ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 26(2): 294–306 25 DECEMBER 2017 Review of the Palaearctic species of the genus Colpopyga (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) with description of a new species Обзор палеарктических видов рода Colpopyga (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) с описанием нового вида P. R OSA П. РОЗА P. Rosa, Via Belvedere 8/d, 20881 Bernareggio (MB), Italy. E-mail: [email protected] Colpopyga Semenov, 1954, a chrysidid genus of the tribe Elampini (Chrysididae: Chrysidi- nae) with four Palaearctic and one Nearctic species, is reviewed. The study of internal urites (Noskiewicz & Lorencova, 1963) and new molecular data (Niehuis, pers. comm.) show a ge- neric status of Colpopyga, which is more related to the genus Holopyga Dahlbom, 1854. A new species, Colpopyga nesterovi sp. nov. from Kazakhstan, is described and illustrated; it is easily recognizable by the red-coppery body coloration and shallow, small and sparse punctures. The status of the subspecies Hedychridium flavipes temperatum Linsenmaier, 1959 is updated to species level in the genus Colpopyga (comb. nov.). New generic combinations are also pro- posed for C. aureiventris (Mercet, 1904), comb. nov. and C. crassa (Bohart, 1978), comb. nov. (all from the genus Hedychridium). The lectotype of Hedychridium flavipes var. cyanomacula- tum Trautmann, 1927 is designated. Дан обзор ос-блестянок рода Colpopyga Semenov, 1954 из трибы Elampini (Chrysididae: Chrysidinae), включающий 4 палеарктических вида и 1 неарктический. Изучение вну- тренних уритов (Noskiewicz & Lorencova, 1963) и новые молекулярные данные (Niehuis, личное сообщение) показали самостоятельность Colpopyga и его близость к роду Holopy- ga Dahlbom, 1854. Описан и проиллюстрирован новый вид Colpopyga nesterovi sp. nov. из Казахстана, хорошо отличающийся красно-медной окраской и мелкой, редкой пун- ктировкой тела. Статус Hedychridium flavipes temperatum Linsenmaier, 1959 повышен до видового уровня в роде Colpopyga (comb. nov.). Предложены новые комбинации для C. aureiventris (Mercet, 1904), comb. nov. и C. crassa (Bohart, 1978), comb. nov. (все из рода Hedychridium). Обозначен лектотип Hedychridium flavipes var. cyanomaculatum Trautmann, 1927. Key words: Kazakhstan, Chrysidinae, Elampini, Hedychridium, new species, new combinations Ключевые слова: Казахстан, Chrysidinae, Elampini, Hedychridium, новый вид, новые со- четания INTRODUCTION pes Eversmann, 1858, was inсluded in this genus, and Semenov (1954) noticed that The cuckoo wasp genus Colpopyga Se- Colpopyga resembles the genus Holopyga menov, 1954 (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae: Dahlbom, 1845. Chrysidinae: Elampini) was described A few years later, Linsenmaier (1959) based on some relevant generic diagnostic synonymised Colpopyga with Hedychridium features (shapes of the third metasomal ter- Abeille de Perrin, 1878 because their mem- gum and propodeal teeth), as well as on spe- bers share similar habitus and tarsal claw cific diagnostic characters (both sexes with structure with a median, perpendicular in- second metasomal tergum apically thick- ner tooth. In addition, he described two sub- ened, and metasoma with double punctua- species of H. flavipes based on metasomal tion). Only one species, Hedychrum flavi- punctuation, H. f. rugulosum Linsenmaier, © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes P. ROSA. REVIEW OF THE PALAEARCTIC SPECIES OF THE GENUS COLPOPYGA 295 1959 and H. f. temperatum Linsenmaier, [C. crassa (Bohart, 1978), comb. nov.]. But 1959, and recognised that H. auriventris no specimen of H. incisum and H. purum Mercet, 1904 (Iberian endemic) is closely was studied yet and their inclusion into the related to H. flavipes (Linsenmaier, 1959). genus Colpopyga is postponed when mate- However some years after, Noskiewicz & rial will be available for a more comprehen- Lorencowa (1963) revalidated the genus sive study. Consequently, a revision of the Colpopyga, based on a detailed study of Nearctic species of the H. crassum species- female internal urites of H. flavipes. They group sensu Bohart & Kimsey (1982) is illustrated the main differences with ho- needed. mologous urites of several Hedychridium In a recent study (Rosa, 2001) I new- species, and concluded that the outstand- ly dissected the female internal urites of ing diversity justify the legitimacy of the H. flavipes and found that they are more genus Colpopyga. Various authors followed similar to those of the genus Holopyga the generic classification proposed by Se- Dahlbom, 1845, yet extremely elongate. menov (1954) and Noskiewicz & Loren- Therefore, I tentatively included C. flavi- cowa (1963) for Colpopyga (e.g. Móczár, pes in the genus Hedychridium (Rosa, 2005, 1967; Nikol’skaya, 1978; Banaszak, 1980; 2006; Rosa et al., 2017), but writing that Vinokurov, 2006a, 2006b, 2007a, 2007b, the placement of this species in the genus 2008, 2009a, 2009b, 2013; Brustilo & Mar- Colpopyga would be more appropriate, due tinova, 2009). Nonetheless, Linsenmaier to its highly derived morphological charac- (1968) established the H. flavipes species- ters (e.g. cone-shaped T3, peculiar internal group in the genus Hedychridium, based on urites, metasoma flattened in lateral view, the same features considered by Semenov spiniform propodeal teeth, genitalia weakly (1954) of generic relevance, and included pigmented, cylindrical flagellomeres, etc.) three species: H. flavipes (with two sub- and that molecular analyses were needed to species H. f. rugulosum and H. f. tempera- assess the correct placement of this species tum), H. auriventris and H. elongatum Lin- and its species-group. At this moment, new senmaier, 1959. Hedychridium elongatum molecular, unpublished data (O. Niehuis, was later moved to the newly established pers. comm.) are available and support the H. elongatum species-group (Linsenmaier, generic status of Colpopyga, as well as its 1999) because of its short, not cylindrical clear affinity with the genus Holopyga, plac- flagellomeres, unmodified shape of the pro- ing C. flavipes outside the genus Hedychrid- podeal angles and T3 (Fig. 4I), thin and hy- ium, on a different lineage. Phylogenetic aline wing nervures and faint discoidal cell. data will be discussed in a forthcoming arti- In the Nearctic fauna, Bohart & Kimsey cle (O. Niehuis, pers. comm.). In this paper (1978, 1982) described three species in the a key to the Palaearctic species, remarks for genus Hedychridium, H. crassum Bohart, all Palaearctic Colpopyga and the descrip- 1978, H. incisum Bohart, 1978 and H. pu- tion of a new species, C. nesterovi sp. nov., rum Kimsey, 1978, and included them in the are provided. newly established H. crassum species-group. MATERIALS AND METHODS In their monograph of the chrysidid wasps of the World, Kimsey & Bohart (1991) fol- Specimens were examined and described lowed Linsenmaier’s interpretation and under the stereomicroscope Togal SCZ; im- recognised that the Nearctic H. crassum ages were taken with a Nikon D-80 con- species-group is analogous to the Palaearc- nected to the stereomicroscope Togal SCZ tic H. flavipes species-group. Specimens of and stacked with the software Combine ZP. H. crassa (Bohart, 1978) were examined by The morphological terminology follows me in Genova Museum (Italy), and they Kimsey & Bohart (1991). The following share the typical features of Colpopyga abbreviations are used in the descriptions: © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 294–306 296 P. ROSA. REVIEW OF THE PALAEARCTIC SPECIES OF THE GENUS COLPOPYGA F1, F2, F3 – flagellomeres 1, 2, 3; MOD – cone-shaped; structure of internal terga and mid ocellar diameter; MS – malar space, the sterna modified, highly elongated; male T3 shortest distance between the base of the dimorphic, evenly rounded; male genitalia mandible and the margin of the compound weakly pigmented (Figs 6F, 6G); in both eye; OOL – oculo-ocellar line, the shortest sexes, flagellomeres elongate, cylindrical, distance between the lateral ocellus and the F1 at least twice as long as broad; propodeal compound eye; P – pedicel; PD – puncture tooth (= posterior propodeal projection) diameter; POL – the shortest distance be- spiniform (Fig. 1A); legs largely or entirely tween posterior ocelli; T1, T2, T3 – meta- non-metallic, yellow; tegulae brown; apical somal terga 1, 2, 3; l/w = relative length to margin of T3 with narrow hyaline-brown- width. ish rim, medially emarginate; one single Types of the newly described species submedian perpendicular tooth on claws; are deposited in the Zoological Institute of basal vein curved; frons without transverse the Russian Academy of Sciences, St Pe- frontal carina; face with sparse erect setae; tersburg, Russia (ZIN) and in the author’s malar spaces less than 1 MOD; undifferen- private collection (PRC). Other examined tiated facial punctuation, between punc- types are deposited in the following collec- tures of frons and those among eye margin tions and museums: Institute for Biology and scapal basin; scapal basin shallow, medi- and Pedology, National Academy of Sci- ally cross-ridged; mandibles tridentate; mid ences, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic (IBB); and hind tibia without pits on inner surface; Invertebrate collections of the Institute of forewing medial vein arched. Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Pol- Remarks. Colpopyga can be distingui- ish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland shed from Hedychridium by sexual dimor- (ISEA-PAN); Musée Cantonal de Zoologie, phic structure of T3 which is cone-shaped Lausanne, Switzerland (MCZL); Musée in females; in both sexes T3 medially
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