objectto the grantingof a premiseslicense for thefollowing reasons: Theevents planned will havehuge amounts of peopleflooding a residentialarea which is hometo peoplewho want a quietlife. lt willalso create parking problems in an alreadyoverloaded area. Whenevents, i.e. the LondonMela, take place now, noise from music and loudspeakers can be heardall overthe GunnersburyGarden Ebtate. Accessto alcoholwill add another menace as alcoholstimulates disorderly and inappropriatebehaviour. Crimewill increase due to alcoholand put the localresidents'properties at risk. Burglaries and vandalism will increase. Localstreets will be usedas toilets. Childrencan come to harmif theycome across rubbish left behind in the parkand on localstreets. Yourssincerely, lngeCallaghan This email hasbeen scanned prior to enteringthe London Boroughof Hounslow'snetwork. KarynAbbott From: YoussefAl-Khatib t> Sent: 12 July20L7 1,L:43 To: Licensing Cc: Ash HQ Subject: REJECilONto Applicationfor a premiseslicense, Gunnersbury park Dear Ms Nicola Harbor Firstly I would like to expressmy disappointmentin the council for not sendingme a letter or copy of the above application. I had to hear about this from no8 Baronsmedewhich was the only property on my street to receive the planning letter. One can only wonder if this is a method the council is using with the hope that no one would notice and reject. This is a separatematter that I will be taking up with my local MP. Secondly,your application will have ahuge implication on our daily lives. We live next to a greon space areawhich is quiet and you are suggestingto turn this green spaceinto a "secondWembley Stadium". I wonder how you would feel if this was happeningto you in your street and area. We struggle to park our cars on our street already as overyoneuses it to park and commute to london via Acton Town station, and with your new plans for this new outrageousdevelopment, you will drive us to sell our beloved home and leave which will include taking our kids out of their schools and having to start our lives somewhereelse. Thirdly, this park contains many protected speciessuch as newts and bats. This wild life will be affected by your plans of having loud eventsseven days per week. Consider this email as a rejection from no And again I would like to remind you that theseunethical tactics by the council of sendingone or two letters for the entire streetwill not go unnoticed and will be taken up with our local MP and media. Kind regards Youssef Al-Khatib This email has been scannedprior to entering the London Borough of Hounslow's network. KarynAbbott From: DwightMaraj m Sent: L2 July20L7 L7:27 To: Licensing Cc: SusanLaw Subject: Applicationfor a premiseslicence under the LicensingAct 2003 To whomit mayconcern We are in receiptof yourletter dated 15 June2017 addressed to theoccupa . I objectto the proposalsdue to thefollowing; 1.Theanticipated increase in crime, damageto privateproperty and disorder in the localityas a directresult of the events 2.Theimpact on publicsafety as a resultof eventsin a quietresidential area 3.Theimpact on localresidents of increasedtraffic both vehicular and by foote.g. Blocked drives , restrictedaccess , inconsiderateparking etc 4.Disruptionto localresidents due to thetiming of the eventsas is evidencedby the annualMela . 5.lncreasedlitter etc in the localarea 6.Theproposed number of eventsin a calendaryear and associated noise pollution again in a quietresidential area . 7.Thesuggested timing , (whichdoes not account for peopleleaving the areaor indeedremoval of equipmentetc )ofthe eventsboth during the week and at weekends. 8.Theeffect on familieswho are unableto usethe parkas a resultof the events. KindRegards DwightMaraj e Sentfrom my iPhone Sentfrom my iPhone From: RaffErcole Sent: L2luly 2017 !0:50 To: Licensing Subject: Applicationfor a premiseslicence under the LicensingAct 2003for Gunnersbury Park,Popes Lane. DearSirs, Thankyou your letterref: Application for a premiseslicence under the LicensingAct 2003for GunnersburyPark, PopesLane. I understandthat the GunnersburyPark can be put to a moresocial use, especially following the extensive renovationsthat aretaking place nowadays. I have read the applicationdocuments and would liketo expresssome concernsas a many-yearresident of the areanear the park. My firstconcern is aboutthe supplvof alcohol.We livein an areawhere pubs are relativelyfar from the park.I heardthat thiswas one of the conditionsposed in the transferof the parkfrom the Rothschildfamily to the local boroughsin the twenties- andeventually to Hounslow.Despite this scarcity of pubs,we hadseveral episodes of peopleleaving beer bottles or cansoutside our houseor usingour externalwall asa latrine.I wouldhate to seesuch thingshappening on a recurrentbasis. Can you pleaseconfirm that the saleof alcoholwould be only limitedto specialdrink and food festivals and that it will be excludedspecifically for sportsevents? My secondconcern.is about boxingand wrestling.I am not againstsports - and in fact I seeprovisions for soccer, cricket,tennis, possibly rugby on your map.Yet I do not seethe needto extendthe licenseto includeboxing and wrestling.I feelthat, although appealing, boxing and wrestling events could invite the wrongcrowd, with the result of unsocialor evenviolent behaviour in the surroundingareas. This could be problematicto control,when it iseasily preventableby exclusion. On noiseand publicnuisance. We areof courseconcerned with the trafficbuild-up during large and specialevents. I feelthat the NorthCircular road and nearbyroads, already very slow during rush hours, will becomecompletely grid-lockedduring these events. How will residentsbe ableto moveabout in thesesituations? lf I may,I wouldlike to suggestthat traffic patternsshould be monitoredcontinuously, with the aim to correlatetraffic volumes with events,even the smallones. This would provide indications for largeand special events, when the "floodgates" open.During large or specialevents, the possibleoccurrence of the traffic comingto a standstillfor protractedtime, shouldbe consideredas a conditionto allowother events of that scale. I knowthat isonly common sense, but the NorthCircular Road, with its connectionsto the M4 and M40,is a major arteryin the Londontraffic, which is severely restricted to a singlelane leading to Ealing.This'bottleneck leaves little extracapacity to the NCR. Regardingnoise control, I hopethat your provisions,designed to containlevels for the nearbyproperties, also work for us residentsliving within a shortwalking distance from the park.I alsohope that the crowddispersal schemes will work well.Lots of pedestrianswill be walkingto andfrom the ActonTown Tube station: we hopethat they will behavewell andthat propermeasures be in placeto dealwith unwantedsituations. However, I onlyfound a mentionof localpolice involvement without reference to detailssuch as headcount and funding. My questionis whetherthe measuresof of safetyand crowd management under the controlof the VenueManager and the Event ManagementTeam would extend to the immediateareas outside of the park(for example, along the pedestrian pathsleaving to the nearbytube and busstations). On a generalnote, that alsoaffects public safetv, I wouldlike to observethat thereare 5 vehiclesaccess points to the parkareas and, if the surroundingroads are grid-locked when a specialevent takes place, ambulance access may be verydifficult. Perhaps, it mightbe wiseto havea smallhelipad area designated. Finally,I would liketo thank you for the opportunityto expressmy thoughtsabout this applicationand look forward to hearingfrom you. YoursSincerely, RaffaeleErcole t Sentfrom Mailfor Windows10 This email hasbeen scanned prior to enteringthe London Boroughof Hounslow'snetwork. NicolaHarbor From: PauloSequeira k> Sent: 2L June2QL7 L3 To: Licensing Subject: GunnersburyPark, Popes Lane, London, W3 8LQ DearMiss Harbor Thankyou for yourletter dated the 15thJune. I wouldlike to makea representationagainst this application on the basisof the Preventionof publicnuisance and the protectionof childrenfrom harm. Thisapplication is look at a potential47 events,that isonly 4 eventsshort of a fullyear of noiseto the area.The numberof daysis only a guestbut largeand special events could go on for 72 daysof the year,this is not right. Themain issue is the hoursthe eventsare to close,22.30. this is not rightto makesuch a noisewhen it thisat door stepof people'shomes and mine and others resident children sleep a lot earlier.The Techno even in the Boston manorpark was awful and we livefar awayfrom it. Alsothere would be a hugeproblem with parking,during the weekthe schooland Mercedes already take over our freeparking, this would just had even more pressure. Thereis no informationon cleaningof the eventsor securityto protectthe parkand children
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