Marek Zabkar and Simon D Pollard2 A check-list of Salticidae (Arachnida: Araneae) of New Zealand, Abstract Acheck-list ofjumping spiders(Salticidae) from adansoni) where the number of referencesis huge, we New Zealand is presented,including synonymy, recommend the catalogue by Proszynski (2002), where a bibliography,remarks on relationshipsand distribution. complete bibliography is given. Family Salticidae Blackwall, 1841 Keywords Salticidae,checklist, New Zealand Attidae Sundevall,1883 (Attides) Genuslttzs Walckenaer,I 805 Introduction In the past, many speciesof unclear status were included genus Only 49 speciesofjumping spiders(Salticidae) have been in the ltlas. Bonnet (1955), for instance,lists over describedor recorded from New Zealand.In fact, the 200 species,10 of them fromNew Zealand.Here, following (2002), numberof descriptionsis much largeras somenames were Proszynski we retain the name as provisional. synonymised.Today, fewer than l0 speciesare easily None of the specieslisted below has proper documentation recognisable- usuallyunder incorrect generic names (e.g., and their verification will be extremely difficult., if possible Salticus, Euophrys, Marpissa). The lack of type specimens, at all. poorly documentedoriginal descriptions,great intraspecifi c variationin sizeand colour and interspecificuniformity in Attus abbrevialzs Walckenaer,I 837 genitalicshucture make proper verificationoftaxa a very A t tu s abb rev i a/us Walckenaer, 183'7 :47 7 (female difficult task. In the past, the efforts to provide a proper Attus abbreviatrs: Bonnet, 1955 :793 list of New ZealandSalticidae or to verify earlierdescrip- Salticus albreviatus: Panott. 1942:90 tions were undertakenby Urquhart (1892a),Panott (1942) Type locality' : unknown. and Bryant (1935a,b), all with limited success. In 2000we begana long-termproject on New Zealand Attus aquilus Urquhart, 1886 Salticidaewith the following goals:( 1) to describe Attus aquilus Urquhart, 1886:115 (male,female) (redescribe)all the taxaavailable from the country (2) to Salticus aquilis: Parrott, 1942:90 analysethe faunistic diversity for particular areasand Attus aquilus:Urquhart, 1892a:230.Bonnet, 1955:794 habitats,(3) to analysethe relationshipsbetween salticids Type locality: North Island: Waiwera, on rocks. ofNew Zealand and other areasofthe S-W Pacific, (4) to estimatethe influence of Gondwanan heritage and pos! Attus coo ki Walckenaer,I 837 Attus (female) Gondwananisolation on New Zealandsalticid faunaand. in cookii Walckenaer,1837 :47 8 the more distantfuture: (5) to reconstructthe Attus cooki:White & Doubleday,1843: 271. Urquhart,1897: zoogeographicalhistory of SalticidaeofAustralia, New 284. Bonnet, 1955:796 Guinea and New Zealand' Some preliminary data of the Salticus cookii: Parrott, 1942:90 project have already been presented(Zabka and Pollard Type locality: unknown. 2001, Zabka et al. 2002). Attus monticolzs The list given below is the result of a critical review of Urquhart, 1891 literature(Roewer 1954; Bonnet 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, Attus monticolersUrquhart, I 891: 186 (female) 1959;Brignoli 1983;Platnick 1989, 1993, 199'7,2001; Attus monticolrus:Urquhart, 1892a :230 Proszl,nski2002) but also the consequenceof our own Sa lticus mo nt icul a: P anotl, 1942:90 field and laboratory research. Attus monticola:Bonnet, 1955:802 Although we are aware of the provisional nature of the Type locality: South Island: Mount Cook. majority of the genericnames, we believethe check-listwill be a good starting point for future research. Attus montinus Urquhart, I 891 (female) In the text, we eitherrefer to the papersdealing strictly Attus montinus Urquhart, 189 1: I 84 with New Zealand species,or to other works comprising Attus montinus:Urquhart, 1892a:230. Bonnet I 55:803 data on New Zealand taxa. In few cases(e. g., Hasarius Salticusmontinus : P anott, 19 42:90 'Departmentof Zoology,Academy of Podlasie,08-110 Siedlce, Poland, [email protected] 2Canterbury Museum,Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch 800 I , New Zealand,[email protected] Recordsof CanterburyMuseum Vol l6 pp 73-82 1A Typelocality: South Island: Mount Cook. Remark. The species is rather uncornmon, though found in number of localities and in various habitats, including leaf Attuspullus Urquhart,1890 litter, sand dunes, sea-shoreand river beds, the latter being Attuspullus Urquhart,I 890:263(female) probably the species' dispersal route. Logunov's (2000) Attuspullus: Urquhart, 1892a:230 Bonnet, 1 955 :805 suggestionthat B. compactus(Urquhart) is ajunior synonl.rn Salticuspullus: Parrott, 1942:90 of B. maculatu,s,cannot be proved as type specimensof the Typelocality: South Island: Bluff, Otago,on Leptospermum. former do not exist. Attusscindus Urquhart, I 890 Gents Clynotis Simon, 1901 Attusscindus Urquhart, 1890:264 (female) The only speciesof true Clynotis fC. severus (L. Koch, Attusscindus: Urquhart, 1892a:230 Bonnet, 1955:806 1879)l is known fromAusfalia (Zabka 1988).Others, Salticus s c indus: Parrott, 1 9 42:9 0 including some of those below, should be transferredto a Typelocality: Scinde Island, Hawke's Bay, above the cliffs. new genus comprising a number ofAustralian and New Zealand species. Attussubfuscus Urquhart, I 887 Attussub-fuscrzs Urquhart, I 887:I 17(female) C$norts banesiHogg, 1909 Attussub-fuscus: Urquhart, 1892a:230 Bonnet, 1955:808 Clynotis barceslsHogg, 1909:176 (male, female) Salticussubfuscas: Parrott, 19 42:90 Clynotis Banesl: Dalmas, l9l7:419 Attussubfuscus: Bonnet, 1955 :808 Clynotisb arresrs: Berland, 193| a: 92, 193 I b:35 7. Roewer, Typelocality: North Island:Waiwera, on Cordylineshntbs. 1954:1255 Clynotis banesi: Berland, 1934:170 Parrott, 1942:89. Attus tenebro sasUrquhart, I 893 Bonnet,1956:1 166 Forster, 1964:102 Urquhart, 1893: 188 (male) Type locality: Campbell Islands. Salticustenebrosus: Parrott, 1942:90 Attustenebroszs: Bonnet: 1 955.:808 Clynotis knoxi Forster, 1964 Typelocality: North Island: Hunua. Clynotisknoxi Forster,1964:105 (male, female) Clynotisknoxi: Brigroli, I 983.:634 Attus valentulusUrquhart, 1891 Type locality: SnaresIsland. Attusvalentulus Urquhart, I 891: 187 (female) At t u s va I en tu lus: Urquhart,| 892a:23 0 Bonnet: I 955 : 8 09 Clynotis saxatilis (Urquhart, I 886) Salticusvalentulus'. Parrott, 1942:90 Attus saxatilis Urquhart, I 886:204 (female) Typelocality: North Island:Auckland. Attus saxatil i s: Urquhart, 1892a:230 Cly n o t i s sax at i I i s: Bry ant, I 935 b : 88, Parrott, | 942:89, GenusBisnor Peckham,1885 Roewer,195 4:1255, Bonnet, 1956:1 | 67 Proszynski(2002) lists over 20 species,most ofthem from Type locality: South Island: Two Thumb Range,Lake Tekapo, theOld World.Single species are known from thePacific Canterbury Miller's Branch, ClarenceRiver. area(Berry et al. 1996;Logunov 2000). GenusCosmophasis Simon, I 90 I Bianor compaclzs(Urquhart, 1885) A large tropical genus,widely distributed in SE Asia, New Salticuscompaclas Urquhart, I 885:50(female) Guinea, N Australia and in some W Pacific Islands Balluscompaclzs: Urquhart, 1892a:229 (Proszynski 1996; Berry et al. 1997). The records from Bianorcompaclrs: Dalmas, 1917: 419 . Bryant,I 935a:68. Africa should be confirmed. The genus has notbeen found Parrott,1942: 88. Roewer, 1954: 1231. Bonnet, I 955:885. in New Zealandand it is unlikely to occur. Logunov,2000:235 Typelocality: South Island: Lake Tekapo. Co s m op h asis ar ch eyi B erland, 193 | Remarks.Logunov (2000) suggests that the species'nameis Co s mo p h as is ar chey i B erland, I 9 3 I b :3 63 (male, female). ajunior synonymof B. maculatus(Keys.) (see below). Cosmophasisarcheyi: Roewer, 1954:1152. Bonnet, 1956:1241 Bianor maculalzs(Keyserling, I 883) Clynoti s arc heyi: Forster, 1964 : | 04 Scythropamaculata Keyserling, I 883 : I 447 Type locality: Auckland Islands. Bianormaculalus: Simon, I 90I : 638, 641 . Roewer,I 954 Remark. The presenceof Cosmophaslson subantarctic Bonnet,1955 Proszynski, 1971:385 Platnick, 1989:545; islands of New Zealand is unlikely. 1993:740; 1997 :865 . Logunov,2000:240. Typelocality: Peak Downs (Australia). 75 GenusHasarius Simon, 1871 l90l:595,602,608;1909: I 98 Peckham, I 894:124; Rain- In the past,a numberof unrelatedspecies have wrongly bow,I 9 I 1:29 1 ; Dalmas,I 9 I 7; Berland,1924: 163, 249.; been placed within Hasarius. In fact, it seemsto be rather Petrunkevitch,1928 :206 ; Roewer,1 9 5 4 :l 257; Bonnet, small genus of Oriental origin, found in the tropics of S and 1957:2228; Mascord, 1970:28; Proszynski, 197 l:418; SEAsia, New Guinea.Australia and Pacific islands.One I 984:5 1 ; Forster,197 7 a: 52; Davies & Zabka,1 9 89 :262; species(below) has cosmohopicaldistribution. Zabka,199 1 a:200; I 99I b:3 3 Typelocality: Sydney,Peak Downs (Australia). Hasarius adansozi (Audouin, I 826) Remarks.The species tnhabits Eucalyptzs tree trunks inAus- AttusAdansonl Audouin, 1826: 169 tralia.Despite Dalmas' data (1917), it is probablymissing HasariusAdansoni: Simon. 1871 : 1903 fromNew Zealand. Hasariusadansoni: O. P.-Cambridge,1881. Roewer, 1954: Bonnet,1957 Holoplatysappresszs (Powell, 1873), comb. nov. Type locality: Unknown. Salticusappressus Powell 1873:281 (male) syn. nov. Remarks.A cosmotropical species,known from North Island Sa I t i cus apre s sus: Urquhart, | 892a:229; Bonnet, 1 95 8 : 3 909 (oral information by Dr Peter Maddison). For complete Holoplatyssenills Dalmas, l9l7:416 (male,female) syn. bibliography see Proszynski (2002), Holoplatyssenills: Myers, 1927 :132.134; GenusHelpis Simon, I 901 Parrott,1942:89; Roewer,1954:1258; Bonnet, 1957 :2228; Proszynski, Thanksto excellentrevision
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