THEE SENTINEL 13 The Jew's literary influence is felt Professor Sylvester being a notable ex- today through journalism, and a Jew, ample. Zamenhof, invented Esperanto. Indeed A recent French writer has compared the greatest critic of today is the Dan- the Jew to the insect that carries the ish Jew, George Brandes and Solomon pollen from one flower to fructify an- Reinach. other. Jewish intellect has been the 'Our Coal Makes Science. needed stimulant to productive thought The Jew has always been a pioneer of today. in the realm of natural science because Art. Warm Friends" he never feared the light. The court- In the realm of art it may seem Weight as honest as if you handled ing of knowledge expressed the genius strange to say that the conspicuous ab- of his rational faith. Half of its rabbis sence of the Jew in antiquity and the scales yourself-coal that is practically were astronomers, the other half physi- mediaevalism is also indirectly a con- without impurities--quick delivery without dirt cians. Some were both. The Jewish tribution to civilization. It grew out or muss. That's the way we sell calendar, wherein the monthly re-ap- of a refusal to portray the spiritual pearance of the new moon is correctly God in material form. And the Arab- demonstrated for hundreds of years in ians followed this Jewish precedent. In Consumers Coal advance, is itself a tribute to the Jew- modern times, since there is no longer ish astronomer. any fear of an idolatrous interpretation "Guaranteed" While medical healers were still dab- of the Second Commandment, the Jew- The GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE protects you. Don't accept coal without it.. bling in magic, Jewish physicians were ish artist is coming to the fore. In the already treating disease in a scientific death of Joseph Israels, for whose last "Our Service at Your Service" way. The exacting demands of She- picture four countries competed, the chita made them familiar with anat- world has just lost one of its most re- CONSUMERS COMPANY omy. Many a pope who spurned the nowned painters. The Jewish sculp- 141 Yards in Chicago and Vicinity. Phone Wabash 3456 or a dealer in our Guaranteed Products Jew as a doctor of the law hailed him tors, Ezekiel and Anatolsky, are with as a doctor of medicine. Two mon- us still. But where he lacked in plastic CONSUMERS archs, Richard of England and Saladin arts, the Jew more than compensated in COMPANY CONSUMERSCOMPANY CONSUMERSCOMPANY of Arabia, were rivals for the medical the art of music, Mendelssohn and treatment of Maimonides, whose works Meyerbeer, Halvei, Offenbach and are referred to by Draper. King Fran- Rubenstein, Joachin and Strauss, Gold- cis the first, of France, would never en- mark, Mischa Elman, are among the trust his ailments to any other but a leading names. Also in the histrionic Jewish physician. Isaac Israels wrote a On this general subject of peace the and West Indian Companies, and con-- art-the drama-the Jew and Jewess news has just reached us that the Nobel trolled the trade of the New World in famous work on "Fevers." At one have distinguished themselves. Names period of the Dark Ages, the Jews were Peace Prize has this year been divided gems, wines, oil, indigo and cochineal. such as Rachel and Bernhardt, Barnay between two Jews-Mr. Asser, a jurist Their important service in extending the only physicians. Even today, with and Sonenthal. Nor should we be sur- so many rivals, the Jew still occupies a and a Minister of State in Holland, and trans-Atlantic enterprise furthermore prised at this circumstance. Let us re- Mr. Fried, editor of Friedenswarte, of induced Holland to compel the unwilling unique place in this great science, so call the words of Leopold Zunz. "If a that the discoveries of Koch, Flexner, Vienna. A Jew has just been chosen Peter Stuyvesant to admit some Jewish literature is called great, which pos- president of the International Red into New Amsterdam. That,. Lombroso, Hafkine, and Ehrlich, are sesses a few classic tragedies, what refugees among the cherished medical contribu- Cross Society. too, is explanation why Oliver Crom- place ought to be granted to a tragedy to tions of this, our own twentieth cen- lasting over fifteen hundred years, in Commerce. well was so anxious to invite Jews in England. The reason why tury. also the heroes ?" settle which the poets are But there is yet another domain in from France so Alas, the Jew has long played a lead- Jews were expelled Exploration. which the Jew has excelled, that is the many times is that while the King, as ing part in a world tragedy. As martyr I have spoken of the Jewish astron- bigot, exiled them with one hand, the he still occupies the center of the stage. realm of commerce. The Bible Jew is omer. Activity in this realm bore im- agriculturist. This is distinctly the King, as statesman, invited their pres- portant fruits in the Peninsula in the Statesmanship. ideal of the Mosaic code and the ence on the other. great era of discovery of the Western Shut out from participancy in the Prophets of Israel. But when cruel People at times speak scathingly of Continent. In the thirteenth century world's affairs, it would seem remark- circumstance denationalized and scat- activity in the realm of commerce and Isaac Ibn Zaz invented astronomical able that the Jew should have contrib- tered them, and later, persecution de- still utilize the threadbare sophistry of tables that were used by all European uted anything to the realm of states- prived them of land ownership and of the trader being a consumer and not a scientists. Abraham Zakuto invented manship to the world at large. None public posts, and excluded them from producer, aside from the fact that the a perpetual astronomical calendar of the less, such is the case. The Moslem artisan guilds, trade became the Jew's man who moves grain from the field to the seven planets. This was used by rulers of Spain and even some early only resource. Christendom has made the place where it is needed is as much Christopher Columbus in his great dis- Christian rulers of the Peninsula often the Jew a trader. Necessity is the of a producer as the man who moves coveries. Portuguese Jews contributed selected Jewish grand vizers, because of mother of invention. Because the Jew the seed from his hand to the ground. much to the invention and improve- their genial culture, their knowledge of was often expelled from home and The promoters of commerce have been ment of the astrolabe, used to direct finance and languages and their general country at a moment's notice, and had among the greatest of civilizers. Be- mariners across the trackless ocean. reliability. For such reason, probably, perforce to leave his property behind cause Italy was the first to cultivate They aided America's discovery by Charlemagne chose Isaac as one of his him, the expedient of bills of exchange commercial relations, it was the first to yet other than scientific ways. When ambassadors to Haroun el Rashid. was suggested to him. Offered some discourage persecution and the first to Christopher Columbus, already rejected Chasdi Ibn Shaprut was the first Jew means of making money, and with few encourage that general culture that cul- by Portugal, was about to be rejected to make his presence felt in Europe. means of expending it, the Jews often minated in the Renaissance. If it is the by Spain, it was the Maranno Jew, Luis The offices he filled for the Spanish had cash on hand. That enabled them closer and more intimate relations of de Santangel, who finally won over the Caliph, Abdurhaman the Second, would to be the first bankers. "Money-lend- modern countries through commerce, queen by offering to advance the five include today the Secretary of Foreign ers," is simply the earlier democratic where one land becomes the banker of million marevedis necessary. Mark, Affairs, a Home Secretary, a Chancel- term. It is worth notice that the ad- another, that are going to do as much also, this significant incident! On lor of the Exchequer; while in the herence of the Church to the Mosaic to the ultimate realization of universal August 2, 1492, the edict of the expul- Spanish State of Granada, Samuel Ibn law against usury, as all interest was peace as any other expedient. In that sion of the Jews from Spain and the Nagdela rendered similar service. These once called, delayed the Christian in humanizing campaign, then, the Jew permit to Columbus to undertake his are but two of many. Many years later, taking up this vocation some centuries. stands in the van. voyage were issued from the same when the Jews had migrated to Turkey, Severe training in the hard school of Nor can we overlook his services in royal hand. On the day following, Solomon Ashkenazi exercised a con- adversity, where the Jew had to utilize Socialism with Karl Marx and La Salle August 3, Columbus set sail. It was trolling influence in the state. It was all his wits to conserve his own, discip- as pioneers. hard to find mariners for the perilous he who virtually placed Henry of An- lined him to a financier. Hence Roths- * * * unknown journey. Many Jews in de- jou on the Polish throne. In modern child, king of bankers and banker of Even in this superficial survey, is it spair, who had also now to undertake times, you are familiar with the names kings.
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