PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWELFTH MEETING OF THE ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION Held at New Delhi on 13th April, 1959 MINISTRY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH & CULTURAL AFFARIS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION The 12th meeting of the All India Council for Technical Education was held at New Delhi on the 12th April, 1959 at 11-00 A.M. Professor Humayuri Kabir, Minister for Scientific Research & Cultural Affairs pre­ sided over the deliberations. The following were present:— 1. Prof. M. S. Thacker Educational Adviser (Technical) to the Government of India. Members of Parliament 2. Shri P. R. RamakrLshnan Lok Sabha 3. , Shri Ganapati Ram Lok Sabha 4. Shri Jaspat Roy Kapoor Rajya Sabha Planning Commission 5. Shri T. N. Singh Ministries of Government of India 6. Maj.-Gen. Harkirat Singh Ministry of Defence 7. Shri A. V. Venkateswaran Ministry of Finance 8 . Shri S. Abdul Qaclir Ministry of Labour & Employment 9. Shri M. Hayath Ministry of Irrigation & Power 10. Shri R. Prasad Ministry of Home Affairs (Directorate of Manpower) 11. Shri S. Iviulih k Ministry of Food & Agriculture 12. Shri A. Cl. Ramcha.idani Ministry of Information & Broad­ casting 13. Shri S. K. Ghosh Ministry of Transport & Communi­ cations 14. Shri H. Iv Scthna Department of Atomic Energy 15. Shri Baleshwar Natn Central Board of Irrigation & Power State Governments 16. Shri C. V. D. Murthy Andhra Pradesh 17. Shri Radhika Das Assam (accompanied by Deputy Director of Technical Education) 18. Shri H. N. B;'h::gi'r;a Uttar Pradesh (accompanied by L>r. D R. Dhingra) 19.Shri T. N. Tolani Bombay 2 20. Shri L. C. Gupta Madhya Pradesh (accompanied by Shri S. K. Dass) 21. Shri J. G. Abraham Madras 22. Dr. H. B. Mohanty Orissa 23. Shri Surajmal Punjab (accompanied by Shri D. C. Sharma) 24. Shri L. P. Shahi Bihar 25. Dr. D. M. Sen West Bengal 26. Shri K. Channabasaviah Mysore 27. Shri V. V. Gopalakrishna Kerala 28. Shri B. D, Bhatt Delhi Industry and Commerce 29. Prof. G. M. Nabar Employers Federation of India 30. Shri G. Y. Mangrulkar —do— 31. Shri A. M. M. Murugappa Federation of Indian Chambers of Chettiar Commerce & Industry 32. Prof. M. P. Gandhi —do— Labour 33. Shri Shanta Ram S. Tawde Hind Mazdoor Sabha University Grants Commission 34. Dr. C. D. Deshmukh Central Advisory Board of Education 35. Col. B. H. Zaidi Inter-University Board of India 36. Dr. A. L. Mudaliar National Council for Rural Higher Education 37. Shri T. S. Avinashilingam Chettiar M.P. Association of Principals of Technical Institutions (India) 38. Shri T. Sen 39. Shri V. Lakshminarayanan Professional Bodies 40. Shri D. P. R. Cassad Institution of Engineers 41. Shri M. P. Ghitaie Institute of Chartered Accountants Nominees of Government of India 42. Dr. S. R. Sen Gupta 43. Shri Fazai I. Rahimtoola 3 Chairmen of Regional Committees— Ex-officio) 44. Lala Shri Kain Northern Regional Committee Dr. A. L. Mudaliar Southern Regional Committee (Represen un i; I ntcr- Uni vf-rsit y Board also) Chairmen of All India Boards of Technical Studies (Ex-officio) 45. Dr. V. K. R. \ . Rao Commerce Lala Shri Ram Textile Technology (Chairman, Northern Regional Committee) 46. Shri N. K. Mitra Fngincering & Technology 47. Shri S. II. Parcikar Aichitecture & Regional Planning 48. Dr. G. P. Kane Chemical Engineering & Chemical Technology Secretary Shri G. K. C’handiramani Shri P. L. Vernia, .Member, Union Public Service Commission, Shri S. C. Sen, Principal, Delhi Polytechnic, Delhi and Dr. A. N. Khosla, Vice- Chancellor, University of Roorkce attended by special invitation. Shri L. S. ChandrakuH and oth-r officers of the Technical Education Division of the Miuiiliy were i\ho present. The following menders were unable to attend :— 1. Shri K. G. Saiyidam Educational Adviser to the Govern­ ment of India M inistries of Government of India 2. Dr. A. Nagaraja Rao (Commerce & Industry 3. Shri S. S. Kiiera Department of Mines & Fuel, Ministry of Steel, Mines & Fuel 4. Shri B. Cf Mathur Department of Steel, Ministry of Steel, Mines & Fuel 5. Shri K. S. Kn&l;nas\vamy W orks, Housing & Supply 6. Director, Mechanical Kailway Board Engineering 7. Shri D. C. Das Department of Communications, Ministry of Transport & Communi­ cations State Governments 8 . Shri G. A. Mnl.-Iit ••mmu & Kashmir 9. Shri V. (J. Garde ajasthan 10. Shri P. d Sax-a:’ ; imachal Pradesh 4 11. Shri N. M. Fatnaik Tripura 12. Shri S. D. Bahuguna Manipur Industry & Commerce 13; Shri B. F. Goodchild Associated Chambers of Commerce of India 14. Shri Bharat Ram —do— 15. Shri T. R. Gupta All India Organisation of Indust­ rial Employers 16. Shri Nandkishore Sakarla' —do— L abour 1 7. Shri Michael John Indian National Trade Union Congress 18. Shri B. K. Nair —do— 19, Shri P. Subbramaniah National Federation of Indian Railwayman National Institute of Scienccs of India 20. Prof. S. K. Mitra Chairmen of Regional Committees (Ex-officio) 21. Shri J. J. Ghandy Eastern Regional Committee 22. Shri Kasturbhai Lalbhai Western Regional Committee Chairmen of the All India Boards of Technical Studies (Ex-officio) 23. Prof. V. N. Adarkar Applied Art ShriJ.J. Ghandy Management The Chairman spoke in moving terms about the loss suffered by the country in the death of Dr. J. G. Ghosh, who had worked all his life for the cause of education. Dr. Ghosh had been a member of the Council from its inception and had served it well and truly. It would be difficult to fill in the void caused by his death. Members stood in silence for a minute in memory of late Dr. J.C. Ghosh and passed the following condo­ lence resolution — “The All India Council for Technical Education places on record its deep sense of loss and profound sorrow at tiie passing away of Dr. J.C. Ghosh. Dr. Ghosh had been a member of the Council since its inception and his advice and guidance to the Council on all occasions was most valuable in the cause of Technical education in the country. With his passing away, the Council has suffered an irreparable loss.:’ The Chairman welcomed the members of the Council to the meet­ ing and delivered his inaugural address. A copy of the address is at Annexure I. The Council thereafter proceeded with the consideration of the Agenda (Annexure II). Item No. 1 :—To confirm the minutes of the 11th meeting of the C ouncil It was reported that the minutes of the eleventh meeting held at New Delhi on the 24th March, 1958 had been circulated to the members and no comments had been received. The minutes were confirmed. Item ]\ro. 2 :—To report the membership of the Reconstituted C ouncil Secretary reported that since the Agenda papers had been circulated, (1) Shri G.P. Kane had been elected as the Chairman of the Board of Studies in Chemical Engineeiing & Chemical Technology; (2) Shri M.P. Chitale had been nominated as a representative of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, India ; (3) The Ministry of Steel, Mines & fuel had been given one more scat to represent the Department of Steel and Shri B.C. Mathur was nominated to this seat; (4 Shri Nagendra Singh had been nominated as the represcntath e of the Department of Transport in the Ministry of Transport & Communications, and (5) The Ministry of Transport & Communications had been given one more seat to represent the Department of Communications in the Ministry and Dr. D. C. Das had been nominated to this scat. The Council noted its membership as reconstituted. Item No. 3 :—To report the Action taken on the Recommendations/ Decisions of the Council made at the 11th meeting Competitive tests for admission to Engineering Colleges The Council noted with regret that the State Governments had not responded favourably to the suggestion made by it at the last meeting regarding the holding of common entrance examinations on regional basis for the purpose of admission to the Engineering Colleges in t h e country. Only six State Governments had replied to t h e communication sent by the Centre and all the six Governments had rejected t h e proposal. The Council was of the view that the State Governments had not generally appreciated the situation from the point of view of the candi­ dates seeking admission to engineering courses and had probably apprehended that the holding of common admission tests would lead to interference by the Regional or the Central Board in the matter of admission to the State Government and other institutions. It was explain­ ed that it was not the intention that Regional Examination Boards or the Central Coordinating Agency should take decisions on applications for admissions. These Boards would only render a service in that they would make available to the authorities of the various institutions in the country, their assessment of the candidates based on a common standard. Decisions on applications would si ill lie- with the individual States and 6 Colleges, but the candidates will not have to undergo the hardship of appearing for a number of examinations held by individual institutions. During the-course of discussion on this matter, the question of reserva­ t io n of seats in colleges for various classes and communities came up. The g e n e r a l concensus of opinion was that measures designed towards the improvement of conditions and larger provision of opportunities for Engineering Education for Backward Classes were necessary but such m e a s u r e s should net lead to large “wastages” in the colleges. Opportuni­ ties should be afforded to only who those are capable of profiting from them.
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