Avrom Silver Jerusalem College for Adults Move clocks ahead one hour for Summer Time s s J C A of the Seymour J. Abrams • Orthodox Union • Jerusalem World Center 854 FRI Mar 27 • 1:59am IST is followed by 3:00am IDT The Avrom Silver Jerusalem College for Adults • Dean, Rabbi Sholom Gold, is the educational component of the Seymour J. Abrams • Orthodox Union • Jerusalem World Center and incorporates all the classes & lectures of the OU Israel Center. Friday 2 Nisan / March 27th zay axr "Regular" IC classes & lectures • 25å members, 30å non• members. Life members free. No one will be turned away for inability to pay. Yearly membership 250å couple, 180å single. Programs of the Center are partially funded by the Jewish Agency for Israel 9:00am Rabbi Chaim Eisen: The Weird and Wonderful World of Aggadah Schedule for WED 29 Adar (March 25) to Friday, 9 Nisan (April 3) 11:00am RCA Daf Yomi WED, 29 Adar / March 25th The Early Shabbat Minyan will IY"H begin on 9:00am Parshat HaShavua Dr. Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg Erev Shabbat Parshat Sh'mini, April 17th Mincha at 5:33pm (Plag 5:48pm) 10:45am Parshat HaShavua Rabbi Yosef Wolicki Look for the Early Shabbat Guide in next week's TT various times MINI•Shiur/Divrei Torah while you fold 12:30pm VIDEO / LIBRARY: Rabbi Gold • Eretz Yisrael in the Hagada Shabbat day 3 Nisan / March 28th ycew zay Medical Chi Kong Practice with Avi Hirsch Shabbat Parshat Vayikra Wednesdays, 12:30•1:30pm • Call for further details: 050•767•1722 5:00pm Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Poupko 1:30pm Knitting 101 in the library with Verna "Is it Responsible to Reveal a Reason" 6:00pm MINCHA 2:30pm Women's Beit Midrash • Pearl Borow First hour: the KUZARI; Second hour on Chumash with Rashi Note: the "Summer" times of 5:00 and 6:00pm remain until before Rosh HaShana 7:30pm Rabbi Chaim Eisen on Birkat HaChama Thursday, Rosh Chodesh Nisan / March 26th Motza"Sh 4 Nisan • March 28th zay i`ven various times MINI•Shiur/Divrei Torah while you fold Motza'ei Shabbat, March 28th, 9:00pm (summer time) Thursday, March 26th • 8:00pm (no charge) The Kabalistic Link between The Joy Club Birkat HaChama and Pesach with Pre•Pesach Shiur by Rabbi Zelig Pliskin Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher OU Israel Center TT 854 o BackPage A O Parshat VAYIKRa 5769 issue OU Israel Center TT 854 o BackPage B O Parshat VAYIKRa 5769 issue Sun•Thu in the Ganchrow Beis Medrash (first floor) more MONDAY... Rabbi Chaim Sendic will be subbing for Rabbi Bienenfeld 12:30pm VIDEO SCREENING in the LIBRARY • see box on bottom of BackPage E Su/Tu/Th on Thursday, Sunday, and Tuesday • March 26, 29, 31 10:00am He will be covering various topics on Korban Pesach Women's Beit Midrash resumes IY"H after the Chag Rabbi Bienenfeld will resume his shiur on THU, April 5th resumes Pri Chadash Women's Writing Workshop 11:15am RCA Daf Yomi by Rotation (and Fri. at 11:00am) after Pesach Contact: Ruth Fogelman (628•7359) and Judy Caspi (054•569•0410) 1:20pm Mincha (this time stays the same throughout the year) 8:30pm Rabbi Dr. Elie Assis a senior lecturer of Tanach at Bar Ilan: Mon/Tue 3:15pm Hilchot Shabbat • Rabbi Chaim Sendic (052•668•0312) SHMUEL (in Hebrew) Details? Call Sam Finkel 052•469•1263 Resumes Masechet K'tuvot with Rabbi Hillel Ruvell after Nisan MASK •J'lem Chapter at the Israel Center • maskjerusalem.cjb.net • 050•754•2717 Next meeting after Pesach Sunday 4 Nisan / March 29th oey`x mei Tuesday 6 Nisan • March 31st iyily mei 9:30am Let's Study the Hagada Tonia Frohwein women The Israel Center and the Old City Free Loan Association resumes after Pesach MMyyssttiiiccaalllIIInnssiiigghhttssiiinnttootthheeMMoonntthhssoofftthheeYYeeaarr Golda Warhaftig 21st year • well over 5500 loans granted Gemach • Free Loan Society resumes May 10th "Life: The Fantastic Adventure" Aharon Romm to provide interest•free loans for people in financial distress (living in the Jerusalem area). Interviews at the Center on Tuesdays from 10:00•12:00 and 19:00•20:30 • Please bring ID 2:00pm Kabalistic Insights on the Hagada Rabbi Ephraim Sprecher Special Pre•Pesach Shiurim 7:30pm Ramban’s Commentary on the Torah and Its Wellsprings 9:00am with Rabbi Chaim Eisen Rabbi Aharon Adler Now Studying: “Hidden versus Renowned Miracles: 10:15am Confounding Natural Order versus Negating Natural Custom” Rabbi Sholom Gold Monday 28 5 Nisan • March 30th ipy mei Jewish History, 2nd Temple Period • Dr. Henry Goldblum N'SHEI LIBRARY: 10:00•12:30 resumes IY"H after Pesach The shiurim of Pearl Borow and Rabbi Leff Workshops for women with will resume after Pesach IY"H Esther Sutton resume IY"H after Pesach 11:35am Fit Forever: Look & Feel your Best! Tue. 12:30pm VIDEO in the LIBRARY • see box at bottom of BackPage E Exercise for women of all ages • Call Sura Faecher 993•2524 Meet the Meforshim • Rabbi Yonatan Kolatch resumes IY"H after Pesach OU Israel Center TT 854 o BackPage C O Parshat VAYIKRa 5769 issue OU Israel Center TT 854 o BackPage D O Parshat VAYIKRa 5769 issue • Tuesday, March 31st • 8:00pm •"Israel • Ancient Roots, Modern Miracle" Wednesday, April 1st • 1:00•6:00pm a video production by Shalom Pollack, veteran tour guide. Come on a virtual tiyul of Yerushalayim, Hevron, Gush Etzion, Masada and more... Pre•Pesach Yesha Fair Hand•made Shmura matza from Chevron, kilo for 120 å / box of 3 for 40å Wednesday 7 Nisan / April 1st iriax mei Please order in advance • Pick up at the Fair. 052•233•0081, day: (02) 997•2721; evening: 997•1280 Rabbi Macy Gordon will resume IYH after Pesach Also on sale kosher l'Pesach cakes and cookies, as well as wines, 10:45am grape juice, olive oil and honey •Gifts •Jewelry •Judaica Even if we all were wise, and perceptive, experienced, Support Yesha at your Seder and versed in Torah, it would still be our duty... Join Rabbi Yosef Wolicki for a special pre•Pesach shiur Wednesday, April 1st at 7:30pm on the Seder to help us be wiser, more perceptive... oqip 'gl xe` various times MINI•Shiur/Divrei Torah while you fold including a mini•shiur by Sara Berelowitz The Complete Hallel •• Yes and No in memory of her father, Harold Bonime z"l The Interplay between 12:30pm VIDEO SCREENING in the LIBRARY • see box on bottom of this page Pesach's First and Second Holidays • Medical Chi Kong Practice with Avi Hirsch Beyond the Seder • and Beyond Ourselves Wednesdays, 12:30•1:30pm • Call for further details: 050•767•1722 A special pre•Pesach shiur by 1:30pm Knitting 101 in the library with Verna Rabbi Chaim Eisen Women's Beit Midrash • Pearl Borow resumes IY"H after Pesach Thursday 8 Nisan • April 2nd iying mei MON MAR 30 Shprintzee Rappaport Dr. Hayim Abramson will resume IY"H after Pesach “Pesach symbols: Not just for children” various times MINI•Shiur/Divrei Torah while you fold TUE MAR 31 Dr. Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg 12:30pm "I Know Their Pain: Cruelty and Compassion Lots of FOLDING NO CHARGE in the Pesach Narrative" 9 Nisan / April 3rd WED MAR 25 Rabbi Aharon Adler Friday zay axr “Exploring Pesach Themes in Talmudic Sources” 9:00am Rabbi Chaim Eisen • World of Aggadah 11:00am RCA Daf Yomi OU Israel Center TT 854 o BackPage E O Parshat VAYIKRa 5769 issue OU Israel Center TT 854 o BackPage F O Parshat VAYIKRa 5769 issue Upcoming at the Israel Center Monday, April 20th 11:36am "Memories of the Shoah" Guest Speaker: Ruth Brand one of the leading illustrious lecturers for Yad VaShem, interviewed on radio, appeared on TV numerous times, has led VIP groups to the Concentration Camps and relevant places in Europe for over a decade HAGADOT are available from the library for you to borrow and enjoy before Special Pesach prices • Free delivery within J'lem and during Pesach. Gala Yom Yerushalayim Dinner The Library Staff at the Ramada • Thu. May 21st Needed: Transportation from Jerusalem for The RCA in Israel regrets 1 large bag of Torah Tidbits on a weekly that the name of the late basis (Wed. Thu. or Fri.) to Chashmonaim. Rabbi I.B. Rose l"f Call Toni 0505•772•111 was omitted from the listing in Torah Tidbits of Rabbanim who were Har HaBayit Tour (FREE) memorialized at the recent meeting with Nachman Kupietzky For Sale: Shir HaShirim TUE Chol HaMoed (April 14) • 8:00am Unique family heirloom "Song of (02) 561•1347 or 052•286•1829 Songs" scroll on parchment 6cm high Consult a Rav with Har HaBayit experience Beautifully illuminated in ornate case for halachic details of Mikve and other issues Call:052•286•8851 OU Israel Center TT 854 o BackPage G O Parshat VAYIKRa 5769 issue.
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