CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES-7 HARYANA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Part - A & B DISTRICT PANIPAT VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE AND TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT c'll q> T r'~ ~! ~ PEOPLE ormNTE[) Sunil Gulati of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations, Haryana (i) CENSUS OF' INDIA 2001 INDIA C.D. BLOCK S HARYANA A MADLAUDA B PANIPAT DISTRICT PANIPAT C ISRANA D SAMALKHA Km 5 0 :; 10 Km T }( \ C E BAPOLI ~ 4 I s ~ _- .__ x...,it . ~ ~ \ i' ~ 0 .:q.0~ . ~9 ">-0",> ~ 4 ~ "'e"ql) ~'l>~ B '\ . Adiysna. \ ".-'_' ',. " c.D. BLOCK BOUNDARY EXCLUDES STATUTORY TOWN (S) BOUNDARIES ARE UPDATED UPTO I.IZOOO .... TOTAL AlIEA OF DlsrruCT (In Sq. Km) ..... 1268.00 '{J~ TOTAL POPULATION OF DI STRICT ... _. .. .. .. 967,449 'e.. TOTAL NU MBER Of' mWNS IN D1S'I'RlC'J' ..... 6 TOTAL NUMBER OF VILLAGES IN DISTRICT .. 19Z IV I 1- FA T BOUNDARY: STATE: DISTRICT ...... .. _.. _ ; _._-- TAHSIL : C.D. BLOCK DI STRICT PANIPAT HEADQUATERS : DISTRICT TAHSIL C.D. BLOCK ... ... @ @ 0 CHANGE IN JURISDICTION 1991 - 2001 NH J NATIONAL HIGHWAY KmlO OIO )(m STATE HIGHWAY SH II l__l___j IMPORTANT METALLED ROAD ... .. ....... .. RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION, BROAD GAUGF. RS RIVER AND STREAM .. .\l..!: I. l'7~\ CANAL ...... • TAHSIL . 'j 1'. ';'l PANl PAT . ... ~ VILLAGE HAVING 5000 AND ABOVE POPULATION WITH NAME Kurantll• • TAHSiL· r · ( i URBAN AREA WITH POPULA nON SIZE CLASS j , II j , j V & V ..... IS_at.NA 'r 'l'AHSIL : --... ~NALKH.l TELEGRAPH m't'ICE... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ••••TO \ .... · .... ·-i DEGREE COLLEGE / TECHNICAL INSTITUTION ... .. ... ... ... ... ~ IT] REST HOUSE AND CANAL BUNGALOW ... ...... .. .. .. RH . CB BOUNDARY . STATE DISTRICT • Baboli Olher village having College / Technical Institution / TAIISII.. CB RH / CB etc. are shown as ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... AREA GAINED rROM Western Yamuna Canal ... ... W.Y.C. DISTRICT KARNAL AREA LaIT TO Three villages are in C.D. Block Gharaunda DISTRI CT J(ARNAL (District Karnal) but are parts of District Panipat G PARTS or DISTRICT PANIPAT P The Illaps included in this publicatioll an: based upon Survey of India Illap with the permissioll of the Survcyor (icnt:raloflndia. ((J (JovCflll1lCnt oflndia, Copyright 2007. Product Code Number ??-')'!?-200 I-CEN- Book(E) (ii) I War Memorial at Kala Amb (panipat) In 1761, Third Battle of Panipat was faught between Ahmad Shah Abdali and Maratha Sardar Shivrao Bhau at Kala Amb about 8 Kilometres from Panipat. He commanded his Maratha forces from this site. Marathas were defeated in this battle. It is said that there was a manago tree at this place. During third battle of Panipat so much blood of Marathas flowed here that the rnanago tree was also blackened.Black mango tree has since disappeared ,the black colour of the foliage was the reason for the origin of the name black mango tree. Since then the place is called 'Kala Amb'.Several villages in its vicinity were also the scene of heavy fighting in this historic battle. That is why Kala Amb was long remembered by the people. Haryana Govt. is developing this place as 'War Memorial'. At present the site is indicated by a brick pillar bearing an inscription in English and Urdu with iron rod at the top and the whole structure is enclosed by an iron fence. Contents Pages Foreword IX Preface xi Acknowledgements xii District Highlights - 2001 Census XlII Important Statistics in the District xv Ranking of Tahsils of State XVJI District at a Glance: Panipat XVII Statements 1-9 : Statemcnt I Name of the headquarters of the district/tahsils, their rural-urban status and distance from district headquarters, 2001 XIX Statement 2 Name of the headquarters of the district/C.D. Blocks, their rural-urban status and distance from district headquarters, 2001 XIX Statement 3 Population of the district at each Census from 190 I to 2001 XIX Statement 4 Area, Number of villages/towns and popUlation in the district and tahsil,2001 xx Statement 5 CD. Hlockwise number of villages and rural population, 2001 XXI Statemellt 6 Populatioll of Urball Agglomerations/towIIS, 200 I XXI Statement 7 Villages with population of 5,000 and above at CD. Block il:vel as pcr 200 I Census and amenities availablc XXIII Statement S Statutory towns with population less than 5000 as per 200 I ccnsus and amenities available XXIV Statement 9 Houselcss and Institutional population of tahsils, furai and urban, 200 I X.XIV Analytical Note (i) History and scope of the District Ccnslis I land Book 3 (ii) Brief History of the District 4 (v) (iii) Adminstrative Set-up 6 (iv) Physical featurcs 7 Location and sizc 7 Physiography 8 Drainage 8 Climate 8 Natural Economic resources, namely, Forestry, Minerals and mining, Soil and cropping pattern, Land and land-use pattern, Tenancy, Agriculture, Irrigation, Animal husbandry, fishery, Industry, Tradc and commcrce, Transport,Electricity&power, and Gram Panchayats 9 (v) CenslIs COJlccpts 18 (vi) NOIl-Ccnsus Conccpts 23 (vii) 200 I Ccnsus findings - Population and its distributions 28 Brief analysis or PCA data based on inset tables I to 36 35 Brief analysis of the Village Directory and Town Directory data based on 52 inset tables 37 to 47 Brief analysis of the data on hOllses and household amenities, Housel isting S9 Operations, Census data based on inset tanles 48 to 52 (viii) Major social and cultural events 64 (ix) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological importance 66 and places of tourist interest ill the district I).:) Scopc of Village Directory and Town Directory 68 PART A - VILLAGE ANI) TOWN IHH.ECTORY Sedioo I - Vill:lgc Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations used ill Village Directory 73 (b) List of villages llIerged in towns and outgrowths at 2001 Censlis 76 (c) C.D. Blockwise Village Directory Data Madlalld;1 CD. Block (i) C.D. Block Map KI (ii) Alphabetical list of villages alollgwith location codes 199 I alld 20() I 83 (iii) Village Directory 84 Pallipat C.D. Block (i) CD Block Map 93 (ii) Alphabetical list ofviJiages alollgwith location codes 1991 and 2001 95 (iii) Village Directory ISfalla CD. Block (i) CD. Block Map lOS (vi) (ii) Alphabetical list of villages alongwith location codes 1991 and 200 I 107 (iii) Village Directory 108 Samalkha C.O. Block (i) C.D. Block Map 117 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages alongwith location codes 1991 and 2001 119 (iii) Village Directory 120 Bapoli C.D. Block (i) C.D. Block Map 129 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages alongwith location codes 1991 and 2001 131 (iii) Village Directory 132 Gharaunda C.D. Block (Partly) (i) C.D. Block Map 143 Oi) Alphabetical list of villages alongwith location codes 1991 and 200 I 145 (iii) Villagc Directory 146 (d) Appendices to Village Dircctory Appendix I Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities in villagcs- C.D. Block level 148 Appcndix IA Villagcs by number of Primary Schools 152 Appcndix 113 Villages by Primary. Middle and Secondary Schools 152 Appcndix Ie Villages with different sourccs of drinking watcr facilities available 152 Appendix II Villages with 5,000 and above population which do not have one or morc amcnities availablc 153 Appendix llA Census Towns which do not have one or more amcnities 154 ApPl:lldix III Land utilisation data in respect of CCIlSlIS towlls/non-Illunicipal towns 154 Appcndix IV C.O. Blockwisc list of inhabited villages where no amenity othcr than drinking watcr facility is availablc 155 Appendix V Summary showing number of villages not having Scheduled Castcs' population 155 Appendix VI Summary showing number of villages not having Schcduled Tribes popUlation 155 Appcndix VIlA: List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 156 Castes to the total population by ranges Appendix vnB: List of villages according to the proportion of the Scheduled 161 Tribes to the total population by ranges (vii) Section II - Town Directory (a) Note explaining the abbreviations lIsed in Town Directory 162 (b) Statement I Status and Growth II istory 166 (c) Statement II Physical aspects und locat ion or towns,1999 166 (d) Statement III Municipal financc 1998-99 168 (c) Statcmcnt IV Civic und other amenities, 1999 168 (I) Statement V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural racil ities, 1999 170 (g) Statcment VI Trade, COllllllerce, Industry and Banking,1999 178 (11) Statement VII Civic and other amenities in slums, 1999 180 (i) Appcndix tll Town Directory - Towns showing their outgrowths with popUlation 184 PAR]' B - PJUMARV CENSUS ABSTRACT (a) Brief nll!e 011 Prilllary Censlis Abstract 187 (b) District Primary Census Abslrilct (C,eneral) 190 (c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e., Urban blockwise figures of Total, SC and ST Population 196 I'rilllw'j Cl'lISIiS Abstract (tH' Scheduled Castes 210 CD. !3lo\:k \Vis\: Village Primary CenslIs Abstract 216 l ""'an Primary Census Abstrad 252 ANNEXl.IRES Annexurc I NUlllbcr of villages under each Gram I'anchayat (Data could not be compi led) 279 Anllcxure II Fcrt il ity and Mortal ity, 199 I Censlis 279 Anllexure III VariollS measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991 Censlls 283 Annexure IV Perccntage distribution of Migrants by place of birth/place of last residence, 1991 and 200 I Censlises 284 Annexure V Brief account of main religions ill the district/tahsil as pCI' Il)l) I and 200 I Censuses 297 Annexure VI Marital Status of Population as per 1991 and 200 I Censuses 300 Annexure VII Age, Sex and Education in the district, 1991 and 2001 Censllses 303 Anllexure VIII Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 199 I and 200 I Censuses 307 Foreword he District Census Handbook (DCHB), published by Census Organisation since 1951 Census, is one Tof the important publications in the context of planning and development at grass-root level.
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