Aberdeen & Northern Marts A member of ANM GROUP LTD. THAINSTONE CENTRE, INVERURIE TELEPHONE : 01467 623710 SPECIAL SALE OF RARE & MINORITY BREEDS OF POULTRY & EGGS INCLUDING ◼ TURKEYS ◼ QUAIL ◼ LARGE FOWL ◼ PIGEONS ◼ BANTAMS ◼ GEESE ◼ PHEASANTS ◼ DUCKS ◼ PEAFOWL ◼ EGGS ◼ GUINEA FOWL ◼ POULTRY EQUIPMENT within THAINSTONE CENTRE, INVERURIE on SATURDAY 31st AUGUST 2019 from 10.00 am PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS PLEASE REGISTER AT THE MAIN OFFICE AND OBTAIN A BUYERS NUMBER Please note that a Buyers Premium of 10% + VAT with a maximum of £50.00 per lot will be added to the sale price of Poultry, Eggs and Poultry Equipment. PRICE £2.00 ALL POULTRY ENTRIES MUST BE PENNED BY 9.30 am ANY PEN OF POULTRY FAILING TO ATTRACT AN OPENING BID OF £5 WILL BE PASSED OVER UNSOLD NO POULTRY TO BE REMOVED WITHOUT A PASS OR IN THE ABSENCE OF AN ATTENDANT PURCHASERS MUST INSPECT STOCK PRIOR TO BIDDING TO SATISFY THEMSELVES THAT THE LOT CONFORMS TO THE DESCRIPTION IN THE CATALOGUE. SALES ARRANGEMENTS 10.00am Sale Ring 3 Sale of Horses and Ponies followed by Sale of Minority Breed Livestock - Cattle, Pigs, Ewes & Lambs, Store & Breeding Sheep and Goats 10.00am Exchange Turkeys, Large Fowl, Bantams, Pheasants, Peafowl, Guinea Fowl, Quail, Geese and Ducks. Please note that all entries must be in place by 9.30am 11.00am Sale Ring 2 Harness and Tack 11.30am Concourse Hatching Eggs—Please note that all egg entries must be in place by 9.30am 12 noon Concourse Bygone Era Items followed by Poultry Equipment 2 PURCHASERS MUST INSPECT STOCK PRIOR TO BIDDING TO SATISFY THEMSELVES THAT THE LOT CONFORMS TO THE DESCRIPTION IN THE CATALOGUE. TURKEYS W Drummond Backhill Tullynessle Alford 1 4x Norfolk Bronze, 10 Weeks Old Unsexed 2 4x Norfolk Bronze, 10 Weeks Old Unsexed I Anderson 5 Moray Avenue Alves Elgin 3 4 x Double Breasted Bronze 6 Weeks Old 4 4 x Double Breasted Bronze 6 Weeks Old 5 4 x Double Breasted Bronze 6 Weeks Old M Girling Muirfield Arngask Glenfarg 6 2 x Poults Bronze 7 2 x Poults Bronze C Blain Nether Drumshade House Roundyhill Glamis 8 4 x Norfolk Bronze Growers 12 Weeks S & L Cranna Burn of Aultmore Newmill Keith 9 3 x Norfolk Bronze, 9 Weeks Old Unsexed 10 3 x Norfolk Bronze, 9 Weeks Old Unsexed 11 4 x Norfolk Bronze, 9 Weeks Old Unsexed L Wilson West Coullie Croft Udny Ellon 12 3 x Bronze, 14 Weeks Old Unsexed 13 3 x Slate, 14 Weeks Old Unsexed LARGE FOWL J Reid Muirton Drybridge Buckie 14 Trio Black Copper Maran Pullets 15 Trio Black Copper Maran Pullets 16 2 x Blue Copper Maran & 2 x Black Maran Pullets M McKay 5 Clash Cottages Dykehead Kirriemuir 17 Pair Silkies 18 2 x Silkies Pullets 19 Trio Silkies 20 Pair Silkies 21 2 x Laying Hens, Blue Egg Layer 3 M K Brayne 18 Castle Street Turriff 22 1 Gold Laced Barnevelder & 2 x SplashX Barnevelder Pullets 23 3 x RIR POL Pullets 24 3 x Vorwerk POL Pullets 25 Pair Appenzeller Spitzhaubens 2019 Hatch 26 Pair Appenzeller Spitzhaubens 2019 Hatch 27 Pair Jubilee Orpingtons POL Pullets 28 3 x Gold Laced Barnevelders POL Pullets 29 Trio Exchequer Leghorns Cross Bred Pullets 30 Trio Buff Orpingtons POL Pullets 31 3 x Mixed POL Pullets S Richards Larachmhor Strachan Banchory 32 4 x Welsummer 2019 Hatch Pullets 33 4 x Welsummer 2019 Hatch Pullets 34 Trio Silkies 2019 Hatch M Woods Tofthills Cottage Clatt Insch 35 1 x Crested Cream Legbar Cockerel, 1 Year Old 36 Trio Ixworth, Rare Utility Breed, Good Layers, 15 Weeks Old D Watt Marwin Cottage Blair of Fintray Aberdeen 37 4 x Shaver Brown 38 Pair Golden Brahma 39 Pair Golden Brahma B Paton Briar Rose Afforsk Banff 40 Trio Cream Legbar POL 41 1 x Cream Legbar & 1 x Cream LegbarX POL Pullets C Blain Nether Drumshade House Roundyhill Glamis Forfar 42 Trio Black Araucana Unrelated 43 2 x Buff Orpington Cockerels From Netherlands J MacKenzie Caberfeidh Whiteside Lonmay Fraserburgh 44 Trio Light Sussex 45 Pair Blue Light Columbian Brahma M Crossling Curlew Croft Muir of Fowlis Alford 46 3 x Rhode Rock April 2019 Hatch 47 3 x Rhode Rock April 2019 Hatch 48 3 x Rhode Rock April 2019 Hatch 49 3 x Rhode Rock April 2019 Hatch 50 3 x Bluebelle Jan 2019 Hatch 51 3 x Bluebelle Jan 2019 Hatch 4 Bridgend Farms Bridgend Hatton Peterhead 52 3 x Maran, 12 Weeks Old Pullets 53 3 x Maran, 12 Weeks Old Pullets 54 2 x Light Sussex, 12 Weeks Old Pullets 55 2 x Golden Brahma, 8 Weeks Old Pullets 56 3 x Maran, 8 Weeks Old Pullets A McConville Over Baldinnie Farm Ceres Cupar Fife 57 2 x Black Silkie 2019 Hatch POL Pullets 58 White Silkie 2019 Hatch POL Pullet E Dixon Cowburn Corrie Lockerbie 59 3 x Crested Cream Legbar Pullets 60 2 x Vorwerk Pullets 61 2 x Light Sussex Pullets 62 2 x Light Sussex Pullets 63 3 x Isa Brown Pullets 64 Broody Hen & Chicks 65 3 x Isa Brown Pullets 66 2 x Lavender Araucana Pullets 67 2 x Gold Top Pullets 68 2 x Rhode Island Red Pullets 69 3 x Bluebell Pullets 70 2 x Buff Orpington Pullets 71 2 x Crested Cream Legbar Pullets 72 2 x Bluebell Pullets 73 2 x Pure Bred Pullets 74 2 x Pure Bred Pullets 75 3 x Bluebell Pullets 76 2 x Bluebell Pullets 77 2 x Salmon Faverolle Pullets 78 2 x Welsummer Pullets 79 2 x Araucana 1 Black and 1 Lavender Pullets 80 2 x Bluebell Pullets 81 Pair Silver Laced Wyandotte 2018 Hatch, Unrelated 82 2 x Leghorn Pullets 83 2 x Buff Sussex Pullets N J Brown Bogiefeulach Tornaveen Torphins 84 2 x Cream Legbar Hens K Stevenson The Loft Quilts Farm Muchart Road Dunning 85 Pair Scots Dumpies 86 Pair Scots Dumpies 5 I Anderson 5 Moray Avenue Alves Elgin 87 3 x Light Sussex Hens 88 Pair Crested Cream Legbar 15 Weeks Old J A Brown Carn-Raineach Camustiel Applecross 89 Pair Vorwerk, 2019 Hatch 90 Pair Vorwerk, 2019 Hatch 91 Pair Vorwerk, 2019 Hatch 92 Pair Vorwerk, 2019 Hatch 93 Pair Hybrid, 2019 Hatch 94 4 x Unsexed Vorwerk 95 4 x Unsexed Rhode Island Red 96 4 x Unsexed Buff Orpington P Fraser 5 Hillside Cottages Tillymorgan Insch 97 3 x Pure Araucana Cock & 2 Hens 98 3 x Pure Araucana Cock & 2 Hens 99 3 x Pure Araucana Cock & 2 Hens 100 3 x Hybrids 3 Hens K Soutar Millview Old Brechin Road Forfar 101 3 x Buff Laced Wyandotte Pullets 102 1 x Salmon & 1 x Blue Partridge Brahma Pullets 103 1 x White & 1 x Buff Laced Wyandotte Pullets 104 3 x Silver Partridge Brahma Pullets 105 3 x Golden Partridge Brahma Pullets 106 3 x Buff Columbian Brahma Pullets 107 3 x Buff Columbian Brahma Pullets 108 3 x Buff Columbian Brahma Pullets 109 3 x Gold Laced Wyandotte Pullets 110 2 x Gold Laced Wyandotte Pullets 111 3 x Blue Laced Wyandotte Pullets 112 3 x Blue Laced Wyandotte Pullets 113 3 x Blue Laced Wyandotte Pullets 114 3 x Blue Laced Wyandotte Pullets 115 2 x Blue Laced Wyandotte Pullets 116 3 x Brahma J Aitken West Bogton Dellavaird Auchenblae Laurencekirk 117 Light Sussex Hen and 3 x Chicks 118 Brown Hen & 3 x Peafowl Chicks 6 W Senic 16 Leys Drive Crimond Fraserburgh 119 3 x Light Sussex POL Pullets 120 3 x Barred Rock Pullets 121 2 x Copper Maran Pullets 122 2 x Rhode Rock Pullets J MacKenzie Drumcharrel Croft House Cawdor Nairn 123 3 x Black Fantail Hens R E Millar Quoyhossiter St Margarets Hope Orkney 124 Pair Unrelated Silkies, 2018 Hatch 125 Pair Unrelated Silkies, 2018 Hatch 126 Pair Unrelated Silkies, 2018 Hatch 127 Pair Unrelated Silkies, 2018 Hatch P Rotheroe-Hay Drumgesk Cottage Dess Aboyne 128 Lavender Araucana, 10 Weeks Old Dean Anderson Mayne Farm Elgin 129 4 x Shaver Brown POL Pullets 130 4 x Shaver Brown POL Pullets 131 4 x Shaver Brown POL Pullets 132 4 x Shaver Brown POL Pullets 133 4 x Shaver Brown POL Pullets 134 4 x Shaver Brown POL Pullets 135 4 x Shaver Brown POL Pullets 136 4 x Shaver Brown POL Pullets 139 4 x Shaver Brown Laying Hens 140 4 x Shaver Brown Laying Hens 141 4 x Shaver Brown Laying Hens 142 4 x Shaver Brown Laying Hens 143 4 x Shaver Brown Laying Hens 144 4 x Shaver Brown Laying Hens 145 4 x Shaver Brown Laying Hens 146 4 x Shaver Brown Laying Hens S Johnstone The Bield 3 St Ninians Road Alyth Blairgowrie 147 Pair White Silkies 148 Pair White Silkies 149 Pair White Silkies R Slessor 1 Cottage West Mains Castle Fraser Inverurie 150 Silver Laced Wyandotte 151 2 x Welsummer 12 Week Old Pullets 7 R L Bolton Parkside Farm Strathellie Cairness Fraserburgh 152 Trio Jubilee Orpington Full Fledged Colours 18 Months 153 Trio Jubilee Orpington Full Fledged Colours 18 Months 154 Trio Buff Orpington Mature 18 Months 155 Trio Buff Orpington Mature 18 Months 156 Quartet Buff Orpington 3 Months 157 Quartet Buff Orpington 3 Months 158 Trio Buff Orpington 3 Months 159 Trio Buff Orpington 3 Months 160 Trio Jubilee Orpington 3 Months 161 Trio Jubilee Orpington 3 Months 162 Pair Jubilee Orpington 3 Months 163 Quartet Buff Orpington 3 Months 164 Quartet Buff Orpington 3 Months 165 Trio Buff Orpington 3 Months 166 Quartet Buff Orpington 3 Months 167 Quartet Buff Orpington 3 Months 168 Quartet Jubilee Orpington 3 Months 169 Quartet Jubilee Orpington 3 Months 170 Trio Buff Orpington 3 Months 171 Trio Jubilee Orpington 3 Months 172 Trio Jubilee Orpington Chicks Off Heat 173 Trio Jubilee Orpington Chicks Off Heat S Taylor Millhouse Tannachy Buckie 174 3 x Crested Cream Legbar Pullets, May 2019 Hatch 175 3 x Swedish Flower Pullets, May 2019 Hatch K Birkett Annster South Ronaldsay Orkney 176 3 x Silver Laced Wyandotte, 2 Hens & 1 Cockerel, 2017 Bred Unrelated 177 2 x Silver Laced Wyandotte Hens, 2017 Bred 178 Silver Laced Wyandotte x Hyline, Pullets 179 4 x Silver Laced Wyandotte Unsexed Chicks 180 5 x Silver Laced Wyandotte Unsexed Chicks 181 3 x Silver Laced Wyandotte Unsexed Pullets L Holt 2 Rosebank Hatton Peterhead 182 3 x JerseyX Pullets 183 3 x JerseyX Pullets 184 3 x JerseyX Pullets 185 3 x JerseyX Pullets 186 3 x JerseyX Pullets 187 3
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