Research on New Towns First International Seminar 2006 A major challenge of our time is the rapid urbanization of the world. What role may new towns as planned urban settlements play in accommodating the incredible rise of the urban population? In its first seminar, the newly created ‘International New Town Institute’ in Almere, Holland, combined a critical reappraisal of the past with a matter of fact approach to present conditions and an Research on New Towns assessment of the potential of simulation models to support decisions on the future. First International Seminar 2006 ‘Research on New Towns’ offers twelve lectures on these subjects Editor: D.H. Frieling by Len de Klerk, Wil van der Most, Willem Oosterberg, Han Meyer, Michelle Provoost, Rudy Rabbinge, Klaas van Egmond, Juval Portugali, Jan Kragt, Arnold Reijndorp, Ashesh Maitra, Elke Beyer and some conclusions by Dirk Frieling. Research on New Towns First International Seminar 2006 D. H. Frieling (ed.) INTI-seminar.indb 1 20-9-2007 9:27:41 INTI-seminar.indb 2 20-9-2007 9:27:54 New towns in development policy: a summary Ecological decision models and their use in Dutch planning prof. dr. L. A. de Klerk, University of Amsterdam prof. dr. K. van Egmond, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP) The Zuiderzeeproject, an example of cultivation and colonization drs. W. van der Most, Nieuw Land Heritage Centre Lelystad Models and their use in urban planning prof. J. Portugali, Tel Aviv University Urbanization and flood risk management in vulnerable delta areas ir. W. Oosterberg, Institute for Inland Water Management & Waste Zoetermeer game Water Treatment (Riza) drs. J. Kragt, municipaltiy of Zoetermeer Spatial composition of new towns in historical perspective Growing pains of new towns prof. dr. ir. V.J. Meyer, Delft University of Technology prof. ir. A. Reijndorp, University of Amsterdam / Han Lammers Chair New towns of the modernist experiment: New Town movement in India and the changing expectations and experience paradigms of development dr. M. Provoost, Crimson Architectural Historians prof. A. Maitra, New Delhi The role of new towns in relation to rural development Shrinking Cities. New Perspectives on Urban Development and prof. dr. ir. R. Rabbinge, Wageningen University and Post-Socialist New Towns Research Centre E. Beyer M.A. Project Shrinking Cities / ETH Zürich INTI-seminar.indb Sec1:1 20-9-2007 9:27:54 List of contents 5 Preface 7 15 31 41 59 73 prof. dr. L. A. de Klerk drs. W. van der Most ir. W. Oosterberg prof. dr. ir. V.J. Meyer dr. M. Provoost prof. dr. ir. R. Rabbinge New towns in The Zuiderzeeproject, Urbanization and flood Spatial composition of New towns of the The role of new towns development policy: a an example of cultiva- risk management in new towns seen from modernist experiment: in relation to rural summary. University of tion and colonization. vulnerable delta areas. a historical perspective. expectations and development. Amsterdam. Nieuw Land Heritage Institute for Inland Delft University of experience. Crimson Wageningen University Centre Lelystad. Water Management & Technology. Architectural Historians. and Research Centre. “New towns are very Waste Water Treatment much related to the “…to create a new (Riza). “…the elements that “Ten years later the “…the traditional idea of reform....” society in a well support urban qualities same spot had already instruments, however, organized environment.” “...floods are a risk and urban life…” been abandoned...” do no longer work.” that can be reduced, but never eliminated.” List of contents 2 INTI-seminar.indb Sec1:2 20-9-2007 9:27:55 83 103 115 121 131 153 prof. dr. K. van Egmond prof. J. Portugali drs. J. Kragt prof. ir. A. Reijndorp prof. A. K. Maitra E. Beyer M.A. Ecological decision ESLab (Environmental The Zoetermeer game. Growing pains of new New Town movement in Shrinking Cities. New models and their use in Simulation Lab). Municipaltiy of towns. University of India and the changing Perspectives on Urban Dutch planning. Tel Aviv University. Zoetermeer. Amsterdam / Han paradigms of develop- Development and Post- Netherlands Environ- Lammers Chair. ment. New Delhi. Socialist New Towns. mental Assessment “This small act of an “A town can be Project Shrinking Cities Agency (MNP). individual citizen had a considered a product.” “…the question is what “…to study the ETH Zürich. major impact on opportunities do new contemporary new “…you can also see the the whole building towns offer them?” towns for their “…bringing to light the basic contrasts in our industry.” performance in the conflicts and desires society.” socio-political context that are present in the of India.” city.” 175 Round table discussion 183 Conclusions - Prof. ir. D. H. Frieling 188 Participants List of contents 191 Colophon 3 INTI-seminar.indb Sec1:3 20-9-2007 9:27:56 4 INTI-seminar.indb Sec1:4 20-9-2007 9:27:57 PREFACE A major challenge of our time is the rapid urbanization of the world. the knowledge on new towns and new cities as a way of solving In the period 1970 – 2000 – 2030 the urban population will rise from one third of 3 billion people, via half of 6 billion to two thirds them. Almere invited the University of Amsterdam, the Technical of 8 billion. Most of the new urban dwellers are living and probably University of Delft, the Amsterdam Vocational Training Centre, New will live in squatter areas around mega cities in Asia, Africa and Land Heritage Centre and the Public Library to join it in this effort Latin America. What role might new towns and new cities play in the to establish an International New Town Institute (INTI). An initial accommodation of this incredible rise of the urban population? agreement was reached at the end of 2005, leading to a preliminary Meanwhile, the generation of new towns established since the 1950s institute called INTI Founders to prepare the way. INTI Founders in Europe and elsewhere are confronted with their own challenges then decided to organize their first scientific seminar already in that may vary from new growth targets - such as Almere, that has 2006, choosing ‘Research on New Towns’ as its main theme, to test to double its present population of 180.000 people - to population and concretize its provisional research program on the three issues decline - such as some ‘shrinking cities’ in Middle- and Eastern mentioned above. Europe, with various other developments in population and employ- ment for new towns in between these extremes. INTI Founders were happy to find Len de Klerk, Wil van der Most, And, of course, historically, new towns are part and parcel of the Willem Oosterberg, Rudy Rabbinge, Klaas van Egmond, Juval colonization of the world by the human species. Ever since ancient Portugali, Jan Kragt, Arnold Reijndorp, Asesh Maitra and Elke times rulers all over the world have founded cities to define and Beyer willing to give a valuable contribution to this first seminar and defend their territory, establish their rule, govern their land and to take part in the discussions on the research program. Later on, foster trade. Marit Geluk, Drs. E.F. de Roon Hertoge, Doreen Pinkus and Roy Paes prepared these proceedings of the seminar, edited by Dirk Frieling. In this perspective, Almere in 2004 decided, as part of its devel- INTI Founders are grateful to all of them, as we are grateful for the opment policy with regard to higher education, to initiate an trust and support given by Johanna Haanstra and Martine Visser, international institute on new town development worldwide. aldermen of Almere. As part of the Zuiderzee project, one of the major land reclama- We see ‘Research on New Towns’ as a good start of the new institute tion projects in the world, Almere can offer information on new and we plan this book to be the first of a series of INTI Dialogues. town development in rural and urban settings, going back all the way to when it was still a sea bed. By offering opportunities to students and professionals for research and education on this sub- Han Meyer, ject, Almere endeavours to do its bit in clarifying the problems Chairman INTI Founders that stem from the urbanization of the world and to contribute to Preface 5 INTI-seminar.indb Sec1:5 20-9-2007 9:27:58 INTI-seminar.indb Sec1:6 20-9-2007 9:27:58 prof. dr. Len A. de Klerk University of Amsterdam New towns in development policy: an introduction Len de Klerk: Summary Education and career: Urban and Regional Planning New towns in development policy: an introduction University of Nijmegen (1971). Plan- ning Officer City of Deventer (1971- According to Howard’s regional growth model the traditional urban 1974). Assistant Professor Depart- fabric of the industrial town can make a contribution to social ment of Geography and Urban and reform. New towns are successors to Howard’s Social City as a Regional Planning, Free University regional planning model and address the urban form and Amsterdam (1975-1978). Senior economy, as well as the social structure and municipal organization. Planning Officer City of Rotterdam Important characteristics were community land ownership and (1979-1985). Head of Housing balanced communities. In Europe and North America the spatial Research, City of Rotterdam Deputy part of these reforms has been partly achieved. Urbanization’s new Director of Urban Development and form of a multi-centered pattern of cities has become an alternative Management, City of Rotterdam to spontaneous urban sprawl. This 1950’s and 1960’s policy was (1990-2000). Professor of Urban connected to spectacular population and economic growth. Three and Regional Planning (RPD-seat) main problems have emerged since the early 1980’s: University of Utrecht, 1999-2001.
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