26484 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 7, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO GARY P. HAYES-A Gary's strong and effective leadership, CFrom the New York Times, Oct. 7, 19851 TRUE FRIEND OF LAW EN­ PERF has provided important management WHY NoT Do AS WE SAY? FORCEMENT services and training; selected police chiefs; <By Anthony Lewis> conducted research; and fostered innova­ BosToN.-"They should deal with the Af­ HON. MARIO BIAGGI tion in police operations. Gary was hand­ rican National Congress." That was Secre­ OF NEW YORK picked to be the founding executive direc­ tary of State Shultz's urgent advice last IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tor of this well-respected group by Patrick week to the South African Government. He Murphy, former New York City Police Monday, October 7, 1985 said Pretoria should release Nelson Mandela Commissioner and the founder of the from prison and start talking with him and Mr. BIAGGI. Mr. Speaker, I want to pay Police Foundation. In what turned out to his banned nationalist organization. a very special tribute today to Gary P. be an appropriate twist of fate, PERF Sound advice, most specialists on South Hayes, the founding executive director of awarded their second annual leadership Africa would say, because the A.N.C. has widespread support among the black maJori· the Police Executive Research Forum. Gary award earlier this year to Patrick Murphy. died on September 8 at the very young age ty. But there is a puzzling question about it: I was most honored to present the award Why don't Secretary Shultz and his col­ of 40. He had much left to give this Nation, that night in May, but more importantly, leagues take the advice themselves? especially our law enforcement community. the occasion provided a fitting opportunity Reagan Administration officials will not Without question, his loss will be sorely for two longtime friends and associates to meet leaders of the A.N.C. There have been felt. However, I do not intend to dwell on express their deep mutual respect for one casual encounters with American diplomats that loss today. Instead, I want to discuss another. In fact, as moving as any words at receptions here and there, but U.S. policy Gary's exceptional commitment to law en­ that were spoken that night was Gary's excludes regular appointments and discus­ forcement, his shining example, and his sions. presence, since he was in a very weakened South African business leaders went to many triumphs. state due to his illness. It was obvious to I am especially proud to pay tribute to Zambia last month to talk with officials of anyone in attendance that Gary Hayes was the A.N.C. But those officials are not invit· Gary because of the two common bonds an admired man-by those who knew him ed to the U.S. Embassy in Lusaka. Oliver that we share-a law enforcement back­ well and by those who only knew of him. Tambo, the A.N.C. president, came to this ground and the fact that we are both New He had done so much in so little time and, country last spring and met business people York City natives. Over the last few years, mainly, it was because he cared so much and others. He was not invited to the State I am pleased to say that we also shared about what he was doing. Department. many goals, including the enactment of leg­ Urging South Africa to talk with the The police community has made great A.N.C. while we do not do so ourselves is so islation to outlaw armor-piercing "cop strides in recent years and to a large meas­ killer" bullets, and the establishment of a curious that to make sure the policy re­ ure that progress is due to Gary's work, es­ mained in effect, I asked the State Depart­ National Law Enforcement Heroes Memo­ pecially at PERF, which provided the law ment last week. A spokesman checked with rial. Both of these goals will soon be enforcement community with a unique op­ an official of the African Bureau and then achieved, and Gary, as well as the very portunity to exchange ideas and informa­ reported: "You're right, we have never met competent individuals he guided at PERF, tion important to American policing. theA.N.C." deserve much of the credit for these soon­ Gary gave us a great deal and through That anaomaly is indicative of the more to-be completed success stories. general trouble with the Reagan policy his work and his example he will continue toward South Africa. While Mr. Shultz says Gary's interest and activities in law en­ to give. He was a truly special person and forcement date back to 1969 when he that the apartheid system must go-and his death is a major blow to us all. Yet, we means it-the message does not get through served as a patrolman for the Westchester are comforted by all he was able to accom­ to South Africans with clarity or force. County, NY, Parkway Police. Later, Gary plish and we offer our condolences and The recent history of American policy is went on to become a lawyer, a consultant continued strength to his wife, Susan, and one reason for its muffled impact in South to the Police Foundation, an assistant to his two sons, JG and Alexander. Africa. For four years the Reagan Adminis· the mayor of Boston for police affairs, and tration acted on the assumptions that P.W. an assistant police commissioner of Boston Botha's Government was ready for accom­ from 1973 to 1976. modation on its borders and meaningful HOLDING PRETORIA reform at home. The assumptions were fal· In honor of his expertise and consider­ ACCOUNTABLE lacious. And acting on them, cozying up to able abilities, Gary was appointed by Presi­ the white regime, made the United States dent Carter to serve on the Justice Depart­ look like its supporter. ment's Bureau of Justice Statistics Adviso­ HON. ROBERT GARCIA Events forced a change in the Reagan ry Board. This would have been a full OF NEW YORK policy. Mr. Botha's brutal repression at career for most ordinary people, but Gary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES home and military aggression across the was extraordinary and he had much to do borders made it impossible to keep saying in the short time he was given. He went on Monday, October 7, 1985 with a straight face that change was at hand. Congressional opposition was about to the serve as chairman of the National Mr. GARCIA. Mr. Speaker, today's New overwhelm the policy when President Forum on Criminal Justice. He was a York Times had an article by columnist Reagan made his timely switch to modest member of the steering committee of the Anthony Lewis on the need for the Reagan sanctions against apartheid. National Crime Prevention Coalition. He administration to speak with clarity in its But American responses to the alarming was a founder of the Commission on Law condemnation of the South African Gov­ reality of the South African crisis remain Enforcement Accreditation, and he served ernment. faint and timid. Mr. Botha insults the on the National Coalition of Jail Reform. As Mr. Lewis so aptly points out, we United States, and the whisper comes back. The list goes on, but certainly for the must hold Pretoria accountable for its ac­ His police shoot children, and you have to strain to hear any comment from the Presi­ final 10 years of his life, the bulk of Gary's tions, "by speaking with one voice, acting dent of the United States. vast professional energies were devoted to on stated principles, marshaling its eco­ There could hardly be a more deliberate the Police Executive Research Forum, a nomic and political resources against the insult, between supposed diplomatic friends, professional organization representing racist system it condemned." He's right. I than what the South African Government some 80 police chiefs of major cities. Under submit his article for the RECORD: has done lately on its borders. Its planes e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member of the Senate on the floor. Boldface type indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. October 7, 1985 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 26485 and troops have struck deep into Angola, In 1971, Al's horizons broadened and he present the Maimonides Award to Alfred J. and it has admitted supporting terrorist pursued a position on the Morris County Sherman, M.D., for best personifying the forces in Mozambique-both in violation of Board of Chosen Freeholders. After cam­ "Maimonides" tradition, "both as a caring the most serious undertakings to the United States. paigning tirelessly across the county, Al physican and as a concerned citizen dedi­ To that President Botha has recently was, in fact, elected to the board. Within 2 cated to the welfare of his community and added personal insults. Speaking to a party years, he had so effectively won the praise the State of Israel." congress, he said: "President Reagan, who and admiration of his colleagues that he I would like to bring to the attention of has much to say in his mispronouncing way was selected as the deputy director of the my colleagues in the U.S. Congress some of about apartheid, is shoving Indians into res­ board, under my watchful eye as the direc­ the contributions Dr. Sherman has made ervations ..." tor of the board.
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