okf"kZdAnnual ReportfjiksVZ 2018-19 dsUæh; fo|ky; laxBu Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan 18] laLFkkxr {ks=k] 'kghn thr flag ekxZ 18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg ubZ fnYyh & 110 016 New Delhi - 110 016 osclkbV@Website : www.kvsangathan.nic.in eq[; laj{kd % Jh larks"k dqekj eYy] Hkk-iz-ls-] vk;qä Chief Patron : Sh. Santosh Kumar Mall, IAS, Commissioner eq[; laiknd % Jh ;w- ,u- [kokM+s] vij vk;qä ¼'kSf{kd½ Chief Editor : Sh. U. N. Khaware, Additional Commissioner (Acad. ) laiknd % MkW- bZ- izHkkdj] la;qä vk;qä ¼izf'k{k.k½] ds-fo-la- ¼eq-½ Editor : Dr. E. Prabhakar, Joint Commissioner (Trg.), KVS (Hqrs) lg&laiknd % Jherh fi;k Bkdqj] mik;qDr ¼'kS-½] ds-fo-la- ¼eq-½ Associate Editor : Smt. Piya Thakur, Deputy Commissioner (Acad), KVS (Hqrs) laikndh; izHkkjh % Jh lfpu jkBkSj] lgk;d laiknd] ds-fo-la- ¼eq-½ Editorial In-Charge : Sh. Sachin Rathore, Assistant Editor, KVS (Hqrs.) izwQ jhMj % Jh usxiky flag] ds-fo-la- ¼eq-½ Proof Reader : Sh. Negpal Singh, KVS (Hqrs.) fganh vuqokn % fganh vuqHkkx] ds-fo-la- ¼eq-½ Hindi Translation : Hindi Section, KVS (Hq) vkoj.k i`"B % MkWfYQu fizaVks&xzkfQDl Cover Design : Dolphin Printo-Graphics Published by : Addl. Commissioner (Acad.), KVS (Hqrs.), New Delhi Printed by : Dolphin Printo-Graphics, 1E/18, 4th Floor, Jhandewalan Extn., New Delhi - 110 055 Ph. : 23593541/42; E-mail : [email protected]; Website : www.dolphinprintographics.com dsUæh; fo|ky; laxBu Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan fo"k; lwph / CONTENTS v/;k; la- Title i`"B la- Chapter No. 'kh"kZd Page No. lkj&la{ksi Synopsis 5 1. izLrkouk Introduction 9 2. u, f{kfrt dh vksj Exploring New Horizons 11 3. laxBukRed lajpuk Organizational Set-up 18 4. laxBu dk fodkl Growth of the Organization 24 5. 'kSf{kd ifjn`';% Academic Panorama: 34 5. ¼d½ fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk ukekadu (a) Enrolment of Students 34 5. ¼[k½ fo|kFkhZ gekjs dsaæ fcanq % (b) Child in Focus : 39 Towards Excellence mRÑ"Vrk dh vksj 5. ¼x½ deZpkfj;ksa dk fooj.k (c) The Staffing 114 5. ¼?k½ f'k{kdksa dks izksRlkgu (d) Incentives to Teachers 121 Training : Empowering to Meet the 6. izf'k{k.k% pqukSfr;ksa dk lkeuk djus gsrq 129 l'kfädj.k Challenges 7. vkj{k.k uhfr dk dk;kZUo;u Implementation of Reservation Policy 138 8. jktHkk"kk uhfr dk dk;kZUo;u Implementation of Official Language Policy 139 9. volajpuk Infrastructure 143 10. ctV ,oa ys[kk Budget & Accounts 156 ifjf'k"V Appendix 157 okf"kZdAnnual ReportfjiksVZ 3 2018-19 dsUæh; fo|ky; laxBu Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan ifjf'k"V / Appendices Øe la- Title i`"B la[;k S.No. 'kh"kZd Page No. I dsfola ds vf/k'kklh eaMy dk xBu Composition of Board of Governors of KVS 159 II f'k{kk lykgdkj lfefr Academic Advisory Committee 162 III foÙk lfefr Finance Committee 164 IV iz'kklu ,oa LFkkiuk lfefr Administration & Establishment Committee 165 V dk;Z lfefr The Works Committee 166 VI vkapfyd f'k{kk ,oa izf'k{k.k laLFkkuksa ds fy, dsfola KVS Advisory Committee for ZIETs 167 lykgdkj lfefr VII f'k{kk ,oa izf'k{k.k ds vkapfyd laLFkku ¼thV½ ZIET Advisory Committee 168 lykgdkj lfefr VIII {ks=kh; lykgdkj lfefr Regional Advisory Committee 169 Composition of Vidyalaya Management IX 171 fo|ky; izca/ku lfefr dk xBu Committee X 31-03-2019 rd dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj u, izos'k New Admissions upto 31.03.2019 174 XI 31-03-2019 rd vkjVhbZ Nk=kksa dk fooj.k Details of RTE Students as on 31.3.2019 183 XII 31-03-2019 rd fo|kFkhZ&daI;wVj vuqikr Student-Computer Ratio up to 31.3.2019 184 XIII fo|kFkhZ&f'k{kd vuqikr Student-Teacher Ratio 185 XIV Nk=k&Nk=kk,a vuqikr Gender Ratio 186 XV laf{kfIr;k¡ Abbreviations 187 okf"kZdAnnual ReportfjiksVZ 2018-19 4 dsUæh; fo|ky; laxBu Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan lkj&la{ksi SYNOPSIS v/;k;&1% izLrkouk Chapter – 1: Introduction bl v/;k; esa dsfola dh ;kstuk] eq[; mís'; ,oa izeq[k fo'ks"krk,¡ This chapter includes Scheme, Main Objectives and Salient Features of KVS. 'kkfey gSaA v/;k;&2% u, f{kfrt dh vksj Chapter – 2: Exploring New Horizons bl v/;k; esa laxBu ls lacaf/kr fofHkUUk {ks=kksa esa dsfola }kjk dh This chapter includes New Initiatives taken up by xbZ ubZ igyksa dk fooj.k gSA Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan in various fields related with the organization. v/;k;&3% laxBukRed lajpuk Chapter – 3 Organizational Set-up bl v/;k; esa dsfola ¼eq-½] tSM-vkbZ-bZ-Vh-] {ks=kh; dk;kZy;ksa vkSj This chapter includes Working of the system, dsUæh; fo|ky;ksa dk izca/ku vkSj mudh dk;Z&iz.kkyh] vf/k'kklh Management at KVS (Hq), ZIETs, ROs and the KVs, constitution and role of Board of Governors, different eaMy dk xBu rFkk muds ;ksxnku vkSj fofHkUUk iz'kklfud Administrative Committees. lfefr;ksa ds laca/k esa tkudkjh nh xbZ gSA Chapter – 4: Growth of the Organization v/;k;&4% laxBu dk fodkl This chapter includes our long journey from 20 KVs bl v/;k; esa 20 fo|ky;ksa ls izkjEHk gksdj 1199 dsUæh; to 1199 KVs, Summary of State /UT wise Kendriya fo|ky;ksa rd dh gekjh yach ;k=kk] jkT;@la?k jkT; {ks=kokj Vidyalayas, rules and norms for opening a new KV, dsUæh; fo|ky;ksa ds laca/k esa laf{kIr tkudkjh] u, dsUæh; Sector wise distribution of KVs, KVs opened/closed fo|ky; [kksyus ds fy, fu;e ,oa 'krs±] dsUæh; fo|ky;ksa dk during 2018-19, functioning of 2nd shift and Hostel {ks=kokj forj.k] 2018&19 ds nkSjku [kksys x,@can fd, x, facilities in KVs, information of KVs at Hard & Very dsUæh; fo|ky;] nwljh ikyh rFkk Nk=kkokl lqfo/kkvksa okys Hard Station. dsUæh; fo|ky;] dfBu ,oa vfr dfBu LVs'ku okys dsUæh; fo|ky;ksa dk fooj.k gSA v/;k;&5% 'kSf{kd ifjn`'; Chapter – 5: Academic Panorama 5¼d½% dsUæh; fo|ky;ksa esa fo|k£Fk;ksa dk ukekadu 5 (a): Enrolment of Students in KVs bl v/;k; esa 31-03-2019 rd dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj dsUæh; This section includes category wise enrolment fo|ky;ksa esa fo|k£Fk;ksa ds Js.khokj] {ks=kokj vkSj d{kkokj ukekadu of students, region wise/class wise enrolment in dh tkudkjh nh xbZ gSA Kendriya Vidyalayas as on 31-03-2019. 5¼[k½% fo|kFkhZ gekjs dsUæ fcanq% mRÑ"Vrk dh vksj 5 (b): Child in Focus : Towards Excellence bl v/;k; esa lh-,e-ih-] bZD;w;wvkbZih] lexz fodkl] dsfola This section includes CMP, EQUIP, Holistic jk"Vªh; ,drk f'kfoj] ,d Hkkjr&Js"B Hkkjr] jk"Vªh; cky foKku Development, KVS National Integration Camp dkaxzsl] bUlik;j iqjLdkj] xf.kr vksyafi;kM dk;ZØe] ;qok Ek Bharat-Shreshth Bharat, National Children Science Congress, INSPIRE Award, Mathematical laln] 'kkjhfjd ,oa LokLF; f'k{kk] jk"Vªh; [ksydwn izfrLi/kkZ Olympiad Programme, Youth Parliament, Physical 2018&19] izksRlkgu] LdkmV ,oa xkbM xfrfof/k;ka] ,u- lh- lh- okf"kZdAnnual ReportfjiksVZ 5 2018-19 dsUæh; fo|ky; laxBu Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan izf'k{k.k]fd'kksjkoLFkk f'k{kk dk;ZØe ¼,-bZ-ih-½ bR;kfn lfEefyr & Health Education, National Sports Meet 2018-19, Incentives, Scouts & Guides Activities, NCC Training, gSaA dsfola }kjk viukbZ xbZ ;kstukvksa vkSj mRÑ"Vrk ds fy, fd, Adolescence Education Programme (AEP). Schemes tk jgs iz;klksa vFkkZr vkbZ-lh-Vh-] bZ&d{kk,¡] f'k{kk esa uohurk gsrq adopted by KVS in its endeavour for excellence like dsUæh; fo|ky;ksa esa dEI;wVjksa dh la[;k vkSj bUVjusV dh lqfoèkk ICT, E-Classrooms, No. of Computers & Computer lfgr daI;wVj izf'k{k.k iz;ksx'kkykvksa dh tkudkjh nh xbZ gSA Training Labs including Internet facilities in KVs to ijh{kk ifj.kke fo'ys"k.k ¼'kSf{kd fu"iknu &2019½ esa o"kZ 2019 bring about a change in education. Result Analysis esa ?kksf"kr dsUæh; fo|ky;ksa dh d{kk X ¼ek/;fed½ ,oa d{kk XII (Academic Performance 2019) – In this section results of Class X (Secondary) and Class XII (Sr. Secondary) ¼mPprj ek/;fed½ ds ijh{kk ifj.kke] d{kk X ,oa d{kk XII ds declared in 2019, region wise pass percentage based xzs¯Mx ij vk/kkfjr {ks=kokj mÙkh.kZ ifj.kke] vU; laxBuksa ds lkFk on Grading for Class X and Class XII, comparative dsUæh; fo|ky;ksa ds fiNys ikap o"kks± ds rqyukRed dk;Zfu"iknu Performance of KVS with other organizations for the dk fooj.k] o"kZ 2019 ds ijh{kk ifj.kke dh o"kZ 2018 ds ijh{kk last 5 consecutive years, comparison of result 2019 ifj.kke ls rqyuk vkSj 2019 esa dsfola esa VkWilZ dh tkudkjh nh with 2018, and the list of Toppers of KVS 2019. xbZ gSA 5¼x½% deZpkfj;ksa dk fooj.k 5 (c): The Staffing bl v/;k; esa dsfola ds deZpkfj;ksa dh la[;k laca/kh fooj.k] This section includes staffing details in KVs, category dsfola esa deZpkfj;ksa dk Js.khokj fooj.k rFkk dsfola esa f'k{kdksa wise staff in KVS, selection procedure of teachers in ds p;u dh izfØ;k dh tkudkjh 'kkfey gSA KVS. 5¼?k½% f'k{kdksa dks izksRlkgu 5 (d): Incentives to Teachers bl v/;k; esa dsfola izksRlkgu iqjLdkj] uoizorZu ,oa This chapter includes KVS Incentive Award and iz;ksx iqjLdkj vkSj f'k{kd fofue; dk;ZØe laca/kh tkudkjh nh Innovation and Experimentation Award to the winning xbZ gSA teachers.Teacher Exchange Programme v/;k;&6% izf'k{k.k% pqukSfr;ksa dk lkeuk djus Chapter – 6: Training: Empowering to Meet gsrq l'kfädj.k the Challenges bl v/;k; esa f'k{kk ,oa izf'k{k.k ds vkapfyd laLFkkuksa ds izf'k{k.k This chapter includes ZIETS, Training programmes– dk;ZØe] v/;kidksa] izkpk;ks±] lgk;d vk;qäksa] mik;qäksa bR;kfn In-service Training / Refresher Courses / Induction Course for Teachers, Principals, ACs, DCs etc.
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