A Provisional Checklist of the Continental African Orchidaceae. 3

A Provisional Checklist of the Continental African Orchidaceae. 3

Polish Botanical Journal 48(2): 99–125, 2003 A provisional checklist of the continental African Orchidaceae. 3. Orchidoideae. 2. Diseae-Huttonaeeae TOMASZ S. OLSZEWSKI & DARIUSZ L. SZLACHETKO Abstract: A checklist of continental African Diseae and Huttonaeeae is provided. 185 species in 7 genera are listed. Six new combinations in Amphigena Rolfe in Dyer, Herschelianthe Rauschert and Monadenia Lindl. are proposed. Key words: Magnoliophyta, Orchidaceae, Orchidoideae, Diseae, Huttonaeeae, checklist, continental Africa Tomasz S. Olszewski, Dariusz L. Szlachetko, Department of Plant Taxonomy and Nature Conservation, Gdan´sk University, Al. Legionów 9, PL-80-441 Gdan´sk, Poland, e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] The orchids of Diseae and Huttonaeeae tribes in Africa. Linder (1981c) includes this genus to Disa continental Africa comprise 7 genera and 185 Bergius as a section. species. The genera listed in alphabetical order are: Amphigena Rolfe in Dyer, Brownleea Harv. 1. Amphigena cochlearis (S. D. Johnson & Lil- ex Lindl., Disa Bergius, Herschelianthe Rau- tved) Szlach., comb. nov. schert, Huttonaea Harv., Monadenia Lindl. and Basionym: Disa cochlearis S. D. Johnson & Liltved, Schizodium Lindl. Six new combinations in Am- S. African J. Bot. 63(5): 291. 1997. phigena Rolfe in Dyer, Herschelianthe Rauschert and Monadenia Lindl. are proposed. DISTRIBUTION. R.S.A. (W Cape) (Johnson & Liltved 1997; Linder 1999b). LIST OF GENERA AND SPECIES 2. Amphigena esterhuyseniae (Schelpe ex H. P. Linder) Szlach., comb. nov. Basionym: Disa esterhuyseniae Schelpe ex H. P. Linder, Tribe DISEAE Dressler Contr. Bolus Herb. 9: 161. 1981. Selbyana 5(2): 204. 1979. DISTRIBUTION. R.S.A. (W Cape) (Linder A monotypic tribe including five, exclusively 1981c, 1999b; Stewart et al. 1982; Reid 1993). African, genera (Szlachetko 1995). 3. Amphigena salteri (G. J. Lewis) Szlach., comb. nov. Subtribe DISINAE Benth. Basionym: Disa salteri G. J. Lewis, J. S. African Bot. 7: J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 18: 288. 1881. 78. 1941. DISTRIBUTION. R.S.A. (W Cape) (Lewis 1950; Amphigena Rolfe in Dyer Linder 1981c, 1999b; Stewart et al. 1982). Fl. Cap. 5(3): 197. 1913. Disa Bergius sect. Amphigena Bolus, Trans. S. African 4. Amphigena tenuis (Lindl.) Rolfe Phil. Soc. 5: 139. 1888. Fl. Cap. 5(3): 197. 1913. A small genus with 4 species endemic to South Disa tenuis Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 354. 1838. 100 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 48(2). 2003. Disa leptostachys Sond., Linnaea 19: 89. 1847. Zulu-Natal, Mpumalanga) (Linder 1981a, 1999c; Monadenia tenuis (Lindl.) Kraenzl., Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: Stewart et al. 1982; Reid 1993). 819. 1900. Amphigena leptostachys (Sond.) Rolfe, Fl. Cap. 5(3): – subsp. major (Bolus) H. P. Linder 198. 1913. J. S. African Bot. 47(1): 41. 1981. DISTRIBUTION. R.S.A. (W Cape) (Durand & Brownleea galpinii Bolus var. major Bolus, Icon. Or- Schinz 1895; Bolus 1913; Lewis 1950; Linder chid. Austro-Afr. 1: t. 42. 1893. 1981c, 1999b; Stewart et al. 1982). Brownleea fanniniae Rolfe, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1920: 131. 1920. Brownleea Harv. ex Lindl. Bonatea leucantha Schltr., Ann. Transvaal Mus. 10: 249. 1924. London J. Bot. 1: 16. 1842. DISTRIBUTION. R.S.A. (Natal Drakensberg) A genus of 7 species widely distributed in and Lesotho (Bolus 1893; Linder 1981a, 1999c; South and tropical Africa and Madagascar (Linder Stewart et al. 1982; Reid 1993). 1999c). 3. Brownleea macroceras Sond. 1. Brownleea coerulea Harv. ex Lindl. Linnaea 19: 106. 1847. London J. Bot. 1: 16. 1842. Disa macroceras (Sond.) Rchb. f., Otia Bot. Hamburg. Disa coerulea (Harv. ex Lindl.) Rchb. f., Otia Bot. 2: 119. 1881. Hamburg. 2: 119. 1881. Brownleea coerulea sensu Bolus, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 25: Brownleea madagascarica Ridl., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 22: 204. 1889. 126. 1885. Brownleea monophylla Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 31: Brownleea nelsonii Rolfe, Fl. Cap. 5(3): 262. 1913. 307. 1901. Brownleea woodii Rolfe, Fl. Cap. 5(3): 262. 1913. DISTRIBUTION. R.S.A. (E Cape, KwaZulu- DISTRIBUTION. R.S.A. (E Cape, KwaZulu- Natal, Free State) and Lesotho (Linder 1981a, Natal, Mpumalanga, Northern Province), Swazi- 1999c; Stewart et al. 1982; Reid 1993). land and Madagascar (Bolus 1893; Durand & Schinz 1895; Perrier de la Bathie 1939; Comp- 4. Brownleea maculata P. J. Cribb ton 1976; Linder 1981a, 1999c; Stewart et al. Kew Bull. 32(1): 147. 1977. 1982; Kemp 1983; Reid 1993; Du Puy et al. 1999). DISTRIBUTION. Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe (Cribb 1977; Linder 1981a; la Croix et al. 1991; la Croix & Cribb 1995). 2. Brownleea galpinii Bolus Icon. Orchid. Austro-Afr. 1: t. 42. 1893. 5. Brownleea mulanjiensis H. P. Linder Bonatea flavescens Schltr., Ann. Transvaal Mus. 10: Kew Bull. 40(1): 125, fig. 1. 1985. 249. 1924. DISTRIBUTION. Malawi (Linder 1985; la Croix DISTRIBUTION. Zimbabwe, R.S.A. (KwaZulu- et al. 1991; la Croix & Cribb 1995). Natal, Mpumalanga, Northern Province) and Lesotho (Bolus 1893; Linder 1981a, 1999c; Ste- wart et al. 1982; Reid 1993; la Croix & Cribb 6. Brownleea parviflora Lindl. 1995). London J. Bot. 1: 16. 1842. Disa preussii Kraenzl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 17: 64. 1863. – subsp. galpinii Disa alpina Hook. f., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 7: 220. 1864. Disa parviflora (Harv. ex Lindl.) Rchb. f., Otia Bot. DISTRIBUTION. Zimbabwe and R.S.A. (Kwa- Hamburg. 2: 119. 1881. T. S. OLSZEWSKI & D. L. SZLACHETKO: THE CONTINENTAL AFRICAN ORCHIDACEAE. 3 101 Disa apetala Kraenzl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 22: 21. 1896. 1. Disa aconitoides Sond. Brownleea alpina (Hook. f.) N. E. Br., F.T.A. 7: 287. Linnaea 19: 91. 1847. 1897. Brownleea apetala (Kraenzl.) N. E. Br., F.T.A. 7: 287. DISTRIBUTION. Ethiopia, D.R.C. (Haut-Katan- 1897. ga, Lac Albert, Lacs Edouard et Kivu), Burundi, Brownleea gracilis Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 53: 545. Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Ma- 1915. lawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and R.S.A. (W and Brownleea perrieri Schltr., Feddes Repert. Beih. 33: E Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumulanga, Gauteng, 102. 1924. Northern Province) (Durand & Schinz 1895; Brownleea transvaalensis Schltr., Ann. Transvaal Mus. Bolus 1896; Rolfe 1897; Summerhayes 1968a; 10: 250. 1924. Cufodontis 1972; Schelpe 1976b; Williamson 1977; Linder 1981c, 1999b; Stewart et al. 1982; DISTRIBUTION. Cameroun, D.R.C. (Haut-Ka- Geerinck 1984, 1988; la Croix et al. 1991; Reid tanga), Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Mo- 1993; la Croix & Cribb 1995; Delepierre & Lebel zambique, Zimbabwe, R.S.A. (E Cape, KwaZulu- 2001). Natal, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, Northern Prov- ince), Swaziland, Lesotho and Madagascar (Bolus – subsp. aconitoides 1893; Durand & Schinz 1895; Rolfe 1897; Sum- merhayes 1966, 1968a, b; Jacot Guillarmod 1971; DISTRIBUTION. D.R.C. (Haut-Katanga, Lac Schelpe 1976b; Williamson 1977; Linder 1981a, Albert, Lacs Edouard et Kivu), Burundi, Rwanda 1999c; Stewart et al. 1982; Kemp 1983; Geerinck and R.S.A. (W and E Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpu- 1984; la Croix et al. 1991; Reid 1993; la Croix & malanga, Gauteng, Northern Province) (Bolus Cribb 1995; Szlachetko & Olszewski 1998; Du 1896; Linder 1981c, 1999b; Geerinck 1984; Dele- Puy et al. 1999). pierre & Lebel 2001). – subsp. concinna (N. E. Br.) H. P. Linder 7. Brownleea recurvata Sond. Contr. Bolus Herb. 9: 91. 1981. Linnaea 19: 107. 1847. Disa concinna N. E. Br., F.T.A. 7: 284. 1897. Disa recurvata (Sond.) Rchb. f., Otia Bot. Hamburg. 2: Disa equestris Rchb. f. var. concinna (N. E. Br.) 119. 1881. Kraenzl., Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 949. 1901, excl. syn. D. Brownleea natalensis Rolfe, Fl. Cap. 5(3): 262. 1913. aperta and D. goetzeana. Disa bisetosa Kraenzl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 51: 379. 1914. DISTRIBUTION. R.S.A. (W and E Cape, Kwa- Zulu-Natal, Mpumalanga) and Lesotho (Bolus DISTRIBUTION. Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, 1893; Durand & Schinz 1895; Jacot Guillarmod Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe 1971; Linder 1981a, 1999c; Stewart et al. 1982; (Rolfe 1897; Summerhayes 1968a; Schelpe Reid 1993). 1976b; Williamson 1977; Linder 1981c; la Croix & Cribb 1995). Disa Bergius – subsp. gotzeana (Kraenzl.) H. P. Linder Fl. Cap.: 348. 1767. Contr. Bolus Herb. 9: 92. 1981. A genus of ca. 125 species, widespread mostly Disa goetzeana Kraenzl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 28: 178. 1900. in tropical Africa and Madagascar, with few repre- Disa vaginata Chiov., Ann. Bot. (Rome) 9: 138. 1911, sentatives in Yemen and Réunion Island (Linder non Lindl. 1842. 1981d). Linder (1999b) includes here also 3 an- Disa chiovendaei Schltr., Feddes Repert. 16: 1920. other genera – Amphigena Rolfe, Herschelianthe Rauschert and Monadenia Lindl. – as sections. DISTRIBUTION. Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and 102 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL 48(2). 2003. Tanzania (Cufodontis 1972; Linder 1981c; Cribb 8. Disa aristata H. P. Linder & Thomas 1997; Cribb et al. 2002). Contr. Bolus Herb. 9: 237. 1981. NOTE. Geerinck (1984) does not distinguish DISTRIBUTION. R.S.A. (Northern Province) subsp. concinna and includes here D. dichroa so (Linder 1981c, 1999b; Stewart et al. 1982; Reid distribution in central Africa needs verification. 1993). 2. Disa aequiloba Summerh. 9. Disa atricapilla (Harv. ex Lindl.) Bolus Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1927(10): 419. 1927. J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 19: 344. 1882. DISTRIBUTION. D.R.C. (Haut-Katanga), Tan- Penthea atricapilla Harv. ex Lindl., London J. Bot. 1: zania, Angola and Zambia (Summerhayes 1927, 17. 1842. Disa bivalvata atricapil- 1968a; Geerinck 1974, 1984; Williamson 1977; (L. f.) T. Durand & Schinz var. la (Lindl.) Schltr., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 31: 280. 1901. Linder 1981d; la Croix & Cribb 1995). Orthopenthea atricapilla (Lindl.) Rolfe, Fl. Cap. 5(3): 181. 1913. 3. Disa alinae Szlach. DISTRIBUTION. R.S.A. (W Cape) (Durand & Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 39(2): 543, fig. 1. 1994. Schinz 1895; Bolus 1913; Lewis 1950; Linder DISTRIBUTION. D.R.C. (Haut-Shaba) (Szla- 1981c, 1999b; Stewart et al. 1982; Reid 1993). chetko 1994). 10. Disa aurata (Bolus) L. T. Parker & Koop. 4. Disa alticola H. P. Linder Biochem. Syst. & Ecol. 21: 807. 1993. Contr. Bolus Herb. 9: 252, fig. 77: 1–5. 1981. Disa tripetaloides (L. f.) N. E. Br. var. aurata Bolus, Icon.

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