THE NATIONAL UNION Pf ACE' UNITY • LIBERTY ^AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PEOPLEOF FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA^ Volume 16 Palikir, Pohnpci, March 1995 Number 3 President Olter won Pohnpei State four-year seat in Congress PALIKIR, Pohnpci (FSM INFOR- vote counts reported by the FSM Vice President Jacob Nena appar- MATION SERVICE) - President National Election Director Max ently defeated FSM Ambassador to Bailey Olter won the election in Mallarme. the United Nations Yosiwo George Pohnpei with 5,557 votes over in- The next President and Vice in Kosrae. Nena received 1,874 votes cumbent Leo A. Falcam who re- President will be elected from and George, 1,484 votes. ceived 4,898 votes, Alexander among the four at-large senators Incumbent Redley Killion is the Panuclo who received 1,807 votes, with four-year tcrmsby thc9th FSM apparent winner in Chuuk with and Raincr Warren with 183 votes Congress after it convenes here in 12,278 votes to 9,351 votes for Nahoy in the March 20, 1995, final official May, 1995. Sclifis. Congress Floor Leader Joseph Incumbent two-year term Olter proclaimed July Urusemal, who was opposed in Yap Nishima Ylcizah was the apparent 12,1995, FSM Law Day by JosscRaglmar-Subolmar retained winner in District 1 with 2,244 votes his scat in the 9th Congress. to 1,478 for FSM Budget Adminis- PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM IN INFOR- Urusemal received 2,129 votes and, trator for Grant Management Nick MATION SERVICE) - FSM President Raglmar-Subolmar, 1,061 votes. (See ELECTION, Page 2) Bai!cyOilcr.on March 15,}995, issued a proclamation naming July 12, 1995, as FSM Law Day anc! encourage every man, woman and child including all government, civic, and religious orga- nizations to observe this day and lo engage in activities thai promolc re- spect for ihc Law. This year's celebration will mark the 14lh anniversary of Ihc FSM Supreme Court formation which is a significant step in Ihc political, social and economic development hision1 of the FSM. Rcspccl for law is a fundamental prin- ciple of every democratic society and the FSM's constitutional, democratic and legal systems guarantees all its citi- zens 10 enjoy its derivative benefits. In preparation for this year's Law Day Chief Justice Andon Amaraich of the FSM Supreme Court informed President Oiler in his March 6,1995, letter that his office will sponsor a dcbaie on July '2, 1995, between lop debating teams from the FSM Suites on ihc topic: Resolved thai ihc Federated States of Micronesia I'KESENTA TION ()!• ELECTION CERTll-ICA TE - The 1995 Election Certificate was not extend die Compact of Free Asso- presented !<> President If alley Olter (right) by Election Director Max Mallarme (left), (See 1'ROCt.AMATION, l>age 2) March 24, 1995, in the Cabinet Room. 2 Proclamation Election (Continued from Page 1) (Continuedfrom Page 1) amendment. The yes votes are less ciation with the Uniied States of Andon, and 381 for Planning Spe- than the 3/4 votes needed in that America." Amaraich urged all govern- state to pass the amendment. Total ments, civic and private organizations cialist Joseph J. Peter. involved in programs that will promote In Chunk District 2, incumbent votes cast in Yap were 3,049 and u respect for ihc law. Roosevelt Kansou running unop- 2,286.75 yes votes were needed in posed gained 2,887 votes, and in order to pass the amendment. Olter submitted Treaty District No. 3, Speaker Jack Fritz, on Non-Proliferation 3,375, while his opponent Sabino z of Nuclear Weapon to Asor collected 2,018 votes; District Congress for ratification 4, John Pclcwon won by gathering 2,556 votes while his opponents o PALIKIR, Pohnpci (FSM INFOR- Hans Williandcr and Takamichy Y. MATION SERVICE) - President Bai- Mori received 2,470 and 1,141 votes, z ley Oiler submitted with his letter of respectively, and District 5, incum- u March 15, 1995, to Congress Speaker bent Simeon Innoccnti ran unop- z f- Jack Fritz for its consideration and posed and received 1,861 votes. ratification die Treaty on Non-Prolif- Senator Isaac V. Figir ran unop- eration of Nuclear Weapon which pro- posed and won the two year scat in vides the the international framework Yap with 3,003 votes. for preventing ihc spread of nuclear For the Pohnpci District 1, Vice PRESENTA TION Or ELECTION CER- weapons. Speaker Dohsis Halbcrt received TIFICATE - Election Director Max The treaty also proves global and re- 3,011 votes and write-in candidate Mallarme (left), presents a 1995 Election gional security, and assures internal ional Ignacio Semens received 346 votes. Certificate to Vice President Jacob Nena trade and cooperation in peaceful uses In District 2, incumbent Wagner (right), March 24, 1995, in the Vice of nuclear energy. The treaty is critical M. Lawrence had 3,633 votes and President's office. lo world pcaccas well as Ihc security of former Congress Senator Elias.Tho- the people and cnvironmcnl of the FSM mas received 674 votes. In District Guam Governor invites in that it promises reduction and even- 3, it was incumbent Senator Peter FSM to participate in tual elimination of nuclear weapons. Christian winning the race with President Oltcr, in cmphasi/.ing the 2,029 votes and Resio S. Moses rc- Guam Micronesia Fair importance of ihc treaiy, said ihc Non- oehvd 1,496. Prolifcration Treaty, along wiih ilic In Kosrac, incumbc'iil Senator PALIKIR, Pohnpci (FSM INFOR- United Nations Charier, arc the key Claude Phillip retained his two-year MATION SERVICE) - President Bai- documents on international .security. It sent with 1,769 votes, while FSM ley Oiler in March 15,1995 letters to all was signed on J uly 1, 1968, and entered Ambassador based in Suva Fiji Alik FSM Slate Governors, informed them into force on March 5,1970, after rati- L. Alik received 1,563 votes. of an invilalion from Guam's Governor fication by the United Suites, ihc Soviet A proposed amendment to the Carl Gutierrcz for the FSM to participate Union and the United Kingdom, as well FSM Constitution to provide four- in the Eighth Annual Guam Micronesia as forty other states. Us objective was to ycar terms for all 14 Senators was Island Fair to be held from May 25 to prevent ihc spread of nuclear weapons defeated in all states It rcquircs3/4 27,1995, at the Governor Joseph Flores to stales other than United Suncs, the of all votes cast in each state to pass. Beach Park, Tumon, Guam. Soviet Union, United Kingdom, France In Kosrac State, the votes were The advance notice will give each and China which already developed and 1,741 for yes and 1,015 voted against Governor adequate preparation time. A exploded nuclear weapons before the proposed amendment. The yes State desiring participation should re- January 1, 1967. votes in Kosrac wore less than 3/4 spond loGovemorGutierrcz'sinvitation If the FSM Congress accede 10 ihc of the votes needed. The total votes by March 30,1995, with an information treaty, it will proceed 10 negotiate with cast were 2,756, and 2,067 yes votes copy seni to ihc FSM Secretary of thfe the International Atomic Energy Agency were needed in order to pass the Department of Resources and Devel- (IEA A) on terms and safeguards related proposed amendment in that state; opment in Pohnpci for final logistical to the treaty. Pohnpci State, 4,116 voted for and .arrangements. Oiler slid ihc treaty docs not email 6,178 voted against the proposed The FSM has participated in similar additional appropriation of funds or amendment; Chunk State, 6,264 Fairs over the past years which has enabling legislation. However, he urged voJed for and 8,559 voted against; enhanced ihc exposure of its cultural for favorablcconsidcration by Congress and Yap Stato. 2,021 voted yes and dances, handicrafts, and carvings to the at its earliest convenience. 1,028 voted against the proposed lourisin industries. President Bailey Olter delivers his State of the Nation Message PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFOR- TERESTS AND POLITICAL LION. BUT TIME WILL BE NEEDED H MATION SERVICE) - The following BICKERINGS AND GET TO WORK. BEFORE WE CAN REALIZE A RETURN is the full text of the State of the Nation FOUR YEARS HAVE LAPSED SINCE ON THE INVESTMENT. THE NA- PI Message which President Bailey Olter I TOOK THE PRESIDENCY, AND AS TIONAL FISHERIES CORPORATION delivered on March 23, 1995, during YOU MAY RECALL I THEN SPOKE OF HAS ALSO MADE INVESTMENT EF- the 3rd Special Session of the 8th THE NEED TO ADDRESS ECONOMIC FORTS ON SHORE-SIDE FACILITIES o AND SMALL LONGLINE FISHING Congress. The Message was broadcast DEVELOPMENT AS A MATTER OF > URGENCY. CERTAINLY, WE HAVE VESSELS WHICH ARE BEGINNING TO r live out of the Congress Chamber in ACHIEVED A MEASURE OF SUCCESS. SHOW POSITIVE RESULTS. IN 1994 Palikir, Pohnpei. BUT THIS IS FAR FROM SUFFICIENT. THE CORPORATION'S INCOME z [SALUTATION: "VICE PRESIDENT WE HAVE ENCOUNTERED WHAT AP- STATEMENT SHOWED NO INCOME 1 NENA, SPEAKER FRITZ, HONORABLE LOSSES AS COMPARED TO THE PRE- 2 SENATORS, MEMBER OF THE DIPLO- VIOUS YEARS. ALSO WORTHY OF t: MATIC CORPS, HONORED GUESTS, NOTE IS AN NFC AIRFREIGHT JOINT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN:] VENTURE WITH A JAPANESE TUNA AT THE INAUGURATION OF MY FISHING INDUSTRYTOIMPROVETHE ADMINISTRATION FOUR YEARS AGO. TRANSHIPMENT OF FISH FROM THE THE WORDS OF AN AMERICAN FSM, THUS PREVENTING A MO- WRITER WERE USEDTO ARTICULATE NOPOLY ON TRANSHIPMENT OP- THE GUIDING PRINCIPLE OF OUR AD- ERATIONS. MINISTRATION. I REMAIN CON- FISHERIES REMAIN THE LARGEST VINCED IN THE WISDOM OF THOSE REVENUEGENERATORFORTHEFSM. WORDS, SO I ONCE AGAIN RECALL THE MICRONESIAN MARITIME AU- THE QUOTATION FROM OLIVER THORITY HAS COLLECTED OVER S123 WENDELL HOLMES: 'THAT WHAT IS MILLION DOLLARS FROM FISHING MORE IMPORTANT IN LIFE IS NOT SO RIGHTS FEES FROM DISTANTWATER MUCH FROM WHENCE WE COME, B UT FISHING NATIONS, AND S70.5 MIL- RATHER TO WHERE WE ARE GOING." LION IN THE LAST FOUR YEARS IN TWO MONTHS THE GOVERN- President Olter ALONE.
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