> MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1966 PAGE TWENTY iianrlifi^0t(r lEarnittg l|rraUi ATtrsM DMIr Nat Praas Ran The Weather Wte U u W M i EhtasE Staewwl a« V. t. WsaDMo ReiM Professional Women's au b Member* of the Mancheiter IWr, BPS M oaU tonItkA Imt I Fine Art ABsoclation have been RC Sets Course About T o ^ w ill have its opening meeting Msi eloady en i nUO* of the season tomorrow at Cent­ livvited by the Qlaitonbury Art 14,361 ito tr te tY r lEwmtttg On Basic Care Ugh la aatadto «*w RlgMand Park ISchool PTA er Congregational Church after League to a demonstration to­ •( Dm A p a i 'Btxuih will h«vt an Open House a potluck at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. night at 8 by Alexy Von Schl- Mr*. Howard Boyd, chairman U a n eh 9$tm ^A City of VOiago Charm Wednes<liay from 7 to # p.m. The Mj^lle Williams Is chairman of ippe at Wells ’Turner Memorial event Is open to perents of pu­ Library, 2407 Main St., Glas­ of the Manchester Red Croa* a commltttee in charge of the Nursing Service* Conrunlttee, pils and all those Interested In event. She is assisted by Miss tonbury. The artist 1* professor MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1965 (OUwUM AAvarttslac «e Pag* U) PRIOR SEVEN CENTS vlaltinf the new school building. of art at the University of Conn­ has announced that a home VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 806 (SIXTBSN PAGES) HuldeJi Butler, Mrs. Richard nursing course on the care of PTA mombershlpe will bo on ecticut. MoLagan, Mrs. Ellen Llngard the sick and injured wtll begin •ale. and Miss Avis Kellogg. Oct. 6 at the Manchester Red Story Circle, W»CS, of South Hie Senior Choir of the Cross headquarters at 237 B. Loose Moose The Women’s F'ellowsihlp of Methodist Church will meet Center St. Church of the Assumption will Center Congregational Church Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in Classes will be held each rehearse Wednesday at 7:48 BAST HARTFORD (AP) will meet tonight at 8 In Me­ Wesley Hall of the church. Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30 — A moo** on th* kw** was p.m. at the church. Prospective morial HaU. The Rt. Rev. Magr. Volcano Erupts, Fate a.m. for a period of six weeks members are invited. spottod m A y till* momlnc Edward J. Reardon, pastor of St. The Women's Club of Man- and are open to all interested In th* aouthsoat oocnar of James’^ Church, will speak on cheoter will meet tonight at 8 adults. Mrs. Mary Dlugos, Red The Manchester Women’s Re­ town. "Background of the Present at Oocordla Lutheran Church. Cross Registered Nurse instruc­ publican Club will sponsor a "It fUiaUy l«ap*d over a Vatican Council in Relation to tor, will teach the course. Fall Hat Show Wednesday from slx.toot f*nc* and dloap- the Home.’’ There will be a cof­ The purpose of the course, 7 to 9:30 p.m. at Mott’s Com­ Members of Sunset Rebekah pearod Into th« wood*," oold say8 Mrs. Boyd, is to present munity Hall. Refreshments will fee hour at 7:30. and King I>avld Lodges, lOOF, * poUotmon. an opportunity for at least one Of 2,000 Not Known will meet tonight at 8 at Wat­ Th* auu Board of Fl*h> be served. ’The public Is Invited. member of a family to be ready Tickets will be sold at the door. Members of Mancheater kins - West Fimeral Home, 142 •ii«* and G«m* b*H*v** th* Lodge of Masons will meet to­ E, Center St. to pay respects for an emergency or an Illness moo** I* th* aam* on* that night at 6:48 p.m. at the Ma- to ■'Julius strong, a member. at home. Instruction will ge giv­ w*a r*porUd last fall in Nl- Manchester Chapter of en in feeding the patient, tem­ SPBBSQSA will rehearse tonight iKindc Temple and proceed to the The Odd Fellows will conduct antic State Forest and * Watkins West Funeral Home, a service tonight at the funeral perature taking, giving medi­ f*w w**k* ago in Groton. at 8 at Bunco School, Olcott St. cine safely, recognizing symp­ Heat Bars The event is open to all men in­ 142 E. Center St., to conduct a home. "Apparently," he laid, Memorial Service at 7 for a toms and giving simple treat­ "If* an animal that is not terested in barbershop style ments. singing. member of Brooklyn Lodge of The American Legion will complete physically or men­ Masons, the late JuUus L. meet ’ tewnorrow at 8:15 p.m. at Persona Interested in regis­ tally. It may have a parasite Rescuers tering for the course are invit­ Miss Mallory schardt, daugh­ Strong. the post home, Leonard St. The In- the brain or a disease executive committee will meet ed to call the Red Cross office ttwt hoe made It act ab­ ter of Dr. and Mrs. Walter or Mrs. Boyd at home. ‘There is Schardt of 31 Eastland Dr.; Manchester Lodge of Masons at 7. normally and leave Its F rom Taal 2 no charge for the course. Mias Cecily Biigland, daughter will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. home In the north woods." at the Masonic Temple. Histori­ MANILA (AP) — Th« of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil W. Eng­ The executive board of the On the other hand, he an Lyle T. Neddow will re\’lew land of 231 Timrod Rd.; and South School pTA will meet to­ oold, it may be Jum a young Taal Volcano erupted to> the history of Manchester Miss Joyce Flynn daughter of morrow at 8 p.m. at the home animal who wants to see day and veiled in smoke Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin N. Flynn of Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Per- CO SM ETICS the worid. and flame the fate of of 149 Porter St. have recently acchio, 530 Spring St. WE CARRY ALL about 2,000 islanders who Friendship Circle of The Sal­ THE TOP LINES returned to Elmira (N.Y.) Col­ vation Army will meet tonight farmed on and around its lege. Miss Schardt is a sopho­ The class reunion committee State News gentle slopes. at 6:30 at the church for potluck. of 1935B, Manchester High ARTHUR DRUG w rlfll 1 more while Miss Elngland and Brig, and Mrs. Thomas Seaver The Philippine constabulary Miss Flynn are seniors. School, will meet tonight at 7:30 ■aid 11 person* were known of Hartford will apeak and show at the home of Mrs. John Buck, Truck Litter slides of their recent trip to the dead. 137 Spruce St. Dinner reserva­ Intense heat barred rescus Salvation Army Centennial cele­ tions close Friday and may be bration in London, Bkigland. Blows 150 boats from landing on the 12.6- made with the Class Reunion COME SEE OUR square-mile Island oentered Members are reminded to bring Committee, 138 Spruce St. iicttlng V/eeWy Coupon place settings. The event is open MATERNITY FALL around the volcano. LECLERC Lava, ash and steaming mud to members and guests. Auto Tires FUNERAL HOME Miantonomoh ’Tribe, lORM, COLLECTION covered more than half of th* will meet tonight at 8 In Tinker Savings on GREAT BARRING’TON. Mass. Uland, a scenic beauty spot on ’ITiere will be an extra period V o o l and Dressy Dresses, Hall. the tip of Luson, 40 miles south FUNERAL of registration for the Manches­ Stretch Slacks, Skirts, , Dinnerware . (AP)—^Robert Rlghtmeyer, 38, Blouses, Bras, Girdles, Slips of Manila. ter Adult ESvenlng School to­ Memorial Temple, Pythian of Rlchmondvllle, N.Y., forfeit­ and Panties. I don’t know when we can SERVICE night at Manchester High ed a $60 bond in Great Barring­ Sisters, will meet tomorrow at 8 get in," said a constabulary od. WALTER N. School from 6:46 to 8. Courses p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. A ton District Court today after fleer at Batangas, the provincial LECLERC are stiH open In the fine arts, public ‘‘Luncheon Is Served” he authorized 'a plea of guilty capital. "We have four motor, Director language, home and family, bus­ will be preeented at 6 :30. ‘I'lcketB Glazier's to a charge of littering 82 miles The Hostess with the Mostest on the Ball boats ready.” iness, high school equivalency may be purchased at the door. of highway in Massachusetts 23 Main Street, Manchester 631 Main S t — Manchester The eruption was Taal’e 19UI and Americanization for foreign Members are reminded to bring Shriver takes the snap, fades back and . No it's not the N I^ , it’s a Wash­ and Connecticut. Call 649-5869 Corset and Uniform Shop In recorded history. bom programs. articles for a cup auction. ington benefit lawn party. The quarterback is Mrs. Eunice Shriver and the Rlghtmeyer did not appear In rest of the squad (and the opposition) included her sons and then- teen con­ court. The 18th, In 1911, 1* reported Police sold rivets and metal here to have killed 1,336 people. temporaries. Mrs. Shriver, the former Eunice Kennedy, was hostess for the The exact toll, however, never party when the old Kennedy urge for touch football came to the fore. Both the filings dropped from his truck and caused 160 tire punctures became known. It has been estt. game and the benefit w«re successful. (AP Photofax.)___________________ _ on cars of ensuing motorists. mated by The World Almanao, Cars pulled off the road vrith an authoritative reference worl^ as 3,000.
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