.- 0221-1, CONF-840257(Vol. 2) (DE84012694) COUF-24C257—Vol.2 DE84 0126 94 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1984 DOE NUCLEAR REACTOR AND FACILITY SAFETY CONFERENCE Rockville, Maryland February 27-March 1, 1984 VOLUME I! U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Safety CONF-840257(Voi. 2) (DE84012694) Distribution Category UC-41 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 1984 DOE NUCLEAR REACTOR AND FACILITY SAFETY CONFERENCE Rockville, Maryland February 27-March 1, 1984 VOLUME II U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Safety Published by Technical Information Center Office of Scientific and Technical Information United States Department of Energy . These proceedings were compiled under contract number DE-ACO5-76OR00O33 be- tween the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Safety, and Oak Ridge Associ- ated Universities. TABLE OF CONTENTS VCLUME I Preface - vii Monday, February 27, 1984 CNS Overview 3 J. Maher - U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Safety Activities e»id Projects r. 31 P., Barber - U.S., Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Safety QNS/RC Emergency Activitj.es 59 J. Deal - U.S, Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Safety Potential Conflict Between Safeguards/Security and Safety 69 N. Klug - U.S. Department of Energy, Nuclear Energy Proposed Changes in Regulatory Standards Effect on DOE ,.... 79 W. Brynda - Brookhaven National Laboratory Impact, of Post TMI-2 Cleanup Activities on Cleanup and Decommissioning of DOE Facilities 105 H. Burton - EG&G Idaho, Inc. ASPE/ESS.H Ranarks , 135 J. Mares - Assistant Secretary for Policy and Environment, U.S. Department of Energy R. Davit's - Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment, Safety, and Health, U.S. Department of Energy Technical Specifications and Operational Safety Requirements Panel T. Dahl - Oak Ridge National Laboratory 137 L. Durney - EG&G Idaho, Inc c 155 G. McRae - Union Carbide Corporation, Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant 165 Space Reactor Systems and Safety Strategies 177 D. Bunch - U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Space Reactor Projects Probabilistic Risk Assessment W. Durant - I. E. Dupont de Nemours and Company .. = 181 W. Perkins - I.E. Dupont de Nanours and Company 185 What is a Practical Risk Assessment? 195 E. Howard - Los Alamos National Laboratory Tuesday, February 28, 1984 ORR Activities: Rockwell Hanford 199 A. Hawkins - Rockwell Hanf ord Operations ORR Activities: PUREX , 217 M. Zamorski - U.S. Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office ORR Activities: "Nn Reactor 219 P. Carlson - UNC Nuclear Industries, Inc. ORR Activities: ACRR Upgrade 233 J. Philbin - Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque F. Morris - Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque T. Luera - Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque ORR Activities: "L" Reactor 243 R. Finley - I.E. Dupont de Nemours and Company ORR Activities: nLn Reactor 259 J. Anderson - U.S. Department of Energy, Savannah River Operations Office VOLUME II Program Line Safety Reviews of Savannah River SARF 271 J. Koelling - Los Alamos National Laboratory Safety Review of Experiments 283 K. Elliott - U.S. Department of Energy, Albuquerque Operations Office Overview of Criticality Safety *,. 291 B. Brown - U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Safety Nuclear Criticality Technology and Safety Project 319 J. Thomas - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Radiological Accident Considerations 323 J. Graf - Los Alamos National Laboratory Radiological Accident Considerations 329 J. Elder - Los Alamos National Laboratory Wednesday, February 2S, 1984 Overview of TRADE t „ 343 C. LMinelli - Rockwell International, Rocky Flats Plant Reactor Training Coordination Program 351 E. Treat - EG&G Idaho, Inc. IV Overview of Job and Task Analysis • 365 D. Gertman - EG&G Idaho, Inc. Job & Task Analysis .» 367 L. Junker - Brookhaven National Laboratory Job Performance Aids . 375 R. Moffitt - UNC Nuclear Industries, Inc. Job Analysis 379 C. Minelli - Rockwell International, Rocky Flats Plant Robotics .... , 385 W. Hamel - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Man/Machine Interface 413 R. Lindsay - Argonne National Laboratory - West Human Factors Review of DOE Facilities „ 429 R. Peterson - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Inservice Inspection Panel W. Scott - Idaho Chemical Processing Plant 443 R. CLouse - Union Carbide Corporation, Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant 463 Q. Baird - Hanford Engineering Development Lcjoratory 495 W. Kimble - Argonne National Laboratory - Wost 503 Thursday, March 1, 1984 DOE Headquarters and Operations Office Staff Meeting 513 Germantown, Maryland Conference Attendees 515 V TUESElAY, FEBHJARY 28, 1984 Los Alamos Safety Review Activities J. J. Koelling Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, New Mexico Los Alamos was contacted by the Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in 1974 to initiate an independent safety review of the proposed Plutonium Conversion Facility at the Allied General Nuclear Service's Barnwell, South Carolina, plant. Los Alamos was tasked with this effort due to the expertise they developed in the plutonium and safety fields. From 1974 until 1977 Los Alamos assisted the NRC in the safety review of nine commercial nuclear fuel plants, that were either planned or in operation. In addition, safety reviews were initiated on the NRC sponsored research reactors. During this same period, Los Alamos became involved with reviewing the physical security of all operating commercial nuclear power reactors and most research reactors. In 1978, the Department of Energy (DCE) asked Los Alamos to provide a similar independent review for their facilities. By 1984, Los Alamos had participated in the safety reviews on four DOE operated facilities. In all safety review cases, thos° systems associated with site characteri- zation, e.g., geology, hydrology, were not reviewed. Only those areas directly related to facility safety were analyzed. In addition to the '.>afety evaluations, there was often a need for review of either environmental assessments or environmental impact statements associated with operation of a facility. These reviews concentrated on essentially the same areas as in the safety reviews paying particular attention to the source terms from hypothetical accidents. 271 ABSTRACT Los Alamos Safety Review Activities Los Alamos has performed independent safety and environmental reviews or has performed evaluations in specific task areas for both the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Department of Energy (DOE) since initiation of the program in 1974.. During this period reviews were performed on nine commercial and four DOE operated nuclear facilities. Safety reviews were completed on fourteen research reactors. In addition, physical security reviews were performed on all operating commercial nuclear power reactors and most research reactors. 272 (8 SF3 m [Oi (3S1 ruui OIL 273 CHRONOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT Of SAFETY REVIEWS n WB2 DOE - MEW FlR©fi Los Alamos REVIEWS PERFORCE:)-1 Review of Env ironment Q I Assessment, Bcbcock and Wllcox Park Township Site. 2 Review of Safety Evaluation Report, Babcock and Wllcox Park Township Site. 3. Review of Environmental Assessment, General Electric Vallecitos Review of Nuclear Center. 4. Review of Safety Evaluation Report, Genera! Electric Vallecitos Nuclear Center. 5. Seismic Evaluation of Building 102, General Electric Vollecitos Nuclear Center. 6. Review Summary of PSAR, E>>on Nuclear Fuel Recovery and Recycling Center. 7. Review of License Renewal Application; Environmental Report and Emergency Plan; and Comparison of Renewal Application, Battelle Colurribus Laboratory. *m REVIEWS PERFORMED-2 9. Preliminary Review of PSAR, Aerojet General Nuclear Services. 9. Preliminary Review of SAR, Nuclear Fuel Services West Valley. 10. Review of SAR and some input to EIS, Westinghouse Recycle Fuels Plani. 11. Review of Chapter IV (Environmental Impact Due io' the Implementation of Plutonium Recycle) and Chapter VII (Means for Mitigating Adverse Environmental Effects, Final Generic Environmental Statement on the Use of Recycle Plutonium in Mixed Oxide Fuel in Light Water Cooled Rectors (GESMO)). 12. Some Planning on Decommissioning of Kerr—McGee Cimarron Plant. 13.. Review of FSAR9 Purex, Hanford *4. Preliminary Review of PSAR, Rover Fuel Reprocessing V5. Five Year Upgrade of F SAR, Savannah River Production LICENSING AMENDMENTS EVALUATED * General Atomic - Increase in the quantities ot explosives for irradiation in GA Reactor beam tubes. 3 * Union Carbide - Increase ;n allowable fission product concentration for singly encapsulated in—core thimbles. * General Electric - Ther modynami c behavior of GETR fuel in an air environment. Los Alamos NONPOWER REACTOR REVIEWS APPLICATION FOR LOS ALAMOS RENEWAL OF • REVIEW SAR BY • VISIT STTE • WRITE TER N3 00 INCORPORATES Los Alamos SAVANNAH RIVER REACTOR REVIEW DOEHQ*8 4 TECHNICAL AREAS SRP/DOE HBJD OFFICE for EENTSFED FOR Syr UPGRADE of SAR REVIEW COMPLETE REVIEW LOS ALAMOS * IOCS REVIEW DOCUMENTS and COMPLETE JOMMEMDATK ATMOSPHERIC MODEL toDOEHCTs EffyflERQENCY POWER Los Alamos "1 Safety Assessment Areas Q-6 H-1 (WX-8) H-3 CMB-11 ITO Accident Analysis X X X X Confinement X X X Ventilation & E>haust X X Process Safety X X lnstrumenta.fi on X and Control Radiation Safety X Waste Systems X X Fire & Explosion X Protection Support & Utilities \ Structural Design X and Andys is Critic a lit y Safety X X X 280 AFETY IPHYSIICAL kjRDTY KIM ©f ROJO * mPI D anxd/bfr REVIEWED flte FOLLOWING LI D) ALL OPERATING COMMERCIAL POWER Bl i) NEARLY AdJL NIONIPOWER REACTORS IB 4) FDUR DOE NUCLEAR
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