Assessment/Anlaysis # Report;si t Public Disclosure Authorized Report E0069 V ~~China -".' gn..,:E <0'' 0dXN 0'; Public Disclosure Authorized ..,. , Pr4op.osed .. ose. Shangh-ai-Shejilang..:.....-~Sh~ Jim N ang:..,j,.... Public Disclosure Authorized E'nvironmental AssessmentSummary. Nove'mber 1993 Public Disclosure Authorized This, report has been prepared by the Borrower or its Consultant Environmental Assessment/Analysis Reports Report E China- Shanghai-Zhejiang Highway Project EA Category A Environmental Assessment Summary Shanshai-langzhouExpressway Project (Zhejiang Section) ExecutiveSuzmary of EnvironmentImpact Assessment In Nay 1990.the StateEnvironment Protection Bureau Authorized ZhejiangProvincial Research Institute of EnvironmentProtection (ZPRIEP)to performEXA for the wholealignment of the projectin accordancewith the TOR of EIA for ZheiiangSection (Bangzhou- Fensjing) of Shanghai-HangzhouExpressway project. ZPRIEP has made detail site surveying of backgroundconditions and forecastingto three alternative alignments of the expressway over a lengthof about103 km betweenHangzhou and Fengjingfrom view point of environment protection combined with engineering and economic regards and put forward the opinion that the selected alignment has the least adverse impacts on land occupation, populated towns and villages, background water quality and cultural/historic heritases, and submitted the " EnvironmentImpact Statement for Zhejiang Section (Iangzhou-Fengjing) of Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway ProJect m in February. 1991. According to the " EnvironmentProtection Law of PRC n and the " Measures of Environment Protection Managementof Transport Construction Projects ', and the like environment regulations, ZPRIEP has Conducted following activities: 1) To studythe present environmental conditions along the proposed expressway and the environmentaI impact of vehicle volume of existing roads. 2) To identify the distribution features of human landscapes and historicantiquities, as wellas probableinfluences on theseby the new expresswayto be built. 3) To forecastthe environmentalimpacts in the constructionphase of the expressway. 4) To forecast the ranse of the pollutants and the concentrations in case of maximumtraffic during the operation of the expressway. 5) To forecast adverse environmental impact of accident emission of pollutant sources. A. Outline of the Environmental Conditions 1. Geographic Condition: The alignment of Sbanshai-hangzhou Expressway is located in the fangzhou-Jiaxing-Ruzhou river network plain in the north bank of Qiantansjians River which is the southern end of the Changjiang delta, featured by flat terrain, networked rivers and numerous lakes to assume miro-seomorphic landforus. The expressway passes throush Nangzhou-Jinxing-Iuzhou from south west to north east with Many paddy fields and mulberryhills alons the alignment, descending at this way withan heisht of about 6-7u. 1 2. Hydrolosicaland meteorologicalConditions The regionof theROW belongs to subtropicalmonsoon climate zone, havingmoist temperature, demarcated season and abundant rainfall with the averageatmospheric temperature per year of about16-17 c, the average humidity per year of about 80-822 and the average precipitationper year of about1000-1200 e, experiencingplum rains in spring and summer, and occasional typhoon strikes in autumn and summer. The surface run-off are conversed to river network through criss-cross channel and empties into Qia.tangjing River and Hangzhou Bay by way of HuangpuRiver water system and four mainstreams for drainingflooded fields. The water systemin thisregion constitutes a water transport network and formulates various channels capable of carrying shipsfrom 10 to 100ton capacity. 3. Population The resion of the ROW,includins Yuhang county(Linsping), Raining city (Chansan and Xiashi). Tonsxians city. Jiaxinscity and Jiashan county (Weitons). has a population of 3.65 millionalong the alignment, passing throush 24 townships and 84 villages with a averase populationdensity of 600-900persons per sq.km and up to 4000-15000 personsper sq.knin townsof whichXiashi is the nost concentrated onecrowded with 55000 persons in 3.5 sq.km. 4. kgriculture The region has always enjoyed the reputation of being a ' Land of Rice and Fish and Homeof Silk " witha highland utilization ratio. The six counties and cities along the alignment have paddy fields of 196.47 sq.km mixed up with mulberry fields and tea plantations. producing rice of 2.2958 million ton per year accountingfor 15 percent of the total output of the province and silkworm cocoons of 1.32million dan accounting for 30.5percent of theprovince. 5. Transportation Nowadaysthe hishway traffic from Hangzhouto Shanghai is carried by National Road 320 (Rangzhou-Fensjios highway). After being reconstructed and widened in 1989. the highway tends to saturation operation with a daily mixed traffic volume of 14083 in 1990 and the increasing of the traffic volume is very fast. Nearby the starting section of the expressway, there are Qiaosi marshaling station and Zhejiang-Jiangxi railway. the expressway and the railway will be parallel to each other to trend towards theeast. The railwayoperates overload, the road appears quite congest and the capabilityis far from adaptingthe transport requirement, leading the traffic often janmed under a low level service and accidents mfrequently occurred". these constitute the main reason to construct the expressway. 2 6. Historic/CulturalHeritages Hangzhouand Jiaxingare twomain cities along the alignment.Fos and Rain Pavilionat SouthLake has been ranked as nationalkey protectedcultural relics. Hangzhou, as a touristcenter. is well known at homeand abroad.The constructionof the expresswaywill createbetter conditionsfor developing the touristbusiness and carryingforward historic/cultural heritases. B. EnvironmentalQuality 1. Noise Alongthe alisnment,there are 84 relativelypopulated villases, but the scattereddensity of housesis not hish.Villases located on the both sides of the alignment are mostly long and narrow in shape and less buildinss are affected by noise. After monitoring the selected representative spots such as villages. schools, road crossings and wilder fields. the average noise levels are 43-51.2 dB(A) in day time and 32.2-37.6 dB(A) in night; the noise background value in where close to railways and highways is somewhat increased. Using monitoring data of Yufeng village of Pensbu town in the east suburban of Hangzhou as a representative, the average noise level is 48 dB(A)in day tine and 34 dBCA)in night,the existing noise quality is generallygood. 2. Air Quality In theselected typical resident areas, wilder fields, existing road crossinssand the areasmixed by residence,commerce and transport oct. along the proposedexpressway, CO. NOx.S02. TSP and T1C have been monitoredand analyzedaccording to the specifications.The EIS based on the monitorinsindicated that the comprehensivequality indexes of sample points are within the extent of 0.33-1.10, of which, six points are clean, five points are in normal condition and one point is generallypolluted. Referred to the airquality along the whole alisnment,among the pollutants, the THC bas the lowest concentrationand the CO,NOx andTSP comenext. The alignment of the expresswayavoids bis citiesand townsand passesthrough the wilder agriculturalregions, so the airquality is relativelygood and could maintainthe classI or II statestandard. 3. WaterQuality By sampling and analyzing the water body of uajor rivers and cultivation ponds for aquatic products along the alignment, it is confirmed that the reason for thewater body being polluted is mainly caused by the orsanic pollutant factors from fairly little rivers and cultivationponds and therun-off from agricultural fields. leading 3 CODnnto exceedthe waterquality standard and oneor two BOD5and COD to exceedthe standard. The value of Pb,SS and Dil in thewater body near the existingroads is farhigher than the monitoring value of thatnear the proposed expressway. For an example.the value of Pb in the cultivationpond at Rlanzhushais 0.009 m9/I, of SS is 249 mg/iand of Oilis 0.35mg/I. So, the water quality conditions basically meet the standardof cateSoryIV. C. EnvironmentImpact Evaluation 1. In environmental impact evaluation, the environmental issues in the implementation phase of the expressway project are divided into 3 catesoriesi.e. air qualitychansins, noise impact and water quality impact. These categories of environmental issues are further divided into transient impact in construction phase and environmental issues in operation phase, these potential environsental issues are summarizedas follows: Item Predicted impact degree 1) Resettlement Land to be acquired for the ROW totaled 208 ha saking up 3.6S of total paddy fields in this region. Although the per capita area of cultivated land in this resion is 839 sq.n hisher than that in other resion in the province. the decreasing of it will impact agricultural economy and it is evaluated that the annual agricultural production wil lose by 8260 ton. 2) Soil Erosion In constructionperiod of the project, earth cutting and filling. abandonins soil and the construction of subsrade, bridges and culverts will be liable to cause erosion of soil and loss of water, the soil erosion in the cutting and fillingsections is 695 kg/sq.z per year. 3) Visual Impact The greater part of the expressway passes through flat regions, being 3-4 a above ground level to swellthe smoothearth's surface as a hillock not only
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