he elowna ourier :Jirst:»aliSKr.-,lr;;. T K C tirrereiicrr::. Trr-r:::-.-;:r: rx-• VOLUME 34 Kelowna, l?ritisli C:oluinl)ia. M'nesday, August 2 i k 1, 1938 N U M I U 'k k 3 2 nd R^iatta Promises be Best on Record < X. ^ ^ , < Hugh Crowds E xpected to Throng IV. m City for Annual Aquatic Event KELOWNA COURIER O n V(^ednesday and Thursday f REGATTA ROWING CREWS Canadian and B.C. Championship Swim and Diving Events Head Attractive List of Contests for Two Big Days EXTRA FROM NELSON TO in Kelowna—Novelty Features Galore Arranged by Energetic Regatta Officials—Competitors Coming COMPETE HERE from All Parts of B.C. and State of Washington—Big Wrestling Card Wednesday Night—Many Coast Vis­ 16-PAGES-16 Senior Fours and Doubles to Take itors Expected—Dances as Usual will be Big Feature on Energetic Crews from Ke­ 1st SECTION lowna Club During Regatta K a y Hill, Lady of the Lake, will Officially Regatta Paecs 1 “ 12 OTHER CREWS ACTIVE Changes Made in Set-up of Sen­ r o m the moment that Kay Hill, 1936 Lady of the Lake, officially ior W a r Canoe Race— Pentic­ F opens the 32nd annual Kelowna Regatta until the last note of ton and Summerland Disagree dance music fades into the breaking dawn of Friday morning, the two biggest days in the history of Kelowna’s summer' seasons will be ®ivXv«4>vlNV.V> ( 5>'\W Numerous crews are training stead- packed with more thrills and events than has ever been experienced.' thVbig^M^nu2^°ReiSa^S That is no“ r idle boast,«-, the«•««: xvvguiiaRegatta oinciaisofficials srate,state, anaand it covers a wide I" day and Thursday, and some sterling for the Kelowna Regatta has long been known as the pre­ RECUPERATING FROM INJURIES J battles should be observed the two event of its kind in western Canada. Constable E. H. Hembling, of the days as the scullers skim over the Not only will the 32nd running of this ereat affair draw com- VM couver City police force, who re­ wajer S surface with breath-taking petitors from all parts of British Columbia, but many sections of the ceived injuries in the recent fight be­ Chief in the rowing competitions State of Washington are to be represented. Swimmers, diyers, speed- <>• tween Vancouver police and the un­ will be those between the Nelson sen- boat racers, wrestlers, ball players, water skiiers, life savers bands employed sit-downers at the Vancou­ ver Post Office, is recuperating fi-om cowboy bands, singing trios, fireworks, illuminated' boats, bearded 3no tnG NgIsoii sncl KlGlowns. sGirior bcsiitics TniflTA/axr j r i his injuries at the home of his parents, doublescrews. For weeks the Kelow- aances, midway attractions and dozens of other novelty 2t-v-:-w.v.s%w.v... Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hembling, Oyama. na crews have been training and both are being brought forward for the pleasure of the thousands crews are said to be in excellent con- who will witness the two big days of August 3 and 4. Kelowna senior four is compris- La^v of^he « m ^ast-crowned “ ^ ---------------------------------— le Plans for Bjg Provincial ed of Bob Hayman, stroke, Malcolm tifp m S officially open Thursday, with an overflow at the Chapin, Bruce Paige and Bill Tread- regatta in company with Max Oddfellows’ Hall, gold, bow. The Kelowna senW doub- y„u5tfc^ Thursday morning will see a re- Liberal Convention in Kelowna les crew is made up of Malcolm Cha- ^ ^ ° n mana- sumption of the diving and swimming, . pin and Harold Burr. Nelson’s senior ,7 Can Co., Vancou- with heats in the speedboat classes, »ions four is made up of Bud Greenwood, f_r’ named Commodore On Thursday afternoon come . Ihe Entire City will ^X^elcome Visitors stroke, Albert Bush, Cam Holt and main events, the swimming and div- From Coast and V^ashington Points , ( Darrell Varner. The Nelson doubles P on .Wednesday afternoon August ing being complemented ,by the war team comprises Bud Greenwood Precede a big canoe races, sculling, speedboats and ' swimming and diving and sailboat races. Many novelties, de- Various Civic Bodies Gb-operate in Planning Entertain- Bush. noveity'-featGres.' tails of which may b^ found’ in“oth7r Coming For Two Big Regatta Days ment Features for August 25 and 2 6 — Residents Ex- other Rowing contests sum m ers will be present from Vic- columns, win intersperse the program tend Invitations to Delegates to Use Their,Homes Vancouver Competitors Competed at British Empire ^ this Regatta but there will be plenty Kelowna contestants are keyed to a a banquet will be tendered the many . .. _ Games, at Sydney, Australia, Last Winter-—Victoria, of other rowing contests despite t h a t high pitch and should provide stiff Regatta guests and officials. This is IT H The assistance of the senior and junior boards of trade, Gyro factfact. „ — - — - competition for the visitors.visitors. Okana-Okana- alwaysalwavo a”splendida onionHia wind-urto twTen^ Seattle and Vancouver, W^ash., Entries are Received W club and other interested civic bodies, the Kelowna and district In the junior doubles Bill Treadgold Valley points are sending bigger joyable days and provides the visitors Expect Other American Competitors L ib e r a l association is progressing with its plans to entertain nearly hnd Bruce Paige team up against Rudy swimmers and divers with an opportunity to express their a thousand persons in Kelowna for the big provincial Liberal con- ® r- ion many years past; thanks^ for the invitations and ccurte- LY M PIC and British Empire champions in the diving and swim­ v e n h o n on A u g u s t 25 a n d 26. ming world............_ will cavort before the delighted nhundreds u n areo s oof . specspec- Billeting Committee Active ' ' Toslenson and Don Campbell. On Wednesday evening a gatoe -S gesW ,in,proveme„.s tatorsO who will be here for the 32nd annuaf KelowTRegatta r x t rni.., V, ■ a- ... Ihe possibility of a boat trip on Friday Junior fours crews are made u p o f will be the wrestling match between which might be made. tvv j , ■, rr^, ---- --------- ------------ ------------ ..w.™.*. The housmg or billeting committee . „ a or; e ra- , . Phil Chapman, Rudy Burnett, Art 'I^ek McLauchlan, of Vancouver, who ft is confidently expected that the Thursday, August 3 and 4. Such nationally-known weis set up some time ago v/ith Chas. •^V*gust 26^ ^om Kelowna to . enticton Burtch and^ Buster Jennens in one has packed ’em in for Regattas on pre- 1938 regatta will come close to e q u a l - Sports Hubbard as chairman, Dick Parkinson C.P.R. sternwheeler. Sicamoiis. figures as Lynda Adams, George Athans, Mary Bag-galev and Scholl 3hc3 C btI snej 011111 TustGnson, ocossions snd Bull, sVinters, for- linff the sttondsncG fiffurG^? of tl'rj 1Q8fi h e r *oinTTii«<ri j __ « as secretary and Roy Hunt, W. W. Rid- spacious boat will acconimodate Roy JaiDGs and Don Camnbell in tho ocious killer from Kalamazoo, Mich, afflir, u f ty N^el Qxenbury. Phylhs Dewar and many others dell, George Anderson and Jim Doug- persons, and Penticton Liberals ■';^^:;.|k competing boat. has just returned from a trip cords. That ySm th e r e g a ^ las. This committee has been quite ac- entertain the ^visi- Then there will be a mixed doubles which has taken him Down Under to up with the Vancouver jubik'e ceD- k;;: tive and now have between 500 and hours in the event oi the Are Returing Again :: contest between Malcolm Chapin and Australia and New Zealand, and to bration and the combined ticket sales ivtoet visits Kelowna during° Regatta° ..... time....... 600 occommodations for the visitors being made. :sr 600 occommodations for the visitors T- ^ , . , , . , , , Lorna Barrat and Bruce Paige and South Africa and England. He is for the two affairs swelled the attend- ^ Vancouver aquatic Under Coach. Percy Norm an,,Van- PS1 with tentative promises of another 100, If no boat, tup IS taken, a small tvvo- Vera Ciisbing. The ladies’ • doubies looking for fresh fields to conquer and ance considerably. ' members of the British couver is sending a contingent of 33 at least. hour regatta will be sla.ged at the contest will be composed of Vera Cu.th- will be v/elcomed here as he has al- The ladies’ auxiliary to tho Ann'Uif Games team which reprc.seni-, swimmers and divers who will be top On Friday evening, at the I.O.O.F. Aquatic club, with The Possibility of ing and Lorna Barrat agaimst Helen Nvays been a popular contestant. association is c o n d S g a Sydnpv Australia. last ranking in Canada. Victoria is send- Hall, members of this committee, to­ a luncheon there Friday, as v/ell. There Ennis and Madeline Gagnon. The first of the Two Aquatic dances ing on Thursday evening to h o w S s of • ^hey , were here last year and ing a party of eight, including Eleanor gether with Dr. Knox, provincial Lib­ may be a dance at the Aquatic Friday There is an interesting by-play be- will be. held Wednesday, evening, at tickets. The lucky Ticket holder v.dll snSad^tlfe and Stan Peden, sister and brother of eral association president, other mem­ , Turn to Page 12, Story 4 Turn to Page 7, Story 6 . the Pavilion the second being on Turn to Paee 12 Storv 3 tidings of the wonder- the famous Torchy Peden,. internatio.n- bers of the Liberal executive, and =====--- - -- - -----------..............................................................
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