; Today's weathe1·: A five atar Considerably NON PROFIT ORG All-American US POSTAGE cloudy, chance of newapaper PAID rain, high in the Newark Del low to mid 50s Perm11 No 26 Vol. 114 No. 20 Student Center, Universitv of Dela_ware, Newark, Delaware 19716 Friday, April 8, 1988 ----------------------------~--------------------------------------------- Undercover police nab minors · · by Tara Finnigan ing a liquor store wi11 be arrested regardless of who they are and where declined to comment on the program, Staff Reporter whether they purchase alcohol or not, they come from," he explained. but the manager of the Stone Balloon Thirteen people have been arrested Hogan explained. -The fines and penalties for the crime said the program will help business. since Newark Police began cracking "It is illegal to even be in a package of underage entrance to a package "It's good to know if someone is not down on underage purchasing and con- store if you are not 21," Hogan added. store vary by judge, he said. doing their job," said the Stone Balloon sumption of alcohol two weeks ago, ac- According to Hogan, the main goal If a package store is caught serving Package Store manager. cording to Police Chief William Hogan. of the program is to prevent citizens a minor, the case will go before the "It's serious," he said. "If an "It's a no-warning enforcement pro- from drinking and driving. Alcohol Beverage Control Commission, underage person is arrested for the cess," Hogan said, "which will con- "If we can stop the purchase and Hogan said. The store could face fines possession of alcohol, they get a tinue until December." consumption of alcohol [by minors], in excess of $1,000 or may lose its criminal record that is hard to get rid Two off-duty police officers, dressed then we prevent them from driving alcohol license. of." in street clothes, ohserve local package while intoxicated," Hogan said. Hogan said alcohol problems do ex- From a university standpoint, an stores, questionin~ anyone suspected The objective is not to harass the ist in the community. underage student caught with alcohol of being under the legal drinkirg age, package stores, Hogan said. "We're "There is a lot of underage drinking on campus faces criminal charges, Hogan said. · after the people who produce false activity," he explained. possibly resulting in a fine and police Any person under 21 years old enter- identification to purchase alcohol.. Several area package store owners record said Associate Director of rnntinued to page 13 Senate Mellon Bank okays refunds $1,-980 in fraud case added by Fletcher Chambers Assistant News Editor Mellon Bank has credited $1,980 to the sophomore class, seats in repl~cement of funds allegedly embezzled by its former class president, retur­ by James Cordrey ning the class of 1990 to active Staff Reporter status for the remainder of the The Faculty Senate passed a semester, said a university resolution Monday to increase official. the Delaware Undergraduate Marilyn Prime, associate Student Congress' (DUSC) dean of students said Mellon senate seats from two to five, credited the account on but. the representatives will February 17 following the ar­ maintain only two votes. rest of former sophomore Marilyn f'rlme The other three senators will class president, Christopher have input on undergraduate LaMarca, for embezzlement properly. interests, but will not have of over $1,400 from the class Class Treasurer Vicki voting rights. account. Coupland (AS 90) also· con­ "It is not more representa­ LaMarca secured single­ firmed the bank's replace­ tion, but it is more of an input signature checks in place of ment of funds. on the senate, which is always the two-signature checks re­ The account LaMarca desirable;" said DUSC senator quired for student activity ac­ manipulated has been replac­ Rob Pennell <EG 88). counts, enabling him to write ed by a new, identical account Pennell said the resolution is checks from the sophomore with new checks, Prime ex­ a compromise between DUSC High five- Joe Barra (right) and Mark Prater ate class treasury without ap­ plained. The new account will and the Rules Committee. following a goal in the Hens' 12-7 upset over Duke University. proval from other class be run the same way as other "It was better than nothing years because the senate is go­ Carol Vukelich, vice presi­ officers. · student activity accounts, she and it does raise the con­ ing through changes. dent of the senate, agreed with Mellon would not · added. sciousness of the senate," Pen­ "If student input is left out," Toensmeyer. "We are all in acknowledge the replacement Former sophomore class nell said of..J:he compromise. he explained, "student views this together," she said. "It is or admit bank error to The vice president Jennifer Court­ "It was stiU.. a victory," he could easily be bypassed, so it important for students to know Review. ney (AS90) is now .the acting said. · is important to have the extra faculty views and for faculty to A Mellon spokesperson said president. Originally, DUSC had pro­ voices." know student views." Wednesday, "Mellon Bank of "Right now definite plans posed a resolution to have five According to James Mor­ She said DUSC's three addi­ Delaware is pursuing legal ac­ for the future of the sophomore seats, each with voting rights. rison, chairman of the Rules tional senate seats could have tion in this matter," and class haven't been made," "When the Faculty Senate Committee, the vote indicates a significant impact and hoped declined to elaborate. Courtney said. "Our primary rejected that proposal," Pen­ the senate's appreciation of that DUSC would use the add­ Prime said, "Mellon has goal is to regain the respect nell said, "we looked for a student concerns. ed input constructively. recognized the error was and confidence of our reasonable alternative." Senate President U .C. "Student input will be theirs. They have reconciled classmates and the ad­ According to Pennell, who Toensmeyer said the student's welcomed," said Morrison, with the university." She add­ ministration." authored the original proposal, views are "always welcomed" who voted against the original ed university policy for stu­ Prime said regular elections the new arrangement will be and he looks forward to their dent activity accounts is valid for new class officers will be valuable for DUSC in coming input. continued to page 14 as lon_g as the bank acts held May 6. Shepherd, a former presi- Supporters believe if this Americans, Soviets The Food and Drug Ad­ Ethiopia, Somalia . dent of the American Bar goes through, the U.S. Navy ministration sent letters to 22 restore relations Association, was nominated would be superior to the Soviet join in search for companies telling them to stop after Burns resigned last week Union's in conventional their claims or face im­ Ethiopia and Somalia have in JH"'lest over Meese's leader­ weapons. Mars ·landing site mediate regulatory' ~ctions agreed to restore diplomatic ship of the Department of The United States argues Americans and Russians and possible seizure of.,.pro­ relations on April4, 11 years Justice. Meese has been under that there is no way to are joining together in a com­ ducts on shelves. · after a war erupted at their investigation for alleged ir­ distinguish between Soviet prehensive study of the possi­ Discu&sions between the border, according to The New regularities in his personal in­ cruise missles that carry ble sites where spacecraft FDA and the 22 cosmetics York Times. vestments and for his ties to a nuclear warheads versus con­ could land on Mars starting in companies have been going on The two countries have proposed $1 billion Iraqi ventional weapons. 1994, according to The New since last spring. agreed to withdraw security pipeline project. York Times. forces from their border, ex­ A special prosecutor on the Only the Soviet Union has change prisoners of war and case said last week that he had Dukakis, Bush win definite plans for exploring Experts claim need end hostile propaganda no plans to seek an indictment Mars in the next decade, even­ against each other. Some at this time. in Wisconsin tually leading to human flights to revamp grading western diplomats suggest to the planet in the next cen­ that this agreement could Micheal Dukakis won tury. The landing site was The government has been lessen tensions in the Hom of Americans, Soviets Democratic primaries in Col­ discussed when American and urged to revise its grading and Africa. orado on Monday and Wiscon­ Soviet scientists met two labeling of dairy products and look to reduce sin on Tuesday, according to weeks ago at Brown Universi­ meats in order to encourage USA Today. ty for a three-day symposium. leaner products, according to · naval arsenals Wisconsin was Dukakis' The Wall Street Journal. Meese endorses A proilosal has been made to first Midwest victory and A report by the committee of eliminate several types of gives him a boost before the food science and nutrition ex­ Shepherd to fill va­ nuclear weapons from New York primaries in two FDA orders firms perts stat-ed that despite the cant position American and Soviet navies, weeks. Jesse Jackson came in to cease claims for recent trend toward.a healthy The New York Times a strong second, with Ten­ diet, most Americans con­ Attorney General Edwin repOrted. nesee Sen. Albert Gore skin products sume an excess of fat and Meese recommended the Paul H. Nitze, the senior finishing third and Illinois Sen. Cosmetic companies have cholesterol. The committee nomination of John C. arms control advisor to Paul Simon last. been given 30 days to stop reported that the solution lies Shepherd to replace Deputy George P.
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