OUR. COUNTRYMEN IN INDIA. ~------------------------------~ ANGLO=iNDIAN I EVANGELISATION SOCIETY. : \ ,7~IV·#-t.:~ ", ===========;;;t!.~=y..-.;)" L, .s/ 1904= Thirty~Fourth Annual Report. CONTENTS. PAGE I. Directors, Auxiliary Committees, and Evangelists - 3-6 II. G(;)neral Report 7 III. Obituary 14 IV Glimpses of Work from the Field 16 V Anglo-Indian Ladies' Union 22 VI. Report of Annual Meeting 23 VII. Contributions in United Kingdom - 27 VIII. Pence Scheme aiId Lantern Lectures 40 IX. C~ntributions in India 41 X. Indian Balance Sheet 44 XI. Home Balance Sheet 45 XII. Working Fund Account 46 XIII. Summary of Income arid Expenditure for Year 47 co V ER. Objects of the Society 2 Form of Bequest 2 Memoranda 3 DUFF & THOMSON, PRINTERS, LEITH. THE ANGLO-INDIAN EvANGELISATION SOCIE'l'Y is a continuation of the ANGLO-INDIAN CHRISTIAN UNION. The former name marked its catholicity, which still remains, the latter indicates its work. It also includes the ASSAM MISSION, associated with the name of its founder, the late Colonel Foquett; and the" WINTER MISSION," first suggested by the late Lady Kinnaird. OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY. I. ThA maintenance of all unsectarian itinerant evangelisation among the widely scattered groups orEuropeans and Eurasians in India, otherwise destitute of Gospel ordinances, at Railway Stations, on Tea Estates, &c. This is the chief object of the Society. n. The appointment of gifted Evangelists to visit the chief centres of popuiation and influence, bringing the Gospel to bear, apart from denominational distinctions, on all the Churches and .Missions, and on the educated English-sj)eaking Natives. rrhi~ was the special object of the" Winter Mission." The following is a form of Bequest or Legacy, which may be adopted: "Item, I give and bequeath the sum of to the J..nglO'-lnbian Qfbange1isatwn t5O'.ciety, and the Receipt of the Treasurer of the Society, for the time being, 8hall be a sufficient discharge therefor." THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ANGLO-INDIAN EVANGELI SA TION SOCIETY REV. J. MURRAY MITCHELL, LL.D. ANGLO-INDIAN EVANGELISATION SOCIETY. President-The Right Hon. LORD POLWARTH. Vice-Presidents. The Right Hon. LORD KINNAIRD. Sir FRANCIS B. OUTRAM, Bart. 'J~he Right Hon. LORD REAY, G.O.S.T., SAMUEL SMITH, Esq., M.P. G.O.I.E. Sir ANDREW WINGATE, K.O.I.E. Sir WILT,IAM MUIR, K.O.S.I., LL.D., D.O.L. Directors. LONDON COMMITTEE. Major-General A. J. BRUCE. Colonel J. ROBl<JR1'SON, C.I.E. W. GOLDSTREAM, Esq., B.C.S. ROBERT SOOTT, Esq. E. G. GLAZIER, Esq., B.C.S. Colonel E. SWINTON SKINNER. Major-General H. LESLIE GROVE. REGINALD A. STUDD, Esq., B.A . •T. MORRIS, Esq., C.E. SIR ANDREW WINGATE, K.C.I.E. EDINBURGH COMMITTEE. Rev. D. BUTLER, M.A. Sir W. MUIR, K.C.S.l., &c. Colonel T. CADELL, V. C. Capt. E. W. PLUMMER, R.A. HERBERT B. FINLAY, Esq., E.C.S. ReY. DAVID REID, B.D. Rev. JOHN FORGAN. Colouel SCONCE. Rev. T. H. GREIG, M.A. JAMES SIMSON, Esq., B. C. S. D. MACDONALD, Esq., M.D. Rev. Professor THOMAS SMITH, D. D. Rev. PATRICK R. MACKAY,D.n. Rev. \\T. Sl'EVENSON, M.A. THOMAS MATHESON l Esq. ANDREW STEWART, Esq. General Secretary and Treasurer. Mr W STEWART THOMPSON, Ivybank, Wardie Road, Edinburgh. Joint Honorary Secretaries. Rev. JOHN FORGAN, 5 St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. Rev. PATRICK R. MACKAY, D.D., U.F. Manse, ·Wick. Han. Treasurer for London. RJGGINALD STUDD, Esq., B.A., 2 Hyde Park Gardens, W. London Address. c/o Miss FOLEY, 9 Duke Street, Adelphi, w.e. Honorary Auditor. 1'HOMAS S.MARTIN, Esq.,C.A., 49 Castle Street, Edinburgh. Bankers. Messrs ·BARCLAY & Co. Ltd., 1 Pall Mall, East, London, S. W. COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND Ltd., George Street, Edinburgh. INDIA. 8eoretary for India. Rev. ARNOLD BOYD, M.A., Lahore Hon. Treasurer for india. H. E. E. PROCTER, Esq., c/o Messrs Killick, Nixon & Co., Apollo St., Bomba.y. 4 Anglo-Indian Evangelisation Society. AUXILIARY COMMITTEES IN BRITAIN. ABERDEEN. Rev. J. ESSLEMONT ADAMS, Rev.J.HECTOR,M.A.,D.D. THOS.OGILVIE,Esq.,J.P., B.D. ALBERT HENDERSON, Esq., D.L., of Kepplestone. Colonel ALLARDYCE. M.A., M.D. Sur.-Lieut.-Col. J. ROBB, Rev.ANDREWBROWN,M.A. Very Rev. Principal I.M.S. GRAY C. FRASER, Esq. J. MARSHALL LANG,D. D. Rev. W. D. SCOTT, B. D. Dep. Sur.-General GRAY. ADAM MAITLAND, Esq. Rev. JAMES STARK, D.D. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer-DAvID MANSON, Esq., 44 PolmuirRoad. DUNDEE. EDWARD Cox, Esq. IBailie MACDONALD. IJOHN W. SHEPHERD, Esq. Rev. C. M. GRANT, D.D. WILMAM MACKISON, Esq. Hon. Secretary-Mrs EDWARD SHEPHERD, 8ymbister, Adelaide Road. Hon. Treasure1·-W. G. LEGGAT, Esq., Bank of Scotland. EDINBURGH. LADIES' COMMITTEE. Mrs ROBERT ARBUTHNOT. Mrs FLlllMING. Mrs SYM. Mrs ARNOTT. Mrs FORGAN. Mrs STEWART THOMPSON. Mrs BAILEY. Lady RUSSELL. Mrs-ORR. Miss BANNERMAN. Mrs SCO.NCE. Mrs MILNE RAE. Mrs CRAIGIE BELL. Mrs R. SIMSON. Mrs RICHARDSON. MrsBlllRRY.·· . Mrs GEORGE SMITH. Hon. Secreta1'Y-Mrs FERGUSON, Cedar Villa, I!almerston Road. Hon.·e1·-MrsCROMMELIN BROWN, 14 Ainslie Place. GLASGOW. Rev. GEORGE REITH, D.D. I T. BOST, Esq. I J. R. MILLER, Esq. Rev. JAMES Ross, D.D. T. W. BROWN, Esg.AND. MITCHELL, Esq. Rev. WALTER Ross TAYLOR, D.D; DAVID M'COWAN, Esq. WM. STEVENSON, Esq. Rev. J. M. WITHEROW, M.A. Hon. Secretary-A. SOMERVILLE, Esq., B.Sc., 4 Bute Mansions, Hillhead. Hon. Treasurers-Messrs Fr.EMING & BLACK, C.A., 116 St. -Vincent Street. LADIES'. COJ)dMITTEE. Mrs W. B. BARR. I MrsD. S. MILLER. Miss ROBERTON. Mrs T. BOST. La.dy MUIR. Mrs A. SOMERnr,LE. Mrs M. P. M'KERROW. Mrs MACADAM MUIR. Mrs Ross TAYLOR. Superintendent of Lady Oollector.,-MissJ. H. GRIERSON, 10 Windsor Qu~drant,Kelvinsi~e. Anglo-Indian Evangetisation S"cietfij. INDIAN COMMITTEES. BOMBAY PRESIDENCY COMMITTEE. F. ANDERSON, Esq., B.A. A. R. KING, Esq. Rev. A. E. AYERS. JAMES MACDONALD, Esq. Rev. J. CAMERON, M.A. Rev. D. MACKICHAN, D.D. F. J. CLARKE, Esq. D. MACLEAN, Esq. Rev. A. CRICHTON, M.A. Rev. A. W. MELL. HENRY CRISP, Esq. A. C. OWEN. Rev. M. B. FULLER. H. E. E. PROCTER, Esq., Hon.8ecy. C. DOUGLAS GREEN, Esq. Rev. R. SCOTT. Rev. R. S. HEYWOOD. Rev. C. RYDER· SMITH. F. HORNE, Esq. Bishop THOBURN, D. D. Major C. R. HOSKYN, RE. Hon. Trea8urer for India-H. E. E. PROCTER, Esq., c/o Messrs Killick, Nixon & Co., Apollo Street, Bombay. CALCUTTA. H. S. ASHTON, Esq. JOHN HORNE, Esq. Bishop J. E. ROBINSON, (Janon W. H. BALL, M.A. Rev. C. JORDAN. D.D. D. A. CAMPBELL, Esq. W. LESLIE, Esq. Rev. THOMAS SCOTT. The Ron. Mr D. M. NORMAN MACLEOD, Esq. A. TOPPING, Esq. HAMILTON. RICHARD MAGOR, Esq. H. WOOD, Esq. Hon. Secretary and Oonvener-H. J. CLARK, Esq. Bon. Treasurer-JoHN GEMMELL, Esq. ·S. M. RI". DISTRICT COMMITTEE. Pre8ident-JAMES SHAW, Esq., Dharwar. y:' P 'd nt {L. E. H. BROCK, Esq., Hubli. '/.ce- res'/. e 8- H. CARPENTER, Esq., Hubli. Evangelist-Rev. J. NELSON, Belgaum. PETER CAPPER, Esq., Hon. Auditor. T. H. ABRAHAM, Esq., Dharwar. J. REYNOLDS, Esq., Hon. Treasurer. C. PEDRO, Esq. Do. R. HARRIS, Esq., Hon. Secretary. W. NEWCOMB, Esq."Belgaum. Rev. E. LEWIS, L.M.S., Bellary. I MADRAS. Rev. J. H. BISHOP M.A. Rev. S. W. ORGANE. Rev. J. BITTMANN. Rev. G. PITTENDRlGH, M.A~ Rev. J. BUTTRICK. Rev. H. RICE, M.A. ' , Rev. J. COOLING, B.A. Rev. A. W; RUDISILL, D.D. F. S. GOLDEN, Esq. R STAKES, Esq., Coimbatore. Rev. H. D. GOLDSMITH, M.A. Rev. JOHN STEWART, M.A. W. R. T. MACKAY, Esq. Rev. M. TINDALE. Bisllop W. F. OLDHAM. Rev. R J. WARD, M.A. Hon. Secruary-Rev. Prof. J. MACKENZIE, M.A. 6 Anglo-Indian Evangelisation Society. EVANGELISTS IN 1904-1905. 1. Rev. ARNOLD BOYD, M.A., Lahore, Secretary for I'ndia. 2. Rev. ISA.AC F. Row, Jubbulpore (cold season);. and the eastern section of the G.T.P. and I.M. Railw,ays. Poona (hot season) and the western section of the G.I.P. Railway. 3. Rev. F. W. ADAMS, Sabarmati, Rajputana, travels between Ajmere and Bandora on the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway. 4. Rev. F. W. DUNSTER, Dinapore (on furlough) travels over a portion of the Indian Railway. 5. Rev. W. E. COOPER, Khagole, Dinapore, working Mr Dunster's district during his absence. 6. Mr J. M'DoWALL, Podanur, Madras, travels over a portion of the Ma.dras and South Indian Railways. 7. Mr C. T. STUDD, B.A., Ootacamund, visits and holds services among the planters in Nilgeris and Travancore during six months of the year. 8. R~v. H. RYLANDS BROWN, Darjeeling, travels during the cold season among the planters, &C. 9. Rev. J. NELSON, Belgaum, travels over the Southern Mahratta Railway. 10. Rev. JOHN REDMOND, B.A., Chickmagalur, visits and holds services among the coffee-planters in Mysore. 11. Rev. JAMES SHAw,Quetta,. visits a section of the North Western Railway. 12. Mr W. MA.LLIS, Coonoor, C.I.G.M. Missionary, devotes pal't of his time visiting the Tea Estates near Coonoor. ' 13. Rev. M. B. FULLER, Superintendent of Alliance Miss~on in the Berar District. Mr F. and his eo-workers give part .of their time to work among the spiritually needy Europeans in their District-Honorary lllvangeli8t. 14. Mr HENRY T. SLADE, HubH, Horwrary Evangeli8t. 15. Rev. JAMES LYALL, Honorary lllvangelist. 16. Rev. S. J. JONES, Itarsi, H01wra1'Y lllvangelist. 17. Rev. Dr REVIB, Wardha, Horwrary lllvangelist. IS. Rev. A. W. BUCKLEY, Umballa, Honora7'~ llJ'vangelist.

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