NOVEMBER 13, 1971 MM ON STAGE! Blues and jazz ·kings on the way GIANTS of jalt and blues ate on their way to Britain for concerts sponsored by the Melody Maker. Blues legend 8. 8. King tt,.. into London next Th1Jt'$d8y for his ,two Btitis:h conee,,u PfO.. moted by Robert Paterson In association with the Mt\.1. The concerts - at London's New Victoria Theatre on Nov­ embM 20- and Colston Hau, Bristol on November 21 - come before a series of con• certs on the Conrlnent. Probo Reet>rds have just. .-.leased a nftW 8, 8. King Jlbum, titled .. 8. 8 . King. fn London." to coincide vAth his vl&it. The •lbl.srl features ~s recorded in London ..-Oer this ~ar. air,o among :the music:Jans taking p.art are Ringo Starr, Alexis Komer, Jlm Price. Bobby Ke)'8, Gary Wright t<tauc. Voorman.. Duster Bennett. Steve, IVl&rriott, Greg Ridley, Jecry Shirley and Jim Gonion. A single •· Ain't Nobody Home." i:S: be,ing released to tie in with the tour. In Ame,i;ee. the claulc Klog IMbum •• live At The Regel .. h.. Just b.. n te•IU!Jtd, Tlws WEEKEND is JAZZ WEEKEND in London when Paterson Gif)d George Wein in OS$0eiation with the Me~y Makar. present a serist of con• certs featuring Miles Davis. Oiuy Gillespie, The~t.1$ Monk~ Art Blek.ey, Ornette Col8f"Oilfl ll'ld the Pr•servation Han Band. on~d:;e:;~t N:'~"vl~Ofi": Theatco with the Now Orleans ffl)tot The Proscrvation Hall Sand (&.30 p.m.) and Ornette Cotern.,n (9 p,m,). It continues on Saturday at the Royal f!"fl:Stival HaU with two con­ ct:rts by Mfle:s Davis. and on Sunday at the New Victoria with two shows by the Giants of Jau, the ~all-star band featuring Oiny Gille$pi.e Md TheloniOU&Monlc, THIS IS the first official picture of Wings - Paul McCartney's new group - released exclusively to the Their first album is due for refease MM this week. It will also be featured on Apple in two weeks. in posters promoting Paul's new band. Picture shows McCanney (l&ft), Wings,. music w-as heard for the Linda McCartney (bottom). drummer r,,..t time at a •~ial launching ball at Denny Seiwell (top) and guitarist tho Empffe Ballroom in London#s Denny Laine (right). Leicester Square on Monday. They ere e McCartney'c party: $81! pagt,; 9. P.&.8<' 2-MELODY MAKER, Nov~ber 13. 1971 A NEW Co I osseum album - pas• sibly the last from the I group who split I as t week - is to be released by Bronze at SINGLES ALBUMS the end of (1) REASON TO BELIEVE/MAGGIE MAY 1 (1) EVERY PICTURE TEUS A STORY . Rod S18Wclrt, Mercury November. Rod Stewart, Mercury 2 (5) IMAGINE ..... ..... ..... John Lennon, A'pple Titled "Col, (2) WITCH QUEEN OF NEW ORLEANS 3 (3) TAPESTRY ............... , ......... ..... Carole King, A & M lectors Colos• Redbone. Epic 4 (6) T AMLA MOTOWN CHARTBUSTERS Vol 6 seum," it con• 3 (6) TIRED OF BEING ALONE ...... Al Green. London Various Artists, Temla Motown taJns some new 4 (18) COZ I LOVE YOU .. .. .. Slade, Polydor 5 (2) TEASER ANO TME FtRECAT .....•.....• Cat St•vcns. Island never 6 (4) ELECTRIC WARRIOR .. .... .. .. ..... T, Rex, Ry tracks 5 (9) TILL ..., ....... , .. .. .............. Tom Jones, Decca released in this 6 (4) SIMPLE GAME ......... Four Tops, Tamra Motown 7 (8) MUD SLIDE SLIM AND THE Bl.UE HORIZON James Teyto,, Warner Bros country before, 7 (3) SULTANA .. .. Titanic. CBS and an early 8 (8) THE NIGHT THEY DROVE OLD DIXIE DOWN 8 (7) WHO'S NEXf ................................................... Trock 9 {9) BRIOGE OVER TROUBLED WAT£R studio version Joan Baei, Vanguard Simon and Garlurtkef, CBS of " Rope Lad• 9 (5) FOR ALL WE KNOW io {10) FIREBALL .................................. Deep Purple, Hervest der To The Shirley Bassey, United Artists '1 (13) EVERY GOOD BOY DESERVU FAVOUR Moon." 10 ( 21) I WILL RETURN Springwater, Polydor Moody Sluss, ThteshOkt Also featured 11 (16) LOOK AROUND ......... .. Vine& Hal, Columbia 14} BLUE , ..••. •. ,,.,, ,,, •.. ,,. , ..... ,,., Joni Mitchell, Reprise a re selections 12 (15) BRANDY ........ .. ..... Scott English, Horse Hoss 13 U P1LGRIMAGE ....................., .... Wi•hbooe Ash, MCA from $ome of the 14 18 HOT HtiS Vol 1 ..... 04 .... ........ ~. .... VarlOO$ Arti$ts, MFT gs:oup•s previous 13 (24) SANKS OF THE OHIO Olivla Newt~n-John, Pye is -1 SANTANA - THE THIRD ALBUM .... ................... CBS albums including 14 (10) KEEP ON DANCING ..... .. .. Bay City Rollers, Bell 16 1'1 SWEET BABY JAMES . ,..... ... James Taylor. Warner Btos 15 (7) TWEEDLE DEE TWEEDLE OUM 17 ,16 1ND ALBUM ..•. , ...... , , .. Curved Air, Warner Bros ~~sean~•~l! DICK HECKSTAll•SMITH: Middle of the Road, RCA 18 17 FOG ON THl TYNE . , , ...., . .. Lindisfarne, Charisma ware The Ides Or album 19 - ) THE CARl'ffiTERS . ... ... ... .•. .•. .•... .. .. .... A & M March." 16 (11) FREEDOM COME, FREEDOM GO 20 (20) WORtO OF YOUR 100 BEST 1\JNES Vol 2 The album t, al• Fortun8s, Capitol . V,at;ous An:ists, Decca rcody ◊n r-clea,e 17 (-) JOHNNY REGGAE ................. Piglets, Beil 21 26! TOP OF THE POPS Vol 19 .... , . Various Artists, Hallmari< thn>u&h6ut the con• 18 (30) RUN BAaY RUN ............ Newbeats. London 22 23 ANDY WIUIAMS GREATEST HITS .... , .............. CBS tioe'At and was to Colosseum have been released 19 (13) SPANISH HARLEM .. , Aretha Franklin, Atlantic ~ ~ . ~~o~~ ~Jm'J i>'vrttoo··nEi~/°','·.T~mi.~~~;;'.;Z In the UK early ln 20 (26) SURRENDER .. .... .. Diana Ross, Tamie Motown 25 20 WORLD OF YOUR 100 BEST TUNES Various Artists, Decca the New Yea.-, but with the newr ot 21 (20) SUPERSTAR/FOR ALL WE KNOW <he g.r9up split.tins, Carpenters, A St M ~; 27~ ~~~~ ~t~Lirr··.·::·.. .- ............. s~~ ~=~:tk ~~it?: It has ""been brought farewell 28 24! IN SEARCH OF SP-ACE ..... ,, ... HaWl<wind, Unhed Artists forward. 22 (- ) GYPSYS, TRAMPS AND THIEVES ... Cher, MCA 28 - STVOIO 2 CI.ASSICS •..•........... Various Artis1s. Studio 2 Tht'rt wiis no new, ihrs: 23 (12) YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND 30 25 RAM . ..... , . ........ .. ... Paul and Linda McC.artnoy, Appto wt~ ai to the (11\Llre ot ,he James Taytor, Warner Bros. 00 BARK •..... ..•.•.....•.. .••••.... ....... Jefk3rson Airpiane, Grunt various members or the arQ-Up Two LPs tied tor 11th &nd 301h positions, - though Di~ l;lodc&tall~ 24 (14) BUTTERFLY ..... ........ ... Danyel Gerard, CBS Smtth 1, to make a solo album album 25 (28) LErS SEE ACTION ............... ... .. Who, Track rOT Bronze records. Sounds or lh«J Slll vtntie~ Radl() 26 (17) DID VOU EVER .. Nancy and Lee, Reprise Show two months ago and 27 (29) CHINATOWN ........ ....... .. Move. Harvest America's Top 30 LPs WHITE JOINS BELL lancas~er has been tit.tin.a- ln 28 (19) TAP TURNS ON THE WATER ...... C.C.S., RAK Witb I.he band <1n ctcent dates. 1 (4} SHAFT ............. .......... Ori~mu Sound Tra«:, Enterprise DRUMMER ALAN WbHt: h•fi tic :is now with thom oo a 29 (22) HEY GIRL, DON'T BOTHER ME . , Tams, Probe fOint<d 8~H 'n' Arc on the eve 2 m THE NEW SANTANA ............................, ...... Columbia ot lbs group·s first American permanent Wt.sis~ 30 (23) ANOTHER TIME, ANOTHER PLACE 3 f6) TEASER AND THE FIRECAT ........... C.t Stevens, A & M tour. Date:s ror the group include Engelbert Humpercinck. Decca 4 !'1! lMAC31NE ... ,, .. ....... ,, .. ,. ., . .. ~.... .......... John Lennon, Apple Bell '1:1• An: a~ cu.rrerilly re-­ New<;a.sde UnlvertitY (Friday). & 2 EVERY PICTURE TEI.LS A STORY ..• Rod Stewart, Mercury fl ea..rsinr with White, who .it 1 6 5 TAPESTRY ............................, ......... , Carole King, Odo ;1n occ::uion~ mimbeT of John p~~::!~i~!rri ~if(~~~ PUBLISHERS/COMPOSERS 7 (7) EVERY GOOO BOY DESERVES FAVOUA Le-nno,n's PlastJc Ono Band tf}. J$) .inct .Ke.al Unfvtrsicy 1 flo\>.ns/ MRC Mu11c {Tim M.trdin/ A Moody Bluos. Thr11shoJd ~i~mwi~~~f'tri:ifbea~~,. in & M Q\JlllOtHOl'I) ; 2 No1t11 l11t10/April/ 8 ('8 CARPENTERS .. ... ... .... ... ... .. A & M 9 (99 WHO'S NEXf . ....... .... ............. ........ , Th• Who, Oecca They 1eavt 'On NovtitmbO( 12 6ltck"W0<>4 (f'•t l wny v119as): 3 au,, irid' wur b~ su.pporune tbt GREENWICH SPECIALS li~\01'1 {Al O,-..~}• 4 10 ( 14 HAJIMONY .. ............ ........ Th<ee Dog Nf1lh1, Ounhm Who during three wee.ks ot 11 { 10 RAM ... ................................. P•ul MeCa:rtnay. Apple conce-rts. i~~~,•::~!':?~oJ~ 12 13 SOUND MAGAZINE .•. .. Partridge Famtly, Bell tPuWer): 7 Ajlril The group'.& fl'rst album I$ 1 13 12 BLESSED AR.£ ..................... , ......... Joan Bae1, Vanguarjj releu~ l>Y Cl\ari&rna on Nov• ~!i"'t!~liA!b ::n::1/Art11ut Jam") 14 15 JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR . ........... ... .. .. .. Oeeca eml>et 12 10 J,g ·saw (PM co,deU), ll hMOII$/ 1S 11 BARK ..........•... ,. ...... .• , ... Jefferson Airptane, Grunt 8::rti,~~bi!'1·'~~re~~): ~!,~::~ 16 ·201 RAINBOW 8RIDGE •.. • ............... Jifm Hendrix. Reprise ABRAHAMS ADDITION 1 1 17 19 CAHOOTS ..................................... The Bend, Cepitol ~~ t~l11>!?i ~'.s:i.:)t:v.}~~l~~r• f& 18 - THtR£1S A RIOT GOIN' ON Sty and The FamJfy Stone, Epi<:: MlCK AUR.Att.AMS Band, fr'~'g!ot;~~y Sro(~~.~ Mt:tk/FJ:;!~ 19 2:2 GOtN' BACK TO INDl'ANA .. ... ... ,. .. Jackson 5. Motown which teatu,es Abratwa.ms on 2D (•17} WB:COME TO THE CANTEEN , ...., Tnifftc, United Arti$fa lead guitar and VO(itll, 80b 21 16! MASTER OF REALITY ......... 81:,cJt Sabblfth, Wamer Bros ~~nt~:ltor;_roi,~~z~ 4~ AMERICA'S TOP 10 22. l21 BARBRA JOAN STREISAND ....................... ... , Columb.a ba:.s auitar and vocals and Ritchie Dha.rma on drums. 1 ("3~ THEMf.1!!~MK:::FTE111erptie.e 8 {10) INNER c,-r;,,~~fJll)'C, To.ml~ ~ ~: ~~A:s··oiiEATE'sl: 'HiTS .. ::::::··,;:;otb;·-;:~~~kii~:·Att~:; have a.dded multi•instrumcntal• 25 FOR l.AOtES ONLY ......
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