Sustainable Tribal Empowerment Project Social Mobilisation, Empowerment and Capabilities : In India, over the last several decades, development goals and targets have been backed by commitment of resources by the State through an extensive array of public programs. However, indicators of human development, particularly among marginalized communities, point to the sub-optimal outcomes from Social Mobilization, Empowerment and Capabilities these investments. This Report analyzes the reasons for the continuing and large gaps between the social sector outlays Enhancing Development Outcomes and the outcomes. Through the experiences of the Sustainable Tribal Empowerment Project (STEP), the Report argues why it is essential for focusing on building community capacities to enable them to overcome barriers of participation and utilize opportunities for acquiring a range of assets and capabilities both at the individual as well as collective levels. The Report presents the strategy and interventions of STEP, being implemented in 6000 tribal communities in four districts of Andhra Pradesh since November 2001 with the objective of empowering them to realize their rights and overcome poverty, hunger and malnutrition. The outcomes of STEP have been measured through a group of indicators, which collectively form the Human Empowerment Index and Gender Empowerment Index. The indicators encompass the social, economic and political dimensions of development in the Project Area. The Report also compares these indices with those in the Control Area to establish the signifi cant impact made by the project. This Report will be of use to all those who are engaged in the process of human development and empowerment of poor in India. Enhancing Development Outcomes Enhancing Development Sustainable Tribal Empowerment Project (STEP), Care India 6-22-1/3, East Point Colony, Chinawaltair, Visakhapatnam - 530 003, Andhra Pradesh. Tel - +91 891 2509746, 2724073 Care India Delegation of the European Commission in India 27, Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi - 110 016 65 Golf Links, New Delhi - 110 003, India Tel - +91 11 2656 4101, 2696 9770 Tel - +91 11 2462 9237/8 Fax - +91 11 2656 4081 Fax - +91 11 2462 9206 e-mail : [email protected] e-mail : [email protected] Website: www.careindia.org Website : www.delind.cec.eu.int European Union “This text has been drafted with financial assistance from the Commission of the European Union. The views expressed herein are those of the beneficiary and therefore in no way reflect the official opinion of the Commission.” Sustainable Tribal Empowerment Project in Andhra Pradesh Social Mobilization, Empowerment and Capabilities Enhancing Development Outcomes 2006 European Union Acknowledgements Special thanks Tribal communities in project operational area and Khammam district Report Development – Core Team Ajay Kumar Reddy, Amarendra, Basant Mohanty and Shamik Trehan Human Empowerment Index: Conceptualization, Computation and Analysis Shamik Trehan Contributors Harish Singh, Madhavi Sakaru, Ravi Narshimam Reviewers Daniel Sinnathamby, Sandhya Venkateshwaran, Steve Holingworth Lead Report Coordinator Shamik Trehan Software Development and Support Parvez Ansari Special Acknowledgements Project Director, Area Development Managers, Program Coordinators, Field Officers, Support Staff at State and District Offices, Partner NGO staff and Community. Copy Editing and Design New Concept Information Systems Private Limited CONTENTS List of Tables iv List of Figures iv List of Annexures v Abbreviations and Acronyms vi Preface vii Section A Overview 1 Introduction 3 Rationale of STEP 11 Empowerment – The Central Theme of STEP 17 State of Human Empowerment 23 Section B Outcomes 33 Social Mobilization and Institution-building 35 Education Attainments 45 Health Attainments 53 Economic Attainments 61 Enabling Environment and Local Self-governance 77 Section C Conclusion 87 Comparative Analysis 89 The National Development Scenario: Opportunities and Challenges 95 List of References 101 Annexures 105 List of Tables 1. Human Development Index Trends (India) 3 2. Poverty Reduction Trends 4 3. Comparison of Tribal and General Development Indicators in India 6 4. Distribution of Landed Households by Ownership right over Land by District (in percent) 8 5. Distribution of Households by Ownership right over House by District (in percent) 9 6. Occupation of Tribal Communities in Andhra Pradesh 12 7. Comparison of Tribal and General Development Indicators in Andhra Pradesh 13 8. Children (Above 12 Months) who Availed Complete Immunization (in percent) 53 9. Distribution of Pregnant Women who Availed ANC by District (in percent) 53 10. Details relating to Delivery by District (in percent) 54 11. Incidence of Poverty (2002-03) by District (in percent) 62 12. Distribution of Heads of Household by Main Occupation and District (in percent) 62 13. Distribution of Households by Size of Land Operated by District (in percent) 64 14. Proportion of Income from Different Sources by District (in percent) 69 15. Demand Generated in the Community 72 16. Comparative Per Capita Expenditures 95 List of Figures 1. Distribution of Tribal Population (in percent) 5 2. STEP Districts 14 3. Conceptual Framework of Empowerment 21 4. Human Empowerment Index and Gender-based Empowerment Index 30 5. Human Empowerment Index Distribution of Villages by Level of Empowerment 30 6a. Human Empowerment Index Social 31 6b. Human Empowerment Index Economic 31 6c. Human Empowerment Index Political 31 7. Distribution of Villages by Level of Empowerment Social, Economic, and Political 31 8. Human Empowerment Index All Districts 32 9. Human Empowerment Index East Godavari 32 10. Human Empowerment Index Srikakulam 32 11. Human Empowerment Index Visakhapatnam 32 12. Human Empowerment Index Vizianagaram 32 13. Demand Generation and Access to Resources 36 14. The Empowerment Cycle Through Action-oriented Learning 37 15. Local Organizational Capacity Empowerment Index 41 16. Local Organizational Capacity Empowerment Index Distribution of Villages by Level of Empowerment 41 17. Education Empowerment Index (EEI) 50 18. Education Empowerment Index Distribution of Villages by Level of Empowerment 50 19. Health Empowerment Index 59 20. Health Empowerment Index Distribution of Villages by Level of Empowerment 59 21. Self-help Groups (SHGs) 72 22. Grain Bank and Food Security 72 23. Economic Empowerment Index 73 24. Economic Empowerment Index Distribution of Villages by Level of Empowerment 73 25. Political Empowerment Index 84 26. Political Empowerment Index Distribution of Villages by Level of Empowerment 84 27. Density of Tribal Population in Khammam District (Control) 90 28. District Khammam: Indices for Each Dimension of Empowerment 91 29. Distribution of Villages by Levels of Empowerment amongst Each Dimension of Empowerment in Khammam District 91 30. Dimensions of Empowerment Overall Project and Khammam District (Control) 92 31. Human Empowerment 92 32. Social Empowerment 92 33. Health Empowerment 92 34. Education Empowerment 92 35. Local Organizational Capacity 93 36. Economic Empowerment 93 37. Political Empowerment 93 List of Annexures 1. Technical note on measurement of Human Empowerment Index 106 2. EU-India: Global Partners in the ‘Global Village’ 117 3. Care International 126 4. About Local NGOs 129 5. Constitutional Provisions for Scheduled Tribes 132 6. Fifth Schedule 135 7. Unresolved Issues and Persisting Problems (Excerpts from Tenth Five Year Plan, Government of India) 137 8. National Policy on Education 154 9. Right to Education Bill – 2005 (Excerpts) 158 10. National Health Policy – 2002 (Excerpts) 173 11. The Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 181 12. The Provisions of Panchayati Raj (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 188 13. Status of PRI 190 14. Key Laws and Orders Relating to Tribal Evictions from Forest Land 192 15. About Right to Information 194 16. National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme 202 v Abbreviations and Acronyms ADM Area Development Manager ITDP Integrated Tribal Development Project AIDS Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome MC Mothers Committee ALS Alternative Learning School MEO Mandal Education Officer ANC Ante Natal Care MLP Micro Level Plan ANM Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife MMR Maternal Mortality Rate ANS Academy of Nursing Studies MMS Mandal Mahila Samakhya AOL Action Oriented Learning NABARD National Bank for Agriculture & Rural AP Andhra Pradesh Development APCFM Andhra Pradesh Community Forest NGO Non Governmental Organization Management Project NHD Nutrition & Health Day APD Assistant Project Director NPE National Policy on Education AWC Anganwadi Center NTFP Non-Timber Forest Products AWP Annual Work Plan OSD Officer on Special Duty AWW Anganwadi Workers PDS Public Distribution System BCC Behavior Change Communication PEC Primary Education Committee BPL Below Poverty Line PESA Panchayat Extension to Schedule Areas CAG Community Action Group PHC Primary Health Center CAP Community Action Plan PNGO Partner Non Government Organization CBMS Community Based Monitoring System PO Project Officer CBO Community Based Organization PoA Plan of Action CC Community Coordinators PRI Panchayati Raj Institution CDM Community Development Management PSC Project Steering Committee CF Community Facilitator PTA Parent Teacher Association CHW Community Health Worker PTG Primitive Tribal Groups CLDP Community Land Development Program RBC Residential Bridge Courses DEC District Education Committee RCH Reproductive and Child Health DEO District Education Officer RF
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