CAPITOL CORRIDOR JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY (CCJPA) MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wednesday, June 17, 2020 | 10 a.m. | Virtual Due to social distancing regulations in place, public participation will be via teleconference only. You may join the CCJPA Board Meeting via Zoom as follows: • Call 1-877-853-5257. • Enter access code 790 512 1598. You may watch the Board Meeting live at www.capitolcorridor.org/ccjpa-board. The full agenda packet, supplemental materials, and presentation materials will be available for download at www.capitolcorridor.org/ccjpa-board. You may submit a public comment via the following methods: 1) Submit written comments: • Send email to [email protected]. • Indicate “Public Comment” as the subject line. • Your comment will be read into the record and will become a permanent part of the file. • Please submit your comments as far in advance as possible. Emailed comments must be received before 9:00 a.m. on June 17, 2020 in order to be included in the record; or 2) Submit verbal comments: • Call 1-877-853-5257. • Enter access code 790 512 1598. • Dial *9 to raise your hand when you wish to speak. • Public comment is limited to three (3) minutes per person, per item. AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance III. Report of the Chair IV. Consent Calendar Action 1. Approve Minutes of the February 12, 2020 Meeting 2. Accept Award of Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) 3. Authorize Second Amendment to FY 2019-20 CCJPA/Amtrak Operating Agreement V. Action and Discussion Items 1. COVID-19 Update: Impact of and Responses to COVID-19 Info 2. Overview of Draft FY 2020-2021 CCJPA Budget (Amtrak Operating, Marketing, Info Information/Customer Support Services, and Administration) 3. Authorize Submittal of Application for the FY 2020 Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Action Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program to Support the Santa Clara Siding Project 4. Authorize Submittal of Applications for the 2020-2021 through 2024-2025 State Rail Action Assistance (SRA) Funding 5. Legislative Matters/Governor’s May Revise FY 2020-2021 State Budget Action 6. South Bay Connect Update - Environmental Phase Process Info 7. Capital Projects Update Info 8. Managing Director’s Report Info 9. Work Completed Info a. Annual Business Plan (FY 2020-2021 – FY 2021-2022) b. Richmond Lighting Project c. Capitol Corridor Station Access Study, Phase I d. Santa Clara Siding (10% Design) e. Marketing Activities (February 2020 – May 2020) 1 10. Work in Progress Info a. Onboard Wi-Fi Upgrade b. California Passenger Information Display System (CalPIDS) Modernization c. Davis Crossovers and Signal Replacement Project d. Renewable Diesel Pilot Program, Phase II e. Procurement of Door Panels for NorCal Surfliner Rail Cars f. New Transbay Rail Crossing (NTRC) g. Upcoming Marketing and Communications Activities VI. Board Director Reports VII. Public Comment VIII. Adjournment. Next Meeting Date: 10:00 a.m., September 16, 2020 Virtual Meeting or at Sacramento City Hall, Council Chambers, 915 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 The CCJPA Board reserves the right to take action on any agenda item. Consent calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved, or adopted by one motion unless a request for discussion or explanation is received from a CCJPA Board Director or from a member of the audience. 2 Item IV.1 (Consent) CAPITOL CORRIDOR JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY Regular Board Meeting Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors Minutes of the 116th Meeting February 12, 2020 The 116th meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA) was held at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 12, 2020, via simultaneous teleconference at City Council Chambers, Suisun City Hall, 701 Civic Center Boulevard, City of Suisun City, California; Placer County Transportation Planning Agency, 299 Nevada Street, Auburn, California; San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, 1720 Market Street, San Francisco, California; Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, 3331 North First Street, San Jose, California; and Yolo County Board of Supervisors, 600 A Street, Suite B, Davis, California. Chair Saltzman presided; Patricia K. Williams, Recording Secretary. I. Call to Order. Chair Saltzman called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m. II. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance. Directors present in City of Suisun City: Rebecca Saltzman, San Francisco Bay Area Transit District (BART); Debora Allen, BART; Kerri Howell, Sacramento Regional Transit District (SRTD); Steve Miller, SRTD, Harry Price, Solano Transportation Authority (STA); Robert Raburn, BART; Jim Spering, STA; and Elizabeth Ames, BART. Director present in San Francisco: Janice Li, BART. Director present in San Jose: Teresa O’Neill, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA). Absent: Directors Jim Holmes, Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) (alternate attended in stead) and John McPartland, BART (alternate attended in stead). Directors John Allard, PCTPA; Bevan Dufty, BART; Raul Peralez, SCVTA; and Cheryl Maki, PCTPA, entered the Meeting later. Directors Don Saylor, Yolo County Transportation District (YCTD), and Lucas Frerichs, YCTD, entered the Meeting in Davis. III. Report of the Chair. Chair Saltzman welcomed new Alternate Board Member Elizabeth Ames and Mr. Michael Jones, Deputy General Manager for BART; highlighted the Independent Audit; and requested that the Board Members read the Independent Audit report. IV. Consent Calendar. Director Spering moved adoption of Item IV.1, Minutes of the November 20, 2019 Meeting; Item IV.2, Resolution No. 20-1, In the Matter of Accepting Additional State Funds and Revising the Budget for the FY 2019-20 Wi-Fi Budget; Item IV.3, Resolution No. 20-2, In the Matter of Approving the Issuing a New Round of On-Call Consulting Services; Item IV.4, Resolution No. 20-3, In the Matter of the Use of Up to $140,000 for the Second Phase of CCJPA’s Service Optimization: Operations Study; Item IV.5, Resolution No. 20-4, In the Matter of Reprogramming Remaining Travel Time Savings Funds to the Santa Clara Siding 3 Project; and Item IV.6, Resolution No. 20-5, In the Matter of Entering Into Contracts with MobilityData IO for the Purposes of Supporting California Integrated Travel Project Software Develop for GTFS Adoption. Directors Miller and Price seconded the motions. Director Ames indicated that she would abstain from voting on Item IV.1, Minutes of the November 20, 2019 Meeting. Director Raburn commented that many of the Items included in the Consent Calendar were weighty issues involving large dollar amounts over a long period of time and that some of the Items deserved some discussion. Director Dufty entered the Meeting in San Francisco. The motions brought by Director Spering and seconded by Directors Miller and Price carried by unanimous roll call vote, with Director Ames abstaining from Item IV.1, Minutes of the November 20, 2019 Meeting. Ayes: 13 – Directors Saltzman, Saylor, Allen, Dufty, Frerichs, Howell, Li, Miller, O’Neill, Price, Raburn, Spering, and Ames. Noes: 0. Abstentions: 1 – Director Ames on Item IV.1 Only. Absent: 3 – Directors Allard, Peralez, and Maki. Directors Allard and Maki entered the Meeting in Auburn. V. Action and Discussion Items. 1. Annual Business Plan (Fiscal Year [FY] 2020-21 – FY 2021-22). Mr. Robert Padgette, Managing Director, presented the item, highlighting the state’s requirements for the Annual Business Plan; the April 1st deadline for submission of the Business Plan; receipt and submission of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation’ s (Amtrak®) final operating estimates to the state; a letter from the state that will be issued in July or early August regarding final funding for the CCJPA; staff’s presentation of CCJPA’s final funding to the Board for approval in September; overview of service level plans in the next two years; CCJPA’s staff’s forecast of changes in operating costs and the similarity between staff’s forecast and Amtrak’s final operating estimates; estimate of ridership and revenue increases; the decrease in the total funding request form the current year funding; outreach efforts in January to present the Business Plan and solicit feedback from customers on trains; and facilitating a Facebook Live event with customers to supplement the on-train efforts. Director Peralez entered the Meeting in San Jose. The Business Plan was discussed. Mike Barnbaum addressed the Board. Director Raburn moved adoption of Resolution No. 20-06, In the Matter of Approving the State Fiscal Year 2020-21 – FY 2021-22 Business Plan Update for the Capitol Corridor Service for the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority. Director Miller seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous roll call vote by the required two-thirds vote. Ayes: 16 – Directors Saltzman, Saylor, Allard, Allen, Dufty, Frerichs, Howell, Li, Miller, O’Neill, Peralez, Price, Raburn, Spering, Ames, and Maki. Noes: 0. 4 2. Legislative Matters/Governor’s Draft FY 20-21 Budget. Mr. Padgette presented the item, highlighting Senate Bill (SB) 278 and that SB 278 was the framework for the potential FASTER Bay Area legislative vehicle; Assembly Bill (AB) 2057 and that the purpose of the AB 2057 was to improve connections in the Bay Area; the federal re-authorization of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act; and the expiration of the current FAST Act legislation at the end of September. The item was discussed. 3. Bay Bridge Bus-Only Lane. Chair Saltzman presented the item, highlighting recent conversation regarding moving forward with a resolution such as the presented Resolution; Assemblymember Rob Bonta’s work on legislation; building support for a bus-only lane; and the impacts of the Resolution on Capitol Corridor Service. Director Miller moved adoption of Resolution No. 20-7, In the Matter of Support of Bus-Only Lane on the Bay Bridge.
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