Date: 1 February 2016 Please note time and venue and that there will be a public session commencing at 6pm immediately prior to this meeting at the conclusion of which the formal Executive will commence Town Hall, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 7QF Tel: 01768 817817 Fax: 01768 890470 Email: [email protected] Dear Sir/Madam Executive Agenda - 9 February 2016 Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Executive will be held on Tuesday, 9 February 2016 at Millhouse Village Hall, Millhouse near Skelton immediately following the public session or at 6pm, whichever is the later 1 Apologies for Absence 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION that the public minutes E/105/01/16 to E/119/01/16 and of the meeting of the Executive held on 26 January 2016 be confirmed and approved by the Chairman as a correct record of those proceedings (copies previously circulated). 3 Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of the existence and nature of any private interests, both disclosable pecuniary and any other registrable interests, in any matter to be considered or being considered. 4 Questions and Representations from the Public To receive questions and representations from the public under Rules 3 and 4 of the Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution 5 Questions from Members To receive questions and representations from Members under Rule 5 of the Executive Procedure Rules of the Constitution 6 Heritage Assets in Eden (Pages 5 - 14) To consider report CLS114/15 of the Chairman of the Scrutiny Review Group which is attached and which presents the findings from the scrutiny review of Heritage Asset in Eden, along with the group’s recommendations. www.eden.gov.uk 1 RECOMMENDATIONS that: 1. the heritage project proposal to Historic England by Eden’s Tourism Network Heritage sub group be endorsed by the Council; 2. that if the project proposal is accepted, the Executive ascertain whether any grant could be made by the Council to assist with part funding the project. and; 3. that the Executive encourage all Members to participate in the English Tourism Events scheduled to take place in March 2016. 7 Budget Monitoring 2015-2016: 1 April 2015 to 31 December 2015 (Pages 15 - 22) To consider report F8/16 of the Finance Director which is attached and which is the quarterly budget monitoring report against the revised revenue and capital estimates recommended by the Executive to Council on 26 January 2016. RECOMMENDATION that the report be noted 8 Disposal of Offices and Chapels at Penrith and Appleby Cemeteries (Pages 23 - 30) To receive report CLS7/16 from the Director of Corporate and Legal Services which asks Members to consider the disposal of the office and Chapel at Penrith Cemetery and the disposal of the Cemetery Chapel at Appleby Cemetery. RECOMMENDATION that the Executive; 1. declares the land and buildings at Penrith Cemetery shown on the plan at Appendix 1 surplus to requirements and markets it for lease; 2. declares the Cemetery Chapel at Appleby Cemetery surplus to requirements and markets it for sale, as shown in the plan at Appendix 2.and; 3. the Director of Corporate and Legal Services be authorised to negotiate any disposal of either premises, should an offer above the lower end of the valuations provided at section 5, be achieved. 9 Tour of Britain Cycle Race 2016 - Request for Eden District Council to become a Delivery Partner for the Eden Stage (Pages 31 - 80) To consider report CD14/16 of the Communities Director which asks Members to agree for the Council to become a Delivery Partner with Cumbria County Council to once again be involved in hosting a stage of the Tour of Britain 2016 over the period 4 to 11 September and to agree to set aside a one off non-recurring growth item to cover the costs set out in the body of the report. RECOMMENDATION that; www.eden.gov.uk 2 a) The outturn reports on the economic and media coverage derived from Tour Of Britain 2015 be noted; b) Eden District Council agrees to support the 2016 Tour Of Britain event as it passes through the District in order to maximise the economic benefits to Cumbria on the same basis as 2015; and c) a one off growth item of £46,000 be recommended to Council for inclusion in the 2016/17 budget. This includes the cost of being a Delivery Partner. 10 Any Other Items which the Chairman decides are urgent 11 Date of Next Scheduled Meeting To confirm the next scheduled meeting of the Executive as 1 March 2016 at Morland Village Hall. Yours faithfully P G Foote Director of Corporate and Legal Services Democratic Services Contact: Members Services Encs For Attention All members of the Executive, i.e. Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic and Community Leadership Councillor K Beaty Deputy Leader and Housing and Health Portfolio Holder Councillor Mrs L Grisedale Executive Councillor D Hymers MBE, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development Councillor G Nicolson OBE, Portfolio Holder for Resources Councillor M Slee, Portfolio Holder for Communities Councillor A Todd, Portfolio Holder for Services For Information - All remaining members of the Council www.eden.gov.uk 3 Report No CLS114/15 Eden District Council Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee 17 December 2015 Executive 9 February 2016 Heritage Assets in Eden Report of the Chairman of the Review Group 1 Purpose of Report 1.1 The purpose of this report is to present the findings from the scrutiny review of heritage assets in Eden, along with the group’s recommendations to the Executive. 2 Recommendations It is recommended that: The Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee: 1. That the report including recommendations be approved. 2. That the report be submitted to the Executive for approval and implementation. The Executive: 3. That the heritage project proposal to Historic England by Eden’s Tourism Network Heritage sub group be endorsed by the Council. 4. That if the project proposal is accepted, the Executive ascertain whether any grant could be made by the Council to assist with part funding the project. 5. That the Executive encourage all Members to participate in the English Tourism Events scheduled to take place in March 2016. 3 Report Details 3.1 In October 2015 a task and finish group began looking at a question submitted to the Scrutiny Work Plan 2015-2016 which was confirmed at the Scrutiny Co-Ordinating Board on 4 June 2015. 3.2 The task and finish group agreed to review the question ‘Does Eden make the best use of our heritage assets to promote economic development and tourism?’ 1 3.3 The task and finish group were presented with desk research in order to provide background information on the tourism industry within Eden. 3.4 The task and finish group attended a witness session with Eden’s Tourism Manager in order to gain a better understanding of the work being undertaken by Eden District Council. 3.5 The task and finish group present a written report which is attached as Appendix 1. 4 Policy Framework 4.1 The Council has four corporate priorities which are: Decent Homes for All Strong Economy, Rich Environment Thriving Communities Quality Council 4.2 This report meets Strong Economy, Rich Environment corporate priority. 5 Implications 5.1 Legal 5.1.1 There are no legal implications arising from this report. 5.2 Financial 5.2.1 Any decision to reduce or increase resources must be made within the context of the Council’s stated priorities, as set out in its Council Plan 2015- 19 as agreed at Council on 17 September 2015. 5.2.2 The Scrutiny review itself does not have any financial implications as the review was undertaken within existing Scrutiny resources. 5.2.3 The report does make a recommendation that if the funding application to Historic England is successful that the Executive consider whether it is appropriate to award a grant to assist with the project however, this would be for the Executive to determine. 5.3 Equality and Diversity 5.3.1 The Council has to have regard to the elimination of unlawful discrimination and harassment and the promotion of equality under the Equality Act 2010 and related statutes. 5.3.2 There are no equality and diversity implications which have relevance to the subject matter and the Council’s responsibilities. 5.4 Environmental 5.4.1 The Council has to have due regard to conserving bio-diversity under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006. 5.4.2 There are no environmental implications under the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006. 2 5.5 Crime and Disorder 5.5.1 Under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 the Council has to have regard to the need to reduce crime and disorder in exercising any of its functions. 5.5.2 There are no implications under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. 5.6 Children 5.6.1 Under the Children Act 2004 the Council has to have regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in the exercise of any of its functions. 5.6.2 There are no implications under the Children Act 2004. 5.7 Risk Management 5.7.1 Risk Management is a process whereby attempts are made to identify, actively control and reduce risk to protect the council. This covers not only the traditional areas of insurable risk but also the organisational risk that the council faces in undertaking all its activities. 5.7.2 The report itself does not contain any risk but it does make a recommendation for financial funding.
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