DOCONENT RESONE TD 204 118 SE 035 170 Maritime Education and Training Miscellaneous. - Hearings Before the Ad Hoc Select Subcopmittee on Nkritime Education and Training of the..Committee on Merclvnt Marine and Fisheries. House V' Repredentati*es, Ninety-sixth (December 6, 11, 1979, February 25, April 28, 198 . INSTITUTION. Congress of the U.S., as D.C. House Committee o'MeTchint Marine and Fisheries. !PORT NO . HouseSer-96-35 PUR DATE 25 Feb 80 NOTE 478p.: contains occasional small print. !DRS PRICE MK1/PC20 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Pelletal legislation: Federal Programs: Government Role: Higher Education: *Military Schools: *Military Training: Oceanography: *Postsecondary Education: *Seafarers: State Programs 'YMIITTPI2RS *Merchant Marines 4 ABSTRACT The three days of House subcommittee -.hearings reported it this transcript deal with the proposed Maritime Education and Trainiig Act, H.R.' 5451 and the Maritime Education and Training Elements of Maritiie Appropriations Authorization Act - -H.R. 6554. The primary go4' of the Ieaislation is to provide for the supply of merchant marine officers from federal and State. academies. Among the topics addressed in the hearingi are: (11/46minations and appointments procedures:.(2) federil subsidy to state academies:(3) types,of education-needed: 14) service obligations of program araduateg: and.,(5) the role of the federal government. (Author/W81 1 1. ***********************************************************************. ReprOductions supplied by `DRS are the best that can be made * from the original document. *********************************************************************** I DUCAT/0N 4 wal.FAite --.:;,;-.611 NATIONAL INSTITUTE Of - v".-'s, + 7:=AT;540.1, 4 EDUCATION It *- iNk -.4:, .7.Pe747, ,- THIS DOCumf NT HAS BEEN REPRO- 4-,:_.1,*; -4 --`,?-,-, :.., A- DUCE° EXACTLY AS. RECEIVED FROM .: 7:::%r .,, SHE OERSON Oa ORGANIZA To:toy opiGN irb*. .si s, - i...q a ATNG IT POINTS Or VIEW OR ORINIONi .. ..,..6-44' S' 1 AT ED 00 N01 NECESSARILY PEoRE k- ? Taro SENIOrf IC,AL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF i EDUCAT ION POSIT ION OR Poor,. r- USCa ',mama ro r(IF HEALT44 EDUCATION 4 WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCuMFN7 NO MEN REPRO- DuCED EXACTLY AS AECEivED s NOM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION OFic4N, ATolvG IT POokr$Or VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY NE APE SENT OAT IC.AL NATIONAL INSTIrIltE Or EOUCA710NROS+IrPON OR POLICY ,Y f`) I 1 oils AEARINGS BEFORE THE AD HOC SELECT SUBCOMMITTEE ON MARITIME EDUCATION AND TRAINING OF THE COMMITTEE .ON MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-SIXTH CONGRESS ON MARITIME EDUCATION AND TRAINING' ACT-Hit 5451 DECEMBER 8, 11; 1979; APRIL 28, 1980 MARITIME EDUCATION AND TRAINING ELEMENTS,)," 'OF MARITIME- APPROPRIATIONS AUTHORIZATION!! ACT-H.R. 6554 ti FEBRUARY 25, 1980 Serial Na 96-35 Printed for the use of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisherleak 1 di . 4' U.S, GOVERNMENT' PRINTING OFEICK 68.40,00 WASHINGTON :1980 lo COMMIITEE ON MERCHANT ;MARINE AND FISHERIES JOHN M. MURPHY, New York, Chairman THOMAS I. ASHLEY, Ohio PAUL N.*McCLOSKET, Ja.,, California JOHN D. DINGELL, Michigan GENE SNYDEFt, Kentucky WALTER O. JONES, North Carolina EDWIN B FORSYTHE, New Jersey MARIO BIAGGI, New York DAVID C TREEN, Lou mane' GLENN M. ANDERSON, California JOEL PIGICHARD, Washington E (KIKA) as LA GARZA; Texas DON YOUNG, Alaska JOHN B. BREAUX, Louisiana ROBERT E. BAUMAN, Maryland . °ERRE K STUDDS, Massachusetts NORMAN F. LENT. New York DAVID R. BOWEN, Mississippi DAVID F. EMERY, Maine owe= HUBBARD, Js., Kentucky ROBERT K. DORNAN, California DON BONKER,Washington THOMAS B EVANS, Ja., Delaware LES AuCOIN, Oregon PAUL S. TRIBL& Ja., Virginia NORMAN E. D'AMOUI%S, New Hampshire ROBERT W.DAVIS, Michigan ' JAWS L. OBERSTA& Minnesota WILLIAM CARNEY, New York WILLIAM J. HUGHES, New Jersey MELVIN H. EVANS, Virgin Islands BARBARA A. IIHICULSIG, Maryland BOBLIVINGSTON, Louisiana* DAVID E. BONIOR, Michigan DANIEL K. AKAKA, Hawaii MICHAEL OZZIE MYERS, Pennsylvania JOE WYATI, Texas , MIKE LOWRY. Washington EARL HUTTO; Florida EDWARD J. STACK, Florida BRIAN DONNELLY, Massachusetts Can L,Psiur, Chief of Staff LANNINCt J. CYBiustr, Jr., Chief Counsel Juin P. PIRIA, Chief Clerk/Adniunstrator JACK Satins, ChiefM. Minority Counsel AD 140C ERUCT EU.DODDIMITTIR ON MARITIME EDUCATION AND TRAINING LEE Au&HN, Oregon, Chairman ' DON BONKER. Washington ' 's DAVID F. EMERY, Maine NORMAN E. D'ASIOURS, New Nampshira DON YOUNG, Alaska* DAVID E. BONIOR, Michigan \ ROBERT W.DAVIS, Michigan K. AKAKA, Hawaii . PAUL N. MoCLOSKEY, ils., California 'JOHN BREAM. Louisiana . '. (Er Officio) JOHN MURPHY, New Eerie.: .. ON 5 PAN PANUHIN, Staff Director \\ LiftmanL.Surrimdr.,Counsel' \ . I &mum Bosn4aerk \ RONALD Looms, Minority Counsel . \ 'S ' Re tied Maith 10,1980. Electad to comiaittee March 10,1000. Was linking Minority Leader until Muth 10,1900. 0 CONTENTS MARITIME EDUCATION AID TRAINING ACT Pay Hearings held 6, 1979. 1 December91.1979 205 April 28. 1980 319 Text of H.R. 5451 ., i , 4 Reports from Defense (Navy).Department 31 Interior Department . 34 Statement of , Alhnght,.Rear Adm. Penrose, Director, Naval Reserve Law Programs, "end a member of the Navy Maritime Planning Policy Group 263 Alcentata, Comdr. Leonard, Chief, Maritime and International Law Divi sionoU.S. Coast Guard 109 Bednerik,. Jon, director of government affairs, International Association of Drilling Contractors_, Houston, Tex 244 Bell, Rear Mm. Henry H., Chief, Office of Merchant Marine Safety, VS Coast Guard 320 -,Benkert,.Rear Adm. William M., USCG (retired), president, American Institute of Merchant Shipping_ 257 .'' Brown Donald G., manager, Marine and Industry Coordination, Gulf Trarlincell Transportation Co Brown, president, Harry Lundeberg School, Seafarer's Interne tional Uniori 307 Cannaliato, Vincent, Jr., Chairman, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Ad- visory Board. 210 cam, Howard, Superintendent,U. Merchant Marine Academy 41 Collins, Rear Mm. U.S. Navy, Director, Logistic Plans Division, Department of' the Na 320 Eno, Capt. Walter, ye staff, Massachusetts Maritime Acade-, my 174 Figati, Capt. William, National Propeller Club 286 Friedberg, Artlitir, Director, Office of Maritime Labor and Training, Maritime Administration iii Gionelloni. V. J.. III. director:Wiliam Marine and Petroleum Institute 205 Harrington. Rear Mm. Lee. MS,' Massachusetts Maritime Academy, al2Zarde Bay, Mare . 174 HaravtitRozir Adni: Kenneth 0 USMS, dean, Texas Maritime College. Tex 196 Kidney , Rear Adm. S. H., USN ( president, State University of New York.Maritinie College. F Schuyler. Bronx, N.Y 122 Prepared statement 123 Leopold. Capt. Robert K. USN, Sealift Mobility and Maritime Affairs Section, Office of the Chief faval Operations, Department . the Navy 135 Lewis, Michelle. Civilian Personnel MilitgthSoerale Command 135 Mayberrytion, Capt. William, executive tor, Marine Service Amodia 287 McCowaa, Scott D., Chief, Manning Branch, Merchant Vessel Personnel Division, U.S. Coast Guard 109 Miller. W. MeNab, M. U.S. Merchant. Me Academy Alumni Associ. Won 268 r- . Pa®e , Statementof---Continued of= . Miller, 'W. Mc Nab, III, US Merchant Marine :Academy Aluntni Associ- ationContipued Prepareil statement. - ' 271 Morphy, Hon 'John M., chairman, Merchant Marine and Fisheries Com- mittee , 2 Matti, Capt. Harold, vice president, government relations, American Wa- terways Operators: ... - 236 Nemirow, SainueleAssistant Secretary of Commerce for Maritime Affairs, Department of Commerce .. ..... ... .........." ...... .. .. 41, 320 Prepared statement '42 Rector, Rear dm George B., USMS, director, Great Lakes ,Maritirne Academy,, Traverse City, Mich .. 191 Rime. Rear Mm. J. P., USMS, president, California Maritime Academy, Vallejo, Calif. 144 Rodgers, Rear Adm. E. A.. USMS, superintendent, Maine Maritime Aced- y, Castine, Maine- 160 rough, Vice AdiRobert H., vice commandant, U S. Coast Guard. 109 Trimble, Vice Adm. Paul E, US Coast Guard'(retired), president, Lake 4 Carriers' Association 248 ' TriffaitT, Dr. Henry F., director of human resources of the International Organization of Masters, Mates. and Pilots '297 Wilson. Lejeune, vice president, personnel and training, SEDCO. Inc, (drilling division), Dallas, Tex 244 Wolff, Hoe. Lester, p Representative in Congress 'from the State of New York... 36, 'a Yocum. James H., president,'U:S. Merchant ,Marine Academy Alumni Association. 263 Additional material supplied - Brown, Hazel: Questions of Mr. AuCoin and responses 316 Coast Guard: . License examination result? , 111 Propoestichanges to regulations for the Corps of Collets ........ ............. 260 Questions of Mr. AuCoin and answers 117 Harrington, Rear Adm. Lee: Responses of Massachusetts Maritime Acade- my to questions of Mr AuCoin - ... 186. Haynes, Rear Adm Kenneth G.: Answers to question of Mr. AuCoin ...., ...201 Kinney, Rear Adm. Sheldon H.: , 'Answers to quiation of Mr. AuCoin ..... .... ....................... .. ........ ... 131 -$ 'Comments on revised H.R. 5451 , 368 ,.. Maritime Adalinistration: Breakdown of the cost per graduate 57 Cleat enrolhnent . - 67 Class of 1976 parformanol on Coast *Guard deck licensing examina- tionthird mate examination....,.. 7 55 Coolinen la on redraft of H.R. 5451 ' 351 -Nonprofit maritime education and training facilities in the United , States 81 Op-Ed gesponse to Inquirer series on U.S.' Merchant-Marine Acade- my 52 ions of committee and answers ' 81 estions of Mr. Emery and answers 104 ponse of graduates 60 Work force demand "61 Miller, W. McNab, III: Proposed legislation
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