WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | June 7-20, 2018 | Volume 80, Number 15 Bill provides permanent legal protection for ‘Dreamers’ CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE the United States home but have green cards if, after high school, been working and living in un- they complete at least two years of WASHINGTON | The chair- certainty for years,” Bishop Joe S. higher education or military service man of the U.S. bishops’ migration Vasquez of Austin, Texas, said in a or work for three years. committee June 4 praised the U.S. statement. H.R. also provides a pathway to House for passing a measure that “Dreamers, TPS and DED hold- permanent residency for TPS hold- gives permanent legal protection ers are working to make our com- ers and the DED beneficiaries, who to “Dreamers” and those covered munities and parishes strong and are Liberians. by the Temporary Protected Status are vital contributors to our coun- “Dreamers belong here. They and Deferred Enforced Departure try,” he added. “We welcome today’s are part of our families, societies, programs in the United States. vote and urge the Senate to take up academic and work force,” Arch- “Dreamers” are young people this legislation which gives perma- bishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller of San who qualify to remain in the coun- nent protection to Dreamers, TPS Antonio said on Twitter. “What’s try under the Deferred Action for and DED holders.” the problem?, Why so much hatred? Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. They The bill would provide10 years Why racism and discrimination do- were brought into the United States of conditional U.S. permanent resi- mains the conversation? Shouldn’t as children and are seeking citizen- dence for Dreamers who came into we look with different eyes to the ship. the U.S. when they were younger situation.” With 237 to 187 vote, the House than 18. They also have to have A UPI story on the bill’s passage OK’d the Dream and Promise Act lived continuously in this country said that Republican members of of 2019, or H.R. 6. It would provide for four years, have a diploma from the House “criticized Democrats a pathway to citizenship for quali- a U.S. high school or a GED. They for not offering a proposal on how As members of different advocacy groups organize for a rally outside fying Dreamers, TPS holders and also would have to pass a back- it would pay the estimated $30 bil- of the U.S. Capitol in Washington June 4, 2019, Marilyn Miranda, 9, those covered by DED. ground check and must not have lion cost of the legislation and for has a Salvadoran flag affixed to her back by her mother, Soledad “This is a big step for Dreamers committed any serious crimes. not including funding for border Miranda, who has Temporary Protected Status. (LEAH MILLIS, and TPS holders who have called They would receive permanent security.” n REUTERS | CNS) Church must learn how to speak to young people, pope says JUNNO AROCHO ESTEVES avoid exercising undue pressure on challenge that we have with young dict XVI, Pope Francis said the wanted to clear this up because the Catholic News Service young men and women to enter a people,” the pope said. “Communi- “church grows through attrac- spirit of proselytism hurts us.” seminary or join a religious order, cation; communion; we must teach tion, not proselytism” and re- Instead, the church must help VATICAN CITY | Too often when the pope said June 6 at a gathering them that computers are good, yes; called a time when several Ital- young people learn how “to dia- Catholics try to talk to young people of people doing vocations work in to have some form of contact, but ian religious orders went to the logue with the Lord” and how to ask about vocational discernment, “it’s Europe. this isn’t language. This is a ‘gas- Philippines in the early 1990s to him, ‘What do you want from me?’” as if we were speaking Esperanto With the advent of new technol- eous’ language. The true language search for vocations to bring back “This is important, it is not an to them, because they don’t under- ogies and social media, he added, is to communicate, to speak.” to Italy. intellectual conviction,” the pope stand a thing,” Pope Francis said. young people today know how to speech, the pope said he pre- Seeking vocations “isn’t about said. “No, the choice of a vocation Bishops, pastors, religious and contact others, “but they do not ferred to speak “a bit off the cuff looking where to take people like must be born from dialogue with other adults must learn to speak communicate.” with what comes from my heart.” those nuns” who would “go there the Lord, no matter what their vo- young people’s language and must “Communicating is perhaps the Citing the words of Pope Bene- and brought girls here,” he said. “I cation is.” n ORLANDO DIOCESE PALM BEACH DIOCESE VENICE DIOCESE Indian priest ordained Scout honors the fallen Graduates reflect WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | June 7-20, 2019 FLORIDACatholic ORLANDO DIOCESE Father Derek Saldanha, center, stands with his father, Agnelo, far left, brother David, mother Lavita and Bishop John Noonan following his ordination to the priesthood May 25. (PHOTOS BY GLENDA MEEKINS) Father Derek Saldanha’s chalice and paten are blessed at Vespers, on the eve of his ordination May 24. (GLENDA MEEKINS | FC) New priest’s First Indian priest ordained in diocese chalice and GLENDA MEEKINS adds to the truth the joy of the Gospel, aware of the Florida Catholic staff of being loved by God and the object of his infinite mercy.” paten are ORLANDO | The morning Deacon Derek Then Bishop Noonan urged Father Sal- Saldanha was to be ordained a priest, he re- danha to pray daily to the Holy Spirit. mained calm, sure of his mission and hum- “Derek you are that witness and teacher,” blessed ble. As is his way, he reflected on the signifi- the bishop said. “Derek, praying to and with cance of what was about to transpire. the Holy Spirit must become the focal point On the eve of his priestly ordina- “It’s very exciting and very surreal, but it’s of your daily life of prayer. As a priest of Jesus tion, Deacon Derek Saldanha attend- so beautiful,” he said. Christ, you can bring God’s glory and power ed vespers where Bishop John Noonan Father Saldanha, a native of India, is the into the lives of the people, but only through blessed his chalice and paten, which first Indian to be ordained in the Diocese a life of prayer.” were gifts from his parents. The chal- of Orlando, making the momentous event Bishop Noonan said the new priest would ice and paten are simple, evoking the historic and even more profound. More be following in the footsteps of his favorite beauty of humility — descriptions than 1,000 people joined in the celebra- saint, St. Francis Xavier, who evangelized also reflective of the soon-to-be priest. tion of Mass, including Father Saldanha’s Goa. “I wanted something simple, yet aunt and Daughter of the Cross, Sister Lina “You come from a long and rich mission- elegant,” Deacon Saldanha said. “The D’Cruz, who traveled from the African na- ary tradition. In the Letter to the Hebrews, church rightly prescribes that the tion of Cameroon. Jane Rao, who used to be you are reminded to be a humble representa- chalice be made of precious metal, his neighbor, arrived from Puni, India, in tive of the people before God by ‘offering gifts like gold or silver because, after all, it’s Bishop John Noonan lays hands on Deacon the state of Goa, representing the town of his and sacrifices for sins and to deal patiently going to contain the blood of Christ. Derek Saldanha, officially ordaining him as birth. Relatives and friends from South Flor- with the people’ (Heb 1:2) because you your- There cannot be anything more pre- a priest. ida to California were also present to support self are a sinner. ‘The priest is not his own, cious than the blood of Christ.” him for the May 25 ordination. but the servant of Jesus Christ.’ Christ is the During a Facebook Live interview, “It’s been a long journey and I am so grate- treasure you carry within and it is he who is the deacon said he looked forward to ful to the Lord for calling me to be his priest,” the most important treasure.” vespers, where his chalice paten will Father Saldanha said. “I look forward to serv- The bishop also borrowed the words in be blessed, and his upcoming ordina- ing the people of the diocese as a priest.” the hymn “Earthen Vessels” by Jesuit Father tion liturgy. His parents fully expected this day to John Foley: “Behold the treasure not made of “Bishop Noonan will hand over come. gold, in earthen vessels, wealth untold, one the chalice and paten to me and say, “I was not surprised,” said his mother, treasure only, the Lord, the Christ in earthen ‘Receive the holy oblation of the holy Lavita Saldanha. “One of my friends (Jane vessels.” people of God. Understand what you Roa) predicted it and a cousin asked me if he “Derek, you are that earthen vessel who do. Imitate what you celebrate and was going to be a priest when he was at Fran- holds the treasure,” Bishop Noonan contin- conform your life on the mysteries of ciscan University in Steubenvile.” ued, adding the words the priest spoke, in the Lord’s cross,’” Deacon Saldanha His father, Agnelo, was also “very excited hopes of preaching the “word of God with said.
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