Ground Transportation for CEPC2014 (地面交通信息和地图) Meeting place: 交大木兰船建楼 (Ruth Mulan Building) 9.12 Plenary Session (9:00-12:30) 9.12 Parallel Session (Physics+Detector, 14:00-18:00) 9.13 Plenary Session (9:00-12:30) Meeting place: 交大学术活动中心 Academic Activity Center (SJTU-ACC) 9.12 Parallel Session (Accelerator and Theory, 14:00-18:00) 9.12 IB+SC joint meeting (12:30-14:00) 9.13 Plenary Session and SC Meeting(Afternoon,14:00-17:00) Contact: Gang He, 18001648002; Haijun Yang, 13764927109 Shuttle (33 seats), 旅行社小李, 13817738259, 沪 B9943 甘师傅 15202117518 Bus (50 seats), 俞队长, 34203695,9.12 上午 蔡师傅 13761822143 沪 BR7330 9.12 下午朱师傅 13681923968 沪 DB3788, 9.13 朱师傅 13681923968 沪 DB3788 Shuttle/Bus services: September 12, 2014 Time Pickup Drop Shuttle 6:50-7:00 AM Ramada Plaza Hotel SJTU-AAC Shuttle 7:00-7:10 AM FX Hotel SJTU-AAC Shuttle 8:20-8:30 AM Huhua Business Hotel SJTU-AAC Bus 8:20-8:30 AM Huhua International Hotel SJTU-AAC Shuttle 6:10-6:20 PM SJTU-AAC Huhua International Hotel Bus 6:10-6:20 PM SJTU-AAC Huhua International Hotel Shuttle 8:30-8:40 PM Huhua International Hotel Huhua Business Hotel Shuttle 8:50-9:00 PM Huhua International Hotel Ramada Plaza + FX Hotel Shuttle/Bus services: September 13, 2014 Time Pickup Drop Shuttle 7:00-7:10 AM Ramada Plaza Hotel SJTU-AAC Shuttle 7:10-7:20 AM FX Hotel SJTU-AAC Shuttle 8:20-8:30 AM Huhua Business Hotel SJTU-AAC Bus 8:20-8:30 AM Huhua International Hotel SJTU-AAC Shuttle 3:40-3:50 PM SJTU-AAC Huhua Business Hotel Ramada Plaza + FX Hotel Bus 3:40-3:50 PM SJTU-AAC Huhua International Hotel 上海交通大学学术活动中心 -- Academic Activity Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Minhang Campus) 简介:上海交大学术活动中心坐落在闵行东川路交通大学内,宾馆内有苏式园林 花园,环境幽雅,客房设有有线电视、宽带连接、国际国内长途电话等。 地址:闵行区东川路 800 号 电话:(021)54740800 从上海浦东国际机场到学术活动中心: 建议坐出租车,耗时约 1 小时,费用约 180 元。由于花费时间极长,不建议坐公 交或地铁。 从上海虹桥机场到学术活动中心: 方案 1、建议坐出租车,耗时约 45 分钟,费用约 105 元; 方案 2、在虹桥枢纽东交通中心站乘坐虹桥枢纽 4 路公交车,至东川路永平路站 下车,费用约 8 元,全程约 2 小时 30 分钟,省钱费时。 从上海虹桥火车站到学术活动中心: 方案 1、建议坐出租车,耗时约 35 分钟,费用约 100 元; 方案 2、在虹桥枢纽东交通中心站乘坐虹桥枢纽 4 路公交车,至东川路永平路站 下车,费用约 8 元,全程约 1 小时 50 分钟。 从上海火车站到学术活动中心: 方案 1、建议坐出租车,耗时约 45 分钟,费用约 130 元; 方案 2、乘坐地铁 1 号线(莘庄方向)至莘庄站下车,换乘地铁 5 号线(闵行开 发区方向)至东川路站下车,3 号口出站,沿东川路向东步行约 1.7 公里至学术 活动中心,耗时约 1 小时 30 分钟,乘地铁费用约 6 元。 Introduction: Academic Activity Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University has gardens with Suzhou Garden style inside, hotel rooms with free broadband Internet access, cable television and international and local direct dial telephone. Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District Telephone: (021)54740800 From Pudong International Airport (PVG) : By Taxi - cost ~ RMB180 (about 1 hour) From Hongqiao Airport (SHA): By Taxi - cost ~ RMB105 (about 45 minutes) From Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station: By Taxi - cost ~ RMB100 (about 35 minutes) From Shanghai Railway Station: By Taxi - cost ~ RMB130 (about 45 minutes) 沪华国际大酒店 -- Huhua International Hotel 简介:本酒店按四星级标准设计装饰,房间设有免费的高速宽带上网服务,超大 液晶电视,国内外直拨电话。 地址:闵行区鹤庆路 300 号 电话:(021)61268299 从上海浦东国际机场沪华国际大酒店: 建议坐出租车,耗时约 55 分钟,费用约 190 元。由于换乘路线复杂,花费时间 极长,不建议坐公交或地铁。 从上海虹桥机场到沪华国际大酒店: 方案 1、建议坐出租车,耗时约 45 分钟,费用约 110 元; 方案 2、在 虹桥枢纽东交通中心站乘坐虹桥枢纽 4 路公交车,至沪闵路鹤庆路(招 呼站)站下车,费用约 8 元,然后沿鹤庆路向西步行 600 米到达沪华国际大酒店, 全程约 2 小时 30 分钟,省钱费时。 从上海虹桥火车站到沪华国际大酒店: 方案 1、建议坐出租车,耗时约 40 分钟,费用约 100 元; 方案 2、在虹桥枢纽东交通中心站乘坐虹桥枢纽 4 路公交车,至沪闵路鹤庆路(招 呼站)站下车,费用约 8 元,全程约 1 小时 40 分钟。 从上海火车站到沪华国际大酒店: 方案 1、建议坐出租车,耗时约 55 分钟,费用约 130 元; 方案 2、乘坐地铁 1 号线(莘庄方向)至莘庄站下车,换乘地铁 5 号线(闵行开 发区方向)至金平路站下车,1 号口出站,沿金平路步行街向南步行 400 米,至 鹤庆路向东步行 800 米到达沪华国际大酒店,全程约 1 小时 30 分钟。 Introduction: Shanghai Huhua International Hotel is designed and decorated in accordance with four-star standard, hotel rooms with free broadband Internet access, LCD and international and local direct dial telephone. Address: 300 Heqing Road, Minhang District Telephone: (021)61268299 From Pudong International Airport (PVG) : By Taxi - cost ~ RMB190 (about 1 hour) From Hongqiao Airport (SHA): By Taxi - cost ~ RMB110 (about 45 minutes) From Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station: By Taxi - cost ~ RMB100 (about 40 minutes) From Shanghai Railway Station: By Taxi - cost ~ RMB130 (about 55 minutes) 沪华商务酒店 -- Huhua Business Hotel 简介:上海沪华商务酒店是一家定位于中端规格的商务酒店,配有免费的高速宽 带上网服务,超大液晶电视,国内外直拨电话。 地址:闵行区新闵路 528 号(近沪闵路) 电话:(021)34739799 从上海浦东国际机场沪华商务酒店: 建议坐出租车,耗时约 55 分钟,费用约 185 元。 从上海虹桥机场到沪华商务酒店: 方案 1、建议坐出租车,耗时约 45 分钟,费用约 110 元。 方案 2、在虹桥枢纽东交通中心站乘坐虹桥枢纽 4 路公交车,至江川东路沪闵路 站下车,到达沪华商务酒店,费用约 8 元,全程约 2 小时 30 分钟,省钱费时。 从上海虹桥火车站到沪华商务酒店: 方案 1、建议坐出租车,耗时约 40 分钟,费用约 100 元。 方案 2、在虹桥枢纽东交通中心站乘坐虹桥枢纽 4 路公交车,至江川东路沪闵路 站下车,到达沪华商务酒店,费用约 8 元,全程约 1 小时 40 分钟, 从上海火车站到沪华商务酒店: 建议坐出租车,耗时约 50 分钟,费用约 135 元。 Introduction: Huhua Business Hotel is a middle-class business hotel, guest rooms with free broadband Internet access, LCD and international and local direct dial telephone. Address: 528 Xinmin Road, Minhang District Telephone: (021)34739799 From Pudong International Airport (PVG) : By Taxi - cost ~ RMB185 (about 55 min) From Hongqiao Airport (SHA): By Taxi - cost ~ RMB110 (about 45 minutes) From Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station: By Taxi - cost ~ RMB100 (about 40 minutes) From Shanghai Railway Station: By Taxi - cost ~ RMB135 (about 50 minutes) 嘉汇华美达广场大酒店 -- Ramada Plaza Hotel 简介:上海嘉汇华美达广场大酒店坐落于上海市中心徐家汇的嘉汇国际广场内, 拥有 220 间客房。周边商务、购物、休闲、餐饮等设施一应俱全。您也可步行 5 分钟乘坐地铁 1 号线、4 号线、9 号线、11 号线快速便捷地到达更多商务中心、 旅游景点。 地址:上海徐汇区天钥桥路 325-327 号。 电话:(021)33632222 Introduction: Ramada Plaza Shanghai Gateway is located in Gateway International Plaza the central area of Xujiahui which is one of the busiest areas for business, entertainment and shopping in Shanghai, and hotel has impeccably designed 220 guest rooms. It only takes 5-minutes to metro line 1 and line 4, which will conveniently bring you to any other sight spots and commercial area. Address: 325-327 Tianyaoqiao Road, Xu-Hui District Telephone:(021)33632222 富驿时尚酒店 -- FX Hotel 简介:富驿时尚酒店上海徐家汇店,地处于上海市中心西南面,离徐家汇商业购 物中心仅 10 分钟步行距离,处于地铁四号线和内环高架公路的交汇处,到浦东 国际机场 40 分钟车程,距离虹桥机场只需 20 分钟车程,处于上海西区的交通枢 纽中心地理位置。 地址:徐汇区斜土路 2701 号,斜土路天钥桥路口。 电话:(021)60919988 Introduction: FX Hotel XuJiaHui, Shanghai is part of a chain of hotels managed by Furama Hotels International Management (FHI). It is centrally located in the prestigious diplomatic district, at the cross of XieTu Road and TianYueQiao Road, Southwest of Shanghai City in XuJiaHui, one of the busiest business and commercial districts of Shanghai. Address: 2701 Xietu Road(The Cross of Tianyaoqiao Road), Xu-Hui District Telephone:(021)60919988 从浦东国际机场至 FX 酒店/Ramada 酒店: 方案 1、坐出租车,耗时约 1 小时,费用约 180 元。 方案 2、从浦东国际机场站出发乘坐地铁二号线东延段,到广兰路站换乘地铁二 号线,在 世纪大道站换乘地铁四号线,到 上海体育场站下车(约 1 小时 30 分钟)。 从虹桥国际机场/虹桥火车站至 FX 酒店/Ramada 酒店: 方案 1、坐出租车,耗时约 25 分钟,费用约 50 元。 方案 2、从虹桥机场 1 号航站楼站/虹桥火车站站乘坐地铁 10 号线,到虹桥路站 换乘地铁 4 号线,到上海体育场站下车 (约 40 分钟)。 从上海火车站至 FX 酒店/Ramada 酒店: 方案 1、坐出租车,耗时约 25 分钟,费用约 40 元。 方案 2、从上海火车站站乘坐地铁 1 号线,到上海体育场站下车 (约 30 分钟)。 From Pudong International Airport(PVG) to FX Hotel/Ramada plaza Hotel : By Taxi - cost ~180 RMB( about 1 hour ). By Metro – Take metro line 2 east extension at Pudong International Airport Station, transfer to metro line 2 at Guanglan Road Station, transfer to metro line 4 at Central Avenue Station, and get off at Shanghai Stadium Station (about 1hour and 30 minutes). From Hongqiao Airport (SHA )/Hongqiao Railway Station to FX Hotel/Ramada plaza Hotel: By Taxi - cost ~50 RMB (about 30 minutes). By Metro – Take metro line 10 at Hongqiao International Airport Terminal 1 Station/ Hongqiao Railway Station, transfer to metro line 4 at Hongqiao Road Station, and get off at Shanghai Stadium Station (about 40 minutes). From Shanghai Railway Station to FX Hotel/Ramada plaza Hotel: By Taxi - cost ~40 RMB ( about 25 minutes). By Metro – Take metro line 1 at Shanghai Railway Station Station, and get off at Shanghai Stadium Station (about 30 minutes). 地图 (Map) Ramada Plaza / FX Hotels Pudong Int. Airport Hongqiao Int. Airport Hongqiao Railway Statation Acdemic Activity Center, SJTU Hotel, Meeting Place Figure 1 总图 上海交通大学学术活动中心,上海市东川路 800 号 CEPC2014 会议地址,Telephone: 021-54740800 Huhua International Hotel Huhua Business Hotel Acdemic Activity Center, SJTU Hotel, Meeting Place 上海交通大学学术活动中心,上海市东川路 800 号 CEPC2014 会议地址,Telephone: 021-54740800 Huhua International Hotel CEPC2014 Banquet Huhua Business Hotel Figure 2 学术活动中心(Academic Activity Center, SJTU, CEPC2014 Meeting Place) -沪华国际大酒店(Huhua International Hotel) -沪华商务酒店(Huhua Business Hotel) Department of Physics and Astronomy Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics CEPC2014 Lunch Acdemic Activity Center, SJTU Hotel, Meeting Place 上海交通大学学术活动中心,上海市东川路 800 号 CEPC2014 会议地址,Telephone: 021-54740800 Figure 3 上海交通大学地图 – SJTU Map .
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