Ih ily N tt TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, IfM r« F Uko W M k Ended TIm Weather FAGI EIGHTEEN foreenet of D. 8. W< M o n a tb tv 7 , 1 N 4 Oloadr nad eeel thMugh 14J39 lonlag wttk periods o t B g h t Mr. and Mra. Alan Lynn of ruin; less tonlilri In 4ttss Mfh «». Dover, Del., formerly of Man­ Board Appoints od the A u d it About Town chester, are vlaiting here after o i CSranlntlM morrow m m r O. an absence of about one year. Seminar Head eUSS ENCLOSURES Mdnehe»ter~—A City o f Village Charm ChapmaB Joy CSrcle of North Mra. Lynn is the former Judith MaUwdirt Church will meat to* Mlimey. They will visit their morrow at 2 p.m. at the church. Dr. Jlm as Brown, director of FOR BATHTUBS VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 36 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1964 (CUsslfled Advertising en Pnge m parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver the Regional A ffaln Center of PRICE SEVEN CENTS Hostessea will be Mra. Grlawold Minney, 45 St. Paul Dr., and and SHOWERS Chappel, Mra. Herbert J. Brad­ the University of Hartford, has Mr. and Mra Charles Lynn, 44 been chosen as coordinator of ley and Mra. Ellen Static* Green Rd. They will also cele­ Glass does a beautiful jo b 'fo r such weather. the Town Planning and Develop­ brate their first wedding an­ ment Semlnara. to be conducted purposes in your bathroom. Easy to niversary today. Lynn is an Events Mra. Edward Lee and Mra. by the Manchester Community Clean. Never wears out. airman first class at Dover College. Jamea Beckwltch, both mem- AFB. Seven Crewmen Die bera of the Women’a Fellow- Ihe appointment was ap­ proved last night by the board of OPEN 8 A JR. to 8 P.M. Bhip of Second Congregational Airman l.C. Dawson N. Bentz, SATURDAY 8 AJR. to 12 NOON In State Church, will be interviewed to­ education upon the recommend­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman ation of Dean Frederick Lowe.. morrow at 1:15 p.m. on the N. BenU of 403 E. Middle Tpke., Pat Turner Show on WINF. The six seminar sessions Will has re-enlisted in the U.S. Air be financed by a |l,500 allocation J. A. WHITE BU SS CO. They 'Will tell of a "Winter Force for another term of serv­ Proposed Name As Bomber Crashes Wonderland Bazaar," being voted last summer by the town ice after his selection for career board of directors. 31 Bls8«IISt.--PiioiM M l 9-7322 aponaored by the fellowahip status. The airman, a missile Friday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dr. Lowe told the board of For Route 8 analyst at McCoy Air Force education that Dr. Brown will WOLF POINT, Mont.fheld by the Air Force pending^ A tall section of the aircraft in Fellowahip Hall at the Base, Fla., is a graduate of notification of next of kin. with the number still visible was church. secure nationally known speak- Honors Darcey (AP) — An intercontinen Manchester High School. ers> in addition to local, re^onal tal B52 bomber crashed The plane was from the 462nd the largest piece of wreckage. and state figures, for the free Stratet^c Aerospace Wing, the Other pieces were no bigger Phi Theta Chapter of Beta series of seminars, scheduled HARTFORD (AP) — and burned in a desolate Air Force announced, at L«rson than a washtub, authorlUea said. Sigma Phi will meet tomorrow to start soon. Gov. John N. Dempsey ravine - cut northeastern Air Force Base, Moses Lake, First reports of the crash Wash. at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Dr. Brown, who is considered W ED. O N LY! says that he will personally Montana area late Tuesday came about 11 p.m. from resi­ Miss Elmyra Tessier, 99 Broad a specialist on problems of gov­ night, killing all seven The Air Force said the plane dents of a sparsely populated St. The meeting is open to have introduced in the was on a simulated bombing run section 26 miles south of Wolf ernment, is a professor of public crew members, and start­ Front End those interested In joining. The administration at the University MEN'S and BOYS’ sBa ■ ■ General Assembly a bill to to Bismarck, N.D., but carried Point. hostess will be in charge of of Hartford. name a major section of ing a prairie fire. no bombs. The prairie fire was seen m program. He had previously taught his­ Route 8 the ‘‘James H. The bodies were found today, It said radio contact was lost far away as Scobey, 80 miles Special tory-and political science at St. HALF SOLES $ n /5 with the plane as it was de­ from the crash scene. Darcey Memorial High­ the Air Force reported. scending from an altitude of R 0 9 I. $12.50 A mlasion class on Spanish Joseph College in West Hartford. Residents of the house nearest Amei^ans, spon.sored by Unit­ way.” Two of the bodies were locat­ 36.(X)0 feet to 23,(XX) feet. the crash, the Jake Schlepp (1) ALIGN FRONT END He serves as Chalrmaii. of the and HEELS " ed near one of the eight jet en­ ed Church Women, will be held research committee of the Darcey, general manager of Ranchers mobilized hastily to family, neither saw nor heard (2) BALANCE FRONT Regular 18.50 - $3.75 The Waterbury Republican and gines, which were hurled more fight the prairie fire and extin­ it and were informed by neigh­ WHEELS—Reg. $4-00 Thursday from 10 a.m. to noon Greater Hartford Chamber of at Center Congregational s Leather, Neolite or Rubber American, died earlier this year. than a fourth of a mile from the guished it with sacks, shovels bors. The Schlepp house la thres (S) CHECK FRONT Commerce. Church instead of Wednesday The governor said yesterday point of-Impact. and tractors after it burned WHEEL BEARINGS as previously scheduled. Mrs. that the bill he Is having drafted Names of the men were with- across 350 acres. (See Page Ten) (4) CHECK BRAKE JUSTICE JOINS LAW Earl Swallow will conduct the will give the Darcey name to the SYSTEM Christmas Bazaar Features Variety of Items WASHINGTON (AP) — Spirit class. of jtuUce has joined majesty of section of Route 8 running from IIOUSE&.HALE the Naugatuck town line north All Four Only Mrs. Joseph Phelan, left, andw to 3 p.m. at St. Bartholomew's^Andreoll, candy; Mrs. Robert law at the new Rayburn House to Route 44 in Wlnsted. Students Riot in Japan Mrs. Daniel Carey set up School Hall Dell, preserves; Mra. Charlee Office Building. HAT CLEANING and QUALITY Mrs. Edward Serrell and Mrs. Gervase and Mrs. Miglio Car- The bigger-than-Iife statues of Dempsey said that Darcy “ as window display last week 1 much as any individual was res­ THE COLONIAL HALL Walter Jennings are co-chair­ 1111, used toys; Mrs. Edward seated Q ^ree face each other SHOE REBUILDING SERVICE DEPT. — ROCKVILLE — the former Tweeds store on men of the event. Goss and Mrs. Dominick Ca- across the broad expanse of ponsible for the legislative push that made possible the speedy Available For Main St. with articles that will They will be assisted by Mrs. taldo, games, and Mrs. William steps S t the front of the building PLEASE USE OUR OAK STREET ENTRANCE Receptions, Weddings, be sold ,at a Chri-stma.s Bazaar, Anthony Pietrantonlo, arrange­ Taylor, Santa Claus. (Herald which is expected to be ready construction of Route 8 through Arrival o f N-Sub Private Parties, sporlsored by St. Bartholomew's ments; Mrs. Geno Andreini and photo by Ofiara). for occupancy in January. the upper portion of the Nauga­ Social Events, etc. Church, Saturday from 10 a.m. Mrs. Vincent Rosa, publicity; tuck Valley." SERVICE ON ALL Call 875-9327 Mrs. George Bosch, decorations; I He recalled that at a ground- CONVENTIONAL MAKES Mrs. John Kurowski and Mrs. i breaking ceremony in 1962 for one section of Route 8 he had Sets Off Protest Robert Boland, refreshments; FOR Mrs. Stanley Bellefleur and I joked that the highway should MORIARTY Mrs. Anthony Giraitls, house j be designated "Darcey Drive.” COMPARE OUR and attic treasures; Mrs. Fran­ I The bill will probably be ,in- SASEBO, Japan (AP)—Leftist-led demonstrations cis Boland and Mrs. Eugene i troduced in January when -the Cosmetics general assembly begins normal 1 broke out tonight in this southerfi port on the eve of BROTHERS PRICES ON ALL Lescroart, cakes and foods; PRESCRIPTIONS Mrs. Joseph LaVae, aprons. I business. Demp.sey .said he j the first visit of a U.S. nuclear-powered submarine 'to 301-815 CENTER ST. Also, Mrs. Daniel Carey and would seek bi-partisan sponsor­ Japan. Police reinforcements poured into the city. TEL. 643-5135 IT’S Mrs. Charles Hamilton, handi­ (Herald photo by Pinio) ship for the bill in both houses. Fighting broke ' out in Tokyo<8>- ARTHUR DRUG crafts; Mrs. Joseph Phelan sind Paii;icipating in this morning’s Veterans Day cere­ • Hyszko of St. John’s Polish National Catholic when police tritd to break up a danced up to the gates and bn- Mrs. Kenneth Grabow, chil­ monies are (left to right) the Rev. Paul Kaiser of Church, Aiithony O’Bright (A L ), speaker Edson Operating First sitdown protest against the visit gan a sitdown. Liggefts dren’s gifts; Mrs. Harry Fay, I by 1,400 students in fremt of the Akira Iwal, leader of tiie 4.i country store; Mrs.
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