Provides articles, surveys, book reviews, notes on current activities and plans for new international organizations, changes of address, together with International • the International Congress Calendar, and • the "Bibliographical Current List of Papers, Reports and Proceedings of International Meetings " (monthly). Each issue contains 76-150 pages. Bilingual (English/French) Associations Annual subscription: (Calendar year); US$11; 75/-; BF 450 Is published by the UNION OF INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Comité de Direction de l'UAI : Executive Council : Autres publications : Other publications : Président : President : 9 Yearbook of .International Organizations - 11th edition F A CASADIO. Directeur. Societa Italians per I'Orga- 1966-67 (English) nizzaztone Internazionale (Italie); • Petit répertoire des organisations internationales, Vice-Présidents : Vice-Présidents : liste alphabétique en langue française avec adresses Sir Ramaswami MUDALIAR. President India Steamship Company (India); « International Initialese, 2nd edition with supplement. Pierre VASSEUR. Secrétaire général honoraire de la O Select Bibliography on International Organization Chambre de Commerce Internationale (France); (1835-1964). by G P Speeckaert Membres : Members : Bibliographie sélective sur l'organisation internatio- Th CAVALCANTI. Président de l'Institut de Droit Public nale (1885-1964) par G P Speeckaert. de la Fondation Getulio Vargas (Brésil); • Bibliography of Proceedings of International Meetings Etienne de la VALLEE POUSSIN. Sénateur, Délégué held in 1957, 1958, 1959 (3 volumes). belge à l'Assemblée Consultative du Conseil de Bibliographie des comptes rendus des réunions l'Europe (Belgique); internationales tenues en 1957, 1958, 1959 (3 vol). Dr Mohamed Aly RIFAAT (RAU), Secrétaire général de l'Organisation Afro-Asiatique de Coopération Econo- • Yearbook of International Congress Proceedings mique; 1950-67 (in preparation). S ROKKAN, Director of Research. Chr Michelsen O International Congress Science Series : 7 volumes In Institut (Norway); English and French editions. T KOTARBINSKI. Ancien Président de l'Académie Collection " La science des congrès internationaux ": Polonaise des Sciences (Pologne); 7 volumes parus en éditions française et anglaise. Louis VERNIERS. Secrétaire général honoraire du Ministère de l'Education nationale (Belgique); e Documents for the study of international non govern- mental relations (15 volumes issued). Secrétaire Général : Secretary-General : Documents pour servir à l'étude des relations interna- Georges Patrick SPEECKAERT. Docteur en droit; tionales non gouvernementales (15 brochures parues) Trésorier Général : General Treasurer : Roland RAINAUT (France). La liste détaillée des publications sera envoyée sur Secrétariat général : General Secrétariat : demande. Full list will be sent on request 1. rue aux Laines. Bruxelles 1. tél. 11.83.96 t2 numéros par an, chacun de 76 à 150 pages, contenant des articles, des études, des chroniques, ^des statisti- ques, des recensions bibliographiques, l'annonce de création ou de projets de création d'organisations internationales, les changements d'adresse des orga- Associations nisations internationales et • le " International Congress Calendar *> et * la " Bibliographie courante des Documents, Comptes Rendus et Actes des Réunions inter- nationales " (mensuelle) Edition bilingue (français-anglais) * est publiée pai Abonnement annuel : 450 FB. 45 FF, 40 FS UNION DES ASSOCIATIONS INTERNATIONALES 1. RUE AUX LAINES. BRUXELLES 1. The annual international Congress Calendar 9th edition 1969 - 1982 A chronological listing of international congresses, conferences, meetings, symposia scheduled to take place in 1969 and subsequent years, in so far as arrangements have already been announced. Date, place, address of organiz- ing body, theme, estimated number of participants, attendance at previous meeting, concurrent exhibition (if any) and plans for publishing reports or " proceedings " are indicated : subject and geographical indexes. prepared by Gisèle de Laguionie Part I — International meetings to be held in 1969 . 831 1970 . 901 1971 . 919 1972 . 924 1973-82 . 925 Part II — Geographical index . 928 Part III — Subject index . 931 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS — CONTENTS 1968 . 942 TABLE DES MATIERES 1968 . 942 UNION OF INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS 1, rue aux Laines, Bruxelles I December 1968 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS. 1968. No 12 825 International Associations Internationales 20- A N N E E 1968 20th Y E A R Numéro Spécial , Spécial Issue DECEMBRE 12 DECEMBER International Meetings 1969-1982 Réunions Internationales The number of meetings for which either the date or the place is not yet fixed is considerable. This data is normally only of limited interest to the majority of readers. The calendar therefore only lists meetings for which the place and the month are already known. The other meetings are published in circulars with a restricted circulation. Le nombre de réunions pour lesquelles soit la date, soit le lieu n'ont pu être encore précisés est considérable et n'intéresse que certains lecteurs. Dès lors, le présent calendrier se limite aux réunions dont le lieu et la date du mois nous ont déjà été notifiés. Les autres annonces font l'objet de documents à circulation limitée. Abbreviations association Asn association committee Cmt comit é confederation Cnfed confédération associated exhibition Exhib exposition associée federation Fed fédération international Int ïnternational(e) organization Org organisation expected participation P nombre de participants attendus society Soc société MENSUEL publié par Published MONTHLY by Union des Associations internationales Union of International Associations Abonnement 1 an : 450 FB, 45 FF, 40 FS Annual subscription : $ 11 or 75/- Rédaction, Administration : 1, rue aux Laines, Editor, Administration : I, rue aux Laines, Bruxelles 1 (Belgique) Brussels 1 (Belgium) UK Business Office : Mrs. Fay Panne!!, UK Business Office : Mrs. Fay Panne!!, 1), Whitehall Court, London SW 1 1), Whitehall Court, London SW ] Délégué, Direction de la publicité : Roger Ranson Advertising manager : Roger Ranson, 35, boulevard de la République, St Cloud, 35, boulevard de la République, St Cloud, Seîne-et-Oise (France) Seine-et-Oise (France) INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS, 1968. No 12 $2 JANUARY 8 1969 Jan 13-17 Rome (Italy) 1 1969 Jan 2-5 Frankfurt am Main (Germany, F R) Universities and the Quest for Paece. World assembly, Int Bureau for the Study of the Problems Relating to c/o Universita degli Studi, 00100, Rome. the Teaching of Greek and Latin. 3rd symposium for the didactics of the classical languages. Professor Patzer, Universitat, Seminar fur klassische 9 1969 Jan 13-18 Santiago (Chile) Philologie, Mertonstrasse 17, Frankfurt am Main. Int Asn for Earthquake Engineering. 4th world conf- erence. Theme : developments in field of earthquake 2 engineering. P : 500. (Exhib.) 1969 Jan 5-11 Caracas (Venezuela) Enrique Gajardo 2727, Santiago. World Movement of Christian Workers. Meeting. P : 50. José Aguilera, Casilla 6051, Santiago, Chile. 10 1969 Jan 14-17 Manila (Philippines) Asian Productivity Org. Workshop meeting of infor- 3 1969 Jan 6-11 . Accra/Kumasï (Ghana) mation officers. Theme : the coordination of expanded Asn of Surgeons of West Africa. Conference on trauma regional information program for 1969. P : 30. in the tropics. P : 80-100. Jose T Pardo, Productivity and Development Center, Mirasol Building, Taft Avenue. Cor. Oregon St J K M Quartey, Department of Surgery, Ghana Me- Manila. dical School, P O Box 4236, Accra. Report : Ichiro Oshikawa, Mar 1969. Report : West African Medical Journal, August 1969. 4 11 1969 Jan 8-10 New York (NY, USA) 1969 Jan 14-18 Brussels (Belgium) Int conference of administrators of colleges, universities, Int Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Asns. 2nd junior college and independent schools. Theme : chal- biennial assembly. Theme : personnel licensing, facili- lenging a new future. tation, controlled visual flight rules. P : 100. American School and University, 757 Third Avenue, Dr B Lagasse de Locht, AOPA, 24 Bd de l'Empereur, New York, NY. 10017, USA. Brussels 1. 5 1969 Jan (ND 1) New York (NY, USA) 12 United Nations Development Programme. Governing 1969 Jan 15-17 Paris (France) council. Int Asn for the Exchange of Students for Technical Expe- United Nations, New York. NY 10017. rience. 22nd annual conference. P : 70. Rolf Kratochwill, Turkenstrasse 4/111, 1090-Viehna. 6 1969 Jan 10-12 Sagar M P (India) Int Asn of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's 13 Interior. Symposium on Deccan traps and other flood 1969 Jan 16-17 Brussels (Belgium) eruptions. EEC Savings Bank Groups. 1st meeting. Theme : Eu- Prof U Aswathanarayana, Centre of Advanced Study ropean capital market and cooperation between savings in Geology, University of Saugar, Sagae M P, bank groups in the common market. P : 400. India. K Meyer-Horn, 92-94 Square Plasky, Brussels 4. 7 14 1969 Jan 12-17 Dakar (Senega!) 1969 Jan 16-18 London (UK) 6th Dakar medical meeting. Int Writers Guild. Executive Cmt meeting. Prof Agr B Diop, Pavillon Laveran, Hôpital Le Dantec, Dakar. 430 Edgware Rd, London W 2. The reproduction of the whole of this Calendar, or La reproduction de tout ou partie importante de ce of a major part thereof, is prohibited. Partial reproduc- calendrier est interdite. La reproduction partielle tion limited to meetings held in a single given country limitée aux réunions se tenant dans un seul pays or to meetings concerned with a specific subject, is déterminé
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