DOCUMENT HPSUME ED 111.435 ,a .TM'004 987 .4% AUTHPR Rosen, Pamela; Ed. 4.7 TITLE Test collection Bulletin, Vol. 9; Nos.1, 2,9k, and ° INSTITUTION,. Educitional Testing Service, Princeton, N.J. Test ,Collection. PUB ,DATE 75' %. , NOTE , 86p. ..AVAILABLE FROM Test Collection Bulletin Educatiotal Testing -f Service, Princeton, Ne Jamey 08540 ($2.0011,per*y $2.50 foreign) - ,EDRS .PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$4..43 Plus' Postage DESCRIPTORS Achieveaent Test's; *Annotated BibliOgraplaies; Aptitude Tests; Attitude Tests; *Bulletins; Interest Tests; Personality Tests; *Preschool Tests; Reference Materials; *Tests' IDENTIFIES Head Start Test Collection ABSTRACT 1.1 These quarterly bulletins provide brief'annotations for tests of the following types recently acquired by the'Educational Testing Service (ETS) Teist Collection: achievement; aptitude; personality, interests, attitudes, and opinions; and miscellaneous, sensory-motor, and unidentified. To provide information 'about . instruments for those engaged 5..n research or project direction involving young childre;1, approrPiqate entries are indicated. Other informatidn includes announcements received, test reviews, new references (annotated), new publishers, rand addresses of publishers and organizations whose materia/s and services are mentioned in these Bulletins. A complete index to these four issues of Volume 9 is included. (BJG$ as . , ***4g******************* *******************Z**t***************t***** * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unOblidhed * W. , . * materials not available om other sources. ERIC makes every effOrt * * to obtain the best,cgpy a ailable.Nevertheless, ;itemsof marginal .* * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the ,quality.* * of the microfiche and hardcopy'reproductiong ERIC makes available t * via the ERIC Document Reproduction SerVice (EDRS). EDRS is not ..:14 * responsible for-'the qualty of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made' from the original. * *********************************1************************************ 'b.,, t" A QUARTERLY DIGES,T QF INFQRMATION,ONTESTS 4Coilectiork bulletin ( "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCEVIS COPY- RIGHTED MATERIAL HbAS BEENGRANTED BY U.S.DIPARVENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION A. THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRO TO ERIC AND 0 GANIZATIO OPERATING DUCE° EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE NATIONAL ORIGIN STITUTE Of EDUCATION , ATING IT POINTS OF VIEWOR OPINIONS FURTHER REPRO- STATEO 00 NOT NECESSARILY DUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERICSYSTEM RE- SENT OFFIe1AL NATIONAL it EPRE INS TOTE OF OUIRES PERMISSION OF THE CIAYRIGHT s',..4 ,EOUCATION POSITIONOR POI CY OWNER in) Pamela Rosen, Editor January; 1975 Vol. 9, No 1 The Test Collection of Educational Testing Service is,an are published in Resources in Educatjon, the monthly extensive library of tests and other measurement devices. It document index for the ERIC system. Readers interested in also includes publishers' catalogs and descriptive snaierials, obtaining MAPS documents\:should writetoNational information on scoring services, and systemg, test reviews, Auxiliary" Publications Service for instriktions and a current and reference materials on measurement and evalhation. price schedule. A special Head Start Test Collection has been established, For additional information about the Test Collection or to provide information about instruments for those engaged Test Collection Bulletin wrire to: in research or project direction involving young children. Tesf Collection Any Bulletin entry of particular interest to thlLe-citorking Educational Testing Service e with children from birth to ageitine. VII be preceded by the Princeton, New Jersey 08540 symbol Questions about the Headttart Test Collection should he Qualified persons, whether affiliated with Educational addressed to: Testing Service or not, may have on-site access to the materials in the Test Collection or the Head Start Test Head Start Test Collection Collection. Publishers' restrictions regarding access to test Educational Testing Service materials are carefully observed. Princeton, New Jersey 08540 For further .information 'about materials and 'services a listed in this Bulletin readers are requegted to communicate NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS OF THE directly with the appropriate publisher or organization. TEST COLLECTION BULLETIN Addresses are provided on pages 15 -18. Occasionally the readerisreferred toa journal article, an Educational. The Test Collection Bulletin is now available on a subscrip- Resources Information Center (ERIC) DOcume ra tion basis., The $2.00 subscriptiofee ($2.50 for foreign. document deposited with the National AuxiliarPqblica- .readers) will help cover the cost of preparatiorif.prititing,- tions Service (NAPS) as either the source of a measure or art handling, and mailing. Specific instructi atid an order alternate source. Instructiong for ordering ERIC documents folm'ace provided inside the back cover. COPYRIGHT © 1975 BY EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 2 ACQUISITIONS Unless'otherirrise indicated, the tests have been published in the United States. Achievement comprehension, and English dontinant in Wh comprehension and production. The tekt should be individually adininistered, ACS CooperativeExamination AnalyticalChemistry, first in Spanish and then in alish. Graduate Level by Harry G. Day; c1969.-73; Graduate Students; Examinatipns Comniittee, American Chemical L & L Office Tests; c1964-70; Adults; L & L Associates, \ Society. This series of six tests is designed to aid' the employer in the selection and evaluation of applicants for officepositions. Tests Intendedtoaidingraduate-,levelplacementinanalytical in the series include: Office Ability Review (T201), Cheek List chemistry.-Two forms of the test are available. Review (T202), Spelling Review (T203), Arithmetic Review (T204), Typing Review (T205)7 and Executive Employment Austin Spanish. ArticulationTest; c197,4; Ages' 4.7; Review (T206). Learning Concepts, Inc. Developed for use by speech clinicians and therapists to identify McHUgh-McParland Reading Readiness.fest by Walter J. speech articulation problems of' Spanigh-speaking children. Ike McHigh and Myrtle McParland; c1968; Kindergarten-Grade 78-itemtestis organizedtoallow measurement of single 1; Cal-State Bookstore. consonant and vowel sounds, the major dipthongs, and the major consonant clusters. It should be individually administered. This measure of reading readiefess consists of four subteps: Rhyming Words, Beginning Sounds, Visual Discrimination, and Identifying Letters. The abilities to listen and follow directions CIRCUS: Preliminary Edition;. c'l 974; Preschool.-Kinder- aremeasured as the examiner observes eachchild during garten; Educational Testing Service. administration of the test. Assesses childLen's competencies in various cognitive and .soeial areas: receptive vocabulary, quantitative concepts, visual discrim- The Macmillan Reading Readiness Test, Revised Edition- inationPperceptual-Motorcoordination,letterand numeral by Albert J. Harris and Edward c 19q5-70; Grade recognition and, discrimination, discrimination of real-world 1; The Macmillan Company. sounds, auditsry discrimination, aspects of functional language, comprehension,interpretation andrecallof oral language, This measure of readiness for beginning reading instruction is productive language, general information, visual and associative comprised of six subtoets: The Rating Scale, Visual Discrimina- memory, problem solving, arid divergent pictor"i"al production. tion, Auditory Discrimination, Vocabulary and Concepts, Letter An Activities Inventory, Behavior Inventory, and Educational Names, and Visual-Motor. An optihnal subtest, Word Recogni- Environment Questionnaire are also included. The program is tion, is presented in the manual. flexible anij can be tailcired to meet the needs of states, regional school districts,'or individual schools or classes. c Minimal Reading Proficiency Assessment by Thomas 'F. McDonald and Gary B. Moorman;'1972; Grade 12; ThOmas. ClassificationTasks:Experimental Editionby, Mary F. McDonald. Nixon; c1971; Ages 5;7; Australian Council for Educkional Research, Australia. A criterion-referenced reading test designed for the Phoenix UnionHigh School District, toestablish minimal reading These, two tasks were devised to investigate, children's conipe- proficiency for graduating seniors. tenciesin some depects of concrete operations.The.Cross - Classification Task deals with class inclusion, which is defined as The ivottingham Number Test by W.E.C. Gillham and the ability to build up mutually exclusive. classes. The Equiva- K:A. Hesse; c1973; Ages 9.11; university 'of London Press lence Task ,incorporates recognition of similarities, discrimina- tion of common properties, and the relationships between such Ltd., Great Britain. \ properties. The tasks are intended for research de only and Designed to measure children's understanding of basic number should be used under the supervision of a qualified psychologist. concepts and calculation skills. The test consists qf two subtests1 number concepts and number skills. It can be used to indicate James Language Dominance Test by Peter Jates; c1974; areas of weakness in individual children, to provide a basis for Kindergarten-Grade 1; Learning Concepts, Inc. placement, or as Part of a comprehensive attainment assessmjnt program. \..r Designed to assess the language dominance of Mexican-American
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