Raptor Species Index

Raptor Species Index

Raptor Species Index A Accipiter henstii (Henst’s goshawk), 9, 53 Accipiter albogularis (pied goshawk), 9 Accipiter hiogaster (variable goshawk), 9, 49 Accipiter badius (shikra), 9, 422, 424, 447 Accipiter imitator (imitator goshawk), 9 Accipiter bicolor (bicolored hawk), 9 Accipiter luteoschistaceus (slaty-mantled Accipiter brachyurus (bismarck sparrowhawk), 9 goshawk), 9 Accipiter brevipes (Levant sparrowhawk), 9 Accipiter madagascariensis (Madagascan Accipiter butleri (Nicobar sparrowhawk), 9 sparrowhawk), 7, 9 Accipiter castanilius (chestnut-flanked Accipiter melanochlamys (black-mantled sparrowhawk), 9, 446 goshawk), 9 Accipiter chilensis (Chilean hawk), 9 Accipiter melanoleucus (black sparrowhawk), Accipiter chionogaster (white-breasted hawk), 9 9, 81, 180, 182, 184, 427, 436, Accipiter cirrocephalus (collared 441–442, 446 sparrowhawk), 9 Accipiter meyerianus (Meyer’s goshawk), 9 Accipiter collaris (semicollared hawk), 8, 18, Accipiter minullus (little sparrowhawk), 9, 447 19, 377 Accipiter nanus (dwarf sparrowhawk), 8, 9 Accipiter cooperii (Cooper’s hawk), 9, 107, Accipiter nisus (Eurasian sparrowhawk), 9, 56, 179, 181, 190–191, 343, 352 78, 104, 124, 132, 166, 179, 232, 264 Accipiter erythrauchen (rufous-necked Accipiter novaehollandiae (grey goshawk), 9, sparrowhawk), 9 49, 54, 81 Accipiter erythronemius (rufous-thighed Accipiter ovampensis (Ovambo sparrowhawk), hawk), 9, 191 9, 447 Accipiter erythropus (red-thighed Accipiter poliocephalus (grey-headed sparrowhawk), 9, 447 goshawk), 9 Accipiter fasciatus (brown goshawk), 9 Accipiter poliogaster (grey-bellied hawk), 9, Accipiter francesiae (Frances’s sparrowhawk), 9 18, 54, 376, 377, 385 Accipiter gentilis (northern goshawk), 9, 69, Accipiter princeps (New Britain goshawk), 9 81, 104, 264, 343, 351 Accipiter rhodogaster (vinous-breasted Accipiter griseiceps (Sulawesi goshawk), 8, 19 sparrowhawk), 9 Accipiter gularis (Japanese sparrowhawk), 9 Accipiter rufitorques (Fiji goshawk), 9 Accipiter gundlachi (Gundlach’s hawk), 9, Accipiter rufiventris (rufous-breasted 202, 377, 389 sparrowhawk), 9, 447 Accipiter haplochrous (white-bellied Accipiter soloensis (Chinese sparrowhawk), 9, goshawk), 9 127, 131 Accipiter henicogrammus (Moluccan Accipiter striatus (sharp-shinned hawk), 9, goshawk), 9 125, 343, 375 © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018 499 J. H. Sarasola et al. (eds.), Birds of Prey, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73745-4 500 Raptor Species Index Accipiter superciliosus (tiny hawk), 8, 18, 19 B Accipiter tachiro (African goshawk), 9, 446 Bubo africanus (spotted eagle owl), 243 Accipiter toussenelii (red-chested goshawk), Bubo blakistoni (Blakiston’s fish owl), 354, 9, 447 399, 401 Accipiter trinotatus (spot-tailed sparrowhawk), 9 Bubo bubo (eagle owl), 44, 55, 104, 106, 107, Accipiter trivirgatus (crested goshawk), 8, 18, 19 235, 312, 343 Accipiter ventralis (plain-breasted hawk), 9 Bubo scandiacus (snowy owl), 43, 106, 237 Accipiter virgatus (Besra), 8, 9, 18, 19 See also Nyctea scandiaca Aegolius funereus (Tengmalm’s owl), 104, 352 Bubo virginianus (great horned owl), 191, 237, Aegypius monachus (cinereous vulture), 7, 281, 304 206, 234, 253, 344, 458, 461 Busarellus nigricollis (black-collared hawk), Aegypius varswaterensis, 13 9, 46 Aquila adalberti (Spanish imperial eagle), 8, Butastur indicus (grey-faced buzzard), 9, 58, 106, 111, 205, 264, 274, 282, 287, 127, 131 296, 311, 343, 353, 460 Butastur liventer (rufous-winged buzzard), 9 Aquila africana (Cassin’s eagle), 8, 53 Butastur rufipennis (grasshopper buzzard), 9, See also Spizaetus africanus (Cassin’s 422, 436, 446 hawk-eagle) Butastur teesa (white-eyed buzzard), 9 Aquila audax (wedge-tailed eagle), 8, 170, Buteo albigula (white-throated hawk), 10 213, 238, 343 Buteo albonotatus (zone-tailed hawk), 10, 53 Aquila chrysaetos (golden eagle), 8, 35, 45, 46, Buteo archeri (Archer’s buzzard), 10 54, 69, 84, 162, 167, 170, 212–215, 231, Buteo augur (Augur buzzard), 10, 213, 421, 235, 236, 240, 260, 264, 281, 286, 289, 427, 441, 446, 486 305, 306, 315, 327, 343, 344, 355, 479 Buteo auguralis (red-necked buzzard), 10, Aquila fasciata (Bonelli’s eagle), 8, 9, 54, 100, 422, 430, 447 232, 274, 289, 311, 344 Buteo bannermani (Cape Verde buzzard), 10 Aquila gurneyi (Gurney’s eagle), 8 Buteo brachypterus (Madagascan buzzard), 10 Aquila heliaca (eastern imperial eagle), 8, 167, Buteo brachyurus (short-tailed hawk), 10 216, 239, 343, 352, 353, 402 Buteo burmanicus (Himalayan buzzard), 10 Aquila nipalensis (steppe eagle), 8, 167, 202, Buteo buteo (Eurasian or common buzzard), 213, 239, 343, 399, 402, 406, 410, 55, 69, 72, 74, 78, 81, 104, 147, 148, 422, 436 150, 199, 205, 212, 232, 235, 264 Aquila pennata (booted eagle), 8, 18, 50, 73, Buteo galapagoensis (Galapagos hawk), 10, 125, 166, 213, 243, 343, 436 39, 56, 343, 376, 377, 389 Aquila rapax (tawny eagle), 8, 81, 315, Buteogallus aequinoctialis (rufous crab hawk), 421, 447 10, 377 Aquila spilogaster (Bonaparte’s eagle), 8, Buteogallus anthracinus (common black 430, 446 hawk), 10 Aquila verreauxii (Verreaux’s eagle), 8, 81, Buteogallus coronatus (Chaco eagle), 10, 201, 213–214, 217, 315, 420, 421, 436, 439, 202, 328, 377, 380 440, 446 See also Harpyhaliaetus coronatus Asio flammeus (short eared owl), 235 (crowned solitary eagle) Asio otus (long-eared owl), 144, 235 Buteogallus gundlachii (Cuban black hawk), Athene cunicularia (burrowing owl), 106, 179, 10, 378 180, 184, 186, 187, 191, 314, 343, 352 Buteogallus lacernulatus (white-necked Athene noctua (little owl), 108, 211 hawk), 10, 377 Aviceda cuculoides (African cuckoo-hawk), 7, Buteogallus meridionalis (Savanna hawk), 10 134, 433, 446 Buteogallus schistaceus (slate-colored hawk), 10 Aviceda jerdoni (Jerdon’s baza), 7 Buteogallus solitarius (solitary eagle), Aviceda leuphotes (black baza), 7 10, 377 Aviceda madagascariensis (Madagascan Buteogallus urubitinga (great black hawk), cuckoo-hawk), 7, 9 10, 143 Aviceda subcristata (Pacific baza), 7, 143 Buteo hemilasius (upland buzzard), 10, 315 Raptor Species Index 501 Buteo jamaicensis (red-tailed hawk), 10, 182, Circaetus beaudouini (Beaudouin’s snake 191, 237, 258, 281, 289, 327, 332, eagle), 8, 422, 430, 433, 446 343, 484 Circaetus cinerascens (western banded snake Buteo japonicus (eastern buzzard), 10 eagle), 8, 433, 447 Buteo lagopus (rough-legged buzzard), 10, Circaetus cinereus (brown snake eagle), 8, 136, 343 9, 446 Buteo lineatus (red-shouldered hawk), 10, Circaetus fasciolatus (southern banded snake 182, 343 eagle), 8, 430, 433, 447 Buteo magnirostris (roadside hawk), 212 Circaetus gallicus (short-toed snake eagle), 8, See also Rupornis magnirostris 125, 166 Buteo nitidus (grey-lined hawk), 10 Circaetus pectoralis (black-chested snake Buteo oreophilus (mountain buzzard), 10, 430, eagle), 8, 446 433, 447 Circaetus rhodopensis, 12 Buteo plagiatus (grey hawk), 10 Circaetus spectabilis (Congo serpent eagle), 8, Buteo platypterus (broad-winged hawk), 10, 19, 446 126, 129, 130, 343 See also Dryotriorchis spectabilis (West Buteo regalis (ferruginous hawk), 10, 171, African serpent-eagle) 315, 327, 332, 343 Circus aeruginosus (western marsh harrier), 9, Buteo ridgwayi (Ridgway’s hawk), 10, 202, 55, 125, 199, 203, 204, 211, 212, 352, 355, 376, 377, 389, 475, 476, 235, 264 484–485 Circus approximans (swamp harrier), Buteo rufinus (long-legged buzzard), 10 9, 173, 238 Buteo rufofuscus (jackal buzzard), 10, 424 Circus assimilis (spotted harrier), 9 Buteo socotraensis (Socotra buzzard), 10 Circus buffoni (long-winged harrier), 9, 199, 205 Buteo solitarius (Hawaiian hawk), 10 Circus cinereus (cinereous harrier), 9 Buteo swainsoni (Swainson’s hawk), 10, 55, Circus cyaneus (hen harrier), 9, 56, 147, 204, 109, 126, 130, 199, 205, 208, 212, 219, 207, 236, 311 237, 277, 315, 343, 352, 386, 387 Circus hudsonius (northern harrier), 9 Buteo trizonatus (forest buzzard), 10, 446 Circus macrosceles (Malagasy harrier), 9, Buteo ventralis (rufous-tailed hawk), 10, 376, 202, 203 377, 379 Circus macrourus (pallid harrier), 9, 204, 407, 422, 424 Circus maillardi (Reunion harrier), C 9, 202 Caracara cheriway (northern crested Circus maurus (black harrier), 9, 202, 203, caracara), 10 433, 446 Caracara lutosa (Guadalupe caracara), Circus melanoleucos (pied harrier), 9, 11 214, 388 Circus pygargus (Montagu’s harrier), 9, 36, Caracara plancus (southern crested caracara), 204, 424 10, 81, 143, 144, 205 Circus ranivorus (African marsh harrier), 9, See also Polyborus plancus 430, 446 Cathartes aura (Turkey vulture), 7, 11, 44, 53, Circus spilonotus (eastern marsh harrier), 9 55, 126, 130, 143, 211, 256, 275, 347, Circus spilothorax (Papuan harrier), 9 374, 385 Clanga clanga (greater spotted eagle), 8, 84, Cathartes burrovianus (greater yellow-headed 357 vulture), 7, 11 Clanga hastata (Indian spotted eagle), 8 Cathartes melambrotus (lesser yellow-headed Clanga pomarina (lesser spotted eagle), 8, 81, vulture), 7, 11 84, 357 Chelictinia riocourii (scissor-tailed kite), 7, Coragyps atratus (black vulture), 7, 11, 422, 446 55, 143, 214–215, 264, 352, 358, Chondrohierax uncinatus (Cuban kite), 7, 202 385, 491 Chondrohierax wilsonii (hook-billed kite), 7, Cryptoleucopteryx plumbea (plumbeous 202, 377, 389 hawk), 9, 10, 377 502 Raptor Species Index D Falco chicquera (red-necked falcon), 11, Daptrius albogularis (white-throated 424, 447 caracara), 10 Falco columbarius (American Merlin), 5, 11, Daptrius americanus (red-throated caracara), 54, 125, 231, 344 10, 143 Falco concolor (sooty falcon), 11 Daptrius ater (black caracara), 10, 142, 143, Falco cuvierii (African hobby),

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