3596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD~ HOUSE February 29 or will not, be stopped until our tariffs production plants behind the low-wage Senate had passed. the folowing resolu­ are radically reduced," is denied by Mr. curtain and furnish the low-wage stand­ tion, Senate Resolution 221: Vaucher. Mr. Vaucher goes on to say, ard-of.:.living countries of the world, and Resolved, That the Senate has heard with "from a realistic .viewpoint, however, one -import the product into the United profound sorrow ..and deep regret the an­ must recognize, as do the United States States under free trade or a very low duty nouncement of the death of Honorable HAR­ Customs officials, the fact that smuggling to sell in conjunction with their domestic LEY M. KILGORE, late a Senator from the State has significantly increased within the product. of West Virginia. past year and a half. This, we believe, Resolved, That' a committee be appointed by the President of the Senate, who shall be occurred primarily as a result of the ADJOURNMENT sharp increase in watch tariffs which a member of said committee, to attend the The PRESIDING OFFICER. What is funeral of the deceased Senator. stimulated smuggling activity because it Resolved, That the Secretary communicate increased the opportunities for illicit the pleasure of the Senate? these resolutions to the House of Repre­ gain for people who are by nature in­ Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, in sentatives and transmit a copy thereof to the clined to take- advantage of such oppor­ ' accordance with the order previously en­ family of the deceased. tunities,'' but 'denies that the "United tered; I move that the Senate stand in Resolved, That, as a further- mark of re­ States Department of State complained adjournment until 12 o'clock noon to­ spect to the memory of the deceased, the of the Swiss Federation .of Watch Manu• morrow. Senate, at the conclusion of its business facturers concerning the extent of . The motion was agreed to; and (at 6 today, do adjo~rn. watch smuggling into the United States," o'clo~k and 2.3 ~inutes p. m.) ,the Senate and also ·says, "the Swiss Federation of adjourned, the adjournment being, under Watch Manufacturers has never said, the order previously entered, 'until to­ RECESS or implied, that our rigid enforcement morrow, Thursday, March 1, 1956, at 12 o'clock meridian• The SPEAKER pro tempore. The .of the antismuggling measures is condi­ Chair wishes to announce at this time tional upon the willingness of the United that unanimous-consent requests will States to reduce tariffs." Mr. Vaucher NOMINATIONS not be entertained until after the joint goes on to say that "a large proportion meeting is concluded, at which time the of it originates in countries outside of Executive nominations received by the Chair will receive unanimous-consent the borders of Switzerland, and is there­ Senate February 29, 1956: requests. .fore completely. beyond our control." DEPARTMENT OF STATE The House stands in recess subject to It Mr.. President. · is recognized . that Robert C. Hill; of New Hampshire, to be the call of the Chair. · the watches do reach the United States an Assistant Secretary of State, vice Thrus­ Accordingly <at 12 o'clock and 3 min"." via the smuggling route, and it makes ton B. Morton, resigned. little difference to the workingmen and utes p . m.) the House stood in recess investors of the United States who brings COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY subject to the call of the Chair. them. Subject to qualifications provided by law, During the recess the· fallowing pro­ the following for permanent appointment ceedings occurred : · The raise in the tariff on Swiss to the grade indicated in the Coast and watches. was not accomplished .on any · Geodetic Survey: JOINT MEETING OF THE HOU.SE AND SENATE principle whatever. · It· was an arbitrary To be commisisoned ensign TOH.EAR AN ADDRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY decision. ' .. .. _ GIOVANNI GRONCHI, PRESIDENT .. OF THE 2, .. AlO:ert' Larsen, Jr., ~ffective March l, 1956. I quote recommendation No. from Charles 'r. :Harding. REPUBLIC OF ITALY page 3 of Senate Report No; 1627, filed Leroy w. Heilmann. with the Senate on July 9, 1954: The SPEA.KER pro tempore presided. ' Oliver J. Weber.· 12: 25 . 2. We recommend that Congress insure At o'clock p. m. the. Doorkeeper that the regulation of foreign trade . con­ •• ..... I I ~nnounced the :Vice President and the forms to the principles thus laid down in Members · of the United States Senate, article I, section 8, of the Constitution thus HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who entered the Hall of the House of assuring the American workers and. inves­ Representatives,·'the Vice President tak­ tors equal access to American markets. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1956 ing the chair at the fight of the Speaker The committee was convinced that we · pro tempore and the Members of ! the should revert to the Constitution of the The House met at 12 o'clock noon-_ Senate the seats reserved for them. United States, article 1, section 8, "in the The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, The SPEAKER pro tempore. On the regulation of foreign trade and the na­ D. D., offered the following prayer: part of the House, the Chair appoints tional economy which states that Con­ Almighty God, whose blessings are as members of the committee to escort gress and not the President of the United countless, may we daily enter with Thee His Excellency the President of Italy into States, or the General Agreement on into an intimate fellowship and have a the Chamber the gentleman from Okla­ Tariffs and Trade at Geneva, shall set vivid experience of Thy love and -peace. homa, Mr. ALBERT, the gentleman from the duties or tariffs and shall regulate May we remember Thy mercies and IV-assachusetts, Mr. MARTIN, the gentle­ foreign trade and the national economy. be thankful; may we be mindful of our man from South Carolina, Mr. RtcH­ Mr. President, the Congress, for al­ failures and weaknesses and be humble; ARDS, and the gentleman from Illinois, most a century of time, has'regulated the ·may we be ·conscious of Thy grace and Mr. CHIPERFIELD. foreign trade and ·the :r;iational economy good~ess and be hopeful. · Th~ VICE PRESIDENT. On the part and created the United States Tariff · Inspire · us to meet our tasks and re­ of the Senate, the Chair appoints as Commission in 1916 to do the job on a sponsibilities, our trials and tribulations, members of the committee of escort the · basis of fair and reasonable competition, calmly and confidently~ assured of Tliy Senator from Kentucky, Mr. CLEMENTS, the flexible duty or ·tariff representing presence to direct and strengthen us in the Senator from California, Mr. KNow­ the difference between the effective wage ·the ways of righteousness. LAND, the Senator from Rhode Island standard of living here and abroad. Grant that in all our human relation­ Mr. PASTORE, and the Senator from Wis~ Mr. President, the answer to the 24- 'ships we may manifest a spirit that is . consin, Mr. WILEY. year period of juggling by the executive gracious and gentle, kind and consider­ The Doorkeeper announced the fol­ department of the duties or tariffs 'in the ate, eager to minister to the needs of lowing guests, who entered the Hall of regulation of foreign trade and the na­ others and to help them bear their the House. of ~epresentatives, and took tional economy has destroyed the "in­ burdens. the seats reserved for them: - vestment climate" in the United States Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. ':fhe ambassadors, m'inisters, ·and except in the public utilities; which enjoy charges d'affaire~ of foreign govern­ a regulated monopoly in industry where The Journal of the proceedings of ments. taxpayers' money is advanced in the form yesterday was read and approved. The members of the President's Cab­ of actual gifts or loans or short amortiza .. inet. .tion periods, or a guaranteed unit price, MES-SAGE FROM THE SENATE At 12 o'clock and 30 minutes p. m. the or in industries virtually controlled by Doorkeepex: . annoup.c~d His' .Excellency organizations or groups large enough and A ~essage frqm the Senate, by Mr. Ast, Giova_nni 9ronchi, Presi~ent of the Re­ ,of such a natq.re .that they_can .Put their one of its clerks, announce_d that ·the public. of Italy. 1956 GONGRESS10NAL -RECORO - HOUSE 3597 His Excellency the President of Italy, ence and the adjustment of the. social pects · of a world where peace is based escorted by the committee of-- Senators structure. By becoming tinged with solely on military strength or on limited and Repre.sentatives, entered the Hall of these features, such competition encom­ political alinements. Today especially the House of Representatives and stood passes wider horizons and acquires every when nuclear weapons have reached such at the Clerk's desk. [Applause, the day a deeper meaning. Two basic con­ fearful developments, which will be in­ Members· rising .J ceptions face each other throughout the tensified in the future, it is essential that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- greatest part of the world. Will it be the while an efficient military strength is bers of the Congress, it is my great privi- principle of government for the people, or maintained, every effort be made to re­ lege and I deem it a high honor and of the people subject to the government? duce the danger of war, so that gradually pleasure to present to you His Excellency Will it be the western brand of democ­ .the employment -Of force may be no Giovanni Gronchi, President of the Re- racy-democracy through freedom-or longer required.
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