Public Document Pack Meeting of: Pennines Township Delegated and Funding Sub-Committee Date: Wednesday, 18th October, 2017 Time: 6.15 pm. Venue: Reception Room - Rochdale Town Hall, Rochdale, OL16 1AB This agenda gives notice of items to be considered in private as required by Regulations 5 (4) and (5) of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012. Item AGENDA Page No No. 1. APOLOGIES To receive any apologies for absence. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary, personal or personal and prejudicial interests they may have and the nature of those interests relating to items on this agenda and/or indicate if S106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them. 3. URGENT ITEMS OF BUSINESS To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair decides should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. 4. ITEMS FOR EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC AND PRESS To determine any items on the agenda, if any, where the public are to be excluded from the meeting. 5. MINUTES 3 - 5 To consider the minute of the meeting held on 8th March 2017 6. PRESENTATION - SECTION 106 AGREEMENTS/DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS To consider arrangements for S106 funds and developer contributions within the Township and seek views on priorities. 7. PENNINES TOWNSHIP FUNDS 2017/18 6 - 41 To consider providing funding to various bodies who have submitted applications. Pennines Township Delegated and Funding Sub-Committee Members Councillor John Blundell Councillor Neil Butterworth Councillor Robert Clegg Councillor Irene Davidson Councillor Ashley Dearnley Councillor Janet Emsley Councillor John Hartley Councillor Aftab Hussain Councillor Andy Kelly Councillor Amna Mir Councillor Rina Paolucci-Escobar Councillor Ann Stott JP For more information about this meeting, please contact Michael Garraway Senior Governance & Committees Officer 01706 924716 [email protected] Agenda Item 5 PENNINES TOWNSHIP DELEGATED AND FUNDING SUB-COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING Wednesday, 8th March 2017 PRESENT: Councillor Blundell (Chair); Councillors Butterworth, Clegg, Davidson, Emsley, Hartley, Hussain, Kelly, Mir, Paolucci-Escobar and Stott OFFICERS: T Knight and E Hartley (Neighbourhoods Directorate) S Shahid (Resources Directorate. ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: 23 members of the public. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillor Dearnley ADDITIONAL ITEM OF BUSINESS 12 In accordance with Council procedure rules, the Chair indicated an additional item of business would be considered at this meeting, namely application PF/27/16 – Watergrove Improvements. The grounds of urgency, being that the funding requirements need to be met prior to the next meeting of the Committee. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 13 In accordance with Council Procedure Rules, Councillor Butterworth declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in an application for the Tunshill Golf Club Refurbishments as contained within agenda item 3. He left the room during the consideration of this application and did not take part in the discussion or vote. Councillor Kelly declared a personal interest in an application for the GB Underwater Hockey - Talented Athlete as contained within agenda item 3. Councillors Davidson and Stott declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in an application for the Watergrove Improvements as contained within agenda item 3. They left the room during the consideration of the application and did not take part in the discussion or vote. Councillor Hartley declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in an application for the Ealees/West View Parking Restriction Scheme as contained within agenda item 3. He left the room during the consideration of the application and took no part in the discussion or vote. MINUTES 14 DECIDED – that the Minutes of the meeting of Pennines Township Delegated and Funding Sub-Committee held on 17th November 2016 be approved as a correct record. Page 3 PENNINES TOWNSHIP FUNDS 2016/17 15 The Director of Neighbourhoods submitted a report requesting that the Sub-Committee consider applications for funding that had been submitted by and on behalf of individuals and groups and for projects. The recommendations detailed in the report were presented as management of the Pennines Township Fund was a function that was delegated to the Pennines Township Delegated and Funding Sub Committee. Pennines Township Funds were allocated to various projects and schemes that would benefit the Township’s community and environment, and help to realise the Township’s priorities. The report also enabled the Sub-Committee to monitor and review the use of the Pennines Township Funds to ensure continued efficient and effective use of these Funds. Alternatives considered: the sub-Committee were asked to support or decline proposed schemes within the submitted report. The Sub-Committee received representations from applicants who addressed Members in relation to their applications. DECIDED – That (1) the expenditure, commitments and balances of Pennines Township Revenue and Capital Funds as detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 of the submitted report be noted; (2) The decisions made under delegated authority as detailed in Appendix 3 of the submitted report be noted; (3) The Sub-Committee notes that the Principal Townships Officer has assessed the proposed projects to be considered for funding against the criteria of the Pennines Township Fund, the priorities of the Township and that any specific risks have been identified; (4) The Principal Townships Officer, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of this Sub-Committee, be given delegated authority to make appropriate decisions on any deferred projects; (5) Applications for assistance from the Pennines Township Revenue and Capital Funds, as detailed in Appendix 4 of the submitted report, be determined as follows: (see table below). Application Project/Scheme Decision Reference PF/17/16 20 mph Speed Limit The application for the 20 mph Study. Speed Limit Study be deferred to the Chair and Vice Chair pending further information and in consultation with the Members of the Pennines and Delegated Funding Sub-Committee. PF/19/16 Albert Royds Street The application for the Albert Royds with Roch Street Street with Roch Street Junction Junction Pedestrian Pedestrian Facilities Scheme be Facilities Scheme. deferred to a future meeting of Pennines Township Delegated and Page 4 Funding Sub-Committee pending the outcome of the consultation with TfGM. PF/21/16 GB Water Polo – Approve an allocation of £2,000 Talented Athlete. from the Project Fund for the GB Water Polo – Talented Athlete application. PF/22/16 GB Underwater Approve an allocation of £4,000 Hockey – Talented from the Project Fund for the GB Athlete. Underwater Hockey – Talented Athlete application. PF/23/16 Blue Plaque for the Approve an allocation of £549.60 Littleborough Co- from the Project Fund for the Blue operative Society Plaque - Littleborough Co-operative Building. Society Building application. PF/24/16 Tunshill Golf Club Approve an allocation of £8,887 Refurbishment. from the Project Fund for the Tunshill Golf Club Refurbishment application. PF/25/16 Milnrow Morris Approve an allocation of £2,000 Troupe Dresses. from the Project Fund for the Milnrow Morris Troupe Dresses application. PF/26/16 Time Capsules Approve an allocation of £2,872 from the Project Fund for the Time Capsules application. PF/27/16 Watergrove Approve an allocation of £2,256 Improvements from the Project Fund for the application. Watergrove Improvements application. PTC/09/15 Birch View and Birch The application for the Birch View Road Waiting and Birch Road Waiting Restrictions Restrictions Scheme. Scheme be refused. PTC/10/16 James Street Waiting Approve an allocation from the Restrictions Scheme. Capital Fund for the James Street Waiting Restrictions Scheme subject to consultation with Councillor Dearnley. PTC/12/16 The Cray Traffic Approve an allocation of £32,000 Calming Scheme. from the Capital Fund for The Cray Traffic Calming Scheme. PTC/13/16 Ealees/West View Approve an allocation of £4,500 Parking Restrictions from the Capital Fund for the Scheme. Ealees/West View Parking Restrictions Scheme. PTC/14/16 Wardle War Memorial Approve an allocation of £2,277 Pavilion Signage from the Capital Fund for the Wardle Scheme. War Memorial Pavilion Signage Scheme. Eligible for call in - Yes Page 5 Agenda Item 7 Report to Pennines Township Delegated & Funding Sub Committee Date of Meeting 18 October 2017 Portfolio Councillor Janet Emsley Neighbourhoods & Community Report Author Sharron Worrall Public/Private Document Public Document Pennines Township Funds 2017/18 1. Executive Summary 1.1 Members to be updated on revenue and capital expenditure, commitments and balances of Pennines Township Funds 2017/18 and enable the allocation of funds to proposed projects. 1.2 Pennines Township Funds are allocated to projects that benefit the Township’s community and environment, and realise the Township priorities. 2. Recommendation 2.1 Members note the expenditure, commitments and balances for Pennines Township revenue and capital funds in Appendix 1 and 2. 2.2 Members note decisions made under delegated authority as detailed in Appendix 3. 2.3 Members consider and approve, refuse or defer the allocation of funds to proposed projects detailed in Appendix 4. 2.4 Members note the Townships & Communities Manager has assessed proposed projects to be considered for funding
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