1930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 9405 SENATE H. R. 0039. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to lease any or all of the remaining tribal lands of the Choctaw FRIDAY, May ~3, 1930 and Chickasaw Nations for oil and gas purposes, and for other purposes, The Chaplain, Rev. Z!3.Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the following prayer : · CALL OF THE ROLL 1\Ir. FESS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, may Thy presence go The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. with u into the life of this new day, strengthening us in all our The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators needs, directing us in all our ways. Make us to be kindly a.ffec­ answered to their names : tioned one to another; in honor preferring one another ; not Allen Frazier McKellar · Simmons slothful; fervent in pirit, serving the Lord. Ashurst · George McMaster Smoot Give us that rare atmosphere of mind through which the Baird Goff McNary Steck Barkley Goldsborough Metcalf Steiwer world of nature may be rai ed into our thought, imparting some­ Bingham Gould Norbeck Stephens what of its mystic beauty. Touch Thou our lips, that we may Black Greene Norris Sullivan speak the language of real men, acquired not on the level of Blaine Hale Nye Swanson :Rlease Harris Oddie 'l'homas, Idaho ordinary intercourse but in moments of vivid sensation, when Borah Harrison Overman Thomas, Okla. language is winnowed and ennobled by sentiment, that, with Bratton Hatfield Patterson Townsend thought and speech held capth·e to Thy will, we may use our Brock Hawes Phipps Trammell / Broussard Hayden Pine 'l'ydings varied gifts to the glory of Thy kingdom. Through Jesus Capper Hebert Pittman Vandenberg Christ our Lord. Amen. Caraway Heflin Ransdell Wagner Connally Howell Robinson, Ark. Walc<>tt THE JOURN .AL Copeland Johnson Robinson, Ind. Walsh, Mass. Couzens J<>nes Robsion, Ky. Walsh, Mont. The Chief Clerk vroceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's Cutting Kean Schall Waterman proceedings, when, on request of Mr. FEss and by unanimous Dale Kendlick Sheppard Watson consent, the further reading was dispensed with and the Dill Keyes ShipHtead Wheeler Journal was approved. Fess La Follette Shortridge Mr. TOWNSEND. I desire to announce that my colleague MESSAGE :FROM THE HOUSE the senior Senator from Delaware [Mr. HAsTINGS] is necessarily A me sage from the House of Representatives by Mr. Farrell, detained from the Senate. I ask that this announcement may its enrolling clerk, announced that the House had agreed to the stand for the day. amendment of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 6414) authorizing Mr. SHEPPARD. I wi h to announce that the Senator from the Court of Claim of the United States to hear and determine Florida [Mr. FLETCHER] and the Senator from South Carolina the claim of the city of Park Place, heretofore an independent [Mr. SMITH] are detained from the Senate by illness. municipality but now a part of the city of Hou ton, Tex. The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-three Senators have an­ The me age also announced that the House had passe<l a swered to their name. A quorum is present. bill (H. R. 104 0) to authorize the settlement of the indebted­ PEEDEE AND WACCAMAW RIVER BRIDGES, SOUTH CAROLINA ness of the German Reich to the United States on account of the awards of the Mixed Claims Commission, United States and The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the amend­ Germany, and the costs of the United States army of occupation, ment of the House of Representatives to the bill ( S. 4182) in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. granting the con ent of Congress to the county of Georgetown, The me ... age further announced that the House had agreed to S. C., to construct, maintain, and opeTate a bridge across the a concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 28) authorizing the Peedee River and a bridge across the Waccamaw River, both nrJIJOintment of a joint committee of Congress to attend the one at or near Georgetown, S. C., which was to strike out all after hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of the celebration of the enacting clause and insert : American independence by the Lewis a.nd Clark expedition on That the consent of Congress is hereby granted to the Board <>f July 4, 1805, to be held at Great Falls, Mont., July 4, 1930, in County Commissioners of Georgetown County, State of South Carolina, which it reque. ted the concurrence of the Senate. and their successors in office, to construct, maintain, and operate a highway bridge and approaches thereto across the Peedee River and El'\ROLLED BILLS SIGNED a highway bridge and approaches thereto across the Waccamaw River. The message also announced that the Speaker had affixed his at points suitable t<> the interests of navigation, both at or near the signature to the following enrolled biJl ·, and they were signed city of Georgetown, S. C., in accordance with the provisions of the act by the Vice Pre ident : entitled "An act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable S. 195. An act to facilitate the administmtion of the national waters," approved Murch 23, 1906, and subject to the conditions and llarks by the United States Department of the Interior, and for limitations c<>ntained in this act. other purposes ; SEc. 2. If tolls are charged for the use of such ridges, the rates of S. 320. An act authorizing reconstruction and improvement of toll shall be so adjusted as to provide a fund sufficient to pay the rea· a public road in Wiud River Indian Reseryation, Wyo. ; sonable cost of maintaining, repairing, and operating the bridges and S. 1171. An act to establish and operate a national institute their approaches under economical management, and to provide a sink· of health, to create a ystem of fellowships in said institute, ing fund sufficient to amortize the cost of the bridges and their ap­ and to authorize the Government to accept donations for use in proaches, including reasonable interest and financing cost, in accordance a ·certaining the cause, prevention, and c1ue of disease affecting with the laws of the State of South Carolina applicable thereto, but human beings, and for other purpo 'eS; within a pcliod of not to exceed 25 years from the completion thereof. S. 3746. An act to extend the times for commencing and com­ After a sinkiug fund sufficient for such amortization shall have been pleting the con.·ti·uction of a bridge across the Ohio River at or so provided, such bridges shall thereafter be maintained and operated near 1\Iaysville, Ky.; free of tolls. An accurate record of the costs of the bridges and their S. 3934. An act granting certain lands to the city of Sault Ste. approaches, the expenditures for maintaining, repairing, and opel·ating Marie, State of Michigan ; the same, and of the daily toJls collected, shall be kept and shall be H. R. 26. An act for the acquisition, establishment, and devel­ available for the information of all persons interested. opment of the George Washington Memorial Parkway along the SEC. 3. The right to sell, assign, transfer, and mortgage the rights, Potomac from Mount Vernon and Fort Washington to the Great powers, and privileges conferred by this act is hereby granted to the Falls, and to provide for the acquisition of lands in the Dis­ Board of County Commissioners of Georgetown County, and their suc­ trict of Columuia and the States of Maryland and Virginia cessors in office, for the purposes of and in accordance with the pro­ requisite to the comprehensive park, parkway, · and playground visions of the act of tbe Legislature of the State of South Carolina au­ system of the National Capital; thorizing the construction of the bridges authorized by this act. And H. R. 73!JO. An act to authorize the appointment of an assist­ any corporation to which or any person to whom such rights, powers, ant Commissioner of Education in the Department of the and privileges may be sold, a signed, or transferred, or who shall acquire Interior; the same by mortgage foreclosure or otherwise, is hereby authorized H. R. 7933. An act to provide for an as?istant to the Chief of and empowered to authorize the same as though fully authorized upon Naval Operation ; such corporation or person. H. R. 7962. An act to extend the time for commencing and SEc. 4. During the construction or after the completion of the bridges completing the con truction of a bridge across the Ohio River at authorized by this act the State of South Carolina or the highway de­ Mound City, Ill. ; partment thereof may at any time acquire and take over all right, title, H. R. 9805. An act to extend the times for conuuencing and and interest in such bridges and their approaches, and any interest in ·completing the construction of a bridge across the Ohio River real estate necessar·y therefor, by pm·chase or by condemnation, in at Cairo, Ill.; and a ccordance with the laws of tbe State of South Carolina govering the 9406 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE·· !lAY 23 acquisition of private property for public purposes by condemnation the death of Brig. Gen. Casimir Pulaski, Revolutionary War or expropriation. hero, which was refeTred to the Committee on the Library. SEc. 5. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby ex­ INTERSTATE BUS BILL pressly reserved. l\Ir. COUZENS. From the Committee on Inter tate Com­ l\lr. BLEASE.
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