JANUARY 21, 1977 25 CENTS VOLUME 41 I NUMBER 2 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE SPECIAL STEEL ISSUE hat a Sadlowski victory can mean -STEEL SUPPLEMENT, PAGES 15-20 MilitanVStu Singer -ELECTION NEWS, PAGES 4,5 Ed Sadlowski, insurgent candidate for top union post ,,.-- .,_,:---.<''- --" ~ '{·'':/',;/-').:·< THIS In Brief WEEK'S SUPPORT BUILDS IN MICH. FREE SPEECH Christmas Eve fire that killed twelve people. FIGHT: MIT Prof. Noam Chomsky. Joe Madison, president Militant correspondent Joyce Stoller reports that neigh­ MILITANT of the Detroit NAACP. Edith Tiger, director of the National bors protested the fatal consequences of the lack of bilingual fire fighters in Chicago. Rescue operations were crippled 4 Steel election battle Emergency Civil Liberties Committee. Eqbal Ahmad of the Institute for Policy Studies. Lehman Brightman of the because firemen were unable to communicate with people enters final weeks Native American studies ·department at Contra Costa trapped in the burning building. 5 Perspectiva Mundial: College. Mary Gonzales, speaking for the Pilsen Neighbors 'A real breakthrough' These are among the new endorsers of the Committee for Community Council, charged that three of the city's four Free Speech. The committee was set up to defend three snorkel rescue units were used to fight a warehouse fire 6 Hoosiers, Georgians members of the Young Socialist A1liance who each face where no human lives were threatened at the same time five demand: 'Ratify the ERA!' penalties of up to $1,650 in fines and six months in jail on people were consumed in the January 2 blaze. 7 Where Gary Tyler charges of "criminal trespass" and "illegally occupying a "What it comes down to," Gonzales said, "is what do the case stands today university building by force." firemen consider more important, human lives or private The three-Brigid Douglas, Tom Smith, and Jim property?" 8 New FBI guidelines Garrison-were arrested October 20 while distributing authorize informers Socialist Workers election campaign literature outside a CALIF. CONFERENCE AGAINST BAKKE RULING: M~chigan A January 15 conference to organize statewide opposition to 12 YSA sets campaigns on public meeting at Central University in Mount Pleasant. A pretrial hearing in their case is set for January the Bakke decision will take place at 12:00 noon in 155 Africa, women's rights 20. Dwinelle on the Berkeley campus of the University of 14 Gov't pesticide control The Committee for Free Speech is sponsoring a rally at California. program called flop CMU on January 27. The committee is asking that The Bakke decision is a September 16 ruling by the telegrams demanding the dropping of all charges be sent to California Supreme Court attacking special admissions 15 Steel union President Harold Abel, Warriner Hall, CMU, Mount programs for nonwhite students in the University of election fight Pleasant, Michigan 48859. Copies of these telegrams, as California system. If left standing, the Bakke ruling would 16 Sadlowski speaks well as donations and new endorsements, should be sent to devastate the affirmative-action educational gains of out on steel issues the committee at Post Office Box 626, Mount Pleasant, Blacks, Chicanos, and Native Americans won in the 1960s. Michigan 48858. The conference was called by the Bay Area Coalition 18 Behind the Against the Bakke Decision. It has been endorsed by Black 'outsider' charge MINN. COALITION TO PROTEST FBI HARASS­ Scholar publisher Robert Chrisman; the Association of MENT: A January 27 rally at the University of Minneso­ 19 Shanker vs. Women in Struggle; Lehman Brightman; attorney Howard ta's Coffman Union will protest surveillance and harass­ Moore; the East Bay chapter of the National Organization Sadlowski ment by the FBI of a wide range of Minnesota for Women; Harry Edwards, professor of sociology at UC 20 Dissident steelworker organizations. The rally is being sponsored by the newly Berkeley; and others. elected in Houston formed Minnesota Citizens' Review Commission on the FBI. James Bell, president of the Hastings Black Law Students The rally will be followed by hearings February 3-6 where Association, and Carol Deberry, president of the East Bay 28 Washington's terrorist local groups will present testimony on FBI violations of chapter of the Coalition of Labor Union Women, will international democratic rights. address the conference. 29 Juan Haro faces Among the organizations sponsoring these protests are For more information call (415) 642-4136. Colorado frame-up the American Friends Service Committee, American Indian Movement, Clergy and Laity Concerned, Honeywell Project, SUPER BOWL FANS, PLEASE NOTE: Following all Twin Cities National Organization for Women, and Social­ 2 In Brief the recent hoopla, you should not forget that women do a lot ist Workers party. more than wave pompoms and hop around like bunny 10 In Our Opinion For more information contact the coalition c/o Minnesota rabbits while the big guys score. Letters Church Center, 122 West Franklin Avenue, Room 320, It's a good time for this good news: Sports Illustrated has Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404. named tennis champ Chris Evert top athlete of the year. In 11 American Way of Life 1972 the magazine named Billie Jean King sportswoman of ;La Aaza en Acci6n! 'ETHNIC PURITY' REIGNS IN PLAINS: Remember the year along with a sportsman. But now the double how then-candidate Jimmy Carter "desegregated" his little 27 In Review criteria and honors have been dropped. No man shares ole church down in Plains last October? There was only one Evert's title. catch. The application by Black minister Clennon King to WORLD OUTLOOK Also, six other women were cited for special mention: ice join the Plains Baptist Church-and any other applications skater Dorothy Hamill; skier and cyclist Sheila Young; 21 Southern Africa: from Blacks to enter that particular house of the Lord-was flashpoint of revolution golfer Judy Ranking; West German skier Rosi Mittermaier; referred to a church watch care committee. East German swimmer Kornelia Ender; and gymnast Nadia 23 Radicalization continues On Januray 9 the committee finally made its recommen­ Comaneci. advance in W. Europe dation. It urged the congregation, which on that day Also, the Associated Press named Comaneci Female included president-elect Jimmy Carter, to reject applications Athlete of the Year. -Peter Seidman 26 China after Mao: from Reverend King and two of his supporters (one of whom Hua steers new course was also Black). The congregation accepted the recommen­ dation "without opposition." Although the service was closed to the press, church secretary Hugh Carter justified the decision by saying that THE MILITANT King never appeared before the watch care committee after Our party is being invited. King says he never received an invitation. VOLUME 41/NUMBER 2 Hugh Carter also said the Black minister had "not shown JANUARY 21, 1977 a willingness to cooperate in carrying out the goals and CLOSING NEWS DATE-JAN. 12 your party! objectives" of the Plains Baptist Church. Seems the only way a Black person could do that would be by staying as far Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS IF YOU AGREE with what you have been reading in Managing Editor: NELSON BLACKSTOCK away as possible! the Militant, now is the time to join the Socialist Business Manager: HARVEY McARTHUR Workers party.... OUR PARTY is made up of Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING ANTI-A-BOMB BANNERS BANNED TOO: After working people like you. The more who join, the Washington Bureau: NANCY COLE unfurling a banner reading "Nuclear Weapons Massacre better we can fight together against war and racism, PubliShed weekly by The Militant Publlshmg Ass'n , the Innocent" within sight of Jimmy Carter's home in and for decent living and working conditions .... 14 Charles· Lane, New York. NY. 10014. Telephone: Plains, antiwar activist Philip Berrigan and six others were JOIN US and help us build a better world, a socialist Ed1torial Off1ce (212) 243-6392; Busmess Office arrested January 8. Carter was reported to be at home when world. Fill out the coupon below and mail it today. (212) 929-3486. Southwest Bureau: 1237 S. Atlantic Blvd., Los Angeles. Calif. 90022. Telephone: (213) the arrests occurred. 269-1456. Washington Bureau: 1424 16th St. NW, The day before, charges against Berrigan and his two #701-B, Washington. D.C. 20036. Telephone: (202) brothers, Daniel and Jerome, were continued until January Join the Socialist 265-6865. 21 by an Alexandria, Virginia, federal magistrate. The three Correspondence concerning subscriptions or changes of address should be addressed to The Berrigans had been arrested along with twenty-six others Workers party! Militant Business Office, 14 Charles Lane, New during a December 28 demonstration against nuclear York, N.Y. 10014. weapons outside the Pentagon. 0 I want to join the SWP. Second-class postage paid at New York. N.Y. At the January 7 court session, six of the protesters were 0 Please send more information. Subscriptions: US. $7.50 a year: outs1de U.S., given jail sentences. The longest went to anti-Vietnam War 0 Enclosed is $1 for a ten-week introductory $13.00. By f1rst-class mail: U.S .. Canada. and Mex1co. subscription to the Militant. $35.00. Write for surface and airmail rates to all other activist and former nun Elizabeth McAlister. She was countnes. sentenced to six months in jail for throwing blood on the Name For subscriptions airmailed from New York and Pentagon during the protest. then- posted from London directly to Britain, Ireland, and Continental Europe: £1.50 for eight Address issues. £3 50 for SIX months. £6 50 for one year. LATINOS PROTEST CHICAGO FIRES: Twenty-six City _______ State ____ Zip __ Send banker's draft or international postal order Latinos, most of them children, were killed in three fires (payable to Pathfinder Press) to Pathfinder Press, Telephone _______________ 47 The Cut.
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