INSIDE:• Kuchma honors Castro — page 2. • Slavutych and Batkivschyna to participate in OpSail — page 4. • Mittenwald and Berchtesgaden students hold reunions — centerfold. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXVIII HE KRAINIANNo. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2000 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine CongressionalT subcommitteeUInternational conference in Kyiv focusesW on trafficking issue by Roman Woronowycz public awareness on the techniques and Kyiv Press Bureau lures utilized by those who profit from hears Ambassador-designate the international smuggling of women KYIV – In a concerted effort to pro- and children for prostitution and forced mote more effective cooperation and labor. They discussed what needs to be for Ukraine Carlos Pascual information-sharing among law enforce- done to protect the victims, to re-integrate by Michael Sawkiw Jr. ment officials on the growing problem of them back into their own societies and to Ukrainian National Information Service trafficking in women and children, the more effectively prosecute the criminals. United States and Ukraine hosted an WASHINGTON – Ambassador-desig- Representatives came from countries nate for Ukraine Carlos Pascual, as well as international conference in Kyiv on June 21-22. where many of the victims are forced to three other nominees for envoys to Croatia, The conference, announced during work, such as Israel, Germany, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, appeared U.S. President Bill Clinton’s visit to Italy, Greece and the Netherlands, and before the European Affairs Subcommittee Ukraine on June 5, has been in the works countries through which they are trans- of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee since last year and is the result of an ini- ported, such as the Czech Republic, on June 21. tiative from the U.S.-Ukraine Bilateral Poland, Albania, Hungary, Romania and During the confirmation hearing, Sen. Commission, chaired by Ukraine’s Moldova. Gordon Smith (R-Ore.), chairman of the President Leonid Kuchma and U.S. Vice- Ukraine has become a key source for European Affairs Subcommittee, empha- President Al Gore. The commission has trafficked women in the last decade, as sized that much progress has been made in been addressing problems related to the young women with little money and scant Melanne Verveer, chief of staff to the Ukraine since its independence, though issue since 1997. prospects for employment are lured and U.S. first lady, keynote speaker at the complaints from American businessmen Trafficking in women is one of the fooled into illegal forms of employment conference on trafficking in women about corruption remain prevalent. world’s fastest growing criminal enter- (Continued on page 2) and children. Ambassador-designate Pascual began prises and has reached epidemic propor- his testimony by acknowledging that tions in Central and Eastern Europe, with Ukraine faces many challenges on its road Ukraine especially heavily affected. The to reform, but most importantly, Ukraine region has displaced Latin America and CIS summit participants agree “must overcome its Soviet legacy to Southeast Asia as the major source of achieve these goals.” Mr. Pascual added supply for the criminal gangs that exploit to establish free trade zone that outreach to the Ukrainian population women and children for profit. on a grassroots level will be a key to his “Trafficking in women is a transna- work in Ukraine, while simultaneously tional problem that countries must by Roman Woronowycz er, after the Russian delegation added an remaining in direct contact with the address through both domestic policies Kyiv Press Bureau amendment that stated that terms for launching the zone shall not be stipulated Ukrainian American community. and coordinated international efforts. It is KYIV – The heads of government “Advances in democracy, the rule of law, critical that countries of origin, transit in the document. attending the Commonwealth of Ukraine has spearheaded the drive to relationship with NATO and other and destination work together,” explained Independent States (CIS) summit in U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer turn the CIS region into a free trade zone, European countries,” continued Mr. Moscow agreed on June 20 to a compro- during his opening address. efforts initiated by Mr. Yuschenko’s prede- Pascual, are signs of progress in Ukraine mise that foresees the establishment of a Attendees from 12 countries and vari- cessor, Valerii Pustovoitenko. Russia has that must be sustained. trade zone across the territories of mem- ous European organizations heard speak- been opposed to the move because much ber-states by the end of 2001. (Continued on page 4) er after speaker talk of the need for more of the trade between the countries of the “The free trade zone within the frame- CIS has centered upon it, anyway, and work of the Commonwealth of believes that it may be economically hurt Independent States may be ready for if the member-states draw away from it Foreign investors bullish on Ukraine implementation on January 1, 2002,” said with increased trade among themselves. Belarusian Prime Minister Vladimir But, as Mr. Yuschenko explained dur- Yermoshyn, the new chairman of the CIS ing the meeting, trade within the CIS has Government’s reform efforts earn a passing grade Heads of Government Council. fallen drastically since the Soviet Union Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor fell apart. He said that in the last eight by Roman Woronowycz and meets annually, expended much of Yuschenko, last year’s chair, who was Kyiv Press Bureau its efforts in the first years to addressing years mutual trade dropped from 80 per- elected vice-chairman of the council for cent of gross trade to 27 percent, while specific complaints by foreign investors, this year, said the forum had made a legal KYIV – Major foreign investors in most of them today resolved. Council trade with countries outside the CIS has Ukraine gave the government’s reform decision to adopt procedures for the levy- risen from 24 percent to 73 percent. members said this year’s meeting was the ing of taxes within the principles of the efforts an overall passing grade during a most productive yet and expressed opti- He compared the situation in the CIS meeting with President Leonid Kuchma free trade zone agreements already signed. with that of the European Union and mism that Ukraine had finally turned the According to Interfax-Ukraine, of particu- on June 14, but pointed out that deficien- tide in its fight to lift the economy. underscored that the EU’s internal trade cies still exist, while emphasizing that the lar concern were taxes on trade goods in comprises a steady 63 percent of the gross “There was an atmosphere not just of the country of destination. He also president and the government must stay hope but of positive expectations, said of member-states. He noted, however, that the course. Many agreed that the busi- announced that the list of goods that in the first quarter of this year, commodity Patrick Bracken, country director for the would be excluded from free trade provi- ness and investment climate in Ukraine is Cargill Corp., a U.S.-based multinational exchanges within the CIS had risen by 47 sions had been reduced by a quarter. the best it has ever been. agricultural corporation. percent over the same period in 1999. He said that the Russian side, which “This is the best time yet since inde- The investors praised not only The free trade zone issue has been cen- has shown the most resistance to the pendence,” said James Temerty, presi- President Kuchma and the Ukrainian tral to how relations between the 15 mem- establishment of a free trade zone, had dent of Northland Powers, a Canadian government led by Prime Minister Viktor ber-states would continue to develop. expressed a “strict readiness” to cut the energy production firm based in Toronto. Yuschenko for the changes that have Before a CIS meeting last year, Ukraine’s list of commodity groupings of exports to Northland Power is one of 23 foreign taken place in the investment climate, but President Leonid Kuchma had all but Ukraine that would still be subject to taxa- corporations which, along with represen- also the Verkhovna Rada, whose new written off the organization as dead. tatives of the Ukrainian government, majority coalition has begun to move key tion. Mr. Yuschenko did not list what Events in the last year, including progress make up the Foreign Investment pieces of needed reform legislation for- goods would still be included. on the free trade zone issue, and the elec- Advisory Council (FIAC) chaired by ward. “It’s a pretty great victory,” said Mr. tion of a new CIS executive secretary, President Leonid Kuchma. Yuschenko. Yurii Yarov of Russia, have given him The FIAC, which was formed in 1997 (Continued on page 3) The agreement signed by the CIS mem- bers was left intentionally vague, howev- (Continued on page 4) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2000 No. 26 Kuchma honors Castro for Cuba’s NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS assistance to children of Chornobyl Germany: NATO needs Russia’s consent anti-human crimes of Stalin’s regime. ... by Roman Woronowycz One of the first economic agreements Let Kharkiv be a sacred place for both Kyiv Press Bureau they signed is for Ukraine’s Pivden Mash TALLINN – Walter Kolbow, state sec- nations, ... a monument and warning for Tractor Plant to supply Cuba with tractor retary of the German Defense Ministry, KYIV – Ukraine’s President Leonid the future,” Reuters quoted Mr. repair kits. Since 1972, Ukraine has pro- said on June 19 in the Estonian capital that Kuchma on June 16-18 made his first Yuschenko as saying. (RFE/RL Poland, vided Cuba with more than 100,000 trac- Russia’s consent is needed before NATO visit to Cuba, where he awarded Fidel Belarus and Ukraine Report) tors, many of which stand idle today expands further, the BNS press service Castro the Yaroslav the Wise medal in because spare parts once supplied by the reported.
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