the 1967 gargoyle The 1967 Gargoyle Flushing High School Flushing, New York Mr. Arthur Franzen, Principal • /875 ~~. Gargoyle Staff Editors-in-chief Edward Rauschkolb Bonnie Sherman Literary Editor Harriet Teller Art Editor Brenda Eskenazi Managing Editor Eileen Grossmar Photography Editor Kenneth Slovak Advertising Editor Lois Falk Faculty Adviser Mr. Milton Gordon Business Manager Mr, Morris Rosenblatt Evelyn Langlieb Photography Staff Literary Contributors Phyllis Schuster Walter Gross Ronald Bash Suzy Daytre Mike Hirschfeld Susan Kesner Steven Tischler Larry Herschaft DavId Nevis Sandie Feinman Henry Lenz Joan Friedwald Bruce Blaisdell Art Staff KatM Velten Clerical Staff Marlene Steiger Peter Simon Constance Ragone Freda Forman Rebecca Aiger Lynn Stekas Arlene Rubinstem Beth Schlau Carolyn Wells Paula Silverman Vivian Koffer Linda Singer Barbara Shana Shelley Drucker Ellen Busman Janet Silverman Freda Forman Pamela Glachman Carol Boltz Larissa Podgoretz Isa Bernstein Alan Perlman David Master Marlene Lamhut Debbie Baumann Deborah Singer Hettie Frank Gayle Fittipaldi Meryl Dorman Marilyn Roth 2 Table of Contents Principal's Message 4 Dedication 5 Departments 10 Extracurricular 25 Sports 34 The Graduates 43 Advertisers 97 I 3 Principal's Message The Gargoyle staff has chosen felicitous­ specialized so that the good fortune of success ly the device of quotations as hooks to hang in a career may be achieved. Success, in living. things on. My message to the seniors hangs of course. demands wider preparation. You on this hook, a quotation from Louis Pasteur: seniors have made a start in preparing your "Chance favors the prepared mind," That is. minds. Continue that preparation until all the prepared mind recognizes fortune. chance. kinds of good fortune and opportunity may or opportunity when it appears and knows favor you. how to make use of it. The mind of the Re­ ARTHUR FRANZEN naissance man was prepared in a wide area. He could almost take all knowledge for his 1967 is a special "graduation" year for province. Leonardo da Vinci painted glori­ Mr. Franzen. for he is leaving Flushing aher ously. but he also invented complicated ma­ twelve successful years as its principal. chines. In our time. the field of knowledge All his friends at Flushing wish him joy. having grown so vast. the prepared mind is good health and happy pursuits. 4 Dedication This year, Flushing High School had the that they are able to give a life's service to unique experience and pleasure of having had something in which they sincerely believe. two principals during the school year. In the We are all very grateful to him for his fall term. Mr. Franzen took a sabbatical leave work. as Acting Principal. which he per­ and in his place came a man who has proved formed in his usual vibrant and inspiring himself an outstanding teacher and chairman. manner. and for all the years he has devoted and was now to impress us as a superior ad· to the education and training of more than a ministrator. generation of Flushingites. Now in an age of Mr. Lopiparo, already known to many military rivalry, the schoolteacher, armed as chairman of the Math Department. soon with his books. can be trusted to achieve more became a familiar figure in the halls and at than any soldier ever will. In this brief. but assemblies as a vigorous, dedicated man in­ hopefully meaningful space. we wish to ex­ terested in the individual student. Continuing press our appreciation to him. for in the the tradition of Flushing High, he has a firm words of H. B. Adams. "A teacher affects faith in the local public high school as an in­ eternity; he can never tell where his infl uence strument for the transfer of ideals from one stops." generation to the next. Not a!1 men can say 5 "He too serves a certain purpose who only stands and cheers.. "The time has come to talk ofmany things: Henry Brooks Adams Ofshoes-andships-and sealing wax­ Ofcabbages-and kings." lewis Carroll "The difficult we do immediately The impossible takes a Hule longer... Unknown "And rhe highwayman came riding-riding-riding­ The highwayman came riding. 'up to the old inn-door... Alfred Noyes "01 Pardon me, thou bleeding piece ofearth, That I am meekand gentle with these butchers". William Shakespeare "And seem to walk on wings and tread on air. Alexander Pope 6 "Familiar quotations are more than familiar. the~ are something part of us These echoes from the past have two marked characteristics-a simple idea and an accurate rhythmic beat.·· C. A. Wilson The idea of the pervasive quality of quotes is incontestable. Very often the thoughts of today are most aptly expressed by the writers of yesterday. These wise men were able to capture concisely and po­ etically a simple. though timeless and uni­ versal idea. thus placing the adages and proverbs we use so frequently. high above the mundane cliche. The power of a popular quote is not a trivial matter at all. From "all men are created equal" to "think not what your country can do for you. but what you can do for your country:' society on all levels has re­ peated and believed these sayings. and has risen up at "54/40 or fight" and "Remember the Alamo" to forge the history of the world. "The world will little note nor long remember what we say here:' and we don't propose that the 1967 edition of the Gargoyle will have historical value. But to the graduates of Flushing we hope that the quotes used herein will catch some of the feelings that you have experienced as stu­ dents. and serve to help you to remember all the adventures that attending this school has brought you. 7 Administration "Where do you come from1" said the Red Queen. "And where are you going? Look up, speak nicely, and don't twiddle your fingers al/rhe rime." Lewis Carroll ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF SEATED: Mrs. RoV. Mr. Franzen. Principal. Mr Feinstein. Miss Hudson. STANDING: Mrs. Beerman, Me Alper. Me GreenSleln. Mr. Levinsky, Mr. Mayer, Mrs. Finnan. Mrs. Koffer 8 " SECRETARIAL STAFF FRONT ROW· Mrs Alper. Mrs Wltson STANDING MIss Miller. Mrs Slama. Mrs McMurray. Mr DIemer Mrs Menlkoff. Mrs Chrrstgav. Mrs POlasnlck "There is no royal road 10 Utopia," said Camus, and the administration of Flushing High School has realized this through its deal­ ings with students and faculty alike. Problems like truancy and vandalism plague it constantly, Grade advisers and the program committee are burdened with problems of "personality con­ flicts" and "equalization," while the "test com­ mittee" consisting of Mr. Shapin, Mr, Gray, and Mr. Crystal struggles 10 review and to re­ turn to the students, the results of such major exams as the Regents Scholarship Tes!. The National Merits and the Scholastic Aptitude Tests, Although situated in an obscure part of the building, the College Room is one of the most oft frequented and oft feared rooms around. The deans must deal with students directly on matters such as cutting classes, long hair and dress. This year, stricter rules of behavior have been imposed on the students, including the enforcement of a reserved Senior Day, and the shortening of Intersession to six min­ utes-which change successfully defied the efforts SENIOR ADVISERS of the entire tobacco industry. SEATED Mrs Hams STANDING. Mrs Rowe. Mr. F. Goldberg Mrs Thom Nevertheless, the efficient and dedicated ad­ ministration staff tries to keep the school run­ ning in a smooth. businesslike manner. 9 English ENGLISH DEPARTMENT SEATED: Mrs Costa, MIss Spiro. Mrs. Kessler, Mrs. Manifold. Miss Miller, Mrs. Cohan, Miss Cohen, MIss Flmker. SECOND ROW: Mr. Niemiec. Mr. Gerlich. Mrs, McConnell, MISs Rosenthal, MIss Young. Mrs. WJlllam. Mrs, Weill. THIRD ROW- Mr. Gordon, Mr Gray. Dr Koplik. Mr Fembloom. Mr. Zisowitz. Chairman. Mr. Arrovo. Mr. B. Goldberg. Mr. Schwartz. Mr, Boyers. Mr F Goldberg. Mr, Shoglow Fnends. Students. Countrymen. lend me you! It hath brought many pupils through Regents ears. Which victory did the general colle~es fill. I come to praise English. not to bury it. O,d this in English seem unreasonable] The evil that language does lives after it Injustice should be made of meaner stuff. The good IS oft interred with its grammar. I speak not to disprove what students spoke Let it not be so with English. The noble But here I am to speak what I do know. Zisowitz hath told you English hath complexity. We all did study it once. though not without If It were so. it was a grievous fault groaning. And grievously hath English answered for it. What cause withholds you then from further Here under leave of Zisowitz and the rest­ associating with it? For he is an honorable teacher: Oh classics. thou art fled to obscure collections. So are they all. all honorable teachers­ And men have preferred the thrillers. Come I to speak for English. Bear with English. fnends. It was my friend. both in proper form and slang Our masterpieces are in the making here with But my teacher says It was cliched our class. And they all are honorable teachers And we must pause till they are written for us. 10 Sodal Studies Social Studies in Flushing High School is a course of perpetual adventure, revolution and change. One can see man develop as his mind grasps new concepts and he learns to stand up to nature's blows. As a sophomore. a student starts with the age of gigantic pyramids and palaces. and then sees Europe settle into darkness after the fall of the mighty Roman Empire. The later rebirth and growth of Europe and the invention of machines which could turn the work of twenty men into the work of one.
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