Biologia, Bratislava, 61/5: 531—539, 2006 Section Zoology DOI: 10.2478/s11756-006-0087-8 Zooplankton of two arms in the Morava River floodplain in Slovakia Marta Illyová Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9,SK–84506 Bratislava, Slovakia; e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The species composition, seasonal dynamic of biomass and density of zooplankton were studied in two arms with a different hydrological regime. The samples were collected in two hydrologically different years – extremely wet in 2002 and extremely dry in 2003. In the first arm the mean annual chlorophyll-a concentration was 31.6 µgL−1 (2002) and relatively high 64.7 µgL−1 during 2003. Mean seasonal zooplankton wet biomass was low and varied: 11.6 g m−3 (2002) and 2.93 g m−3 (2003). Total zooplankton density was high (7,370 N L−1) in 2002, when rotifers predominated in an open water zone and contributed up to 81% of the total zooplankton biomass and 83% of the total zooplankton density. In medial and littoral zone, in total, 22 cladoceran and 15 copepod species were identified. In the second arm the mean annual concentration of chlorophyll-a was high: 74.8 µgL−1(2002) and 61.4 µgL−1 (2003). Mean seasonal zooplankton wet biomass varied from 92.5 g m−3 (2002) and 44.10 g m−3 (2003). In 2002 the planktonic crustaceans predominated; their mean biomass was 87.1 gm−3 and B. longirostris formed more than 91% of this value. In 2003, the zooplankton density was high (15,687 N L−1), when rotifers contributed up to 94% of this value. The boom of rotifers (58,740 N L−1) was recorded in June 2003. In total, 45 cladoceran and 14 copepod species were recorded in the medial and littoral zones. During observation we concluded that the structure of zooplankton, particularly species composition, abundance, biomass and seasonal dynamics are affected by the fluctuation of water levels in the arms of the rivers’ inundation areas. This unstable hydrological regime prevented the development of planktonic crustaceans. Key words: River arms, chlorophyll-a, zooplankton, seasonal dynamic, Morava River, Slovakia. Introduction were published only recently (Illyová, 1999; Illyová & Kubíček, 2002; Illyová & Némethová, 2002). The river bodies of the plesiopotamal type are of- The aim of this study is to present the results of ten characterized by a high diversity of planktonic a two-year study of zooplankton in the medial zone: crustaceans (Gulyás, 1994; Bothár, & Ráth, 1994; comparison of species composition, seasonal changes in Hudec, 1999) and high quantitative attributes of zoo- biomass, and density in two arms of a different hydro- plankton. These properties of zooplankton depend on logical regime that are situated in the inundation of the abiotic factors, food resources and also on fish stock Morava River. (Hrbáček, 1962; Brooks & Dodson, 1965). In the floodplain area, floods can affect the composition of Study sites zooplankton of the water bodies. The study of biota in the waters of river inundation areas has a long tradi- Two study areas are situated between Malé Leváre and Stu- Straškraba, tion in the Czech Republic (e.g., 1965; pava villages, between 60 and 12 r. km, respectively, in the Ošmera, 1973; Pechar et al., 1996; Kopecký & Záhorie lowland. Koudelková, 1997). Šrek arm (M1) is a plesiopotamal type of water body Also in Slovakia studies of zooplankton in river (sensu WARD et al., 2002). This side arm is situated near the branches were carried out, namely from the Danube confluence of the Danube and the Morava rivers, abreast of ◦ ◦ River (Vranovský, 1985, 1997) and from the Výcho- river km 11.5–14.5 (48 16 24 N, 16 57 18 E). The arm doslovenská nížina lowland – Uh River basin (Hudec & is 1400 m in length, 60 m width and 1.5 m deep, with Stano, 1997) and the Latorica River (Terek, 1990). gravel ground. The water level depends on the hydrologi- cal conditions of the Morava and Danube rivers and varies The Slovak part of the Morava River floodplain is from 0.0 to 1.5 m. When the water stages (Fig. 1) are over the territory, where the diversity of original aquatic 400 cm – measured at the profile of Záhorská Ves village biotopes has been preserved since World War II. The (by SHMU – Slovak Hydrometerological Institute) – the systematic study of this area began only in 1994 and whole area is flooded. Conversely it dries up when the wa- the first records of zooplankton in the Morava alluvium ter stages are low. Every year the natant vegetation Nuphar c 2006 Institute of Zoology, Slovak Academy of Sciences 532 M. Illyová 450 I 400 350 300 250 200 150 Water stage (cm) stage Water 100 50 0 IV VI VIII X IV VI VIII X 2002 Months 2003 Fig. 1. The water stages measured at the profile of Záhorská Ves village (by SHMU) in 2002 and 2003. Table 1. Mean values of some physical and biological parameters in open water of two arms in production period 2002 and 2003. Sites Šrek arm (M1) Stará Morava arm (M2) Unit Year 2002 2003 2002 2003 Water temperature ( ◦C) 17.3 15.2 15.9 17.4 Oxygen (mg L−1) 5.2 7.1 11 13.4 Chlorophyll-a (µgL−1) 31.6 64.7 74.8 61.4 Rotifera (N L−1) 6,173 1,618 3,189 14,815 Cladocera (N L−1) 7 76 2,081 414 B. longirostris (N L−1) 3.8 65 1,985 324 Copepoda (N L−1) 1,190 1,131 692 458 Total density of zooplankton (N L−1) 7,370 2,824 5,963 15,687 lutea is formed and in marginal parts Phragmites australis column. Zooplankton was concentrated using a phosphor- also forms. bronze sieve (40–50 µm mesh size) and preserved in for- Stará Morava arm (M2) is a plesiopotamal type of malin. Zooplankton density (N L−1) was assessed in a 1- water body – prolonged oxbow lakes, the remnant of a ml Sedgwick-Rafter chamber. Biomass (g m−3)wasestab- river meander, situated at river km 57.0–57.9 (48◦3151 lished as wet weight calculated from the mean recorded N, 16◦5710 E). The arm length is 1,500 m, the width 100 body lengths and from the body length/biomass ratio us- m and the ground is formed by clay with sand. Maximum ing tables compiled from several bibliographic sources by depth can reach 2 m. In the littoral zone submersed vege- MORDUCHA˘I-BOLTOVSKO˘I (1954), ULOMSKI˘I (1951, 1961), tation is formed by the Hydrocharition association; Cerato- NAUWERCK (1963), DUSSART¨ (1966). Frequency of occur- phyllum demersum and Carex sp. were common. The arm is rence was evaluated according to LOSOS et al. (1984). Wa- commonly overflowed in spring and during big floods (Au- ter temperature ( ◦C), oxygen saturation (mg L−1)and gust 2002). chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration (µgL−1) were recorded. Oxygen according to the Winkler method was measured. Chl-a, by ISO Standard method (ISO 10260:1992) was mea- Methods sured; phytoplankton, identification and enumeration, was not analysed in detail. The samples were collected during the growing season from Cluster analyses were used to compare the community March (April) to November (December), during the years structure of Cladocera by means of the computer program 2002 and 2003. No samples were collected from the Šrek arm PC ORD (MCCUNE &MEFFORD, 1999). The Jaccard and in 2002 during March, August, and October because the arm Ward’s method, narrow width and double spaced methods was overflowing; and in 2003 during September because the were used. The hierarchical clustering method used the cor- biotope had dried up. relation dissimilarity coefficient on the density of 16 clado- Zooplankton samples for the qualitative analysis were ceran species from the Šrek arm and 21 cladoceran species taken from the open water zone by vertical tows from the from the Stará Morava arm. Cladoceran species detected in bottom of plankton net (60–70 µm mesh size). Complete quantitative samples of the arms’ medial were used as the qualitative zooplankton samples were collected from sev- input data for a cluster analyses. eral littoral locations. At the taxa level all Cladocera and Results Copepoda species were identified; from Rotatoria only the dominant species, found in quantitative samples, were iden- tified. For the quantitative analysis a Patalas type plankton The inundation area of the Morava River is typical for sampler took the samples and 10 L were taken from a water its high water in spring (Fig. 1). Zooplankton in river arms 533 Temperature M1 Temperature M2 Oxygen M1 Oxygen M2 30 16 ) C) 14 -1 o 25 12 20 10 15 8 10 6 4 5 2 L Oxygen (mg Temperature ( Temperature 0 0 4.9. 27.3. 24.4. 14.5. 11.6. 27.6. 23.7. 30.9. 4.12. 20.3. 16.4. 14.5. 16.6. 24.7. 18.8. 22.9. 23.10. 13.11. 2002 2003 Fig. 2. Seasonal changes of water temperature and oxygen in Šrek arm (M1) and Stará Morava arm (M2) in 2002 and 2003. 70 300 60 250 ) ) -1 -3 50 200 40 150 30 100 20 Zooplankton (g m (g Zooplankton 10 50 Chlorophyll- a (µg L 0 0 4.9. 24.4. 13.5. 12.6. 27.6. 23.7. 30.9. 4.12. 20.3. 16.4. 14.5. 16.6. 24.7. 18.8. 22.9. 23.10. 13.11. 2002 2003 Rotatoria Cladocera Copepoda Chlo-a Fig.
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