2 H&8w.-.*sffi8a,vW MOJTDAY EVENING, THE MlN^^ emitted to the sickroom, as, according to >#£ '(tradition, popes must die surrounded by 1 ithe sacred college, the pontifical court and MNE IN ^CONCLAVE ithe diplomats accredited to the Vatican. Just at that moment a large party qf American tourists, unaware of the critical 'situation of the -pontiff, ascended the The Ceremonies Attending the Elec- grand staircase talking and laughing. ,They were approached by a gendarme -who feii&jM* the New Pope by ; /J said: "Please do not make any noise,,as ithe. holy father is dying." :*%r:"&Wthe Cardinals.- '-s -.3 ?*' This produced great emotion among the 'tourists and they Immediately retired. iThe government has decided that when Many Curious Usages That Have ithe pope's death Is imminent or has "a,c- .tually occurred, it will hold up all "dis­ *:• Come Down: Trom the Past < patches until the facts are ofnclay verified, ; , R iwhen the first official announcement "wllF *•*"- "*•""*' '""Centuries.'^™ • -^'*^" •< toe made. 1:30 p. m.—The pope, altho rallying from a heart attack, still continues in an •xtremely grave condition. " *" " On the tenth or, 'at the latest, the Dr. Mazzoni- Summoned. v twelfth day after the death of the pope, the conclave' assembles for the election 1:50 p. m.—Dr. Mazzoni has been of the new pontiff. If precedent is fol­ hastily recalled to the Vatican. It is be­ lowed the conclave is held in the lieved the supreme moment is very near. beautiful Sistine chapel within the walls His Death Agony. • of'the Vatican. Built by.Pope Sixtus IV., 2:45 p. m.—The pope has entered^into iihls famous church; has been- adorned by ,what the doctors .believe to be his last tlhe Rands of the greatest of Italian paint­ agony. The death rattle Is audible to ers. vOn !the v walls are the wprks pt those waiting outside the' sickroom. ' ' ^ignorelli, BcticeUi and Perugino, *• but Mazzoni Predicts the End. these are dimmed by the splendor of the 3:30 p. m.—Dr. Mazzoni, on leaving the CARDINAL RAMPOLLA. frescos of Michael Angelo, illustrating the CARDINAL SATOLLI •ick chamber a few moments ago, said Who as secretary of .state has been, creation and the last judgment. Who is well known in America where he the present indications pointed to the practically ^supreme pontiff during Leo^s Connected with the capital, which.is on was the first Apostolic delegate. He is pope's death within two hours. last illness. His powers now cease with the first floor of the Vatican, are the large probably too-young to have any chance but the death of the pope. He was the most galleries which are fitted"" up for the re­ will have weight in' the' counsels of the -Altho this morning's bulletin has given J the-impression that the pope's condition trusted of Leo of all the college of catv ception of the cardinals and their attend;- conclave, because of$hls\ knowledge of the dinals, and represents in his candidacy ants,' and their arrangements are sucn missions of the church.' The American Js samehat ameliorated, the doctors do church is still a missionary church. not think so. The diminution of the for the succession the late pontiff's lib-, that when their eminences have entered respiration is due to great prostration of eral ideas. It is said, however, that he the place of conclave, the entire section does not expect to be made pope, but has of the Vatican set apart for the purpose the whole system which is augmenting^ ot- dinals then takes place and the pope, •wlthstanding the fact that the patient at promised to support Gottl in return for can be shut off entirely from the outside promises of advancement by the latter. world, the intention being that the mem­ having put off his pontiflclal robes and times takes a little nourishment. The pope assumed his ordinary white vestments, continues now and then to mutter phrases bers of this exalted council shall be sub­ jected to no mundane influences. Bach with the broad cardinal's Tiat and scar­ altho unconscious. let hood; is carried on the-sedia gesta- cardinal is allowed the services of a sec­ toroa, attended by an escort of the noble Words of Delirium. retary and an attendant, who while the His mind evidently returns' to the events guard, to his new apartments In the SIGNIFICANT BITES conclave lasts occupy rooms adjacent to Vatican. , which impressed him most before his ill- the particular cell allotted to their mas­ Mess began. At one moment he is feeling ter. On the day" fixed for the meeting of about with his hands and moving his head Impressive Ceremonies That Are Per­ the conclave, the cardinals assemble to THE END WAS NEAR iram side to side, trying to lift himself til'5 hear special mass of the holy spirit and while he murmurs: "What crowds, what formed When a Pope to take t«e oaths of faithfulness and se­ Leo Told His* Physicians That AH Wag devotion, my dear people." Then, falling crecy, When this Is accomplished all the Nearly Over, jback inertly he sighs and says: "Oh, the c «£ ~ .. c Dies. members of the sacred congregations go (The following dispatQh was sent be­ .weight of these robes, can I hold out un­ ih solemn procession, two ^by two, and til the end?" This is followed by scraps of fore the pope's demise.) -". - followed by the long retinue of attend­ Rome, July 20.—An attempt to gather Latin verses and prayers and then comes ants, to the conclave, while the inspiring an interval of silence which is broken by something regarding the pope's condition Cardinal Camerlingo Verifies the strains of the "Veni Creator Spiritus" are from the expression of the face of Cen­ another moment <tf energy in which the chanted. , pope cries: "The consistory is over. They Fact of Death and; Prepares. tra, the pontiff's valet, as he opened the jean reproach me no longer. How many Once ^within .the confines of the con­ window of the room of his holiness at day Mi' laces of all kinds.' How many foreigners. for the Conclave. *, •>clav e the massive doors are shut with break each morning, has been for days ,The church is triumphing," and so on, double locks and from that moment until past the last act of the night watchers (Over and over again. the new pontiff is elected, no person is in tb£ piazza of St. Peters before going A wonderful thing about Pope Leo is permitted to pass in or out. The meals to their well-earned rest and being re­ ithat every time his mind becomes clear On the official notification, by the pope's for the assemblage are prepared within placed by others. This morning, as he seems to grasp the fact that it may be medical attendants that his holiness is the walls of the Vatican and are delivered usual, their eyes were fixed upon the w 'the last time and he makes the highest in a critical condition, the sacrament is thru a casement, let into the great door. window, but time passed and still the juse of it. When, during the alarming set forth in all the churches In Rome; at It is here, also, that on the first day of shutters remained closed. Seconds grew THE SUCCESSFUL CAJTOIDATE icrisis, about noon, he was lying on his bed, St. Peter's, exposed on the high altar, the conclave a committee . of cardinals Into minutes, but still there was no perfectly motionless, while around him covered with a cloth of white lawn, which appointed by the whole body, gives au­ movement, and this fact produced inde­ Hadn't You Heard? Oh Yes, Grover Is Papa of Another Healthy Boy. is only removed on the death of the pope. dience to the foreign envoys. This, how­ scribable animation among those gath­ knelt the oardinals and other members of »».«•......«.....j..^.. .... T T |lr—1|1-T1ln—T—iiiiniiiiiiimiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiwiiimiiW the papal court, praying and not knowing Meanwhile summonses are sent by tele­ ever, takes place before the conclave has ered in the piazza." "What can it mean?" whether the pope was not already dead, graph to the. foreign or absent cardinals, actually met for the papal election. The the people asked. "The pope must have A LONG AND WONDERFUL LIFE dition of society as having drifted into a state and those in Rome- are called to the Sistine chapel is especially fitted for the 6f anarchy. .without any preliminary restlessness, the passed away." With- this Idea in mind, The- twenty-fourth anniversary ot Pope Leo's (pontiff opened his eyes, which fell on Vatican. ' holding of this momentous. council. The some sped into the city, while others, less coronation was celebrated at the Vatican July 6, .Cardinal Oreglia, who was at his side, and On the death occurring, the first steps stalls for the cardinals, ranged on each precipitate, besieged the bronze doors The Story of Joachim Pecci Who Became Pope Leo XIII. and Accom- 1902, by the entire papal court and thousands he said, solemnly: "To your eminence, to be taken are the. official verification side, are surmounted by canopies of cloth which were opened, to be received by ot members of all the Catholic societies as* jwho will so soon sedze the reins of BVL- that the vicar of Christ is no more. This in the ecclesiastical colors. And at the j. plished So Much for His Church. sembted in Borne for the occasion.
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