DOCUMENT RESUME ED 221 648 CE 030 413 AUTHOR k,Eno, Rebecca A. TITLE Project LEAP. "Something Stops You andMakes You Think": Am Adaptation. Final Report. INSTITUTION Center for Literacy, Inc.,Philadelphia, PA. SPONS AGENCY Pennsylvana State Dept. of Education,Harrisburg. Div. of Adult Education andTraining Programs: PUB DATE 81 CONTRACT 80-98-0802 NOTE 136p.; Document contains two cropped pages. EDRS PRICE MF01/PC06 Plus Postage. AMSCRIPTORS- Adult Basic Education; AdultEducation; *Adult' Literacy; Adult Programs; English(Second Language); *Literacy Education; Program Effectiveness;*Program Improvement; *StudentReciiiitment; *Tutoring; Volunteers; *Volunteer Training IDENTIFIERS Project LEAP 6 ABSTRACT Philadelphia's Center for Literacy (CFL),in an -0.-ffort-io-improve_recruitment and retention ofvolunteers for programs in tutorialliteracy indi Eifgrith-as -a-Second-Language___ML)_, conducted the following activitiesUnder its 1980-81 Section 310 grant: (1) installed atelephone recording machine forafter-hours brochure about the program with a 0calls; (2) produced en 'informative response sheet)(I) conducted two ESL and three basicliteracy workshops.to train a total of 77new volunteer,tutors; and (4) continued to use media publicservice announcements developed during the project. The refinementsof the program were recommended tobe continued. (Document appendixescontain log sheets for daytime and after-hours callsthe brochure describing the program, anoutline of CFL tutor-training.workshops,the CFL Literacy Tutor-Training Handbook, and workihop evaluations.)(Author/KC) ********************************************************************* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are thebest that can be made from the original document. *********t******-*******************4****************************;****** Project LEAP "Something Stops You and Makes You Think": An Adaptation final report written by: Rebecca A. Eno Project Director The Center for Literacy Project LEAP originally developed by Thomas R.Newman Contract #80-98-0802, a project of: The:Center for_Literacy, Inc. 3723 Chestnut Straet Philadelphia, PA 19104 Funded by A $3000 grant* from: Commonwealth-of-PennsylvaniaL_______ Department of Education Division of Adult Education, Continuing Education and Training Programs , 333 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17108 * (with $300 local funding) Copies of this report sent to ERIC and AdvancE The activity which is the subjectof this repert has been supported under an adult education grant awarded tothe Canter for Literacy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by the Pennsylvania Departmentof Education. The opinions expressed herein do notnecessarily reflect the position or policy of the PennsylvaniaDepartment of Education. .g U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION MATERIAL HASBEEN GRANTED -CENTER (ERIC/ BY This document' has been reproduced as received from the person or organdation (Y) originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve /91-61-t_e_ reproduction quality. TO THE EDUCATIONAL Points of view or opinions stated in this docu- RESOURCES ment do not necessarily represent official NIE INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." position or policy. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract... Introduction 4 The Machine 7 The Brochure 10 The ESL Tutor-Training Program 12 The-Literacy Tutor-Training Program 14 And the Recruitment Goes On 17 Conclusions and Recommendations 18 Appendix A: Comparison of Daytime and After-Hours Calls to the Center for Literacy 20 Appendix B: Brochure: "Filling in the Blanks" and Bookmark 21 APpendix "CFL Tutor-Training Workshop" outline 23 Appendix D: CFL Literacy Tutor-Training Handbook 27 Appendix E: Workshop Evaluations; Pre- and Post-test 95 3 . ABSTRACT In an effort to improve its plan torecruit and retain volunteers for,its tutorial literacy and ESL programs,and to aontinue recruit- ment of students,_Philadelphia's Centerfor Literacy (CFL) set out to achieve the following goals under its1980-81-Section 510 Grant: _.(1) to install a telephoae recording machinefor after-hours calls; (2) too produce.an informative brochurewith a response sheet; (3) to provide 2 Eft and 3 basic literacyworkshops to train volunteer tutors; and (4).to continue to use media spotsdeveloped by Project LEAP. Thil natiAtive-report-and-evaluation attemptsto demonstrate how all of these various specificsub-goatt-combine to help the Center achieve special irterest to its major goal. The new CFL brochure may be of individuals involved in public relations andrecruitment of volunteers for literacy and ESL programs.Educators who are involvedin:training literacy tutors or who teach literacyskills themselves should find the- neww. CFL Literacy TutorTraining Packet most valuable. 4. INTRODUCTION' * Project LEAP (Literacy EducationAwareness in Pennsylvania) was Cenier for originated in 1977 by Thomas R. Newman, astaff member at The make the,public Literacy in Philadelphia. The project was designed to the Commonwealth aware of the problem ofadult illiteracy And the steps has taken to solve this problem; morespecifically, to increase enroll- literacy ment in ABE classes and torecruit more volunteers for one-to-one the booklet, "Something programs. The end product of Project LEAP was Stops You and Makes YouThink: A Practical Guide toPublic Information and the Media." to meet the The Center forLiteracy.(CFL) has continued in its efforts reach the hard-to- standards set by Project LEAP. We continue to try to education, and to reach folks who most needthe.services of adult basic social problem, rather promote the notion thatilliteracy is a legitimate While we may not yet beattracting -than a shameful individualfailure. enough potential students those most.difficult toreach, we have attracted _ a_student waiting for .our--own-literacy,andrESL_programs that we .maintain available volunteer list which is consistentlylarger than our pool of tutors. retention of Thus, our major problem hasbecome the recruitment and solve this problem that CFL volunteer tutors. It was in order to help concept,.under an embarked upon a new plan toadapt the Project LEAP The "Adapter/Adopter Grant" from AdultEducation Act's Section 310 funds. goals of the new project were: machine to 1. to purchase andinstall a telephone message-recording recruits responding to prevent the loss ofafter-hours and weekend public service announcements. 5. 2. to_develop an informativebrochure with a tear-off response form lo be mailed-to-potentil volunteers orstudents. 3. to provide 2 training.workshopsfor English as a Second Language volunteer tutors4 4. to provide 3 training workshopsfor basic literacy volunteer tutors. 5. to utilize radio and television spotsdeveloped by Project LEAP to recruit tutors and students. The proposed starting and endingdates for this project were Septem- ber,1, 1980, and June 30, 1981 respectively. The project did not actually until CFL received get under way until March , 1981, necessarily delayed start-up moneys. CFL's business manager, William J. Barrett,administered this mini- in the project until he took a positionelsewhere and the project.was left The director hands of this report writer,Rebecca Eno in late April, 1981. in the of CFL's Adult LearningServices, Marlyn DeWitt, was instrumental and transition between project directorsand continued as a resource person contributed to the success champion of the cause. Other individuals who have specialist, of the project are: HelenaFrazier, our information and referral who took charge of the new"Record-a-Call" machine by recordingout-going machine; Mawrien messages and contacting everyonewho left informatiOn on the designed and Pitcher, a student at the ArtInstitute of Philadelphia, who completed the art work for thebrochure; Martha Lane and the Lutheran Church Women who produced the ESLtutor's guide, EmergencyEnglish for . literacy Refugees; ESL tutor trainers KarenDahmer and Gail Weinstein;'basic John Cole and tutor trainers RobertPreSton,,Martha Lane, Marlyn,DeWitt, training cur- Rebecca Eno (the last threeof whom developed CFL's own tutor riculum included with this report);Mary Larkin who designee thebookmark; Bridget Martin who patiently typedthis report; and the Board of Trustees, students. the Adult Learning ServicesCommittee, and CFL's tutors and LIL 6. This final project report should provemost useful to adult educatdrs, particularly those in volunteer, onetooneliteracy programs, who volunteer liter- are involved in publicrelations and/or in the training bf 1 acy or ESL tutors. It is our hope that the ideas andresults contained in permanent file at herein are helpful. Copies of this report are kept Pennsylvania's Department of Education.Copies have also been sent to the following dissemination centerg: (1) ERIC Documentation ReproductionService P.O. Box 190 Arlington, VA 22210 (2) AdvancE Stayer Research and Learning Center Millersville State College Millersville, PA 17551 ...TkE MACHINE t For yearg, the Center for Literacy has sentpublic service an- nouncements to various local radio andtelevision stations:The stations' generosity in running these PSA's has resulted in many, manycalls to CFL from potential tutors and students.However, we have always feared that there might be a big hole in the efficacy of thePSA scheme.PSA's are often played at odd hours.Bbit people watch/listen to the electronic media after regular working hours. Individuals who are'interested in the Center's program are most likely to call the given telephonenumber immediately
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