Tagg: Everyday Tonality — Index 319 Index Abba 32, 88, 112, 143, 144, 178, Allan, Lily 176, 177 Autumn Leaves, see Feuilles mortes 182, 206, 218, 235, 238, 257 Alleluia 77 avant‐garde 214 Abbey Road 214, 225 Already Gone 218 Ave Maria chord 112, 279 Abilene 248, 250 Am I Blue 72 Ave verum corpus 112 abolitionists 261, 262 ambient music 83 Axel F 65, 71 absolute pitch 30 Amen 103, 210, 229, 245, 262 Aya‐Zehn 70 AC/DC 236 Amorosa guajira 230 accentuation 65 Amos, Tori 184 B accidentals 98, 270, 271, 279 anacrusis 18, 195, 211, 212, 221‐ Ba‐Benzélé 272, 306 accompaniment 224, 279 Baby It’s You 185 9, 57, 95, 265–269 anaphora 70, 71, 72, 279 Baby, Now That I’ve Found You accordion 40, 43, 165 And I Love Her 214 144, 224 acoustic 6 Andean 9, 50, 230, 243–245, 273 Bach, J.S. 3, 29, 106, 112, 156, 249, discrepancies 38 Angel Baby 206 279 placement 266 anger 255, 256 Bacharach, Burt 142, 143, 181 Adams, William 241 anhemitonic pentatonic 40, 48, Bachelor Boy 189, 191 added chords 0 CHORD 49, 50, 55, 120, 126, 133, 279 Bachman Turner Overdrive 225 Addinsell, R 142 Animals 239 backing 9, 265 Adeste Fideles 110 Anka, Paul 206 vocals 87, 95, 257 aeolian 8, 39, 46, 47, 52, 53, 55, Another Girl Another Planet 241, Badalmenti, Angelo 84, 185, 186 64, 99, 101, 115, 116, 117, 118, 259 Baez, Joan 258 121, 122, 138, 185, 186, 187, 191, El antechispa 231 bagpipes 82, 83, 130, 132, 266 195, 213, 214, 227, 234, 237, 239, anthemic 241, 259, 260, 262 balalaika 42 241, 276, 279, 291 Antioch 36 Bali 273 cadence 108, 125, 192, 228, antiphony 9, 83 Balkans 38, 54, 55, 83, 122, 123 233 anti‐Vietnam war mvt. 213 La Bamba 1, 116, 121, 198, 200, descending melodic minor 47 Any Colour You Like 181 212, 215, 217, 218, 222–226, directionality 227 Apache 178, 179 230, 233, 280 harmony 117, 125, 227–234 Apel, W 90 Band Aid 262 loops 227–234 aperiodic sounds 22, 27 Band, The 225, 235, 257, 258, 263 shuttle 186–189, 227 Apollo‐Soyuz 128 bandola 245 affirmation 261, 262 Appalachia 40, 195 banjo 83, 41, 134 Africa 9, 38, 50, 56, 89 appoggiature 68 Banks of Newfoundland 69 African American 55, 78, 252, 263 Arab/Arabic 38, 42, 48, 54, 55, 64, Bar Kays 225 After Midnight 235 68, 84 Bare, Bobby 165 agogic 66, 273 music theory 39 Barn av vår tid 187 Ain’t No Mountain 144 The Archies 177, 178 Baroque 106, 204 Air (suite in D, Bach) 112, 249 Argentina 230 barré 118 Akst, Harry 72 Arlen, Howard 203 in ionian mode 116–117 Alabama Song 141, 142 Armenia 42 Barry, John 142 alap 77 A‐Roving 66 Bartók, Béla 109, 123, 128, 135 Albion Country Band 120, 130, arpeggiation 83, 164, 165 Basarwa 272 189, 197 Arrested Development 177, 178 bass 41, 87, 132, 211, 253 Alexiou, Haris 121, 122 arrogations 229 line 32, 89, 90, 100, 114, 133, Alfvén, Hugo 83 Artists United Against Apart‐ 212, 248, 254, 257 alienation 55, 256 heid 263 scalar motion 114, 248, 249 All Along The Watchtower Ashley, Clarence 134 slap 273 121, 185, 187 Ashley, Monty 201 bawling 256 All My Loving 214 At Last 203 bayati 39 All Saints 184 At The Hop 206 BBC 237 All The Things You Are 106 Atacama 231 World News jingle 180 All This Time 178 ‘atonal’ music 23 Be My Baby 206 All Together Now 259, 260 attack (timbre) 26, 28 Beach Boys 144, 235 All You Fascists Are Bound To Aturov, T 70 Beatles 3, 12, 36, 62, 63, 78, 106, Lose 247 augmented 0 CHORD, INTERVAL 123, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 178, alla breve 65, 194 Australia 83 207, 208, 209, 213, 214, 217, 218, 320 Tagg: Everyday Tonality — Index 225, 227, 228, 258, 259, 260, 263 Book Of Love 206 Cain, Jeffrey 187 audience in Hamburg 213 Booker T and the MGs 121, 138, Calchakis, Los 230, 244 harmony 213–215 168, 235 Cale, J.J. 235 Beautiful South 218 Bootie Call 184 Calendar Girl 185 bebop 0 JAZZ Borodin, A.P. 127 Caliche 231 Because (Beatles) 143 bossa nova 142 California (Flash & the Pan) 187 Beethoven, L van 83, 160, 174, Bothy Band 189 call and response 90, 269 175, 182, 184 bottleneck 0 GUITAR Camino 233 Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite Boulez, Pierre 23 Can I Get A Witness 167 141 Bound For The Rio Grande 66 Can’t Get You Out Of My Head bel canto 65 bouzouki 41, 42 184 Belfast Child 128 Bowie, David 185, 186, 187, 235, Can’t Buy Me Love 62, 214 Bell‐Bottom Blues 248, 257 238 Candy Store Rock 235 Bénech, F L 165 The Boys of Wexford 69 Canned Heat 235 Benton, Brook 189 Bradby, Barbara 241, 252 canons 89 Bernstein, Elmer 128 Brassens, G 75 capo 246 Bernstein, Leonard 128 Brazil 230 capstan shanty 66 Berry, Chuck 159, 160, 163–164, mixolydian 124 Cara, Irene 108, 185 173, 207, 209 Breathe (Pink Floyd) 180 carefree 218, 219 Bertolucci, B 88 breathing 58 Carissimi, G 69 Bertrand, Simon 15 bridge (middle 8) 202 Carmichael, H 74 El beso discreto 230 Brill Building 212 Carnaval salteño 231 Beverly Hills Cop 65 British Isles 38, 50, 55, 56, 195, carnavalito 231 Bhairavi 54 214, 224, 239 Carnes, Kim 187 big bands 204, 210 melismatic singing 77 Carpenter, John 109, 128 Big Ben Banjo Band 143 melodic formulae 68 The Carpetbaggers 128 Big Country 218, 300 Broadway shows 204 carrousel loop 165, 166 bïlinï 77 Brooks, Mel 125 The Cascades 206 Billboard 206, 212 Brother, Can You Spare A Dime 63 Cathédrale engloutie 109, 128 Billy Boy 66 brotherhood 259 celebratory 217 Billy The Kid 128 Brown Sugar 108, 121 cello 26 bimodal[ity] 0 MODE Brown, James 273 ‘Celtic mood’ 83 Bitches Brew 129 Brown, Nacio Herb 176 The Chain Gang 185 bitonal 157 Brubeck, Dave 163 The Champions 74 bitter‐sweet 144 Bron‐yr‐Aur Stomp 235 The Champs 163, 189, 194 Björnberg, Alf 55, 125, 187, 251 Buckingham Palace 225, 227 Chan Chan 230 black gospel 78 bucolic 83 Chandler, Gene 206 The Blacksmith 239 Buddhists 234 Change Your Mind 185, 187 Blazing Saddles 125 Bulgaria 176 chanson 165 Blood Sweat & Tears 168 Burke, Solomon 237 chanting 60 Blowing in the Wind 75 El burrito 231 charango 41, 245 Blue Danube 110, 141 The Byrds 184 charity stringalong 263 Blue Moon 106, 203, 206 Charles, Ray 122, 200, 201 bluegrass 38 C Charleston departure 236 blues 38, 49, 50, 55, 61, 120, 121, C’mon Everybody 211, 212, 217‐8 The Charleston 106, 236, 248, 249, 159, 163, 167, 168, 200 Cade’s County 124 250 pentatonic 50, 118‐120 cadence 102–104, 182 Che Guevara 231, 232 rock 236, 245 aeolian 108, 125, 192, 228, chord loop 231, 280 smudge (piano) 163 233 Checker, Chubby 206 turnaround 170–171 cowboy half 124, 281 cheerful 219 twelve‐bar 6, 159, 207, 210, finality marker 223 Chernoff, J M 272 212, 213 half 102, 122, 124, 183, 234 Chester, Andrew 5, 98, 162 vamp v. rock 209–215 ‘imperfect’ 102, 234 Chianis, S 85 Blues Brothers 237 interrupted 103–104, 234 The Chiffons 178, 179 Bo Diddley 160, 162 melodic 67–70, 75 Chile 230, 232 Bobbies, all those goddam 204 ‘perfect’ 4, 47, 96, 101, 102, solidarity 231, 244 body mvt and melody 66–67 103, 119, 210, 217, 234 Chinese 64 bolero 230 plagal 38, 102, 103, 219, 234 Chopin 141, 185, 187 Bonny Labouring Boy 69 problem terms 103–104 chorales 77 boogie‐woogie 210 uninterrupted 104, 227, 228 Tagg: Everyday Tonality — Index 321 chord[s] 7, 82, 137–158 seven flat five 142 supertonic 176–177 accompaniment 87 sevenths 148, 152, 204 varying frequency of 175 added chords 149, 155 chain of 106, 107 v. loop 251 sixth 141 shorthand 145–158 Chordettes, The 206 ninth 143 shorthand chart 148–149 choro 230 altered fifths 154 > SUSPENSION chromatic altered minor‐mode tonic or symbols 139‐141, 148–149 alteration 113 fifth 118‐120 > TERTIAL chromaticisation 109 augmented triad 138, 141 tetrad 94, 95 chromaticism 41, 113 > CHORD LOOP ♣ thirteenth 114, 143, 148, 153 definition 50 > CHORD SHUTTLE triads 95, 117–125, 137, 138, descending 256 common triad 92, 95, 99, 103, 139‐141, 148, 275‐276 scale 34 137 tritone substitution 113, 202 ‘church’ mode 6, 50–53, 117, 281 definition 92, 137 turnaround 211, 212, 221 Cielito Lindo 111 diminished 54, 50, 109, 152 chord loop 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14, 35, circle of fifths 4, 7, 97, 98–109, 201, diminished 7th 135, 143 36, 108, 116, 166, 189, 198, 204, 210, 217, 219, 225, 245, 251 diminished triad 115, 138 199–240, 280, 281 anticlockwise FLATWARDS > ‘DOMINANT’ aeolian 227–234 clockwise SHARPWARDS ‘double dominant’ 110 La Bamba 116, 121, 200, 212, flatwards (anticlockwise) 4, dyad, triad, tetrad 137 215, 217, 218, 220, 222, 223, 97, 99, 101, 102, 103, easy ones on guitar 247 233, 234 105–107, 114, 125, 126, 201, eleventh 114, 135, 143, 148, Che Guevara 231 204, 210, 217, 249, 219, 220, 153, 163, 166 circularity of 199–202 226, 237, 245, 283 half diminished 142 dorian (rock) 235, 236–237; key‐specific VIRTUAL incoming 211, 212, 220, 221, MEDIANTAL modulatory REAL 239, 284 durations of 207, 208 progressions 105–109 interchangeable ii & IV 205 ionian 116–117, 201‐213, 217‐ real circle of fifths progres‐ inversions 110, 112, 133, 134, 226 sion 105, 106, 113 140–141, 144, 155, 156, 248, mediantal 235–240 sharp side 251, 288 257 mixolydian 108, 221‐226 sharpwards (clockwise) 97, 99, lead sheet chords 145–158 not a shuttle 251 101, 102, 104, 108, 110, 114, 125, major nine 143 single‐caesura 208 126, 127, 210, 219, 221, 225, 226, major seven 142 part of groove 215 227, 237, 245, 288 major triads 97, 138 plagal 217‐223 virtual circle‐of‐fifths pro‐ in minor mode 118–120 rock dorian 235, 236–237 gression 105, 106, 107, 113 medial 211, 212, 220, 221, vamp 201–209 circular motion (loops) 199‐202 239, 284 chord shuttle 5, 8, 10, 173–198, civil rights (USA) 213, 252, 254 minor add nine 144 207, 220, 231, 281 Clapton, Eric 144, 235, 238, 248, minor major nine 142 1‐ vs.
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