Non profit Orll U . S . ~ PAID SlYewport, U . P.r m t «1662 VOLUME 21 THIRD QUARTER 1987 NUMBER 3 PUBL.I$HED QUARTER!. Y BY ARK.LA·TEX GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATIO~t INC. P,O, BOX 4462 SHREVf.PORT. LOUISIANA '/1134 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1987 NAME PHONE TITLE a Marguerite Loftin 746-4598 President Wanda Head 686-5089 First Vice President Carl Hallgren 746-8609 Second Vice President Peggy Payne 742-9465 Treasurer Mary Frances Bridges 865-4138 Recording Secretary Evelyn Howard 636-3191 Corresponding Secretary Priscilla Reinowski 868-1220 Editor Margery Wright 686-5842 Past President Fern Ainsworth 798-7312 Trustee Glenda Sue Glenn 425-3732 Trustee Pat Hallgren 746-8609 Trustee Paul Reinowski 868-1220 Trustee The ARK-LA-TEX GENEALOGICAL ASSOCIATION, INC. is a non-profit, non­ sectarian, non-political, educational organization dedicated solely to the cause of genealogy, which includes the following purposes: to collect, preserve and make available genealogical materials, doc­ uments and records; to encourage an interest in genealogy and to sponsor educational programs for its development; to promote and publicize the City of Shreveport, Louisiana as a major genealogic­ al research center for genealogists and historians; to cooperate with and assist all other genealogical, historical, patriotic so­ cieties and libraries in the furtherance of these purposes; to com­ pile and publish a quarterly composed of records and data related tu the Science of Genealogy. , REGULAR MEETING: Second Saturday of each month, 3 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. at Werner Memorial Building, 2617 Corbitt St., Shreveport, La. MEMBERSHIP DUES: Per calendar year - $10.00 Family membership­ $12.50. All members receive four issues of THE GENIE, which is pub­ lished quarterly. The association has a non-profit mailing permit requiring bulk mailing. A member joining between issues must wail until the next scheduled mailing to receive THE GENIE, or must iJl­ c1ude an additional $1.00 to cover cost of a separate mailing. It member misses an issue, THE GENIE must be notified within six mor.ths if replacement issue is to be furnished without an additional charge. Also, please notify immediately of a change of address, since this class of mail is not forwarded by the postal department. BOOK REVIEWS of books of genealogical interest will be published in THE GENIE if donated by publ~sher or author. These books are then made available to the public through the Genealogy Depart­ ment of Shreve Memorial Library, as is all other genealogical mat­ erial of the Ark-La-Tex Genealogical Association. QUERIES are free. They must be 75 words or less and must be typed or plainly printed. TABLE OF CONTENTS • President's Page Earliest Masonic Records In Northwest Louisiana 109 Louisiana 5th Infantry Re-enaotment Unit 120 Davidson Oemetery, Oaddo Parish, Louisiana 122 -,. Newspaper Piles Are Valuable Genealogical Tools 123 Shreveport Newspapers at Louisiana State University 129 Colonla1, Terrltorlal and State Oensus Records 131 Milltary Records 1,4 Early Records ot Bossler United Methodist Ohurch 135 . Rhodes Oemetery, Oaddo Parish, Louisiana 141 Civll War Huster Roll of 4th Arkansas Regiment 142 'aml1y History and Reunion 144 Union County, Arkansas Marr1age Records 145 1881 Shreveport Clty Direotory 151 Dorgan Oemetery, Panola County, Texas 159 Stage Lines 160 Caddo Parish, Lou1s1ana Marriage Index 161 Queries 167 Book Rev1ews 171 ... THE GENIE THE GENIE 18 pub11sbed quarterly. Eacb member reoelves tour issues for eaob ,ear of membersbip. All material published in THE GENIE 1s compiled and contrlbuted by the members. THE GENIE invltes ex­ cbange of per10dicals w1th other genealogical-h1stor1cal organ1za­ tions publishing data of general interest. We regret that we can­ not exchange with limited fam11y organizat10ns but invite them to send samples of the1r publ1cations for a br1ef rev1ew s1nce many of these fam11y organ1zat10ns are of a great value in 1nformation on the fam1ly covered by them. All meabers of the staff ot THE GENIE are volunteers. Ed1tor Pr1scllla Relnowskl Print1ng Paul Reinowskl Typlng Ethe1 Kraus e Querles Priscllla Relnowskl Computer Indexing Wanda & John Head C1rculation Clara Smi tb • )f.ailing Pat & Carl Halgren THE GENIE Third Quarter 1987 PRESIDENT'S PAGE • I Fellow Members: 1 ~ Our Workshop-Book Fair is almost here, We hope you are all planning on coming to the Chez-Vous ir. Shreveport, Louisiana, for August. 7 i 8, 1987. Plan a long weekend, do some research, attend the seminar and visit the racetrack or the rose garden •. THE GENIE is always looking for the information you, our mem­ bers, find important. Tell us at the meetings, drop a card, tele­ phone, let us know what yOu would like to see printed, what you would like us to include in next year's programs. We will be doing our planning session at the board meeting for November-so-some in­ put, please. The computers have made so much information available in a new form and in greater depth. I hope the reams of paper you get from these s.rvices have not overwhelmed you. Received a printout the other day on Thomas families in 1.790, 1800, l8l0-and 24 Henry Thom­ as's, and not one with a middle ~itial. However, it was interest­ ing, but somehow I found it too iJhpersonal-some of the intrigue of the search.was not there. ~ The census microfilm for Pennsylvania, 1830, 1840 and 1850 have been ordered for Shreve Memorial .. Library . They should be available t for your use this summer. Our next project may be a donation to the National Archives, or the 1910 Texas Soundex. Shreve Memorial LibI'- ary has asked for some help with doing an index for several local histories. We will give more deta.ils at a later date. Hope you all have a good summer, that your family reunions have new people in attendance, that YO,", find the right courthouse, that you find a cousin that is also interested in genealogy, that some relative remembers a bit of familyhi1ltory that provides a clue, that some marriage license shows up when someone is cleaning house, that some previously knownfamily;portrait is found-in other words, hope you find another generation. Sinperely, maA,~~ • • EARLIEST MASONIC LODGES IN NORTHWEST LOUISIANA Masonic lodges were orgqnized in communities in Northwest Lou­ isiana soon after the early 'settlers began forming these communi­ ties. Phoenix Lodge No. 38 was chartered October 6, 1836 in Natch­ itoches. The first lodge chartered in Caddo Parish was Jackson Lodge No. 45 at Greenwood with a date of January 28, 1843. Minden Lodge No. 51, Webster Parish, was chartered April 19, 1845, and DeSoto Lodge No. 55 on March 17; 1847 at Mansfield. The first l6dge in Shreveport, Caddo Lodge No. 49, was organ­ ized in 1845. Its charter was surrendered in 1853, but restored the same year as Shreveport Lodge No. 124. Joppa Lodge No. 79 was organized in 1850, and seven years later it was dissolved and Caddo Lodge No. 188 formed. Later,March 27, 1853, it was changed to Shreveport Lodge No. 115, and on February 14, 1867, Caddo Lodge No. 17 9 was aut,horized. Proceedings.of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Louisiana published in 1854 include listings of the following lodges: .. PHOENIX LODGE NO. 38 - Natchitoches, La. OFFICERS 1 Smith, John Blair W.M. 5 Payne, Wm. Secretary 2 Stephens, John. S. w. 6 Williams, John R. S.D. 3 Walmsley, Lewis R. J. w. 7 Williams, D.S.G. J.D. 4 Boullt, David H. Treasurer 8 St!mpson, Thos. J. Tyler MEMBERS 9 Breda, J. P. 19 Hamilton, W. J. 28 Rodgers, R. H. 10 Carnahan, Adams 20 Jones, Robert S. 29 Stimpson, E. S. 11 DeRussey, T.E. 21 Lounsberry, W•. G.' 30 St. Amans, B. 12 Davis, Nathaniel 22 Morse, P.. A. 31 Taber, David F. 13 Flamme, C.F. 23 Miles, L. J. 32 Tucker, John 14 Grimmer, John 24 McDona~d, J.E. 33 Turner, Daniel 15 Hyams,S.H. 25 Montier, Frederic 34 Williams, Frederic 16 Hammett, R. E. 26: McDonald, J. W. 35 Wolfson, Ja(:ob A.. 17 Hunter, Th~s' . 27 Norris, Jos. Wm. 36 Wakefield, H. D. 18 Harrison, A. E• DEGREES CONFERRED • Initiated Passed Raised THE GENIE Third Quarter 1987 109 DEGREES CONFERRED : r -'. : .. '~ ""~' -- -' Initiated Passed Raised • 1 Cotton, John 1 Lounsberry, W. G. 1 Lounsberry, W. G. 2 Holman, Jas. B. 2 Brosset. M. C. 2 Norris, Joseph Wm. 3 Walmsley, G.eo. S. , , t Affiliated-Robert,E. HaIDiD~tt, W. J. Hamilton Dem1tted-AdamCarnah~n· . Died-C. F. Flamme, Frederic Montier. David F. Taber, D. Turner JACKSON LODGE NO. 45 Greenw~od,·parish of Caddo, La. 'DFFiICERS. 1 Flournoy. Alfred W. M. 5 McRady, Jas. A. Secretary 2Pord, Joseph M. ~. W. 6 Hooks, D.J. S. D. 3 Jones,V. H. J; W. 7 Coleman, Eli M. J. D. 4 Waddill. D.Treasurer 8 Roth Michael Tyler MEMBERS . '" 9 Baugh, E. H. 18 Pegram. W. A. 26 Turner. W. M. 10 Busby. E. R. 19 Pollard. H. A. 27 Thompson. D. 11 Cates, E•. J. S. 20 Pollard, W. 28 Wilder, J. 12 Estes, R. 21 Pollard, R. 29 Watt, H. 13 Jenkins, J. D. 22 Ramsey, J. M. 30 Waddill, T. D. t 14 Jones. S. A. 23 Scogin, T. L. 31 Williams. E. D. Whitworth, J. D. 15 Lowe, John 24 Simpson. T. R. 32 t 16 Murphy, J. C. 25 Stuckey, S. 33 Young, C. G. 17 Metcalf , V. D. DEGREES CONFERRED Initiated Passed Raised 1 Hicks, H. S. 1 Pollard, H. A. 1 Pollard, H. A. 2 Hicks, H. S. Affiliations-Thomas D.
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