¿iiiimiiiiiiiimmimimmiiim STATEMENT BY SWP CANDIDATES ....... iiiiimifliiu How to Fight Goldwaterism By Clifton D eB erry The swift repercussions to Goldwaterism symbolize ism and gradualism, the Negro people are moving into Socialist Workers Party Candidate for President the opening of a major shake-up in national political mass action to back up their just demands. To an in­ and alignments. On the surface it appears that the initiative creasing extent Negro freedom-fighters are proclaiming comes from the forces of reaction, that Goldwater is on their right to self-defense against racist violence. Negroes Edward Shaw are demanding a direct voice in government to enforce the prod because a majority of Americans accept his Socialist Workers Party Candidate for Vice President their rights. Their struggle is shaking the whole capitalist tenets. Actually, that is not the case. Widespread concern has arisen over Senator Gold- power structure, from the economic underpinnings to water’s nomination as the Republican presidential candi­ The Goldwaterites are political buzzards feeding on the political and cultural superstructure. date. It stems from the spectacle of a highly-organized, the putrescence of white supremacy. That is made plain Lacking its own independent political vehicle, the lavishly-financed machine crushing all opposition to put enough by the quick withdrawal of Governor Wallace, Negro movement remains unable to directly register its its man across on a brazenly reactionary program. the Dixiecrat standardbearer, from the presidential con­ full impact on national politics. Instead, the struggle In foreign policy Goldwater promises to outdo the test after Goldwater’s nomination. Although Goldwater becomes expressed - in distorted forms that not only fail Democrats in nuclear brinkmanship. He is against Negro embraces ultra-right rabble like the Birchers, that is to meet Negro needs but actually lead them into political demands for full equality. He denies any governmental neither the central feature nor the main support to his traps. Such a trap is now in the making through the responsibility toward the underprivileged and poverty- coalition. Before everything else Goldwaterism is racism. outcry for all-out support to President Johnson, who as stricken, repudiating even the token concessions of the As such, it is the by-product of yet another and increas­ Democratic leader of the Senate upheld and defended Johnson administration. His record and his program are ingly powerful force that is impelling the country toward the Dixiecrats. He is now touted as a “friend” of the anti-labor. social change in a progressive direction. Negroes and of all labor, as the “champion” of peace, A t the same time Goldwater invites racists, labor-haters That primary cause of the developing shake-up in freedom and prosperity. and ultra-rightists into his coalition. He attempts to national political alignments is the determined struggle The record shows, however, that Johnson and the throw a cloak of respectability over Birchers and the KKK. of 20 million Negroes for Freedom Now. Rejecting token­ (Continued on Page 5) THE Harlem Defends Itself MILITANT Against Wagner’s Cops Published in the Interests of the Working People By Robert Vernon NEW Y O R K , J u ly 22 — A rm ed V ol. 28 - No. 28 Monday, Ju ly 27, 1964 Price 10c with nothing more than courage, bottles, bricks, bare fists, and oc­ casional Molotov cocktails, Har­ lem’s residents, provoked by years of savage brutality by New York’s corrupt and racist cops, managed FBI Agents in Mississippi to fight the tactical riot force of the police to a stalemate in three days of demonstrations and open hostilities. Chums o f Racist Cops The immediate cause of the out­ break was the killing on July 16 CLARKSDALE, Miss. — The Negroes in the Delta area in the of a 15-year-old Negro boy, James discovery of two more mutilated past seven months and in none of Powell, by a white police lieu­ bodies of Negro citizens of this the cases has an arrest been made. tenant wearing civilian clothes. terror-ridden stronghold of racists “Most of these murders were H a rle m ch ild re n a tte n d in g a sum-, has prompted new calls for fed­ committed by local police of­ mer school in the Yorkville sec­ eral investigations. Dr. Aaron ficers,” Evers said. He also de­ tion that day were sprayed with Henry, Mississippi NAACP presi­ clared: “The FBI hasn’t been able a water hose by a white building dent, on J u ly 14, called on A tto r ­ to get enough evidence to put any­ superintendent who, the children ney General Kennedy to find out one in jail. You really begin to say, yelled racist slurs at them. who killed Charles Moore, 20, and wonder, what good are they? What Some of the teen-agers chased Henry Dees, 21, and cut their are they doing here?” the super into his building. bodies in two. The lower halves In a letter to FBI Director J. Schoolchildren eyewitnesses re­ of both bodies were found in a Edgar Hoover, Evers expressed port that James Powell, who they river on July 12 and 13. extreme shock at his recent state­ do not believe was directly in­ The mutilated bodies were dis­ ment that “lawlessnes in the_South volved in the dispute with the H A R LE M ITE S SHOT B Y COPS. A wounded man sits propped covered during the continuing is no worse than lawlessness in janitor, ran into the building to against wall while another is attended by passers-by. Police search for Michael Schwerner, An­ the North.” avoid the excitement. Upon emerg­ “ We must feel,” Evers declared, claim the two were shot for causing a disturbance after being told drew Goodman and James Chaney, ing, he was shot twice by Police to “break it up.” the civil-rights workers who dis­ “that when the national director Lieutenant Thomas R. Gilligan, a appeared near Philadelphia, Miss., of the FBI can make statements man who holds 27 citations, includ­ June 22. such as th is the lu n a tics w ho ing some for disarming grown a small knife (3% inches) was a grocery store and flailed night­ Charles Evers, NAACP state would deliberately destroy human men wielding firearms. He was off “discovered” in a gutter in the sticks in all directions, at custom­ field secretary and brother of the life or property are encouraged.” duty at the time and in civilian area. Police refused to let the press ers and employes, young and old,, murdered Medgar Evers, said 14 clo th in g . photograph the “evidence,” and men and women, beating any black Negroes have recently disappeared, Police Chief Ben Collins of The killer, Gilligan, claims the instead a story was planted in the person. Police fired bullets into been slain, or died mysteriously Clarksdale, Miss., who has been boy came at him with a knife. daily press to the effect that the windows of tenements and into the in rural Mississippi. Dr. Henry leading a reign of terror against Witnesses say they saw no knife. victim had left home that morn­ 8th floor of the Theresa Hotel, ing with “two knives” on his per­ said this fate has befallen nine (Continued on Page 3) Subsequently it was reported that abused people on the street, son. (Continued on Page 2) A protest demonstration was or­ An Eye-Witness Account ganized by CORE on Saturday N E W Y O R K night, July 18, in front of a police station in central Harlem to pro­ test this and other cases of police The Battle of St. Augustine savagery and to demand redress. RALLY TO PROTEST Police charged the demonstration, By Henry Gitano cians and he organized for direct infiltrated the police department. yelling, “Arrest those niggers! Get POLICE TERROR Law and order has broken down I had occasion to spend a few mass action. them all!” The CORE spokesmen and organized violence has taken days in St. Augustine during the Dr. Hayling was one of four were arrested on the spot.' IN HARLEM over.” recent racist reign of terror there. Negroes abducted to a Ku Klux The police then went on a ram­ Later in the day Shuttlesworth Getting off the bus, I asked a Klan meeting last September. He page throughout the district, pro­ was knocked to the ground while Speakers: friendly looking white youth the was brutally beaten and then voking rioting which continued in­ leading a wade-in. way to the center of town. At the charged w ith assaulting 350 Klans- to the early morning, with scores I saw an evening march ltd by PAUL BOUTELLE sight of a stranger, he scowled men. His home has been attacked of injuries and some stores Rev. C. K. Steele who organized Rep. Freedom Now Party and replied ominously: “What you twice in the past year, the gun­ smashed and looted. The police the Tallahassee bus boycott. As all going to do down there? You’re fire injuring four Negro youths fired 2,000 rounds of ammunition, the freedom fighters, mostly young Jewish, ain’t you? If you are, you and killing his dog. He is only using all they had. They killed CLIFTON DeBERRY and predominantly women, pa­ Socialist Workers Party Presiden­ might never make it to the Plaza.” now regaining the full use of his one Jay Jenkins who, they raded two abreast through the tial Candidate The man who laid the ground­ right arm following the KKK beat­ claimed, was hurling bricks from Negro quarter, they sang freedom work for changing old St. Augus­ ing.
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