181 Electlon of Deputy Speaker ASADHA 21, 1918 (Sake) Felicitations to Depuly Speaker 182 [English] The question is , SHRl JAG MOHAN (New Delhi) : Sir, I second "That Shri Suraj Bhan, a Member of this the Motlon. House, be chosen as the Deputy-Speaker of this House" SARDAR SURJIT SlNGH BARNALA (Sangrur) : Gir, I beg to move : The Motron was adopted "That Shri Suraj Bhan, a Member of this MR SPEAKER . I declare that Shrl Suraj Bhan House, be chosen as the Deputy-Speaker of has been chosen as the Deputy Speaker of this this House.' House. SHRl MADHUKAR SARPOTDAR (Mumbai North. 12.33 hrr. West) : Sir, I second the Motion. (Shrl Suraj Bhan was conducted to h~sseat by SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES (Nalanda) . Sir, I the Prime Mtn~ster.Shrr H.0 Deve Gowda, the Leader beg to move : of the House Shrt Ram Vilas Paswan, the Leader of the Oppos~tlon.Shr~ Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Shri "That Shrl Suraj Bhan, a Mcmber of th~s Santosh Mohan Dev House, be chosen as the Deputy-Speaker of this House." SHRI NlTlSH KUMAR (Barh) : Sir, I second the 12.34 hrr. Motlon. FELICITATIONS TO DEPUTY SPEAKER [Translation] THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS (SHRI RAM VlLAS SHRI JAI PRAKASH (Hlssar) Mr Speaker, Sir, PASWAN] Mr Speaker. Slr as the leader of the I beg to move House, I on behalf of the House. thank and "That Shr~Suraj Bhan a member of th~s congratulate Shr~Suraj Bhan, who IS a Senior House, be chosen as the Deputy Speaker of Member of the Lok Sabha and IS l~kemy brother, for th~sHouse.' havlng been the post of Deputy Speaker Thls IS the democracy that desplte all d~tferences,we have SHRI 0 P JINDAL (Kurukshetra) Mr Speaker, always been respectful to the conventions and Sir I second the Motion demands of democracy and have expressed our faith In Parl~amentarydemocracy The day Shri Suraj Bhan was nominated for the post of Deputy Speaker and SHRI SANTOSH KUMAR GANGWAR (Bareilly) as soon as my colleague, the M~nlster of Str I beg to move Parl~amentaryAffa~rs. Shri Jena suggested h~sname + to the Pr~meMlnlster, lmmod~atelythe Pr~meMinister "That Shr~Suraj Bhan. a Member of th~s had expressed his satlsfactlon over it and said that House, be chosen as the Deputy Speaker of th~sIS very good and should be done. thls House" We have had a long standing assoclatlon In [Translatron) 1977 when I f~rstjomed the Parhamen!, Shr~Surrj Bhan was an experienced member even at that time DR SATYANARAYAN JATlA (Ujla~n) Slr, I We gct an opportunlty to work together We were second the Mot~onon behalf of Shrl Jagat Vlr Smgh members of Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Drona Castes and Scheduled Trlbes Aga~nwe worked together In the Parl~amentaryForum and wherever SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR (Ballla) Slr l beg atrocrties wer comm~ttedon the poor, we went to move - there together and worked for them Even when he 'That Shrl Sural Bhan, a Memher of 1h1s was not an elected M P, the way he handled tho House, be chosen as the Deputy Speaker ol work In the states was commendable It IS not th~rHouse' because he belongs to the Scheduled Caste but I have seen that Shrt Sural Bhan jl IS well-endowed JE npllsh, w~thwhat we call talent He 1s a very talented person He is M A B L He goes deep In the subject whatever SHRl PRAMOD MAHAJAN (Mumbai Notlh-East) ~t may be Shri Suraj Bhan 1s a very capable person Slr, I recond the Motlon tn th~sregard He IS a lawyer by protesslon and ts MR. SPEAKER . Since Ihrre rrr r number of well known as a soc~alactlvtst I belleve that tho Motlona moved, I will put the fcrrt Mollon moved by emlnence of thsi post will rlso further when he takes Shrl Shrrrd Prwrr to the vote of the House charge end on behalf of the Qovrrnment and the 185 Felrcitalions to Deputy Speaker ASADHA 21, 1918 (SaW Febotatrons to Deputy Speaker 186 played a very useful role. Like Shri Shivraj Patil who time to know each of them personally, but when will always be remembered as a very good Speaker, names will be known, then I tully hope that new we remember and miss today Shri Mallikarjunalah members w~llget opportunity to raise the~rissues who was a very good Deputy-Speader. I am sure and they w~llb glven adequate opportunities Shri Suraj Bhan will also prove to be a very good I congratulare Shrl Surajbhanji on my behalf and Deputy-Speaker. I am sure Shri Suraj Bhan will follow on behalf of my party and hope that he will do good his policy, his decis~onsand h~swisdom. He has thlngs commensurate w~ththe post of Deputy seen what the Zero Hour 1s. I wish him all the best Speaker of Lok Sabha and do hope that he will get [Translation] opportunltles to do good thlngs In future. SARDAR SURJIT SlNGH BARNALA (Sangrur) SHRl BASU DEB ACHARIA (Bankura) : Mr Mr Speaker. Sir I feel very happy on the unanimous Speaker, Slr, I would like to congratulate Shri Suraj elect~onof Shr~Sura! Bhan today, and I congratulate Bhan as he is being elected unanimously today for him Earl~eryou were also elected unan~mously.Now the olfice of the Deputy Speaker I am very happy he has been elected In the same manner. It IS a that today such a member who has vast experience good trad~tlonthat IS be~ngestabl~shed in the House and who is an active person, has been elected lor After t11s unanlrnous elect~on,ent~:e House expects this post He IS known to us since 1980. when he him to be ~rr~part~alEveryone would be treated was elected tor the f~rstlime for the Seventh Lok equally by him Every Member has such expectations Sabha He 1s aware as to how the problems of tbe 'ro~h~m Just as ycu preslde over the House, we general people of the country have to be raised In expect the same frsrr~hrm also Lok Sabha He dSed to ralse serlous issue in the House as per procedure At present aboul hal! of Shrl Suraj Bhan has been a Member of thls House the strength of Lok Sabha 1s of new members 3f earlier also Thsi trne he has been elected for the course, they would like to ralse here the probierns fourth 11me He was a Member along wi!h me In 01 the~rrespectwe const~tuenc~esWe hope !ha! Sr;:l 1977 He is a very sober person He welghs every Sura] Bhan will be lmpartlal Thus our convenllon word befcre speaking He never talk unnecessarily w~llbe maintained and the dign~tyof this House hi11 be !aiks less Urllke you re seldom laughs In this further be crPengthened after h~sele;!~on for the connec!~on we cerlalely t,ave a minor complaint offlce of De,.,~ty Speaker Our party will glve lull against him cooperatron lo him We hope that you w~llsafeguard I now hlm also because he IS my nelghbourer the cclnvent~onof this House I conclude my speech He belongs to Ambala Therefore I know hls private with areetlng Shrl Suraj Bhan Irfe a;so T~ISIS h~sfoilrth term In thls House HIS SHRl MADHUKAR SARPOTDAR (Mumbal Nc:th. present mater~al~s:~cccndlt~on remalns the same as West) Mr Speaker SI~today I feel happy tr~atMr 11 was when he was eiected Member of this House Surajbhan who has gct fa~lhIn Maryada Purosotham for the first time l think that I! 1s a great qual~tythat ',as become the Deputy Speaker o' :fils House We a person even a!ter be~ngere-' &,ed~ Member for the are v,>re lub~l~antLecause the erit~re Hoi~sehas !;li:lt: t~rr,e remains uncnanged-s pie and honest elected h~m I mean he is the unanimous ch3i:e o! Sucr is h~squality his style ot w~rkingand his the ent~reHouse MI Speaker Srr, you were also decency !ha! not only the people of the Backward clocted in the same way I fully hope Ihat the Hcuse Classes but everyone has falth In hlm will functron properly w~ttibcth of you at !he helm o! I feel happy that he has been elected affairs May be that we will fight among ourselves unanlm~usly I expect h~mto work In the House because of our problems trgt wh~leyou are pres~dlng cheerlully and treat every Member equally WI~P we expect lust~cefrom you and a balanced think~~g Irnniense ;ongratula!ions. I take rhy seal Whatever is our prohlenl is a problem ol our people SHRl GEORGE FERNANDES (Naland?.) Mr Mr Surajban w~llrun tti~sHouse In the same w~yas Speaker, Sir I rlse to congratulate Shri Sura] Bhan you run the House Irr order to reach Ihe common I recall my experionce of the Fourlh LC.. Sabha At man end w~llIry to runder lustice to our cause When that tme Shri Raghunath Rao Khandelkar was the celled lor More than th~s 287 new members have Speaker During those days we used to Walt for the been elected here th~st~me 7 here is a r!eed to take moment when Mr Speaker would leave the Chalr care 01 them all What I see 1s that the niembbrs hera and Deputy Speaker would occupy the Charr The !ell tempted lo rats@the11 issues but they do no! gel reason for th~swas because the :)pporlun~tyto this effect Gradually they will gel 1h1s Speaker has got vast powers and once he says 'no means we cannot opportunity As the dnys PASS !!ley w~llgel opportuw say anything after that It has been notlced that how to rnlse niatlers much light hearted he may be how much soclable he may be but once he sils on the Chaw we have to he afrald of hlnl but when the Deputy Speaker usell 10 s11 on the same Cha~r,we used to raise 187 ' Felicitations to Deputy Speaker JULY 12, 1996 Fellclfaflons to Deputy Speaker 188 those issues promptely that could not be raised in the Members in thls House, Ilkewise, I hope, there the morning.
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