版權為香港歷史博物館所有 © 2018 © 2018 Hong Kong Museum of History 目錄 CONTENTS http://hk.history.museum Hong Kong Museum of History 香 港 歷 史 博 物 館 專題展覽 Special Exhibition 2 奢華世代:從亞述到亞歷山大 An Age of Luxury: the Assyrians to Alexander 常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition 5 香港故事 The Hong Kong Story 6 常設展更新工程 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition 8 「香港葡裔社群」文物徵集行動 The Portuguese Gallery Artefact Collection Campaign 9 文物捐贈 Donation 博物館動態 News and Events 10 2018 香港國際博物館日 International Museum Day 2018, Hong Kong 13 香港博物館節 2018 Muse Fest HK 2018 18 教育活動 Education Programmes Coastal Defence Hong Kong Museum of 香 港 海 防 博 物 館 常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition 23 海防風雲六百年 600 Years of Hong Kong's Coastal Defence 專題展覽 Special Exhibition 24 一戰一世紀 The Great 版權為香港歷史博物館所有War at Its Centenary © 2018 26 教育活動 Education Programmes Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum Dr Sun Yat-sen 孫 中 山 紀 念 館 專題展覽 Special Exhibition 32 ©蹬嶝瞪埗! 埗的設計展2018 Hong Kong Museum of History Seek See Sit! Bench Design Exhibition 常設展覽 Permanent Exhibitions 33 孫中山與近代中國 Dr Sun Yat-sen and Modern China 孫中山時期的香港 Hong Kong in Dr Sun Yat-sen's Time 35 教育活動 Education Programmes Branch Museums 分 館 38 葛量洪號滅火輪展覽館 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibition Gallery 李鄭屋漢墓博物館 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Museum 39 此處是吾家:深水埗區房屋發展歷史圖片展 This is My Home: Photo Exhibition on the History of the Housing Development in the Sham Shui Po District 40 羅屋民俗館 Law Uk Folk Museum 41 資源及服務 Resources & Services 44 博物館位置及開放時間 Location and Opening Hours 節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。 All programmes are subject to change without prior notice. 專題展覽 Special Exhibition 專題展覽 Special Exhibition 9.5 -3.9.2018 奢華世代:從亞述到亞歷山大 入場費 香港歷史博物館專題展覽廳及 當提到古代地中海及中東地區,各樣的宮殿、花園及城牆 標準:港幣10元 一樓大堂 的古蹟遺址便浮現眼前。這些地方曾有富有的統治階級, 團體(20人或以上):港幣7元 Special Exhibition Gallery and 1/F Main 優惠(全日制學生 / 殘疾人士及一名同行 Lobby, Hong Kong Museum of History 充滿着諸如金屬器物、石浮雕、象牙、寶石與珠寶等珍貴 女性形象石罐 照料者 / 高齡人士):5元 的奢侈品。這類奢侈品在公元前900至前300年間從遠至 伊拉克 西帕爾 印度製造,並遠銷至地中海地區。精英階層隨着強盛的亞 公元前700至前600年 博物館通行證持有人免費入場 康樂及文化事務署 述、巴比倫及阿契美尼德帝國而出現,他們需要富異國風 方解石 大英博物館托管會 Jar in the shape of a woman Admission Fee 情、奢侈及華麗的物品去彰顯他們的社會地位。與此同 Sippar, Iraq 聯合主辦 Standard: HK$10 時,廉價的奢侈品仿製品亦應運而生。阿契美尼德帝國的 700 – 600 BC Jointly presented by Group (20 persons or above): HK$7 財富對亞歷山大大帝來說是無可抗拒的征服目標,他空前 Calcite Leisure & Cultural Services Department 大英博物館 Concessionary (Full-time students / people The Trustees of the British Museum 絕後的軍事勝利意味着他的版圖最終由希臘橫越至印度, British Museum 1882,0918,A.4 with disabilities and one accompanying 而希臘的藝術與文化亦因此遍及中東地區。 carer / senior citizens): HK$5 Free admission for Museum Pass holders 香港歷史博物館及大英博物館 是次展覽由大英博物館最新籌備,並以香港為首站展出 聯合籌劃 210多套展品,讓觀眾認識公元前900至前300年的「奢華 Jointly organised by 世代」。 Hong Kong Museum of History and The British Museum 教育及推廣活動計劃贊助 香油瓶 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 黎巴嫩 西頓 © Education and Extension Programmes版權為香港歷史博物館所有 2018 公元前50年至公元50年 Sponsor 玻璃、金箔 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Bottle for perfumed oil Sidon, Lebanon © 50 BC – AD 50 2018 Hong Kong MuseumGlass, gold leaf of History 大英博物館 British Museum 1895,0602.1 傢具配件 伊拉克 尼姆魯德 西北宮殿 公元前900至前800年 銅合金 Furniture fitting North West Palace, Nimrud, Iraq 900 – 800 BC Copper alloy 大英博物館 British Museum N.147 浮雕壁畫 伊拉克 尼尼微 北宮殿 公元前645至前635年 石膏 Wall Panel Relief North Palace, Nineveh, Iraq 飾板 香油瓶 645 – 635 BC 伊拉克 尼姆魯德 撒縵以色堡壘 塔吉克斯坦 赫提庫瓦德 Gypsum 公元前900至前700年 公元前500至前400年 大英博物館 British Museum 1856,0909.52 象牙 黃金 Decorative plaque Flask for perfumed oil Fort Shalmaneser, Nimrud, Iraq Takht-i Kuwad, Tajikistan 900 – 700 BC 500 – 400 BC Ivory Gold British Museum 1961,0211.3 大英博物館 大英博物館 British Museum 1897,1231.16 2 3 專題展覽 Special Exhibition 常設展覽 Permanent Exhibition 公眾導賞團(粵語) An Age of Luxury: the Assyrians to Alexander 香港故事 Public Guided Tours When we think about the ancient Mediterranean and Middle The Hong Kong Story (in Cantonese) East, we tend to visualise the monumental architectural remains 「香港故事」常設展是博物館多年來辛勤努力蒐集、保存 全程1小時,每團名額30人,先到先得。 of palaces, gardens and city walls. These places were once alive with the wealthy ruling classes and filled with precious and 及研究工作的總展示。整個展覽佔地七千平方米,共有 有興趣者可於下列時間到專題展覽廳入 luxurious objects such as metalwork, stone wall-reliefs, ivories, 八個展區,分布於兩層展廳,包括:「自然生態環境」、 口的「導賞站」集合出發: gems and jewellery. The period from 900 to 300 BC was an age 「史前時期的香港」、「歷代發展:從漢至清朝」、「香 每日上午11時30分及下午3時 when such luxurious goods were made and traded from India to 港的民俗」、「鴉片戰爭與香港的割讓」、「香港開埠 the Mediterranean. Mighty empires, the Assyrians, Babylonians 及早年發展」、「日佔時期」及「現代都市及香港的回 Each tour lasts about 1 hour for 30 and Achaemenids, created elites that demanded exotic, 歸」。通過逾四千件展品、多個立體造景及多媒體劇場, persons on a first come, first served luxurious and opulent objects to display their social status. As 配以聲和光的特殊效果,栩栩如生地介紹香港的自然生 basis. a result, cheaper imitations of luxury goods were also created. 態、民間風俗及歷史發展。「香港故事」從四億年前的泥 Please assemble at the “Docent Stop” Ultimately the wealth of the Achaemenid empire proved to 盆紀開始,以一九九七年香港回歸作結,內容務求雅俗共 at the entrance of the Special Exhibition be an irresistible prize for Alexander the Great. His spectacular 賞,趣味與教育並重。 Gallery as scheduled below: military success meant he eventually ruled territories from The Hong Kong Story permanent exhibition showcases the 11:30am and 3pm daily Greece to India and as a result Greek art and culture spread 公眾導賞團 dedicated hard work done by the Museum staff in the past throughout the Middle East. years in collecting, preserving and researching the history and Public Guided Tours This newly developed exhibition contains objects from the development of Hong Kong. Occupying an area of 7,000m², 博物館特設免費公眾導賞服務,由導賞 British Museum and Hong Kong will be first time all 210 exhibits The Hong Kong Story comprises 8 galleries located on two 員向參觀者介紹「香港故事」的精彩之 will be displayed together. They will allow visitors to learn more floors, including “The Natural Environment”, “Prehistoric Hong 處,協助參觀者有系統及深入地了解展 版權為香港歷史博物館所有about the “Age of Luxury” from 900-300 BC. Kong”, “The Dynasties: From the Han to© the Qing”, “Folk2018 覽內容。全程約一個半小時,每團名額 Culture in Hong Kong”, “The Opium Wars and the Cession 30人。有關詳情,可瀏覽博物館網頁 of Hong Kong”, “Birth & Early Growth of the City”, “The http://hk.history.museum。 Japanese Occupation” and “Modern Metropolis & The Return 亞歷山大大帝肖像錢幣 Our docents will guide you through the 土耳其 帕加馬© to China”. Through the display of over 4,000 exhibits, a number 2018 Hong Kong Museum of Historytours to grasp the gallery highlights of 公元前306至前281年 of dioramas and multi-media programmes, and enhanced with 銀 雕刻容器 The Hong Kong Story. Each tour lasts special audiovisual and lighting effects, The Hong Kong Story Coin depicting Alexander the Great 意大利 武爾奇 伊西斯墓 1.5 hours for 30 persons. For details, outlines the natural environment, folk culture and historical Pergamum, Turkey 公元前700至前600年 please visit http://hk.history.museum. 306 – 281 BC 鴕鳥蛋殼 development of Hong Kong vividly. The exhibition, both Silver Carved vessel interesting and educational, starts telling the story from the 大英博物館 British Museum 1896,0703.85 Isis Tomb, Vulci, Italy 700 – 600 BC Devonian period 400 million years ago and concludes with the Ostrich eggshell reunification of Hong Kong with China in 1997. 大英博物館 British Museum 1850,0227.7 蛋殼上的雕刻包括獅子、一頭公牛和一頭鹿。 Scenes carved on the surface of the eggshell include lions, a bull and a deer. ©大英博物館托管會 The Trustees of the British Museum 4 5 常設展更新工程 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition 常設展更新工程 Renovation Project for the Permanent Exhibition 歷史博物館與香港文物收藏家結緣 Friendship between the Museum of History and Local Collectors 參觀博物館的趣味在於可近距離觀賞文物珍品,所以本館同事在更新常設展的過程中,明白到 展品的質量將直接影響到更新工程的成敗,所以我們都埋首於開拓館藏。新增的展品既要具備 歷史價值,緊扣香港歷史的重要里程碑,也要顧及展品的可觀性,才可引導觀眾探索展品背後 的「香港故事」。一直以來,本館都透過市民的慷慨捐贈來建立館藏,在常設展更新工程如箭 在弦的情況下,我們更主動向本地的文物收藏家募捐,務求把最精彩的歷史珍品融冶一爐。 透過二○一五年《日昇月騰:從敏求精舍藏品看明代》的專題展覽,本館與敏求精舍建立了良 好的合作關係,個別收藏家自此更積極支持本館常設展的更新工程,慷慨捐贈珍藏配合我們的 籌展工作。 What’s especially enjoyable about visiting the museum is that you have a close-up view of treasured objects. In the course of our renovation project, our colleagues were well aware of the need to expand the range and scope of the museum’s artefacts, as their attractiveness hinges upon the success of the renovation. The artefacts must be significant enough to relate to the historical milestones of Hong Kong and also be appealing to the public to attract the visitors to see them in greater detail and learn about the fascinating stories behind the objects. The museum has consistently been developing the collection with generous donations from the public. When the 圖一 Fig. 1 圖二 Fig. 2 renovation project began, we spared no effort in contacting local collectors, in the hope of drawing many of the most treasured pieces for public appreciation. 圖三及四 梁家樂先生捐出的兩件精品,見證了戰前香港的城市發展軌© 着。位於香港的太古煉 Thanks to the exhibition版權為香港歷史博物館所有 The Radiant Ming through the Min Chiu Society Collection, held in 2015, the museum 糖廠早於一八八一年啟用,而這幅年曆牌則於一九一○年印製,在農曆新年前送贈客戶;同 2018 has developed a very good working relationship with the Min Chiu Society. Some of their members have 時年曆牌上印有廣告字句,廣收宣傳之效。另一本小冊子名為《尋芳捷徑》,單看書名可能 continued their collaboration with us and made generous donations to tie in with the renovation project of our 令人想入非非,實際上此乃香港山頂纜車於一九三○年代的宣傳刊物,教讀者如何乘纜車到 permanent exhibition.© 山頂尋幽探勝。 2018 Hong Kong MuseumFig. 3 & 4 Artefacts donated by Mr KL Leung, showcasingof theHistory urban development of Hong Kong before WWII. The Taikoo Sugar Refinery, which opened in 1881, published calendar posters to promote its business, such as this one published and dispatched to clients before the Lunar New Year in 1910. The other booklet is titled The Short Cut to Beauty. The title may lead the reader to indulge in fantasy, but it was actually promotional material
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