ANUESD-22 NREUP-430-6322~ Results of Combustion and Emissions Testing when Co-Firing Blends of Binder-Enhanced Densified Refuse-Derived Fuel (b-dRDF) Pellets and Coal in a 440 MW, Cyclone Fired Combustor Volume 3: Appendices A Joint Effort Energy Systems Division National Renewable Argonne National Laboratory Energy Laboratory A Operated by the University of Chicago Managed by Midwest Research Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy for the US. Department of Energy under Contract W-31-109-Eng-38 under Contract DE-AC36-83CH10093 Author: 0. Ohlsson Technical Monitor: Philip B. Shepherd Argonne National Laboratory and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory are part of the national laboratory system of the US. Department of Energy. ANUESD-22 NREUTP-430-6322c UC Category: 249 DE94011845 Results of Combustion and Emissions Testing when Co-Firing Blends of Binder-Enhanced Densified Refuse-Derived Fuel (b-dRDF) Pellets and Coal in a 440 MW, Cyclone Fired Combustor Volume 3: Appendices 0. Ohlsson Energy Systems Division Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, I hois 60439 Technical Monitor: Philip 8. Shepherd A Joint Effort 64 ** Energy Systems Division '* National Renewable Argonne National Laboratory e+-91 Energy Laboratory Operated by the University of Chicago Managed by Midwest Research Institute for the U.S. Department of Energy for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract W-31-109-Eng-38 under Contract DE-AC36-83CH10093 This report was prepared under Task #WM41.1010 and Subcontract #DA-l-l1 1 57-1 July, 1994 This publication was reproduccd from the best available camera-ready copy submitted by the subcontractor and received no editorial review ai NW. NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liabilrty or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or any agency thereof. Available to DOE and DOE contractors from: Office of Scientific and Technical information (OSTl) P.O. Box 62 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Prices available by calling (615) 576-8401 Available to the public from: National Technical Information Service (NTIS) U.S. Department of Commerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 (703) 487-4650 I* $2 Printed on paper containing at least 50% wastepaper including 10% postconsumer waste Foreword This report contains the data resulting from the co-firing of b-dRDF pellets and coal in a MO-MW, cyclone-fired combustor. these tests were conducted under a Collaborative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA). The CRADA partners included the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NFLEL), Argonne National Laboratory (ANL),Otter Tail Power Company, Green Isle Environmental, Inc., XL Recycling Corporation, and Marblehead Lime Company. The report is made up of three volumes. Volume 1 contains a description of the test facility, the test program, test results, and study conclusions and recommendations; Volume 2 contains the fieid data and laboratory analysis of each individual run; Volume 3 contains other supporting information, along with quality assurance documentation and safety and test plans. With this multi-volume approach, readers can find information at the desired level of detail, depending on individual interest or need. iii Table of Contents Foreword ............................................................ iii Appendix A: Volumetric Flow Rate Determinations .............................. A-1 Appendix B: Stack Sampling Test Ports ...................................... B-1 Appendix C: Field Data Sheets ............................................ C-1 Appendix D: Interpoll Laboratories Analytical Data .............................. D-1 Appendix E: Continuous Emission Monitoring Data .............................. E- 1 Appendix F: Triangle Laboratories Analytical Data .............................. F-1 Appendix G: Chain of Custody Forms ....................................... G-1 Appendix H: GEM Calibration Specifications .................................. €3-1 Appendix I: Boiler Operational Data ......................................... 1-1 Appendix J: Sampling and Analyses Methods .................................. J-1 Appendix K: Calculation Equations ......................................... K-1 Appendix L: Sampling Train Calibration Data .................................. L-I Appendix M: Statement of Work for Field Testing and Analytical Services .............. M-1 Appendix N: Quality AssurancdQuality Control Plans ............................ N-1 Appendix 0: Safety Plans ................................................ 0-1 Appendix P: Additional Analyses Conducted on Samples Collected on October 26 and October 27. 1992 ................................... P-1 iv Appendix A: Volumetric Flow Rate Determinations Interpol1 Labs Report No . 2-7328 Argonne National Labs / OTP Big Stone Big Stone. South Uakota Test No . 3 No . 1 8oiler Stack Results of Volumetric Flow Rate Determination....... Uethod 2 Date of Determination............ 10-26-92 Time of Determination....... (HRS) 800 Barometric pressure .......(IN.HGJ 28.71 Pitot tube coefficient ........... .84 Number of sarnpl ing ports ......... 4 Total number of points ........... 12 Shape of duct .................... Round Stack diameter ............... (IN) 290 Duct area ................. (SQ-FT) 458.69 Direction of flow ................ UP Static pressure ...........(1N.WC) -1.5 Avg . gas temp ............. (DEG-F) 297 Moisture content ..........(% V/V) 13.98 Avg. linear velocity ..... (FT/SEC) 80.1 Gas density .............. (LB/ACF) . 04953 Molecular weight ......(LB/LBMOLE) 30.33 Mass flow of gas .......... (LB/HR) 6554101 Volumetric flow rate. ............ actual ................... (ACFM) 2205357 dry standard ............ (DSCFM) 1264819 A-1 Interpol1 Labs Report No . 2-7328 Argonne National Labs / OTP Big Stone Big Stone. South Dakota Test No . 8 No . I Boiler Stack Results of Volumetric Flow Rate Determination....... Method 2 Date of Determination............ 10-27-92 Time of Determinatton ....... (HRS) 815 Barometric pressure ....... (1N.HG) 28.46 Pitot tube coefficient ........... .04 Number of sampling ports ......... 4 Total number of points ........... 12 Shape of duct .................... Round Stack diameter ............... (IN) 290 Duct area ................. (SQ.FT) 458.69 Direction of flow ................ UP Static pressure ...........(1N.WC) -1.5 Avg . gas temp ............. (DEG-F) 294 Moisture content.. ........ (% V/V) 15.25 Avg . linear veloclty ..... (FT/SEC) 78.2 Gas density ..............(LB/ACF) . 04088 Molecular weight ...... (LB/LBMOLE) 30.24 Mass flow of gas ..........(LB/HR) 6312633 Volumetric flow rate ............. actual ................... (ACFM) 2152316 dry standard ............ (DSCFM) 1210238 A-2 Appendix B: Stack Sampling Test Parts Appendix C : Field Data Sheets Appendix D: Interpoll Laboratories Analytical Data Appendix E: Continuous Emission Monitoring Data The CEM data is reported in this appendix. The data logger printed reports for the SOz, NO,, CO, C02, and 0, are presented first followed by copies of the strip charts. The SO, readings for October 27 exhibit a discrepency between the data logger data and the strip charts. The data collected on the strip chart is considered valid and was the data reported. A1 1 other data logger parameters were cross-checked and found to be valid. Following the SOt, NO,, CO, Cot# and O2 printouts and strip charts is the total hydrocarbon data. The charts were read and the results tabularized. copies of the strip charts follow these results. E-1 Appendix F: Triangle Laboratories Analytical Data TRIANGLE LABORATORIES OF RTP, INC. 801 CAPITOLA DRm DDRHAM, NC 27713 Phone: (919) 544-5729 Fax: (919) 544-5493, DATE : * NOVEMBER 30, 1992 CLIENT ID : * INTERPOLL LABS P.0. mER: * 16934KE TLI PROJECT No. : * 22314 CASE NARRATIVE MODEL 8290X 0 0 0 ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES FOR THE PRESENCE OF 0 0 0 0 POLYCHLORINATED DIBENZO-g-DIOXINS 0 0 0 0 AND 0 0 0 0 DIBENZOFURANS 0 0 0 0 BY 0 0 0 0 HIGE-RESOLUTION GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY 1 0 0 HIGB-RESOLUTION MASS SPECTROMETRY 0 0 0 F- 1 TRIANGLE LABORATORIES OF RTP, INC, NOVEMBER 30, 1992 CASE NARRATIVE 22314 Eight MM5 samples were received from INTERPOLL LABS in good condition November 4, 1992 and stored in a refrigerator at 4OC. The samples were extracted and analyzed according to procedures described in the Triangle Labs User Manual provided with this data package. Any particular difficulties encountered during the sample handling by Triangle Labs will be discussed in the QC remark section below. A laboratory method blank -- identified as the TLf MM5 Blank -- is prepared along with the samples, The release of this particular set of INTERPOLL LABS analytical data by Triangle Labs was authorized by the Quality Control Chemist who has reviewed each sample data package
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