Al Iraqi 1969 Baghdad College, Baghdad, Iraq All Physical Materials Associated with the New England Province Archive Are Currently Held by the Jesuit Archives in St

Al Iraqi 1969 Baghdad College, Baghdad, Iraq All Physical Materials Associated with the New England Province Archive Are Currently Held by the Jesuit Archives in St

New England Jesuit Archives are located at Jesuit Archives (St. Louis, MO) Digitized Collections hosted by CrossWorks. Baghdad College Yearbook 1969 Al Iraqi 1969 Baghdad College, Baghdad, Iraq All physical materials associated with the New England Province Archive are currently held by the Jesuit Archives in St. Louis, MO. Any inquiries about these materials should be directed to the Jesuit Archives ( Electronic versions of some items and the descriptions and finding aids to the Archives, which are hosted in CrossWorks, are provided only as a courtesy. Digitized Record Information Baghdad College, Baghdad, Iraq, "Al Iraqi 1969" (1969). Baghdad College Yearbook. 29. The Arabesque cover design is from a sixteenth-century decoration of the Holy Qur'an. Photo by MAJID RASSAM, SD PUBLISHED BY THE OF BAGHDAD COLLEGE BAGHDAD IRAQ FOR THE PAST THIRTY-SEVEN YEARS BAGHDAD COLLEGE HAS BEEN PRIVILEGED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE EDUCATION OF IRAQI YOUTH. THE WORDS CHOSEN BY ITS FOUNDERS, MosT REVEREND WILLIAM A. RICE, s.J., AND REv. EDWARD F. MADARAS, S.J., TO DESCRIBE THE CoLLEGE WERE: "AN IRAQI ScHooL FOR IRAQI BoYs". THE EDUCATION OF YOUTH PRESENTS A CONTINUAL CHALLENGE TO THOSE ENGAGED IN THE TEACHING PROFESSION. THE INDIVIDUALS WHO ACCEPT THIS CHALLENGE SHOULD HAVE A UNIQUE SENSE OF DEDI­ CATION, OF UNDERSTANDING, AND OF GENEROSITY. FOR THEM, TEACHING IS MUCH MORE THAN A MERE JOB TO BE DONE. IT IS THEIR LIFE. IT IS WITH A DEEP SENSE OF GRATITUDE THAT WE DEDICATE THIS ISSUE OF "AL-IRAQI" TO THE IRAQI jESUIT FATHERS AND TO THE IRAQI TEACHERS AND STAFF, PAST AND PRESENT, OF BAGHDAD COLLEGE. THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO THE EDUCATION OF IRAQI YOUTH AT BAGHDAD COLLEGE IS FAR GREATER THAN WORDS CAN EXPRESS. ~ ~1 jl.t.., ~' ,~,~ )~T ,, J J.i MR. TAWFIQ ASKAR Died March 16, 1969 ;~"il 4JA J~ ~I o.lA ~ ~ ~i j\:i-":il ~J>}I 4>} jJ u-"i~ \ "\ ~y. o~ Jj '-'jJI ~~~ ":il 4J"'J.l.o ~~ ~ ~) ~ . \~"\~ ;ljl 4)4 .t!jA i.JIS ~ • Jl~ ~ J 4J"'J.l.t. ~;.ll.l 4i~~ ~~ 4iiS ~, y.JJJ ~,. ~j":il ~'JA! 41":il ~}I 0~ . ~I ~I Jti • 4i~ ~ These pages are respectfully dedi­ cated to the memory of Mr. Tawfiq Askar, teacher of the Social Scien­ ces, who died suddenly on March 16, 1969. Mr. Tawfiq taught at Baghdad College for the past five years, and was admired and es­ teemed by his students and fellow­ teachers. His loss is keenly felt. May his soul rest in peace. Line designs by SAMIR BAROUDI' 5 A JL.i..Y. .J_,k;l ..::,~ .¥ ~ .)l,.s. if"_,l....UI r-l\..... ..t....... '-:?JL.:.ll fo r:"\r.l ~.)l;~); J~ ..r'..JY .)l,.s. _,s-j .) '>' i ':)L. .,r--_,..ll ..:..s-y. .)~1 .a~r- ~ h "='_r._rll A .l...>..o "='j\S. -i>~L.....I.f::"-" '-:?r}l..:r....UI~~ l:::... JJ.l'! ~ .J~_;-)_,5" .:,tS:..t:... )~.? '-:?.)J_;4 V"~l .f;:"-" ~I r:"ir.l ~ JY...UI ~J J")l,. )~.? ~~ )~.? J'>d .JL........ .f;:"-" ..:.....ol..U V"~l .)J\.) !l_;l:).l J~)l ~ c_l..,.;J ..:r..~WI ..r...J .A._:..> JL.S" .:,h. r:" lr.l J:+..­ ~l..!ll<..j"';.~.J //' .)J\.) ..;.....-" .)1.....;~1~~ .J~4 .)~1 c_l:--> ~~ '-"'~ ..:.....i_; ~I '":"L._,.ll ~ .l...>..o ..kibJI '-:?.JY i')UI ~ '-?_;~I ...A:klil ~ Ji_; '-:?J~ I .~...>-I .l...>..o ..j_;WI ~\......I .ill~ ~~.J.,.J"" Sixth row: (left to right) Nazar Sarafa, Suhail Baithun, Rashid Yahya, lyad al-Awsachi, Nazar Adnan, Wadhah A-Razzaq. Fifth row: Saad al-Damaluji, Muhammad al-Khatib, Ibrahim al-Shawi, Abdullah Ismail, Imad Kello, Rafal al-Badri, Mahmud al-Azzawi. Fourth row: Ghazi ai-Hariri, Yusuf Daud, I mad Maurice, Samir Leyous, Laith A-Samad, SA Krikor Minasakhan. Third row: Samir Baroudi, Najdat Yusufani, Hila! al-Dabbuni, Samir Ismail, Hasan ai­ Musawi. Second row: Krikor Garabet, Kamal Hamid, Rifat Butros, Sabah Azad, Salam Zaku, Navil Sethna. First row: Hasib al-Mufti, Sarmad Ajina, Fr. Gerry, S.J., A-Salam Nuri, Daud Kandalaft.' ~ ~ J.).)_,bc) .? L:. ~ I,.S"L,. ~_? L!.ll .)~ ..~...>-I .J~l;.) ~L,.~ ..,ljl_,.. J-1- ~~c) ~-' i.A) I J." It """-" _,..c.;. j;lt_, J l.._;..,lj I ~J.,...)Jiy> //' ~L:.I ~} .r.-..,...· '- WI .:.S.Y' • ~ rs- ..1"4 ~~~ ~ ..1...- .:r- ~ ..r.lz.! ~lr.l c.L:--> .J l>-.r.--5' J-ls' J;ie ~ J~)lo¥ c.L.P-' .;~~~ u-?r J~.? ~Ar. ..,..JY. c."j..,p _,1} ~...J.P." J4- ~lr.l I.,.;) ...:....Y.. .rP. ~~jl ~_,..._,li ~ ~~ h.4 1:..>-Y.. .;_,....;..P." ~_,!.11 ..lzo> ~l.. ~.)?'~.)~ .)_,\.)~.)_,\.) .r.)I ~-4-- ..1...­ ~..~...-~.,.)~ '-:'~J_,I,...,))~) ..l.s- .:>l:JL..Jy J;j~ .rl:.:-- "..s:._.• .J':..r. ·.li • .)~ ~_,.-]1 ..:ill-¥ ..L._j Sixth row: (left to right) Imad Wasfi, Andre Hindu, Jibrail Kasperkhan, Johnson Yuhanna, Muhammad Mahdi. Fifth row: Nadhir Bahjat, Luay Yaldo, Wadhah Shabib, Jamal Joseph, Farah Salti, Faraj Daud, Salah Paulus. Fourth row: Ala al-Musawi, Bahir Umar Ali, Falah Hasan, Majid Shulji, Saad Fadhil, SB Franco Eshaya. Third row: Daud Jaju, Ghassan Makiyya, Haval Rasul, Shawkat Halabu, Minas Moursalian. Second row: Krikor Azaian, Hrand Essayi, Sami Ali, Richard Yaqub, Haitham Kubba, Yusuf Ridha. · First row: Zaid al-Umart, Sabah Ibrahim, Fr. MacDonnell, S.J., lmad Subhi, Ahmad al-Shakiri. r>- rN ~ .J ~r.i '-:"'_,5' L- if li .)l..;L- ..lll Jj.) i')L.. .J:'':1 I C:ll• .- -~...>-I -?J.,;JI JJ~I ._;;_,... \.!.:J~ ~Jb ~ '="~ .JL-_~. ..:r....UI~")\&. ~?.~~_;!I -?~I .!A) I ...~...>.,.. ._b; .J";") ~ v...UIJL.S' -?-4-- ~I~ .y A~JI ·~.JJ .JJ~~ )l;:,;...~l.;~ -?~L- ~_?:jl ~ ..~;:-L. ~ ~L.a.ll ~ ._,..!~ if­ ..:;., \..!.; r- L- ..u l>- "'~~~ J;_,;L. '-:"'Jn"' ~ ..j" ..~;:-L. .Jl;....;_,s' ~.)b.:..... ~~ ~1 ....JJj.J ~G .)~)L- ..:;.,LlJj .)l~"JJ" -?~ji..UI ._,...~ _;.:... -?J.:...> .y ~ ~ Jl...ll.l rlL.. __,..;t.....J ~Lll -?j~ r-:-"J -?J'fJI ~.,l; ...~...>.,.. _,..ilV Y"'_,s- .J~ .];_,; ~ j.J.:.A L._,; ~ L.. if"?. [)5':" ._:....Y. J.,s;:;; .)jl J+..- A~ ._,....)li .f'l.:.'-:"'Lo.}l~..u..... Sixth row: (left to right) Saad A-Wahab, Vahe Kouyoumdjian, Khalid Hashim, Wasim Munasifi, Aladdin Burhan, Majid A-Karim. Fifth row: Namir Mukhtar, Majid Metti, Mudhaffar al-Azzawi, Hagop Manuel, Philip Dawisha. Fourth row: Yusuf Georgie, lmad Hamandi, Riadh al-Mudallal, Ahmad al-Amin, Sami 5C Hendow, Tiador Warda. Third row: Muwaffaq Edward, Muthanna Abbas, Emmanuel Shamun, Alfred Nairn, Salam Razqallah. Second row: Manhal Anwar, Nabil al-Baghdadi, Ali A-Latif, Munir Nammu, Rami al-Sabti, Imad Constan. First row: Varujan Zulumat, Ali Ghalib A-Sahib, Fr. MacNeil, S.J., Kamal Farjo, Faris Nairn. (Absent: Marek Majewski) ~y~Aj§" .._r.!':'?.~.J~ ...~1 ..-~ .JL.. r-:"' ~I ~ r-:"' ~I j, 1.:>- ..lzo.>- ..1;:- \.. [;.\,.;. ..i.ll ~ )li -.>Jj'll ~Y- )\,l; ..j~IJ~_,..I il.._; c::.~J ..~;:-\.. -.>J...> .Jl.....>-1 .y c.'}.; -.>Ji;oJI ...;~~....> JG)I...~.f- \..j ._,...15'~ _;_,;1 J~l ._,.JI....> _;..l;.. ~\..)_) ~ •}:; t..;_; ....... ~ _;~lA.ll...~.f­ iL.._; JJ~I ..:..,jG JG)I...~.f- JLS ~ ·~IJ:l~~ t.lJ' r-!'l.o. .)l;~ ~J) .JI_,k;l ~)) ~)b ..b-'}\ ...\.f" J':M ..-;.....,_~ [}Y. .JI_,.ts' ..u.G ..:r.-' .y )f ~~.__..;~_) -.>_;J...I.ll ~t...)l...~.f- .Jj. u.r-:- ....:...j.r-:- J:l~ .J~~L.......I~~ j.j<ll ...\.f" .y ~f' JJ.:J!> il)l ~-" _)p; ...A:jy. ~_)# ..-~)1 _;~1...\.f- .y IJL> r:L ..~.o,... Sixth row: (left to right) A-Qadir Abbas, Ali ai-Zubaidi, Faiz Fathallah, Kamiran George, Dhafir al-Uzri, Faisal ai-Bana. Fifth row: Adnan al-Baya, Fikrat Jamil, Yazin ai-Duri, Clifford Joseph, Yusuf Hindu. Fourth row: Saad Salim, Ghassan Said, Majid Rassam, Rafit Rassam, Ibrahim Tahsin, SD Majid Hamid. Third row: Aso Jaff, A-Razzaq ai-Azzawi, Gabriel Joseph, Munthar al-Jassani, Sirbest Ali. Second row : Riadh Albert, Ali Zahid, Rupen Mazhagopian, Imad Nisan, Hila! Abdulahad, Sinan ai-Khudhairi. First row: Nahil Kamal, Korkis Mikhu, Fr. Gibbons, S.J., Falah Hamdi, Anwar Toma. .)~)~ )~~ !l)~ ~I .:,.-)1 ~ .j_y !$,)'-'~I~ ...l.o.-. 1-L.Jb ~1_,...1 Jyl fL. .f'L.!. fL. 1$#1 .f'L.!. ..r'Jli -.?.J...>. -.?j ~ J:-" .Jl:--j'liJ,) .Jr.! Jl jljll .:.r.- ..w.... ) .....JI J'.:"~l ~ ..r'Jli loS'J) I .J ~ '"'=""*"' ~~~r-:-"~1..1.:--1 if". )~I~ ..w.... ~~~~} j.._ J_,AJI ~ J,)~ JlA..,a.ll ~) J.J..::>­ ~t..!ll..r-..w.... .)~?.'\; c) -.?~) [}.>":'~~._:.1,~ ~1 .J...>.I J_,.l>. •'•.-!- li ,jo:'y 1- -r 1$,)~1 .f'L.!. j~ -,r-.f-.:..JI..w.... .J~I ~ ~~~,)Jb ~~J'.:"~I~i\.!.1. OJ..lll ~ J...a.:i --:\.....:Ull J-15' i')L...)I ~ ,)..... ~, ,)>--" ...\..!.~ .)~ -I>~I ~ ._A...y, .J~J~~ --:§'I ~ ~I~ d...l.,.:o P.'? .f.~?.' J:.!.z- ,) ~j !$,)~ ~ J..S' J lk...J I ,:r- ..w.... J:A>- .JL......; J_r ...l.o.-. Sixth row: (left to right) Omid Ibrahim, A-Illah Shakarji, Samir Hamdi, Faris Shakir, Allan Leon. Fifth row: Ziad Jureidini, Daud Habib, Farid Habib, Awf A-Rahman, Naji Halim, Philip Hagop, Yusuf Tappouni. Fourth row: Kamille Fadhil, Muhammad al-Qazzaz, Saad Humadi, Suhaib al-Rumi, 4A Kivork Najarian, Muhammad Yahya. Third row: Hisham al-Hakim, Abir Sadiq, Mahir Shakir, Muhammad A-Jab bar, Khaluk al-Naimi, Rashid al-Jomard, Ashur Davida. Second row: Atif Michael, Adil A-Ghafur, Aqil al-Attar, Saad Cyril, Faisal al-Dura, Fawwaz al-Joudi. First row: Haidar Rajib, A-Salam al-Qassab, Fr. O'Connor, S.J., Freddie Tajirian, Faris al-Ammar. .:~I_,.JI.:>~ ._r. ~j .Ji_,k;l ~lj ..:ill~~.;" P.-"3 1:.>-.J~I..u.....l ~')II .JL...u if'"! '"':"~ JWI r-"~ V"'Jli '='JJ...UI .J:-'~ ..vf"' I.F"~I r-'-_?' _,.l:JI '='J..l,:>JI ._;.,_JJ.:> ...\.o.:>..o iY- c:_.:>J Jli ~tS:ll ~~~..l.o,.

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