CALVIN M. MC?CLUNG HISTORICAL COLLECTION CALVIN MORGAN M<?CLUNG HISTORICAL COLLECTION of Books, Pamphlets, Manuscripts, Pictures and Maps relating to early Western Travel and the History and Genealogy of Tennessee and other Southern States. CJ>resented to LAWSON McGHEE LIBRARY by MRS. CALVIN M. McCLUNG KNOXVILLE LITHOGRAPHING CO. KNOXVILLE, TENN. 1921 The following catalog is arranged alphabetically by author or, when the author is not known, by the key word of the title. The compilation is the joint work of Laura Luttrell, Wisconsin Library School, 1913, Organizer of the Collection, and Mary U. Rothrock, New York State Library School, 1912--14, Librarian of Lawson McGhee Library, who grate­ fully acknowledge the helpful suggestions of Dr. George F. Mellen. ~ ~ 'i; 1; 'i; CONTENTS Calvin Morgan McClung . Page VII Books and Pamphlets . " 1 Knoxville Books and Pamphlets . " 163 Autographs and other Manuscripts " 168 Pictures • • • • • • • • • ♦ " 181 Maps . • • • . ,, 184 Newspapers . '' 190 CALVIN MORGAN M <: CLUNG CAL VIN MORGAN M'?CLUNG, son of Franklin Henry and Eliza Ann (Mills) McClung, was born May 12, 1855. In 1874 he received from East Tennessee University the degree of A. B., in 1876 from Sheffield Sci­ entific School of Yale University that of Ph. B. and in 1877 from East Tennessee University that of A. M. He married first Annie, daugh­ ter of Col. Charles McClung McGhee, founder of Lawson McGhee Library; second Barbara, daughter of Mr. Augustus Dixon Adair, of Atlanta. He died March 12, 1919. ~ 'i; The collection of historical material relating to his own state and city was the absorbing in­ terest of his later life. Accuracy and thorough­ ness characterized his efforts, both as student and collector. Evidence of his painstaking ex­ actness may be seen in the marginal annota­ tions, the clippings and letters to be found in almost every volume of his library. i? i? ABORIGINES OF Al\IERIC_i, Board for the emigration, preservation, and improve1nent of the. Documents and proceedings relating to the forn1ation and progress of a Board in the city of New York, for the emigration, preservation, and 1n1prove- 1nent, of the aborigines of ....-\ .. 1nerica. July 22, 1829. _y_ 1~., Vanderpool. & Cole, 1829. 48 p. ADAIR, J Al\1ES. History of the An1erican Indians; particu- larly those nations adjoining to the ~Iississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Vir­ ginia:.._, ... ,vith obserYations on former historians, the conduct of our colony governors, superintendents, missionaries, &c. Lond., E. & C. Dilly, 1775. 464 p.rnap . .A.DAMS, ]Irs. ~i\BIGAIL (SMITH). Letters of l\Irs. ....\.dams, the wife of John ....\dams ·with introductory memoir by her grandson, Charles Francis Adams. 2d ed. Bost., Little, 1840. 2 v . .AD_\.l\iIS, CHARLES FRA.1~c1s. Lee's centennial, an address de- liYered at Lexington, ·v·irginia, Jan. 19, 1907. Bost., Houghton, 1907. 76 p. AD.A)IS. CHARLES FRXKCIS. Sifted grain and the grain sifters. Address at the dedication of the building of the State his- torical society of ,Visconsin at )Iadison. C anibridge, 1900. 67 p. An_1~1s, JOHN Q-u1xcY. Oration on the life and character of Gilbert ~Iotier de Lafayette. Wash., D. C., Gales & Seaton, 1835. 34 p. _\DDRESS to the citizens of the state of Tennessee. Kno.r:i·ille, Tenn., IIeisk€l1 & B:·ou-11. 182:3. 22 p. (8ignerl: _.\ citi- zen south of Frenth Broad and Jlolston1. AIK:\L\.X, JI rs. Lorrs.'\. Srs.\XX :\.H ("\\ELLS\. Journal of a vovage fron1 Charleston. S. C .. to London. undertaken dur- ~ ~ . ing the ...·unerican reYolution bv a daughter of an e1ninent ~ . ~ An1eriean lovalist in the vear 1778. and written £ro1n n1en1ory ~ L L only in 1779. .;.Y. 1,,.., .Y. 1.... historical soc., 1906. 121 p. ·illus. 1 _i\.LJ ..BAl\LL Horseshoe Bend battle commission. niemorial of Horseshoe Bend battle commission ... created by the state of Alabama, praying Congress to establish a military park on the Horseshoe Bend battlefield. 1Vash., Govt. print. off., 1909. 18 p. ALAB ..\.MA. UNIVERSITY. R-egister of the officers and stu- dents of the University of Alabama; 1831-1901. Comp. by Thomas Waverly Palmer. Tuscaloosa, AZ.a., University, 1901. 505 p. ALDERl\L\.N, ED"WIN .r\.NDERSON. Growing South, an address delivered before the Civic forum in Carnegie IIall, New York city, l\Iarch 22, 1908. 1V.:r., Civ·ic f arum, 1908. 24 p. port. ALDERMAN, Eo·w1N .,...\.. NDERS0N. J. L. ir. Curry; a biography, by E ...A .. Alderman and Armistead Churchill Gordon. .N.Y.,Jlac·millan,1911. 468 p. port. ALEXANDER, ARCHIBALD. Biographical sketches of the found- er, and principal alu1nni of the Log College; together with an account of the revivals of religion under their ministry. Princeton, iY. J., Rob·inson, 1845. 369 p. ALEXAXDER, FREDERICK W.ARREN. Stratford hall and the Lees connected with its history; biographical. genealogical and historical. Oak Grove, Va.., F. W. A.le.rancler, 1912. 332 p. illus . .A .. LEXANDER, Jc\:\IES W~-\.DDELL. Life of Archibald ..A..lexander. ~Y.I'·.,scribner,1856. 563 p. port . ...i\_LEXAXDER, .J. B. Biographical sketches of the early settlers of the I-Iope,Yell section and re1nini.scencrs of the pioneers and their descendants by fan1ilies. Charlotte, S.C., Observer print.& pub.house,1897. 104 p. port. ALEXj.NDER, JonN BREVARD. IIistory of ~r ecklenburg County fron1 17 -10 to 1900. Charlotte, ~Y. C., Observer print. hoilse,1902. 431 p. illlls. 2 .A.LEX-lNDER, SAl\:IUEL D_l VIES. Princeton college during the eighteenth century. 1Y. Y., Randolph, 1872. 326 p. ALLA.BEN, FRANK. Concerning genealogies; being suggestions of value for all interested in family history. .,.V. Y., Graf- ton press, 1904. 71 p. ALLEN, JAMES LANE. Blue grass region of Kentucky and other Kentucky articles. J.Y. Y., Harper, 1907. 300 p. illus . .ALLEN, "\VILLIAM CICERO. History of Halifax County. Bost.,Cornhill co.,c1918. 235 p. illus. ALLEN, WILLIAM CICERO. North Carolina history stories. R·ichniond, B. F. Johnson pub. co., 1901. 5 pts. ALLISON, JOHN. ~.\ddress ... on East Tennessee a hundred years ago; first free and independent government in Amer­ ica; first church; first institution of learning; first newspaper west of the Alleghanies. Delivered at seventeenth annual meet­ ing Tennessee press association at Cloudland, N. C. July 14-16, 1887. .:.Y ash v-ille, Tenn., H asslock & Anibrose, 1887. 15 p . .A .. LLISON, JOHN. Dropped stitches in Tennessee history. ..:.Yashville,Tenn.,J.llarshall & Bruce co.,1897. 152 p. illus. ALVORD, CLARENCE W_lLWORTH. County of Illinois. S pringfielcl, Ill. state historical library, 1907. n. p. ALVORD, CLARENCE W_tL"1-0RTH. First explorations of the trans-Allegheny region by the ·virginians, 1650-167 -!, by C. W. ~~lvord & Lee Bidgood. Cle1~eland, A.. H. Clark co., 1912. 275 p. azus. ALVORD, CL.ARE~CE "'\\.,.._-\.L\VORTH. 1Iississippi , ... alley in British politics; a study of the trade, land speculation. and experi­ ments in imperialism culn1inating in the .American revolution. Cleveland, .A. H. Clark co., 1917. 2 t·. maps. A11ERICJ.N ....\.cADE11Y of arts and sciences. ~Ien1orial of .. A.. sa Gray. Ca,nbridge, l:niv. press, 1888. 45 p. 3 AMERICAN .ANCESTRY: grv1ng the nan1e and descent, in the male line, of An1ericans ·whose ancestors settled in the United States previous to the Declaration of independence, A. D. 1776. Albany, J.11 unsell, 1889. v. 4. AMERIC.:\.N BOARD of commissioners for foreign 1n1ss1ons. History of American missions to the heathen, from their commencement to the present time. 1Vorcester, illass., Spoon- er & How land, 1840. 726 p. illics . .A.MERIC.:\.N HISTORICAL .A.. ssocIATION. .,A.. nnual report. 1v· ash., Govt.print.off. ill us. Library has, 1894-1895; 1896, v. 1; 1899-1915. A:\iIERICAN HISTORIC_-\.L JL\.G~\.zINE and Tennessee historical soci- ety quarterly. ;.Yashville, Tenn., 1896-1904. 9 v. illus. AMERICAN l-IISTORJC_\.L R-EVIE,v. Lancaster, Pa., Jiacmillan. Library has v. 15-23. 1909-1918. .A.)IERICAN PHILOSOPHIC_-\.L SocIETY. Proceedings. Phi la., pub. for the soc., 1889. 'V. 26, Jan.-July, 1889. 376 p. (Contains Portions of the Journal of Andre )Iichaux) . ...i\.),IERIC_-\.X SocIETY for promoting the civilization and general in1urove1nent... of the Indian tribes ,vi thin the United States. Xe,,,. society, for the benefit of Indians, organized at the city of "\\:ashingion, February, 1822. 1-V-ash., D.C., Davis & f'orce. 12 p. A.:110RY:- .Jlrs. }L\RTIL\. (BABCOCK). Don1estic and artistic life of John Singleton Copley, R ..A.. With notices of his ·works, and rerniniscences of h1s son. Lord Lyndhurst. lord high chancellor of Great Britain. Bv his granddaughters. Bost., t' 1....- ..__ H ou.1h ton J 1882. 478 p. port. [ ....--\XB"CRY. Tno::\L~s.] .Journal d 'nn Yoyage fait dans l 'in- terieur de l ' .....\.merique Septentrionale. Ouvrage dans lequel on donne des details precieux sur I 'insurrection des ) .. nglo-A.n1ericains. et sur la chute desastreuse de leur papier- 1non11oie. Tr. de l ' ....\nglois et enrichi de notes par :\I. X oel. Paris.La T"illette,1793. 2 v. illus. 4 A~DERSON, DICE ROBINS. "\Villiam Branch Giles: a study in the politics of Virginia and the nation from 1790 to 1830. Jlenasha, 1Vis., Banta, 1914. 271 p. ports . ....\..NDERSOK, Is..:L\.C. Funeral sermon, preached in New-Provi- dence church, :\Iaryville~ on the occasion of )Ir. James H. Blackburn's death, son of the Rev. Gideon Blackburn, )lay 2nd, 1818. Knoxville, Tenn., Heiskell & Brown, 1818? 38 p . ....\..NDERSON, Is.AAC. Inaugural discourse delivered in the church at I\Iaryville, Ten., in presence of the Directors of the Southern & ..vestern theological seminary, on the 25th of September, 1822, by Rev. Isaac Anderson, ..A .. )I. 39 p. (Xo imprint given). ANDERSON, R_\S}ICS B.JORN. Biographical sketch of Lyman C.
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