wia*raroAT/jDNBif, i«8<t Aj ,** '......... M k ia fin ttf C t t i n t f u g AFSaACOB DAILT mODLATlUM -- - - — ---- — • ft r tha Btomh a ( May, I t N THE WEATUU Italian consul genaral at New Tork 1 af U.-S. Waathar fOHORRdW taCHT and the Italian ambassador at Bartfarg SONSOFfTALY Washington. Delegates from all ALDMNI INVITED Tkaraday. Jo m 5 , 8 1 9 ■ t 8lt t parts of the state wtil attend and P1NEHUR8T at tha Aodn At UMUIaMd SqoM* the local lodge expects to send a Strawberry Festival Shosnsa tenigbt and Friday. OM - llic NtW lta y Players ELEQOFnCERS large delegation. Refreshments were TO SENIOR DANCE UsaoUy these freshly mafia. Lamb A New Cold Ontt ar Friday. served after the buslnsas session. Pattisa are solfi ont the morning wa Given by Sonth Bt E. Chnich MANCHESTER — A (TTY OF VHXAGE (HARM afivsrtisa them—00 M Is beat h» order MOCK aorly. C H IC K E N LOAF VOL. LV., N O . 222. (Oasatoad AdvertiMng aa Page U .) *TIfflRIVAI5” Thursday Evening, June 18th MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1986. (FOURTEEN PAGES) Francesco Scndieri k Named BIG CROWD AT U W N Senu-Formal ARair to Be Bacon Wrapped PRICE T H R EE BcMflt XaoMflal HosoKbI Special! Portable X-Ber r m i PARTY AT ST. BRIDGETS LAMB PATTIES 5:30-7:30— ^Buffet Lunch AO m M oa $LOO. Venerable; Big Celebra­ Held at Coontry Chib June 39c lb. 7:30-9:30— Band Concert 4 for 29c Regularly 450. Making: Threat of Third Party- 3 ELA HOME HERE tion Sonday in New Haven Strawberry Supper Last Night 24 or 26. Ponies for the Children. ] U. S. ENVOY’S APPEAL LUCIANO GEIS Attracts Throng— New Mer­ Thursday Special On Large (6</i lbs. average) F o w l....... S9o H>. BRITAIN ANNOUNCEI ABOUTTOWN chandise at Booths Tonight. SOLD TODAY TO Francesco Seudlerl was elected The senior class of Manchester S O T O ^Y E A R S PINEHURST VEGETABLES PINEHURST FISH Venerable of Giuseppe Mazzinl One of the largest crowds of car­ A t lU r y 'i Oirls’ Friendly socie­ high school intends to bold a semi- DENIED BY FRANCE Lodge, No. 907, of the Bone of nival patrons of the, season attended Fresh Native Mackerel SHE’LL LEAD MOV] ty will bold a bike said dos-rosst form al dance at the Country Club Italy, at the annual election and In­ the lawn feta and strawberry festi­ PEAS, 3 quarts FUet of Sola H A R 'm M A N AS V i a CHIEF ’ Monday, June 23, at Hlgbland Park.' stallation of officers at Tinker Hall val at St. Bridget's church grotmds either June 34, or June 36. The 2 5 c Filet of Haddock ..'Th e group will meet at the church dance la not going to be confined to lOo quart. Sunday afternoon. Other officers last night. The patrons arrived early Butterflsh Ambassador Strauss Asks at O.'SO and hike to the picnic named were as follows: and the lawn waa crowded with a Senior invitation only, as previously Halibut 100,000 MORE JOIN froimds. Punch and marshmallows Cauliflower Caoumbers, lOo Attorney Robinson Cook Cosimo Aloislo, assistant vener­ happy milling throng until a late announced, but It h u been decided Salmon q u a l i t y Eight of His Ueotenants Also TO DROP SANCTION! win be furnished hy the society. able; Joseph Dells Fera, former hour. Workers at the booths were to Invite the alumni. BrooooU Blpe Tomatoes Cod . 3 CREAMS Police Protection for A fter supper games will be played venerable; Dante Paganl. orator; kept busy, with little cbaoce-to rest, Any of the alumni Interested may Spinach Iceberg Lettuce Boston Blue STRIKES IN SPAIN Purchases WeD Known and then the girls win hike home, Robert Oenovesl, corresponding sec­ all during the evening, bring ttaeir money to the High Asparagus Summer Squash Clsjna for the regular price Get Long Prison Terms— b case of rain the picnic will be retary; Joseph Sllvestii, financial Mrs. Morlarty, in charge of serv­ School office or give It to any American Hospital; Strike BIG REUEF BILL SboDts'of "Shame” and held at the church, meeting at the secretary; Fmanuel Sallmene, treas­ ing the strawberry shortcake, an­ senior. Upon payment they will re­ Tender Native Bhie Label Green HiD Property; Plans Heavy Pofice Guard Dor* same hour, S:S0. The roast will be urer; Luigi Oenovesl, Vincenzo Sal­ nounced that the demand exceeded ceive a receipt. If the dance la not APPLESAUCE m of ONE bdd In the kitchen and the same vatore, Plerro Guerlno, Joseph Bar- the supply and that her department held, a refund will be given on these BEETS, bunch . 5 c Endangers Patients. PrisoD Riots Add to Confa- sign Greet Eden’s Speed! program as to games and refresh­ to, Antonio Innocentl, Board of was sold out at an early hour. How­ receipts. 4 banohea 19e. 3 cans 29c to Remodel House. ing Bnef Conrt Session. NEARING PASSAGE ments win foUow. Trustees; Salvatore Seudlerl, stew­ ever, she and her assistants will be The class hopes to sea many ard of sick. prepared to handle an even larger alumni there, and asks that they Paris, June 18,— (A P )—An ap- Non; Anarchists Active m m House ol Commons •— New Oallfomla Seedless . Orapeitrult are now In. Strawberry Orford Pariah Chapter, Daugh­ A communication was read from crowd tonight. bring their money in as soon as pos­ al from the United 'States ambas­ Robinson Cook of West Hartford sible so as to-asaure the possibility prices are lower. Very nice, ripe Pineapples, 17o each. Blpe New Tork, June 18.— (A P ) — ters of the American Revolution the Grand Lodge of Connecticut an­ All the booths will have a new House Adopts Conference He Says Effort to Enforce supply of merchandise tonight to o f the dance. Cantalonpea. sador for police to evacuate striking Some of the Areas. today purchased from the Savings held the closing picnic of the sea- nouncing a grande adunata of the Charles "Lucky” Luciano, described replace all that was won last night. employes of the American hospital Bank of Manchester the property aon yesterday at the home of Mrs. state, to be held In New Haven on by Prosecutor Thomas E. Dewey Sunday, June 31, at 3:30 o'clock, to The Bingo table proved a big attrac­ The Bluefields baseball team will Dial 4151 for Plnehurat Prompt DeUvety Service. formerly owned by the late Elwood Charles F. Sumner In Bolton. It whose walkout endangered the care aa the head of a vice syndicate with Report and Sends Meas­ Pimishments On Ita ^ celebrate Italy's victory over Ethi­ tion as the prizes were worth many practice at the McKee street dia­ Madrid, June 18.— (A P )—Prison V.as an Ideal day to spend In the of 85 Americans was denied by the S. Ela and located in the Green Hill 312,000,000 a year Income, was opia. The main speaker will be the times the price of the game. mond tonight at 6 o’clock. riots and a new walkout oiT 100.000 bUls, and many of the members took French government today. section o f Manchester Green. Terms sentenced today to 30 to 60 years In ure to Senate. Would Mean Worid Wafa . advantage of the opportunity of Ambassador Jesse Isador Strauss store employes In Barcelona sent of the transaction, which was prison. taking long walks, playing bridge, asked assistance from the foreign Spain's labor fever mounting to­ negotiated by R. LaMotte Russell, Bight' lieutenants '^convicted with president of the bank, and Walton or whatever pastime they prefer- office shortly after French hospital day. Luciano on 62 counts of an indict­ A. Grant, local and Hartford Washington, June 18.— (A P ) — London, June 18.— (A P )—Oppoi(^; r ^ no definite program being fol­ workers began a “folded arms" Civil guards were mobilized jo ment charging compulsory prostitu­ H e rg im and Elmo are makiiig . strike demanding shorter hours. put down disorders in Alcala de realtor, were not disclosed. tion and four who pleaded guilty Barring a possible Senate skirmish tion members of the House of 1 lowed. A t noon a picnic luncheon To Make Home Here ' Was enjoyed on tables under the boraty Ustocy wim thto strictly UmM The hospital at NeutUy-Sur-Belne Henares prison near the capital as also were eentenced by Supreme over the Florida ship canal project mons shouted "Shame! Resignt" called for police protection aa the looting and burning broke Inside the Mr. Cook, who has been an attor­ (Jourt Justice Philip J. McCook. treM. About 80 attended. walls. ney-at-law In Hartford for the paat'^ stricken out by the House, the 32,- Foreign Secretary Anthbuy Bldsd; Hale’s Annual June Towel Sale assistants, scrubwomen and other The oonvioted men had faced a 375,897,637 deficiency-relief btll employes quit work snd gathered' In One prisoner was woimded by the seventeen years. Is associated with possible maximum eentence of 1,240 today when he announced Great;: Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Marlow left 1 sues J£55S? m umidtrfitl A. Storrs Campbell of Enfield and moved today toward speedy, final the kitchens. guards during the riots. Four years imprisonment. The verdict Britain .would lead a move for tk#^ tor Cambridge, Mass., this morning, William A. Arnold of WllUmantlc, was returned June 7. legislative action. 82 VALUE Strauss, accompanied by officials guards suffered Injuries In suppress­ Tbs big measure, w r y ln g 31,- lifting of League of Nationi^ sas attend the Class D ^ and Oradtv ing the noisy Inimtes who broke former law partner of Judge Walter Luciano was the first defendant of- the Institution, told the foreign 425,000,000 tor new work relief as tatlcm eawtdses of their son, Oeorge, windows and furniture, and set fire H.
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