US 20170145518A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/0145518 A1 Hessels et al. (43) Pub. Date: May 25, 2017 (54) METHOD FOR PREDICTING AND (52) U.S. Cl. TREATING CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT CPC ..... CI2O 1/6886 (2013.01); C12O 2600/158 PROSTATE CANCER (2013.01) Applicant: MDxHealth Research B.V., Nijmegen (57) ABSTRACT (71) The present invention relates to methods, devices, combi (NL) nations, kits, and systems for predicting and treating clini cally significant prostate cancer in a urine sample of an (72) Inventors: Daphne Hessels, Nijmegen (NL); individual Suspected of Suffering from prostate cancer based Franciscus Petrus Smit, Nijmegen on expression analysis of normalised prostate tumour mark (NL); Jack A. Schalken, Nijmegen ers. The present methods, devices, combinations, kits, and (NL) systems are especially suitable for predicting and treating prostate cancer with a Gleason score of seven or more in (73) Assignee: MDxHealth Research B.V., Nijmegen individuals with a serum prostate-specific antigen (SPSA) (NL) level lower than 15 ng/ml. Specifically, the present invention relates to methods, devices, combinations, kits, and systems for predicting and treating clinically significant prostate (21) Appl. No.: 15/357,342 cancer in a urine sample of an individual Suspected of Suffering from prostate cancer, the method comprises the (22) Filed: Nov. 21, 2016 steps of: a) determining mRNA expression levels of one or more of the genes DLX1, HOXC6, TDRD1 and KLK3 in a Related U.S. Application Data urine sample of said individual; b) normalizing the mRNA expression levels of one ore more of DLX1, HOXC6, and (60) Provisional application No. 62/258,163, filed on Nov. TDRD1 using the mRNA expression level of KLK3; and c) 20, 2015. establishing clinically significant prostate cancer based on a combination of the KLK3 normalized expression levels of the combination of one or more of DLX1, HOXC6, and Publication Classification TDRD1. Treatment for prostate cancer may be administered (51) Int. C. based on the expression levels of one or more of DLX1, C12O 1/68 (2006.01) HOXC6, and TDRD1. Patent Application Publication May 25, 2017. Sheet 1 of 5 US 2017/O145518 A1 FE : R8 try 38 **** 3:38xxx &isix 3:.88: 88: *::::::::888-8:88-88 8: g: 3.3 8:S 3.8 Specificity i:38:3883:38. 3:8:38:::::::::::::ies, Patent Application Publication May 25, 2017. Sheet 2 of 5 US 2017/O145518 A1 FEE 2 is is 8 3.3. 33 38: : 38 3. 33 38 8 38: Specifixity $3:33:833 &:388:3: 383:388:::::::::::. Patent Application Publication May 25, 2017. Sheet 3 of 5 US 2017/O145518 A1 FEE 3 Sorce of the Cie 8-X scre ...... A3 : $88: Patent Application Publication May 25, 2017. Sheet 4 of 5 US 2017/O145518 A1 FORE 3 38 38 s g aw s R 288 28 g s $100 $100 Patent Application Publication May 25, 2017. Sheet 5 of 5 US 2017/O145518 A1 3:8, 5 3.5 85 88 - 3.SS 865 8.s- 8.5- 335 8S - SSA SS & CEE-X3 secre sSA SS -8 SSA as SSA, 3-6 spS38 sSA s3 s333 388 3332 tact 28 US 2017/O 1455 18 A1 May 25, 2017 METHOD FOR PREDCTING AND domain containing 1 (TDRD1), was shown to have inde TREATING CLNICALLY SIGNIFICANT pendent additional value to SPSA for predicting high-grade PROSTATE CANCER PCa upon biopsy. The combination of HOXC6, DLX1, and TDRD1 outperformed Progensa R. PCA3. Furthermore, the CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED PATENT predictive accuracy could be improved when urinary APPLICATIONS HOXC6, DLX1, and TDRD1 were combined with SPSA. HOXC6, DLX1, and TDRD1 are upregulated in PCa and 0001. The present application claims the benefit of pri these genes may be involved in the onset of PCa and are ority under 35 U.S.C. 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Patent associated with high-grade PCa. However, although the test Application No. 62/258,163, filed on Nov. 20, 2016, the showed promising results when performed on a urine sedi content of which is incorporated herein by reference in its ment sample, analysis of whole urine samples were not entirety. satisfactory. BACKGROUND SUMMARY 0002 The present invention relates to methods for pre dicting clinically significant prostate cancer in a biopsy 0007 Considering the above, there is an urgent clinical using a urine sample of an individual Suspected of Suffering unmet need in the art for new biomarkers that can predict from prostate cancer. It is based on expression analysis of high-grade disease to aid in decision making regarding normalised prostate tumour markers. The present methods further diagnostic evaluations (for example prostate biopsies are especially suitable for predicting prostate cancer with a or imaging) and treatment. Gleason score of seven or more in individuals with a serum 0008. It is an object of the present invention, amongst prostate-specific antigen (sPSA) level lower than 15 ng/ml. other objects, to meet the above need in the art. The present invention further relates to kits of parts for 0009. According to the invention this object is met, predicting clinically significant prostate cancer in a urine amongst other objected as outlined in the appended claims. sample based on expression analysis and to the use of 0010 Specifically, this object, amongst other objects, is, normalised prostate tumour markers for detecting prostate according to a first aspect, met by method for predicting cancer in a urine sample. clinically significant prostate cancer in a urine sample of an 0003 Worldwide, prostate cancer or PCa is the second individual Suspected of Suffering from prostate cancer, the most frequently diagnosed cancer among men, with 1.1 methods comprise the steps of: million estimated new cases and 307.500 estimated deaths in 0.011 a1) determining mRNA expression levels of one 2012. Since the introduction of serum prostate-specific or more of the genes DLX1, HOXC6, TDRD1, and antigen (sPSA) testing, the incidence of PCa has increased. KLK3 in a urine sample of said individual; However, SPSA-testing has also led to an increased amount of unnecessary biopsies and diagnosis of clinically insig 0012 b1) normalizing the mRNA expression levels of nificant tumors which would not have been life-threatening one or more of DLX1, HOXC6, and TDRD1 using the (potential overtreatment); especially in the spSA grey mRNA expression level of KLK3 (e.g., by dividing the Zone (4.0-10.0 ng/ml) where 65-70% of men have a nega expression levels of one or more of DLX1, HOXC6, tive biopsy result. Men with indolent disease, who undergo and TDRD1 by the mRNA expression level of KLK3); treatment, may suffer complications without a reduction in 0013 c) establishing clinically significant prostate can their risk of dying from PCa. Generally, men with high cer based on a combination of the KLK3 normalized grade PCa have a high probability of dying from PCa within expression levels of the combination of DLX1 and 10 years, whereas men with low-grade PCa have a minimal HOXC6 and optionally TDRD1. risk of dying from this disease. 0014 DLX1 belongs to the family of homeodomain 0004. The major challenge is to improve the detection of transcription factors which are related to the Drosophila clinically significant or high-grade PCa in an early stage. distal-less (Dll) gene. The family has been related to a Both overdiagnosis and overtreatment could be reduced if number of developmental features and appears to be well PCa-specific biomarkers could distinguish indolent from preserved across species. Dlx genes are implicated in tan aggressive tumors. Ideally the biomarkers could be mea gential migration of interneurons from the Subpallium to the Sured in a sample that can be obtained non-invasively, for pallium during vertebrate brain development. It has been example in urine. Suggested that Dlx promotes the migration of interneurons 0005. The Prostate CAncer gene 3 (PCA3)-based urinary by repressing a set of proteins that are normally expressed in test (Progensa R. PCA3, GenProbe) is the only FDA-ap terminally differentiated neurons and act to promote the proved molecular diagnostic test for the detection of PCa in outgrowth of dendrites and axons. urine. PCA3 was identified as a gene encoding a long 0015 With respect to DLX1 expression, at least two non-coding RNA that was consistently upregulated in PCa. transcript variants are known. Transcript variant 1 is longer PCA3 was shown to be of value in PCa detection, however, than transcript variant 2 and contains an internal exon in the the relation with tumor aggressiveness and thus prognostic coding region that results in a frame shift and premature stop value remains controversial. codon. Within the context of the present invention, DLX1 0006. A stepwise approach for the identification and expression level determination refers to determination of the selection of new biomarkers using gene expression profiling expression levels of both transcripts. has been suggested. A gene panel measured in urinary (0016. HOXC6 is a family member of the homeobox sediments predicted Gleason scores 7 upon prostate biopsy. superfamily of genes and the HOX subfamily contain mem The test, based on mRNA levels of Homeobox C6 bers that are transcription factors involved in controlling and (HOXC6), Distal-less Homeobox 1 (DLX1), and Tudor coordinating complex functions during development via US 2017/O 1455 18 A1 May 25, 2017 spatial and temporal expression patterns. In humans, there A suitable reference level for normalizing the expression are 39 classical HOX genes organized into the clusters A, B, levels of a target (e.g., DLX1, HOXC2, and/or TDRD1 C and D. mRNA) may include the expression level of KLK3 mRNA.
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