Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67985-5 — The Cambridge History of American Theatre Edited by Don B. Wilmeth , Christopher Bigsby Index More Information Index Abady, Josephine, 484 325, 328, 331–332, 335–342, 358, 363, 396, ABBA, 458 399, 407, 410, 469, 483–484 Abbott, George, 125, 171, 426, 430, 431, 433, Albee, Reed, 318 434, 437, 439, 441, 469, 472 Alcestis, 278, 285 ABC-Paramount, 174 Aldredge, Theoni V., 530 Abdoh, Reza, 274–275, 485 Alexander, Jane, 176 Abstract Expressionism, 93, 119 Alice, Mary, 388 Absurdism, 95, 97, 111, 113, 120, 134, 135, 141, Alice (R. Wilson), 278–279 151, 209, 212, 308, 332, 344, 396, 469 Alice in Wonderland, 211, 278–279 Abundance (Henley), 382 All About Eve, 437 Acconci, Vito, 148, 289 All-American, 437 Achebe, Chinua, 358 All in the Timing (Ives), 218 Act, The, 183 All My Sons (A. Miller), 97, 295, 296, 298, 299, Acting Company, the, 219–220 331, 406, 407, 414 Action (Shepard), 344 All Over (Albee), 337, 339, 340–341, 342 Actions, 268 All-Star Revue, 168 Actors’ Equity, 107, 172, 175, 188, 197, 244 Allegro, 421–422, 424, 425, 467 (+ n. 2) Actors Studio, The, 97, 112, 166, 468, 492–498, Allen, Woody, 525 500, 501–502, 503–504, 505 Alley Theatre, 126, 210, 231–232, 233 Actors Theatre of Louisville, 239, 241, 382, Alliance Theatre Company, 239 474 Allyson, June, 132 Actor’s Workshop, The, 176, 233–234 Altman, Robert, 315 ActUp, 154 Alton, Robert, 431 Adams, Lee, 436–437, 454 Am I Blue (Henley), 382 Adler, Richard, 433, 434, 436 Amadeus, 184 Adler, Stella, 96, 492, 496–498, 499, 500, 502, Amant militaire, L’ (Goldoni), 257 503 Ambrosio (Linney), 219 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (Twain), Ambush, Benny Sato, 484 185 America Hurrah! (Van Itallie), 135, 207, 256, advertising, 101, 171 276, 314 Afro-American Studio, 260 America Play, The (Parks), 152 After the Fall (A. Miller), 10, 15–16, 176, American Academy of Dramatic Arts, 491 322–323, 406, 414, 468 American Archeology #1 (Monk), 282 Ahrens, Lynn, 460, 461, 462 American Buffalo (Mamet), 208, 366, 367, 368, AIDS, 154, 155 369 Ain’t Misbehavin’, 184, 451 American Clock, The (A. Miller), 415 Ain’t Supposed to Die a Natural Death, 182, 450 American Conservatory Theatre, 127, 239, Akalaitis, JoAnne, 127, 146, 189, 200, 211, 216, 240–241 288, 289, 481, 482, 526 American Daughter, An (Wasserstein), 381 Akins, Zoë, 321 American Dream, The (Albee), 9, 113, 309–310, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, 240 311, 316, 336, 337 Albee, Edward, 9, 15, 113–114, 152–153, 172, American Indian Community House, 263 173, 196, 203, 204, 219, 309–311, 316–318, American Laboratory Theatre, 490, 491 554 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67985-5 — The Cambridge History of American Theatre Edited by Don B. Wilmeth , Christopher Bigsby Index More Information Index 555 American National Theatre, 487 Applause, 437 American National Theatre and Academy Apple, The (Gelber), 310 (ANTA), 220, 226, 227, 322 Apple Tree, The, 438 American Negro Theatre, 130 Approaching Simone (Terry), 322 American Pastoral (Roth), 2, 4–5 Approaching Zanzibar (Howe), 151 American Place Theatre, 216 Arcenas, Loy, 529 American Playground, 266 Archbishop’s Ceiling, The (A. Miller), 414–415 American Repertory Theatre, 127, 240, 242, Arden, Eve, 308 245, 250, 278, 288, 458, 481 Arena Stage, 16, 126, 127, 175, 228, 229, American Shakespeare Festival, 240 232–233 American Shakespeare Theatre, 470 Aristophanes, 121 American Tragedy, An (Dreiser), 504 Aristotle, 116, 159 Anderson, Laurie, 17, 158, 280, 284–285, 378 Arkin, Alan, 208 Anderson, Maxwell, 3, 89, 105, 294, 301, 302, Arlen, Harold, 422, 429, 449 422 Arnone, John, 213, 529 Anderson, Robert, 164, 167, 302, 333 Aronson, Boris, 125, 451–452, 515, 516 Anderson, Sherwood, 3 Aronson, Frances, 530 Andersson, Benny, 458 Aronstein, Martin, 530 Andrews, Julie, 190, 428, 435–436, 507 Arrabal, Fernando, 201 Andrews, Raymond, 277 ART (American Repertory Theatre), 127, 240, Andrews Sisters, 451 242, 245, 250, 278, 288, 458, 481 Andy Warhol’s Last Love, 274 Art (Reza), xvii, 191–192, 193 Angel City (Shepard), 344 Art of Loving, The (Fromm), 7, 9 Angelface (Foreman), 280 Artaud, Antonin, 10, 15, 18, 119, 120, 138, Angels Fall (L. Wilson), 399 175, 198, 211, 253, 254–255, 271, 338, 344, Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National 476 (+ n. 8), 477, 509, 510, 511 Themes (Kushner), 19, 115, 126, 154–155, Artifical Jungle (Ludlam), 261 189–190, 332, 403–405, 484–485 As Is (Hoffman), 154, 212 Angels of Light, 262 Ashbery, John, 119 Angels of Swedenborg, The (Chong), 283 Ashman, Howard, 213, 458 Animation (Breuer), 211, 289 Asolo Center for the Performing Arts, 240 Ann-Margret, 301 Aspects of Love, 459 Anna Christie (O’Neill), 434, 501 Assassins, 213, 460 Anna Lucasta (Yordan), 130 Assistant, The (Malamud), 6 Anne of the Thousand Days (M. Anderson), Association of Producing Artists (APA), 301 176–177, 205, 250 Annex, the, 201 At the Chelsea, 273–274 Annie, 182, 454, 458, 459, 461 At The Foot of the Mountain, 262 Annie Get Your Gun, 425, 507 Atkinson, Brooks, 103, 110, 172, 178, 220, 238 Annie Warbucks, 459–460 Atlantic Theatre, 208 Anniversary Waltz, 168 ATLAS: an opera in three parts (Monk), 283 Anniversary Waltz (Shaw/Weaver), 263 Auden, W.H., 119, 252 Another Part of the Forest (Hellman), 301 audience figures, 102, 110 Another Person Is a Foreign Country (Mee), audience participation, 12, 136, 158, 177, 318, 275, 486 338–339 Anouilh, Jean, 170, 396 Auslisi, Joseph G., 530 ANTA (American National Theatre and Austin, Lyn, 216 Academy), 220, 226, 227, 322 Auto, 273 Antenna, 273 Autumn Garden, The (Hellman), 302 Anthony, Joseph, 467 Awake and Sing (Odets), 491, 500 Antigone, 269, 318 Axelrod, George, 166 Antin, Eleanor, 291 Ayckbourn, Alan, 213 Any Woman Can’t (Wasserstein), 381 Anyone Can Whistle, 441 B. Beaver Animation (Breuer), 288 Anything Goes, 189, 440, 461, 515 Babbitt, Milton, 91 APA (Association of Producing Artists), Babe, Thomas, 199 176–177, 205, 250 Bacall, Lauren, 455 Apocalypse cum figuris, 319 Bacchae, The (Euripides), 136, 272, 319, 477 Apollo Theatre, 191 Bachelor Girls (Wasserstein), 381 Appia, Adolphe, 514 Back Bog Beast Bait (Shepard), 343–344 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67985-5 — The Cambridge History of American Theatre Edited by Don B. Wilmeth , Christopher Bigsby Index More Information 556 Index Bad Habits (McNally), 212–213 Beauty Queen of Leenane, The (McDonagh), Bad Penny (Wellman), 217 xvii, 193 Bad Seed, The (M. Anderson), 302 Beck, Julian, 11, 12, 118–119, 142, 203–204, Baile de los Gigantes, El, 258 251–252, 254–255, 269–270, 318, 333, 334, Bailey, Pearl, 449 338, 467, 477, 509, 510 Baitz, Jon Robin, 213 Beckett, Samuel, 108, 113, 132, 134, 166, 201, Baker, Carroll, 505 204, 211, 214, 221, 234, 260, 288, 304, 308, Baker, Word, 446 309, 315, 332, 334, 336, 339, 344, 469, 481 Baker’s Wife, The, 447 Beggar’s Theatre, the, 273 Balanchine, George, 94, 430 Begley, Ed, 296 Balcony, The (Genet), 204, 211, 272, 316 Behrman, S.N., 105 Bald Soprano, The (Ionesco), 204 Bel Geddes, Norman, 89, 515 Baldwin, Alec, 365, 508 Belafonte, Harry, 429 Baldwin, James, 6, 13, 321, 393 Belasco, David, 89, 514, 518 Ball, Lucille, 437 Bell, Daniel, 4, 12 Ball, William, 240–241, 475 Bell, John, 485 Ballad of the Sad Café, The (Albee), 316 Belle Reprieve, 264 Ballad of the Sad Café, The (McCullers), 316 Bellow, Saul, 6, 7, 341 Ballard, Lucinda, 518 Bells Are Ringing, 426, 431, 434 Ballroom, 448 Belmondo, Jean-Paul, 112 Balm in Gilead (L. Wilson), 208, 315–316, 397 Bennett, Michael, 125, 145, 179, 180–181, 188, Baltimore Waltz, The (Vogel), 154, 380 200, 443, 444, 448, 456, 457, 482 BAM Theatre Company, 218 Benthall, Michael, 471 Bancroft, Anne, 97, 168 Bentley, Eric, 95 Bankhead, Tallulah, 402 Berad, Mark, 529 Baptism, The (Baraka), 130–131, 320, 363 Berezin, Tanya, 208, 212 Baraka, Amiri (LeRoi Jones), 14, 129–131, 140, Berghof, Herbert, 499 204, 214, 260, 320–321, 336, 363–365, 386, Bergman, Ingmar, 179, 218, 286, 452 393, 394 Berkeley, Busby, 450 Baranski, Christine, 213 Berkeley Repertory Theatre, 240 Barba, Eugenio, 139–140, 271 Berky, Bob, 215 Barefoot in Athens (M. Anderson), 302 Berlin, Irving, 122, 425, 426, 436 Barefoot in the Park (Simon), 133, 326, 402, Berlin, Pamela, 484 473 Berlin Stories (Isherwood), 439 Barnum, 455, 460 Berliner Ensemble, 471 Barr, Richard, 173, 204 Bernhardt, Elise, 282 Barrault, Jean-Louis, 13 Bernstein, Aline, 517, 518 Barreca, Chris, 529 Bernstein, Elmer, 436 Barry, Philip, 3 Bernstein, Leonard, 91, 124–125, 171, 180, 430, Barrymore, John, 514 431–432, 435, 454 Bart, Lionel, 441 Berrigan, Daniel, 10 Bartenieff, George, 219 Berry, Brenda, 530 Barter Theatre, 228 Berry, Chuck, 121 Barth, John, 10 Besoyan, Rick, 440 Barthelme, Donald, 10 Best Little Whorehouse Goes Public, The, 459 Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel, The (Rabe), Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, The, 456 199, 400–401 Best Man, The (Vidal), 168 Battle of Angels (T. Williams), 305 Betti, Ugo, 271 Baumol, William, 242, 243 Beyond the Mountains (Rexroth), 252 Bay, Howard, 442 Big, 461 Beard, The (McClure), 116, 314 Big Knife, The (Odets), 301 Beast’s Story, A (Kennedy), 360, 362–363 Big River: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Beat movement, 114–116, 119, 130, 343, 344, 126, 185, 458 363 “Big Spender,” 437 Beatlemania, 451 Bigsby, Christopher, 332 Beatles, the, 123, 134, 137, 138, 141 Bijou Theatre, 186 Beatty, John Lee, 529–530 Billington, Ken, 530 Beauty and the Beast (Disney), 157, 191, 213, Billy Rose Theatre, 310, 316, 317, 340 459 Biloxi Blues (Simon), 184, 402 Beauty and the Beast (Split Britches), 263 Birkenhead, Susan, 460 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-67985-5 — The Cambridge History of American Theatre Edited by Don B.
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